Saturday, November 7, 2015

The Silence of United Nations over a Burning Balochistan

The Silence of United Nations over a Burning Balochistan Written by: Dr Mannan Baloch, Secretary General Baloch National Movement (BNM). 

The Silence of United Nations over a Burning Balochistan

Written by: Dr Mannan Baloch, Secretary General Baloch National Movement (BNM).

Since his existence, either in the form of clan or tribe, native or occupant, man has come a long way and learnt ways to exist including ways to kill. As the civilization progressed, man became accustomed to creating the good (beautiful) as well as the bad and the ugly. Modern times brought advanced weapons more lethal and more destructive created by mankind, to kill mankind.  Many a time throughout history, state church authorities including England, Portugal, Russia, France and Germany with the help of advanced weapons practiced authority and illegal occupation indulging in a barbaric killing spree and creating colonies.

Warfares like such shaped what became to be known as World War I (1914- 1919) and World War II (1939-1945). The colossal damage of these conflicts affected millions of people, and countries like France, Germany, Russia, America, and England as they  lost authority over their respective colonies as well. In 1945, thus came into being the independent and capable authority of United Nations (UN).  At UN platform, the civilized world committed itself to ensure no country or nation would be allowed to practice authority to try to occupy or enslave another nation or country. Similarly that day civilized nations decided to take special measures to protect the world against negative energy and effects of deadly weapons. It was also decided that all capable nations would work together to provide the citizens of the world with better economic and social conditions. This and many other promising and endearing words that we still hold on to become what we today know as Charter of United Nations.
In the wake of these events many nations/countries tasted freedom for the first time. Indian sub-continent was one of those regions too. But unfortunately these events as a direct result of America and Britain's long term strategic interests in Russia, split the Mahabharat in two countries. With the division of Greater India not only a weak federation called Pakistan came into being but it also occupied Balochistan and made it a colony.
Since 1948, Pakistan has unleashed a reign of terror and adopted a policy of oppression and genocide in Balochistan. Owing to the fact that the establishment of the United Nations was a decision of America, Russia, Britain and France etcetera, the policies introduced had to feed their interests and thus the foundation of Pakistan supposedly on the basis of one language and one history being shared with in a certain geography was approved.  However, contradictory to its own policies, where UN acknowledged Pakistan, it deprived Baloch nation of the very rights and freedom it glorifies. But Baloch nation has since then stood up against human rights violations despite all the odds.

Pakistan has been using the Coalition support funds especially military and financial aid from States of America, first under Operation Cyclone and then for the War on Terror, for suppressing the Baloch freedom movement with impunity resulting in the deaths of thousands of Baloch citizens. In 1999, the People’s Republic of China, liberated in 1949, also decided to participate in the Baloch genocide by financing and arming Pakistan to secure China’s access to the Gwadar port, lying along a vital waterway of the world, and for building a road from Kashgar to Gwader, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), to strengthen its control on Balochistan’s natural resources. As Reqo Diq and Saindak huge mineral resources already being plundered by Chinese, CPEC would provide china access to Balochistan as a transit route for its energy and trade requirements. To suppress Baloch resistance to Chinese ambitions, Pakistan and China has joined hands to kill and suppress   Baloch citizens. Therefore, China has directly involved itself as a partner in war crimes such as extra-judicial murders, tortures and abductions of thousands Baloch. In short, China is  involved in the Baloch genocide. Around eighty percent of the total Baloch population is internally displaced because of Pakistani military operations. But the UN’s indifference towards the Baloch Genocide, despite being well aware of the whole scenario, at the hands of the Sino-Pak alliance forces questions the effectiveness and relevance of the UN; the failure of the UN to ensure compliance of member states to follow its policies is a question mark that needs to be answered.    
If the Greeks, for the sake of their existence can resist the IMF and World Bank or Hungary can close its border to refugees despite the European Union’s decision to welcome refugees, or the German people can voice their opinion against their government’s decision to welcome refugees or the British can resist joining the EU then it makes perfect sense for me, as a human, living in an hostile environment to question the usefulness of supranational organizations and express my concerns to them.  

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