Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relatives of people who have gone missing in Balochistan set off on a gruelling 1200-kilometre march from Karachi to Islamabad .

Last year it was 14000, now ‪#‎VBMP‬ sources say its 15550+ confirmed cases but still international  human rights organizations are silent.

1500 Kilometers Foot March for Hope , Peace and Justice and Freedom.

1500 Kilometers Foot March for Hope....Per il sicuro recupero di dispersi Baloch persone dei loro familiari facendo lunga marcia da Karachi a Islamabad, che è 1500 km.........................................................Para la recuperación segura de las personas desaparecidas baloch sus familiares haciendo larga marcha de Karachi a Islamabad, que es 1.500 kilometros.......................................For the safe recovery of baloch missing persons their family members doing long march from Karachi to Islamabad which is 1500 km

Sindhis welcome #vbmplongmarch (@mmatalpur behind Mama)

Mama Qadeer Baloch message: "I have just been informed that Allah Bax Somoro editor of Amami Awaaz, a Sindhi Newspaper, has published a statement, attributing it to me, I said Sindhi are not with me. I strongly condemn this statement I have said anything like that. I always spoke for Sindh's unity and I say they are our brothers. Sindhi and Baloch share the same pain and we should cooperate with each other. The agencies have asked him to published this statement to create confusion among us. #vbmplongmarch