Wednesday, October 24, 2012

US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations,Baluchistan

Iran executes three Baluch political prisoners

Iran executes three Baluch political prisoners

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Zahidan : 

The Iranian fundamentalist regime has executed three Baluch political prisoners on Saturday morning in Zahedan, the capital of Iranian occupied Balochistan.

According to a report by Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Iranian Regime executed the three youth in a blind revenge against human rights laws and humanity. The victims have been named as 25 years old Abdol Basit Rygi, Abdol Jalil Kahrazehi and Yahya Chakarzahi. They were charged with Moharebeh (enmity against God) and were executed in Zahedan prison, early Saturday morning.

The report further said that two activists were transferred to solitary confinement in the Intelligence Ministry two days before their execution. They were subjected to brutal torture and coerced to a televised confession. 

The third Baluch political prisoner Abul Basit, a social activist and a promoter of ‘Human Rights & Democracy’, was reportedly very active on internet. He used to advocate justice, Human rights and democracy in Baluchistan. He was arrested three years ago and kept in solidarity confinement for eleven months. He was physically and mentally tortured. They also kept him in appalling conditions in prison. 

Intelligence interrogators subjected Mr Rigi to brutal and inhuman torture and forced him to give televised confessions against himself.

A death sentence by a kangaroo court was passed against all three Baloch political prisoners after their forced confession. 

Diaspora communities say that innocent political activist from Kurdish, Baluch and Al-Ahwazi community are executed in different prisons by Iran on regular basis but due to country’s strict grip on news agencies and media such news hardly reach to the wider world or find any space in international media. 

Balochistan: Three Baloch including a 17 years student whisked away

Balochistan: Three Baloch including a 17 years student whisked away

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Quetta : 

Pakistani security forces have abducted two Baloch youth from Turbat and Hub towns of Balochistan on Monday. An elderly man was abducted from Wadh area of Balochistan on Friday. 

Sources reported that on Monday at about 11:30 AM Bahar Khan Marri s/o Jamal Khan Marri whose eldest brother Mazar Khan Marri was arrested last year was abducted near Sakran police station in the industrial town of Hub, Balochistan. 

He is 17 years old and had gone to attend the court hearing of his brother Mazar Khan in Lasbela. While on his way back home he was forced down from his motor bike by persons unknown in a 2 D car and twin cabin vehicle and taken away. The relatives have visited the police stations but they express ignorance about the incident. The relatives feel that Pakistani security agencies are involved.

In a press release the relatives of Mr Marri have said that he is a first year student and he has no affiliations with any armed group or political parties. He has only been arrested for being a Marri Baloch. The family has appealed to the international human rights organisations and media to pressurise Pakistan to release the 17 year old student unharmed and without any delay. 

Meanwhile another Baloch youth Mr. Maqbool s/o Naimat Ullah, a resident of Gomazi, has been abducted by the Pakistani secret agencies when he was on his way to Gomazi from Turbat. He was offloaded from a passenger vehicle; witnesses and family members said he has been whisked away by Pakistani security agencies. 

Separately, an elderly man named Abdul Haq Mengal was abducted from Wadh area of Balochistan on Friday. The family members have accused the head of Pakistan army’s proxy death squad Shafiq Mengal and his cronies for the abduction of Mr Mengal.