Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Military offensive in Sui: Pakistani forces destroyed dozens of houses & abducted twelve Baloch civilians – Sher Mohammad Bugti

The Pakistani forces have launched yet another massive offensive in different areas of Sui as chain of military operations in Balochistan continues. A large number of armed forces targeted the “Go Pat” and “Doda Tibba” areas and indiscriminately bombarded the civilian populace. More than fifty houses of innocent Baloch villagers were destroyed in the heavy bombardment or set on fire by the forces after being randomly targeted and looted.  A number of Baloch civilians including women and children were wounded in the bombardment. Loss of lives is also feared as the medical access to the victims is not possible because of the siege of the forces.

The violent attack of the ground troops followed the bombardment as the forces entered the houses of Baloch civilians and violated the sanctity of households. Residents were badly tortured and harassed. At least twelve people were abducted by the forces during the door-to-door operation. The abducted men were identified as Warna s/o Kundha, Lalu s/o Sahiv, Talu s/o Nabi Bux, Baggi s/o Nabi Bux, Nadir, s/o Tangav, Khalid s/o Bhora, Konari s/o Gosho, Latu s/o Gosho, Dado s/o Esa Usman s/o Essa. All the abducted people belong to Bugti tribe.

The claims of Pakistani governmental and forces’ officials about efforts being made for peace in Balochistan are nothing but lies to conceal their continuous Baloch genocidal polices. Every time top Pakistani governmental stakeholders visit Balochistan, they try to find new strategies to counter the national struggle of Baloch people for the rights and freedom. Military operations, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial murders are the favorite weapons of the state against Baloch national movement.

We demand to the international community and global institutions to take note of illegal occupation of Balochistan by the Pakistani state and continuous human rights abuses and war crimes being committed by the state forces to deter the just demands of Baloch people for their rights including the rights of freedom and sovereignty.

Shafiq Mengal and ISI involved in Baloch Target Killings and on attacking NATO Supplies,Video Confession of a Pakistan Army Target Killer in Balochistan.

On February 19, 2013, in a combat between Baloch Sarmachars and Pakistan Army, Pakistan Army backed Tehreek Nifaz Amn’s terrorists had to run for their lives . Irfan Ganguri, most wanted Target Killer and right hand of deadly terrorist Shafiq Mengal was cought by the Baloch Sarmachars.
In this video confession, Irfan makes shocking revelations on Shafiq Mengal’s criminal activities. Shafiq on the directions and assistance of Pakistan Army runs several torture chambers in Khuzdar, Kalat and other areas. Also, NATO tankers are attacked on Pakistan army’s will, Irfan reveals.
Irfan speaks on the abductions, torture and killings of Baloch activists.
” Zaib Zehri men used to attacked NATO Tanker supplies on the directions of Pakistan Army Headquarters.”  Irfan Ganguri confessed.

The Largest Protest in HISTORY.

The Largest Protest in HISTORY

The BBC and CNN confirmed that yesterday was the biggest demonstration in history with more than 17 million people taking to the streets.

Today the Egyptian Armed Forces just issued a communiqué stating that it is siding with the will of the people and is giving Morsi 48 hours to respond or they will interfere. 

According to BBC News report Protests against Muslim Brotherhood Government are "Largest Protest in history of Egypt". Egypt Interior Ministry reports says about 14-17 Million People are on streets.


The body of a young man who had torture marks was found by a patrolling police party in Dera Allah Yar area of Jaffarabad district in Balochistan on Monday morning.
According to sources the body has now been identified as that of Khoda Dad Marri alias Abdullah. Victim who currently resided in Karachi was originally from Kohistan Marri and a permanent resident of New Kahan Quetta.
Khoda Dad and his friend Bijjar Marri were from buss in Rabi area, last Monday (24/06/2013).
Local authorities took the body into its custody and shifted it to civil hospital Dera Allah Yar for post-mortem. As per the autopsy report victim’s body had marks of torture and was shot in the head.
Khoda Dad Marri was the younger brother of  Faiz Mohammad Marri Baloch who was was abducted along with his cousin Khan Mohammad Marri on the night between 6th and 7th November 2010 during a raid on their house in Metrowell area of Karachi. The Sindh Ranger Police and other Intelligence agencies personnel had carried out the raid.
Faiz Mohammad’s brutally tortured body was found in Dasht area near Quetta on Wednesday (02-03-2010) after 3 months of his abduction by Pakistan military forces.

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur’s speech at the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) conference at The Royal Society, London.

Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur’s speech at the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) conference at The Royal Society, London, Sunday 24 February 2013, 10am-3pm, entitled ‘Global and Regional Security Challenges in South Asia: What Future for Balochistan?’.
The Royal Society – Kohn Centre, 6-9 Carlton House Terrace, London (U.K.)

Welcome to Canada Rimsha Masih.

Millions of Canadians across our country celebrated Canada Day on Monday. For most of us it was an annual holiday, full of fun, food, parties and music.
But few of us can match the joy and gratefulness displayed in a modest home somewhere in the Greater Toronto Area by a teenage girl, who has yet to become a Canadian.
Rimsha Masih
At the stroke of the midnight hour as the date changed to July 1, this teenage girl stood up, said a prayer along with 15 of her family and friends, then cut a cake celebrating her first ever Canada Day.
This is no ordinary child, she is 15-year-old Rimsha Masih, the Pakistani-Christian girl who was accused of burning pages of the Qur’an and jailed, facing the death penalty under the country’s infamous blasphemy laws.
On August 16 last year, as she did every other day, Rimsha was collecting discarded paper from garbage in a slum near Islamabad, when a Muslim neighbour stopped her, claiming there were burned pages of an Islamic textbook in her plastic bag, and that this amounted to an “insult to Islam.” Shortly after the accusation, a Muslim mob went to Rimsha’s home and beat her up before police took the girl into custody, charging her with blasphemy.
Islamists in Pakistan wanted to burn the girl alive. The lawyer for the man who accused the girl of blasphemy told reporters that the girl was “guilty.” Then he warned: “If the state overrides the court, then God will get a person to do the job,” reminding everyone of the murder of two Pakistani politicians who had sought the release of another Christian woman rotting in prison on similar charges.
Rimsha’s case triggered outrage across the globe. France “urged the Pakistani authorities to release this young girl.” In the U.S., New Jersey Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez and five of his colleagues blasted the blasphemy law of Pakistan, demanding Rimsha be set free.
But the real work to save this child of God was done by us — Canadians. In our own discrete manner, Ottawa exercised quiet diplomacy with Islamabad, where thanks to President Zardari and also Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhury, Rimsha was freed from prison and allowed to leave to live in the shadows of our majestic mountains, wade in the waters of our countless lakes and breathe freedom, the elixir of civilized people.
Here in Canada, it is the Canadian group International Christian Voice (ICV) headed by Peter Bhatti (brother of assassinated Pakistani politician Shahbaz Bhatti) that is assisting the girl and her family to integrate in our society.
On Sunday, Bhatti took the family to a Catholic Church where Rimsha and her sister went up to the altar and sang Psalm 139 in their mother tongue Punjabi.
The promise of a new life in our great country is what you have to look forward to, Rimsha. As long as you live, you will never again have to face the bloodhounds of Islamism who chased you away. This is Canada’s commitment to you for blessing us with your presence. For all our flaws, you will soon discover why “the true North strong and free” is for the third year in a row judged as the country with the best reputation. Considering how Pakistan treated you, it is little wonder they were ranked near the bottom.
In your Punjabi, let me welcome you to Canada: “Ji ayan nun.”