Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Two women among six killed in grand scale military operation in Panjgur Balochistan .

According to Baloch Republican Party Media Cell sources that a large number of armored vehicles of Pakistani forces raided the Baloch villages in the Tasp, Panjgur and indiscriminately targeted the civilian populated areas. Six, including two women of Shahmeer Baloch’s family have been killed as army bombed his house in Tasp area in panjgur, BRP Media Cell reported. Sources said that Army is using Gunship helicopters and heavy artillery in Panjgur operation.  Many houses of the Baloch villagers were destroyed due to heavy bombardment of Pakistani security forces. Similarly, abductions of two Baloch youths reported in Sui.

Baloch genocide- 6 killed in Panjgur massacre, 15 dumped bodies found from a mass grave of Tootak,

Panjgur 25-01-2014 : Six including two women killed and dozens abducted in military operation from Panjgur.
According to details, Pakistani military besieged the Washbod village in Panjgur district before dawn last day. Military with the help of light artillery and gunship helicopters have at-least killed two men and a women and a women and two men were critically injured. Military blocked the access to the area, even medical help was denied to wounded one, all the three injured have died due to excessive bleeding.
Dozens of youth, men and women have been reportedly abducted by the military, from same area. Dozens of the houses have been destroyed in artillery shelling. Till the filling of this report area is under tight siege, and military cut down all the communication of the entire district.
Reports from Tootak area of Khuzdar district reveal the discovery of a mass grave. At least 15 bodies have been recovered from the grave. Locals fear that theses are the bodies of Baloch missing persons who were abducted by the Pakistani forces, and killed in inhuman torture.

Day72 of ‪#‎VBMPLongMarch‬ at Dera Ghazi Khan area. Hundreds of people join for ‪#‎WalkForJustice‬ against enforced disappearances in ‪#‎Balochistan.

Hundreds of Dera Ghazian’s welcomed and joined Baloch marchers in Dera Ghazi Khan

Dera Ghazi Khan:  Hundreds of people at Dera Ghazi Khan welcomed the Baloch marchers and many joined them to raise voice for the Human Rights for the missing persons.

According to the details the participants of the long march who are demanding to know the whereabouts, fate and the safe release of Baloch missing persons reached Dera Ghazi Khan where hundreds  of Baloch people welcomed the Baloch marchers.
The family members of missing persons launched their peaceful long march from Quetta and today it was the 72nd day of their historic long march. As per different reports more then 18,000 People have been involuntary disappeared by the Pakistan Army and it’s agencies and secrete services Since 2005. More then 800 Tortured Dead Bodies of the missing Persons have been recovered from different Parts of Balochistan and Karachi in the last Fourteen Months.
Earlier several times the Qadir Baloch who is leading the march and is the father of deceased Jalil Rekhi claimed that he has received life threats from the security personals as a consequence if he continued the March.
Many individuals and organizations demanded safety and security measures from the state apparatus of the long Marchers.
Dera Ghazi Khan currently a part of Punjab Provice is a Baloch Dominating Area and earlier was part of Balochistan and was leased to the British Empire known as part of British Balochistan before the patition of sub-continent.
The current warm welcome of the Baloch Marcher’s in the Punjab province by the Dera Ghazian’s is a sign and is also analyzed as the “Blood and Bone Relation”. Despite of serious life threats and vibrant signs of hard consequences from the Pakistan Army and state Secret Agencies today Thousands of People from Dera Ghazi Khan standing shoulder to shoulder with the people from different parts of Balochistan is showing more then a simple sign of supporting Human Rights.
The Baloch People of Dera Ghazi Khan had from time to time tried to raise their voice that historically, culturally, and socially they are very different from the people of Punjab, and demanded to join their Area as a Part of Balochistan. Pakistani Analysts and Think Tank Institutes had always tried to keep silent or diverted to keep away from discussing the issue of British Balochistan or about the Baloch Population in Dera Jath as a strategic Policy.

13 bodies recovered from Pakistan's mass grave

Quetta: At least 13 unidentified decomposed bodies have been recovered from a mass grave in Pakistan's restive Balochistan province. 

Eleven bodies were brought to the District Headquarters Hospital yesterday, which were decomposed beyond recognition, like the two discovered on Saturday, said medics. 

Vultures and crows hovering over the area had attracted the attention of locals to the desolate area who informed the administration about what they suspected to be a mass grave.
The mass grave was discovered in Tutak area, about 50 kilometres from Khuzdar, and it is feared that many more bodies may be in there. 

A total of 13 bodies have been recovered so far, Express Tribune daily reported today. 

"There could be more bodies in the grave. We saw human remains," an official told the daily on the condition of anonymity.

It was not known who had killed the people but relatives of missing persons fear the bodies could be of their loved ones, according to media reports. 

Assistant Commissioner of Khuzdar district Afzal Sarpara told reporters on Sunday the grave contained an unspecified number of bodies, most of which were decomposed and beyond recognition. 

"They appear to be a month old," he said. 

Deputy Commissioner of Khuzdar Waheed Shah said the Balochistan Levies resumed digging of the grave yesterday. 

"DNA tests will help us identify the bodies," he added. 

Separately, Provincial Home Minister Mir Sarfaraz Bugti denied media reports claiming that dozens of bodies were found in the mass grave. 

"An investigation is ongoing and the facts will be shared with public soon," he said. 

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan expressed serious concerns over the grisly discovery and demanded an immediate and impartial inquiry. 

Khuzdar has been the worst-hit district in Balochistan, wrecked by violence from separatists and militants, and the situation has forced several families to migrate from the area. 

The issue of missing persons in the province has been taken up at the Balochistan High Court and the Supreme Court.

Activists demand UN inquiry into Balochistan mass graves.

Rights organizations have expressed shock over the discovery of mass graves in Pakistan's insurgency-marred Balochistan province and have called on the UN to send a fact-finding mission for an inquiry.
On January 25, three mass graves were discovered in the Khuzdar district of Pakistan's western Balochistan province. The corpses were too decomposed to be identified. As the news spread, the people gathered around the graves and started digging in the nearby area, where they unearthed two more mass graves.
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) says that 169 bodies have so far been recovered from the graves. Pakistani officials, however, deny these claims, arguing that the total number of bodies amounts to only 15.
Pakistan's independent Human Rights Commission, HRCP, disputes the government's figures. "The residents of Khuzdar have told us that the number of dead bodies uncovered is much higher than 15," Zohra Yusuf, the HRCP chairperson, told DW. The rights activist linked the discovery of the graves to the ongoing Balochistan conflict between the separatists and Islamabad.
Balochistan, which borders Afghanistan and Iran, is rich in oil, gas, and minerals, yet it remains Pakistan's poorest province. Baloch activists accuse Islamabad of usurping their wealth, fueling a protracted separatist movement which has been going on for decades.
The armed struggle for Baloch independence intensified after the murder of the influential Baloch leader Akbar Bugti in 2006 in a military operation. Rebel Baloch groups like the Balochistan Liberation Army have repeatedly attacked security forces and state installations. Most of the rebel leadership is thought to be in the UK, Afghanistan and Dubai.
The missing link
The AHRC has expressed "shock and deep concern” over the discovery of the mass graves in a statement issued on January 27. The organization suspects that these are the corpses of the missing Balochs, who have allegedly been arrested and later unlawfully killed by the Pakistani security agencies.
Islamabad denies launching a military operation in the province, but confirms the deployment of thousands of paramilitary forces to quell the insurgency. There have been accusations of serious human rights violations against the security forces.
Local rights groups have the details of 8,000 people who they say have disappeared over the past ten years and haven't been seen since. According to the AHRC, the bullet-riddled bodies of 23 missing persons were discovered in different parts of Balochistan in January 2012. The rights group also claims that 56 Balochs were murdered and dumped on roadsides from August 2011 to January 2012.
"The crimes of the security agencies in Balochistan and the mass-scale disappearances and extrajudicial killings have now been exposed by the discoveries of these mass graves," the AHRC said.
The Voice for the Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), an organization made up of relatives of the missing people, is currently undertaking a "long march" from the southeastern Karachi city to capital Islamabad to protest against the disappearances.
However, Sarfaraz Bugti, the Interior Minister of Balochistan, blames the Indian spy agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), and Baloch separatist groups for the killing and dumping of corpses in the Khuzdar mass graves.
"We have ordered a DNA testing for the identification of these bodies. But I think the Baloch Republican Army, the Baloch Liberation Army, and the Baloch Liberation Front - all funded by the RAW, are behind these killings," Bugti told DW.
International inquiry
But experts say that Islamabad will not allow an independent inquiry in Balochistan, as it is likely to reveal the extent of rights abuses and unlawful activities in the province.
Local and international rights organizations say the Pakistani military is not allowing anybody to examine the Khuzdar mass graves. They have therefore urged the United Nations to send a fact-finding mission to investigate the incident.
"It must be pointed out that the people of Pakistan do not expect any proper and transparent investigation from their government and the security agencies as they themselves are involved in the killings, enforced disappearances and the concealment of the crimes. The importance of a UN report therefore cannot be over emphasized," the AHRC said.

Nazish Brohi, a social activist in Karachi, is also in favor of an international inquiry, but argues it should be ordered by Balochistan's provincial government, headed by Chief Minister Abdul Malik.
"The elected government of Balochistan should call for an international inquiry. It should come out and say that the issue is not in its control," Brohi told DW.
But Malik Siraj Akbar, a Washington-based Pakistani expert on Balochistan, says the conflict is not between Baloch separatists and the chief minister. "It is a conflict between the Baloch people and the Pakistani army and the federal government," Akbar said, adding that Malik could not do much to resolve this issue considering his limited influence over the army, the intelligence agencies and the Baloch separatists.
"Only an investigation conducted by credible organizations such as the United Nations, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and similar international bodies will be acceptable to the Baloch people. In addition, the international community must play its role in bringing the people behind these crimes to justice," Akbar said.

PAKISTAN: More than 100 dead bodies from three mass graves were found in one district of Balochistan.

The UN and international human rights organisations must send fact finding missions to probe the illegal disposal of Baloch people in mass graves
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) expresses shock and deep concern over the discovery of mass graves in Balochistan; it is suspected that these graves are of Baloch missing persons who were arrested and subsequently extrajudicially killed. A large number of family members gathered around the places of Tootak village, district Khuzdar to inquire about their loved ones who have been missing for many years. However, the police and other security forces refused them permission to try and identify the bodies and baton charged the people to disperse them.

On January 25, three mass graves were found after one of them was discovered by a shepherd who saw pieces of human bodies and bones. He informed the Levies, a private armed force organised by tribal leaders, and according to Assistant Commissioner, district Khuzdar, Mr. Afzal Supra, Balochistan, the grave was excavated and 15 bodies were found.
As the news of the mass grave spread throughout the district people gathered there and started digging in the nearby area where they found two more mass graves. In total 103 bodies were recovered from the graves. The bodies were too decomposed to be identified. From the three mass graves 17, 8 and 78 bodies were found but the local people say that a total of 169 bodies have been found. People have witnessed more than 100 human bodies in Tootak while they were digging the area. However, Pakistani military forces stopped the local people from unearthing the mass graves and took control of the area. Now, no one is allowed access to the location except military personnel.
According to the media, a security official who spoke on condition of anonymity said so far they have found around 56 unidentified graves and that there are many more. It is claimed that these bodies are those of Baloch missing persons.
The confirmation by government officials that over one dozen bullet-riddled bodies have been dumped in unmarked graves — many of them considered to be mass graves — in Balochistan has exposed the gross human rights abuses perpetrated by the security forces over the years in a bid to suppress a popular uprising against the government.
It is feared that more mass graves will be found in the coming days. However, the Pakistan Army, in order to hide its crimes, is not allowing any civilian or media outlets to visit the area. Anyone trying to gain access to the area comes under live fire by the Army. It is believed that the genocide of Balochis is one of the biggest mass killings of the 21st century.
Nasrullah Baloch, the vice chairman of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), fears that their relatives who disappeared following arrest by the security services in the restive province might be buried in those graves. Baloch says that his cousin and the son of Mama Qadeer, who is leading the historical long march for the recovery of missing persons, Jalil Reki and another, Sana Sangat were brought to Khuzdar after arrest and killed after some days. He believes that their bodies must be here with others.
These mass graves were found very close to the residence of Mr. Shafique Mengal, who is a well known man of the security agencies and who is heading a militant organisation with the name of Nifaz-e-Amn. The organisation claims itself to be affiliated to the Pakistan security forces, working for the implementation of Islam and against Anti State elements. He has been provided with 30 armed vehicles. Whenever the security forces fail to conduct actions in tribal and mountainous areas they ask for Mengal’s help. The Frontier Corp (FC) own this organisation as the true one working body for the protection of Balochistan. The FC and other forces, as claimed by Baloch nationalist groups, have helped him to make private jails and torture centers in Tootak where the missing persons are brought and tortured before being extrajudicially killed. There is no power supply in the area but interestingly, electricity lines were provided to his private jails and his ‘fort’ which is guarded by the law enforcement agencies.
Human rights violations could soon escalate as the Pakistani government recently passed a new controversial law, the ‘Pakistani Protection Ordinance’- PPO, which has legalised enforced disappearances. The government has made an amendment in the PPO, though it has yet to be approved by the parliament. In an effort to provide protection for the crimes of the security forces the government has given legal cover for enforced disappearances and allows the security agencies to keep any suspect for up to three months without presenting them before a court and in cases of suspected terrorism the person can be kept for six months in their custody.
The crimes of the security agencies in Balochistan and the mass-scale disappearances and extrajudicial killings have now been exposed by the discoveries of these mass graves.
The non-investigation of the enforced disappearance of thousands of persons in Balochistan can be likened to the concentration camps of the Nazi’s who operated without any control or oversight; in a similar fashion as the armed forces and security agencies in Pakistan who answer to no one.
The AHRC urges the government of Pakistan to immediately form a transparent high judicial inquiry to probe the cases of the mass graves and provide information relating to the possible identities of the deceased persons. It is a prime responsibility of the government to inform the nation of each and every development in the progress of the investigation. Otherwise it will be difficult to control the volatile situation in Balochistan which may well spread like wildfire throughout the entire country.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan must take Sou Moto action on the discovery of the mass graves.
The AHRC urges the United Nations to send a high powered fact finding mission to probe the presence of mass graves in Balochistan province, particularly in Khuzdar district. It must be pointed out that the people of Pakistan do not expect any proper and transparent investigation from their government and the security agencies as they themselves are involved in the killings and enforced disappearances and the concealment of such crimes, therefore, the importance of a UN report cannot be over emphasized.