Saturday, October 20, 2012

Unity should be based on strong discipline, principles and accountability – BSO-Azad

Unity should be based on strong discipline, principles and accountability – BSO-Azad

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Quetta : 

Baloch Student Organisation - Azad held its second Central Committee meeting on October, 16 in Kalat city of Balochistan. The chairman of BSO-Azad, Baloch Khan Baloch, presided the gathering.

Quarterly reports, organizational matters, national and International politics and further policies were the key point of the discussion of the meeting. The meeting also devised new policies to make the organisation more effective and active in future.

Addressing the CC members the chairman of the organization, Baloch Khan, said that strong organisation and building trust in Baloch nation was the key to success. “We should depend on our nation instead of having expectations from any third party or foreigners. We can be successful in the movement only when we have the Baloch masses on our side.”

The leader of BSO-Azad further said that different nations gave enormous sacrifices for their survival and in doing so they were also affected by the negative propaganda of those who tried to create division in their ranks but with mass support of their people they accumulated strength and help them succeeded in achieving their goals.

He further said there has been rises and declines in the national movement at different times; lessons should be learnt from the failure and successes. The strength and weakness should be taken into account while devising future policies as it will help strengthen the cause of liberation. He said brining momentum in struggle and national consciousness in the general public can defeat the occupier.

“The International forces cannot liberate any nation. Though the Baloch people may enjoy support of international community but it is the Baloch nation that has to struggle and give sacrifices to achieve the ultimate goal. The Baloch struggle is a historical struggle and it is not dependent on any International powers. Today the Baloch struggle is facing challenges at different fronts, which include religious extremism, out-dated tribal mentality and the political collaborators of the enemy,” he said.

Mr. Khan further said that, “it must be clear that we cannot defeat the enemy until and unless we get over our weaknesses. Attainment of independence without strong organization, discipline, ideological and political consciousness is impossible. All the Baloch political organisations involved in struggle for liberation should follow these principles because we can only give a bright future to our nation when we follow these principles.

“Debates on these issues in news statements and televisions debates are the need of the time. We will be successful to inform the world about Pakistani brutalities only after removing the frailties in our ranks.”
Chairman Baloch Khan said, unity was the need of time among Baloch political forces but the unity should be based on strong discipline and principles backed by strong accountability. However, unity that lacks discipline and regulation doesn’t last long.

“The occupier is using its all means against the Baloch political parties to make the conditions favourable for upcoming elections. Pakistani military and judiciary are trying hard to paint the Baloch movement as an internal affair of Pakistan. The Baloch nation should understand all these tactics of the enemy and they should struggle against the tyranny on practical basis,” said Mr Baloch Khan Baloch. 

he International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (IVBMP) condemned death threats leaders of VBMP

he International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (IVBMP) condemned death threats leaders of VBMP

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

London : 

For immediate release: In a joint statement the IVBMP coordinators in the UK, USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway and Australia have appealed to International Human Rights Organisation and the UN to take notice of death threats to Mr Qadeer Baloch, the vice chairman of VBMP and other members of his organisation by Pakistan and ISI and Military Intelligence.

Strongly condemning the death threats the IVBMP said that the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons is the only organisation that has been striving for the safe release of enforced disappeared Baloch political and human rights activists. Its sit-in protest has now reached to 935 days. The Pakistani security agencies have been threatening the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons’ members and leaders since its inception. Several members of the Organisation have also been abducted by Pakistani security forces and later killed in their custody.

The leaders of the Organisation have met with the UN WGEID during their visit to Balochistan and presented them a list of enforced-disappeared and extra-judicial killed Baloch activists. After the UN team completed its visit – they have accused the Pakistani security forces for enforced-disappearances in Balochistan in their preliminary report.

The Pakistani Intelligence agencies and Military Intelligence have intensified pressure on the activists of VBMP and its organisers to end their protest camp and stop what they call ‘defaming Pakistan’ before the international community. The female members of the organisation have been threatened to be acidified if they did not stop demanding the release of their loved ones. Mr Nasruallah Baloch and Qadeer Baloch have been threatened to be killed for raising their voice against extra judicial killings and enforced-disappearances.

International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons has made it clear time and time again that the state of Pakistan and army are the principal culprit of enforced disappearance of Baloch political and human rights activists. Equally, we take the death threats against the members of VBMP extremely seriously. Pakistani state and security forces have proved their capability and willingness in countless occasions in committing such heinous crime. The IVBMP also said that Pakistani state and army will be held responsible if any harm is done to either the leadership of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons or any of its members.

The IVBMP has urged the UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other international Humanitarian Organisation to take concrete action before it is too late. The death threat to the leaders of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons is very real and we urge these organisations to pressurise Pakistan to prevent this tragedy before it is too late. 

Balochistan: Kill and dump continues as two Bullet-riddled bodies found

Balochistan: Kill and dump continues as two Bullet-riddled bodies found

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Quetta : 

Two mutilated dead bodies were recovered in Uthal town of Hub in Balochistan on Thursday.

Sourced said that some bypassers spotted the bodies and informed the Balochistan levies forces. The Levies authorities took the bodies and shifted them to District Headquarters Hospital in Lasbela for autopsy and identification.

The victims were identified as that of Rashid Mengal, a resident of Spiny Road Quetta and Bahadur Khan, a resident of Kharan Balochistan. According to the hospital sources Bahadur Khan’s body was four days old whereas Rashid was killed 15 hours ago; bodies of both victims bore bullet wounds and were shot in upper torso.

The officials said their identities were ascertained from two separate chits found in the pockets of the two victims. It, however, could not be confirmed immediately when the deceased went missing.

Save the Life of Zakir Majeed Baloch.

Save the Life of Zakir Majeed Baloch

Zakir Majeed Baloch, 27, and a Master’s student in English from Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences, was abducted by Pakistan’s intelligence agencies from Mastung Balochistan, on 8th of June, 2009. He was abducted while he was on his way from Parangabad market to a friend Waheed Baloch’s house. Waheed Baloch and Basit Baloch are eye witnesses this incident. The eyewitness’s accounts have also been published by Asian Human Rights Commission’s webpage. It says: 
“His alleged abductors drove up in two cars without number plates and asked the young man a few questions, saying that they were intelligence agents.They took Majeed away with them in their cars without making any charges. One car was a Toyota Vego, the other a Toyota Surf SSR.” 
Zakir Majeed was a human rights activist and was working to raise the voice for the thousands of other innocent Balochs who have been abducted by the intelligence agencies of Pakistan and against the grosshuman rights abuses committed by Pakistani occupied Balochistan. 
Its been a year since Zakir Majeed was abducted and his whereabouts are still unknown. 
We are extremely concerned about the safety of Zakir Majeed, who is being held in the secret torture cells of Pakistani establishment, and we fear that Zakir’s life is in under serious threats until he is not surfaced or released by Pakistan. Zakir Majeed and all the other Balochs living in occupied Balochistan are too entitled to all the rights mentioned in Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it states in its Article 2, and we call upon United Nations to immediately intervene in Balochistan and bring an end to the gross human rights abuses being committed in Balochistan, to compel Pakistan to end the occupation of Balochistan.