Saturday, December 22, 2012

Awaran: Friday 21 dec 2012 . FC and Pakistani Death Squad Beat Three Shopkeepers in 

Publicly and two was abducted.

Dunya News gets German national’s abduction video

Dunya News has achieved video of German national who had been abducted on January 19 from Multan. 

MULTAN: According to video released by Al-Qaeda 59-year-old German national Band Mohlarback is seen while saying that Jihadist had abducted him due to wrong policies of German government, adding that he is yet in their custody.

According to video, the German citizen also has appealed to his government that his life is at stake, with the request that abductors’ demands be accepted within two to three days without launching any operation against them.

He also reportedly said that he had great love for his family members and no operation should be held in order to release him from the captivity of abductors.

The aforesaid video takes 52 seconds to run.

It is worth mentioning that two foreign nationals working for an NGO in Pakistan were kidnapped from the Qasim Bela area of Multan on January 19.

According to security sources, the two men, one an Italian and the other a German national, were abducted while they were traveling from Kot Addu to Multan.

Both were working for a non-governmental group that helps flood victims in the region and were reportedly taken by armed men.
Today jihadi terrorists from the Taliban assassinated this leading liberal politician in Pakistan with a suicide blast. Bashir Bilour was a veteran of the wars against the Taliban and Islamist jihadis.

What are the chances Liberal Justin Trudeau will condemn this killing of a fellow Liberal when he addresses the "Revival of Islamic Spirit" convention in Toronto? Zero.

Action Alert: Anti-Semitic Cartoons Published in Toronto Arabic Newspaper.

By publishing anti-Semitic blood libel cartoons and in lauding Palestinian terror, a Toronto-area Arabic newspaper is deserving of opprobrium. Take action now.
A Toronto-area Arabic newspaper called Meshwar recently on November 30 published an anti-Semitic cartoon depicting Israelis eating Palestinian children and drinking their blood. Other cartoons caricatured the stereotypical trope of hook-nosed, menacing Jews.
According to Shalom Toronto’s Jonathan Halevi (see full article below), Meshwar expressed support for outlawed Palestinian terrorist organizations like Hamas and called on Palestinians to thank Iran, Syria and Hezbollah for weapons used to bomb Israeli cities in the recent conflict.
This is the same Arabic newspaper that in June published poetry praising Palestinian terrorists. Meshwar is distributed throughout the Greater Toronto Area (Scarborough, Mississauga, Markham, Toronto, etc.) and is estimated at having a circulation of 10,000 copies.
Publishing anti-Semitic blood libel cartoons and lauding Palestinian terror against innocent Israeli civilians is an affront to core Canadian values of tolerance and mutual respect. There is no place for this kind of “journalism” in the Canadian news industry. Exposing extremist commentary to scrutiny and to the light of day is the best sanitizer for this kind of repugnant content.
HonestReporting Canada (HRC) calls on all our subscribers to contact this paper’s “editor” to express outrage over the publication of these anti-Semitic cartoons and of this newspaper’s avowed support for Palestinian terror. HRC also calls on this newspaper to apologize for publishing this disgraceful anti-Semitic content. Please send your comments to Meshwar editor Dr. Nazia Khatatba at and/or call (416) 302-7664
If you come across this publication,
  • DO take the newspaper up to the clerk or business owner, open it to the appropriate page and say "this is anti-Semitic and shameful," and walk away.
  • DO NOT damage the newspaper in any way (damaging property is illegal) and DO NOT tell the owner to remove the magazine from the store's shelves (while this material does not likely breach Canada's hate laws, Canadians have the right to call it anti-Semitic and reprehensible). Sunlight, after all, is the best disinfectant.  

I've always had a soft corner for the Pakistani Islamic scholar Tahir-Ul-Qadri, until I saw this video clip. Why do clerics lie with such audacity?

 In colloquial language mullah means somebody who’s dishonest, the word culturally always used with mullah

is ‘rayakar’. And it always been like that if we deg a little deeper in our culture we won’t be surprised what

 mullah generally say and do..the issue with today’s Muslim world is there are so many cults these pple have

 created and the cult people r always blind. I ve seen cults in western Christian world but here cults r

 marginalized and only seduce a few vulnerable young people but our whole population is vulnerable and so

 these cults have become so powerful. Even some of states in Muslim world r based one or other cult 
