Monday, April 15, 2013

Protests demonstrated against the Baloch genocide all over the Sindh on the call of JSMM.


On the call of Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz protests were observed all over the Sindh against the Balcoh genocide by military operation in action in Balochistan. JSMM Activists condemned military operation and Baloch genocide in harsh words. JSMM Activists with play cards and banners in hands, raised slogan against military operation in action by Pakistan security forces. They demanded International community to take serious notice of this planned genocide of Baloch nation. According to Coordination Secretary of JSMM activists demonstrated protests in Karachi, Hyderabad, Jamshoro, Tando Jam, New Saeedabad, Sakrand, Dulatpur, Bhiria City, Hangorja, Sukkur, Ghotki, Kashmor, Jecbabad, Shahdad Kot, Warih, Naseerabad, Larkana, Badeh, Dokri, Mehar, K.N Shah, Dadu, Johi, Sehwan, Sann, Manjhand, Tando Muhammd Khan, Matli, Budani and Deghri. Further JSMM chairman Mr: Shafi Muhammad Burfat in his press release has said that Baloch and Sindhi nations have lived together throughout history. It is a hard time for balochs and Sindhi nation has raised the voice by considering this woe as their own. History witnesses that Sindhi national hero Dola Darya did not protect the sindhi territories only, but he fought for Baloch territories as well from Sibi, dhadhar and Kalat. In recent past when Baloch leader Nawab Khair Bux Mari was alleged traitor by Pakistan state, G.M Syed called for demos and protests in Sindh in order to raise the baloch voice to the world.

Today, the Baloch nation is suffering from brutal genocide, and  JSMM activists by feeling it their  conscious duty, are standing with their Baloch brothers. And so they proved their moral alliance with Baloch brothers by demonstrating protests all over the Sindh, Because the relation of Baloch and Sindhis is those of body and soul, and oppression of Baloch nation would be regarding oppression on Sindhi nation as well. He further stated that, state of Pakistan which is based on so called two nation theory, with his fascist army killed millions of Bangles and now they are killing thousands of Baloch children, woman and elders by bombing on them.
On one hand they are pretending to be a democratic state in eyes of world, and on the second they are responsible for the genocide of Baloch and Sindhis who are enslaved nations by them. Today we Sindhi nation being oppressed like that of Baloch nation, cannot isolate our brothers.  JSMM Chairman continued his statement, that Pakistan army and media are finding different ways to allege Baloch people terrorists, to justify their genocide. But JSMM being the soul representative party of Sindhi nation has proved with their political strength that Baloch are not terrorists, they are fighting for their historical right, freedom. People of Baluchistan and Sindhi political activists are with Baloch freedom movement. He further said the International community; human right organizations should value our protests and pressure on government of Pakistan to free Baloch territories from their army, and should take a serious notice of air attacks resulting in the killing of innocent Baloch children.

(Baloch-Writers: rykmpuzr: Baloch Reuters) Professor Naila Baloch Qadri
Baloch mothers feelings of grief and pain in your heart to reach Writing with kylyyyh am writing, mothers of depressed mothers heart less sensitive heart smjh words are too easily, our fourteen thousand sons and daughters Pakistan and Iran are missing at the hands of forces, during the last two years as we ujuahr Lal received the bodies of a thousand sons, the worst violence of the beautiful beloved body was riddled with injuries this series continues every day, bombing, burning houses to live in, matched to poison drinking water, food delivery panbdy uaduyat of our innocent women and children are facing death every day, we know that hynkh hurt you, but you will be shocked to learn that more All China is being asked and full support.
These features contrast with the Chinese government's role proved, perhaps you human cultures around the world knows that Balochistan is the status of the mother. mhrgrh Balochistan Baloch today krdmawn eleven thousand years ago was born the world's first wheel, The first crop cultivation, the Geometry, the first kmstry, first time, first calendar, first thry were brought into existence several innovations but nothing made weapons because they were mothers of creation and destruction in society for There was no place, Baloch krdaurtun create this great women of the world have a common asset. nineteenth century British imperialism in occupied Balochistan divided into three parts for the perpetuation of the source and Iran, Afghanistan included. Balochistan free of kaakry March 27, 1948, the artificial modern colonial countries Pakistan forces attacked and occupied. Baloch ruzaul the resistance while the susal getting there, it was supposed that nations independence who believe the United Alam Baloch freedom movement's helping But it was not.: revolutionary: the first push China in 1958 when our bhrsy notorious camp in Quetta, Pakistan tsddgah Holistic Chinese dynymyn Dr. Baloch leaders tortured by Pakistani army training were seen, and it was no coincidence that these syndk gold-mining days, a detailed survey was undertaken. few years after China's secret relations with a militant terrorist country Pakistan who was convicted of rape of a million Bengali women came to light. caution decade beginning in the first Baloch elected government was toppled thousands of Baloch have been killed long series of azytun house was burning, and in Chagai of Balochistan China these days syndk gold from a gold mine of origin issued by the Government of Pakistan ktrykt It also coincidence was not, these days China upakstan shared secret nuclear activities, the region Chagai introduced was the 1998 May nuclear blast in there causing millions Baloch famine and cancer victims were surveyed nuyy% of cattle and died wildlife. still birth and congenital disabilities in our children early death at the hands moving in munh but even bother to apologize China guaranh but as you continue to violate international law Iran in its nuclear terrorism Also participating were the evil nuclear activities Iran occupied Balochistan was selected the Baloch genocide charges double the power with forward progress. Balochistan occupied from the first day till the blood asam the sygzrrha but since 2000 Balochistan Pakistan Iranian forces from Nazi persecution and even when it srmagyy and China in the Indian Ocean Baloch Gwadar port and start creating Military thakana Baloch oppose his full sentence whose knsntrysn as a Nazi camp madrutn Balochistan I changed., we protect our precious beaches most Baluch from the ancient walls of blood returning from the African Nations uaysyayy azadrhna extremely difficult for the European nations with naval fleets to plunder in smdnrun atrayyn, gamaprtkyzy marine habitat kudy Gwadar with fleet and air strikes continued in 1502 to two years in several bloody battles were Leader of Baloch forces, the brave heroes lead the nation naval war strategy was appreciated. maintain the national independence than ever have been possible , prtasyr international media who believe in freedom azaqumy uqumy the loud voices surely will support Baloch, Baloch carsusal within their strategy and also has significant progress with China instead of the Baloch independence movement, Baloch oil, gas, gold back, to secret nuclear activities Baloch land and naval forces abused for ugrsngy inhuman greed of expansion steps instead of the imperialist revolutionary character testify character red flags with which China claims is. oppressive tyrant like China and Iran and Pakistan do not trust to human rights support the country's continued alienation from the ubrbryt we living in the last fifty years are forced to do it offline We are writing to you today. are? The five-decade-old proxy war your government (indirect war) along the strike (proxy war) has announced to convert, the Chinese army is preparing to boot Baloch land as Pakistan's proxy war on China's military failures I have been unable to prove. then mean that the Baloch mothers as they prepare krrhhy Chinese mothers receive the bodies of their dear sons who have local tragedy. Baloch mothers madrutn grief for his idea, but if a mother a son who will receive the body of another country's wealth was being returned to a sense of sadness as I will be embarrassed. Killer Baloch gold jewelry you wear rather than if we believe that happiness you have conscience bujh will become. violence-torn bodies we receive hrruzapny sons are princes, before their eyes and hearts were riddled with drill machine on their eyes, liver, heart and kidneys are all missing Pakistani soldiers are selling organs of our Baton, our Dear azjan missing sons' bodies were found at the Medical college dayyslksn tables, our baaft rape their daughters had abruhuty centers and in its report released by international human rights tnzyun., we know that your government ubyuru CRECY this scene where I stood, but we want to know where you are standing at the bloody scene? Aztyn of return, of violence, of human aazabyjny, murderers, robbers along with thieves? Or sadder grief-stricken by your government with Baloch mothers?build a peaceful world full of pleasures.

Protests against upcoming Pakistani elections in Balochistan, 19 reportedly arrested



Pakistani security forces have reportedly arrested at least 19 protester during protest rallies in different areas of Balochistan on Sunday. 

Sources reported large numbers of Baloch activists including women and children took to street in different cities of Balochistan yesterday. They were protesting against human rights violations in Balochistan and the upcoming Pakistani elections. The Baloch Republican Party had given the call for protest.

Protesters were carrying placards, banners, pictures of state victims including enforced-disappeared Baloch and those killed by Pakistani security forces. Participants chanted slogans against Pakistan illegal occupation and upcoming Pakistani general elections in Balochistan.

Sources form BRP alleged that Pakistani forces tried to sabotage their peaceful protests by blocking the ways of the rallies, abducting the activists before and during the rally and even opening direct fire and tear shells on the protests.

In press release the BRP said at least six of their activists were abducted from GPO square in Quetta. However, only two of them, Sabir Baloch and Aamir Baloch, have been named until the filing of this report. Three activists the party have reportedly been abducted from Naseerabad who were identified as Ahmad Baloch, Shah Nawaz and Lal Khan.

Ten political activists were reportedly abducted during the protest in Jaffarabad including Ameer Khan Baloch, Jallu Baloch and Chand Kumar Baloch while the identity of the rest could not be ascertained immediately.

According to the BRP’s press release at Pakistan forces open fire on a protest rally in Dera Bugti and injured several protesters including women and children. The BRP further alleged that many of their activists have been arrested from Dera Bugti.

Addressing the rally the leader of BRP and its student wing BRSO strongly condemned state atrocities, military operations, human rights abuses and upcoming elections in Balochistan. Speakers said that the solution to Balochistan problem is not the Pakistani elections but rather end to the illegal occupation and withdrawal of its forces from Balochistan. They said that elections were a tool to further enslave the Baloch nation and to continue the Baloch genocide.

The protesters said they were demonstrating their dislike for occupation and sending a message to the international community that the Baloch people had nothing to do with Pakistan and its elections. “The only viable solution to the Balochistan’s conflict is complete independence.” The rally participants condemned those Baloch nationalist parties who decided to take part in Pakistani elections.

The Participants appealed to the international community to acknowledge the fact that the elections of Pakistan are not the solution of Balochistan problem and to recognise Balochistan as an occupied territory & support the Baloch freedom movement.

Meanwhile, a spokesman of the Baloch Human Rights Organisation in press release arrest and forced-disappearing of the BRP & BRSO activists after a peaceful demonstration was against human rights continuation of state’s aggression in Balochistan.

The BHRO further said that the state institutions are curtailing the people’s ‘Right of freedom of expression’ through undeclared restrictions on peaceful protests, rallies and seminars.

The BHRO appealed the all human rights organisations and free born people to play their role against the human rights violations in Balochistan, so that the theme of ‘Human Rights for all’ is fully implemented.

Protest by Baloch Community London against attack on Daily Tawar.

Baloch Community London protested in front of office of Commonwealth Journalists Association London against the attack on Daily Tawar by Pakistani agencies.