Saturday, October 31, 2015

اورماڑہ سے ملنے والی لاشوں کی شناخت لاپتہ علی مراد ومحبوب کے نام سے ہوگئیں

ورماڑہ سے ملنے والے لاشوں کی شناخت بلیدہ کے رہائشی علی مراد اور انکے19 سالہ بیٹے محبوب بلوچ کے نام سے ہو گئی جنکے نماز جنازہ بلیدہ سلوہ میں ادا کر دی گئی۔یہاں آمدہ اطلاعات کے مطابق بلیدہ کے رہائشی علی مراد بلوچ اور انکے نوجوان بیٹے محبوب بلوچ کی لاشیں اورماڑہ سے ملیں جن کو عید کے کچھ روز بعد تربت سے کراچی جاتے ہوئے ایف سی نے بس سے اتار کرلاپتہ کر دیا تھا۔واضح رہے کہ علی مرادبلوچ کو اس سے قبل راشد پٹھان نے بھی دھمکی دی تھی ۔اسکے بعد کچھ انکے بیٹے محبوب بلوچ پر گینگی کے بیٹے پر حملے کا الزام عائد کیا گیا تھا مگربلوچی میڑھ اور علاقے کے معتبرین کی مدد سے معاملہ کوخوشی خوشی نمٹا دیا۔اس کے بعد رادشد پٹھان نے علی مراد بلوچ جو بلیدہ سلو کا رہائشی اور بلوچ نیشنل موؤمنٹ کے رہنما شوکت بلیدی کے ماموں تھے کودھمکی دی تھی کہ تمہارے تعلقات آزادی پسندوں سے ہیں اور تمھارا بیٹا بھی انکے زیر دست ہے۔اس کے بعد عید کے کچھ روز بعد علی مراد بلوچ اپنے بیٹے کو لے کر علاج کے لیے تربت سے کراچی جا رہے تھے کہ اورماڑہ میں کوسٹ گارڈ چیک پوسٹ کے بعد کچھ فرلانگ پر پاکستانی ایف سی نے بس کو روک کر دونوں باپ بیٹے کو حراست بعد لاپتہ کیا جنکی لاشیں جمعرات کو ملیں جو انتہائی پرانی اور تشدد زدہونے کہ وجہ سے ناقابل شناخت تھے جن کو شناختی کارڈ اور جوتوں سے شناخت کیا گیاہے۔

Voter killed in Pakistan for not acceptting vote to !!!!!

Shameful act on Pakistan ,and Political Party of Pakistan. People (voter) can’t want vote political party they be finished to death a voter .Election be held in Pakistan like that .

The Armed clash between two political groups left 12 dead and 16 injured at the Union Council Daraza Sharif, Khairpur. SSP Khairpur said t

he army had been called in to restore order.
Scuffles were also reported from some other polling stations in both Sindh and Punjab where people sustained minor injuries but there were no reports of any casualties.
Chief Secretary Sindh suspended SP Umerkot for ‘violating the code of conduct for LG elections’.
Security reinforcements of Rangers and police were dispatched to Jacobabad to maintain order during today’s polls.
Meanwhile the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has ordered re-polling in 2 UCs, 17 Wards in Punjab and 2 UCs, 4 Wards in Sindh.
Earlier, polling for the first phase of the much awaited Local Government elections began at 7:30 AM and continued till 5:30 PM in 12 districts of Punjab and 8 of Sindh.
Polling began late in a few districts of Sindh where polling staff showed up late.
Long queues of people were witnessed at a number of polling stations where they exercised their right to vote.
Special security arrangements have been made to ensure that the poll exercise is conducted in a peaceful manner. In this regard section 144 CRPC has been imposed which also bars all from carrying and sporting weapons.
Additional contingents of Rangers and police personnel were deployed at polling stations which were declared sensitive.


Kasur: A Christian girl forcefully converted to Islam after being kidnapped from her

A Christian girl betrothed to marry a Christian man forcefully converted to Islam after being abducted from her own house.

In keeping with details, a Christian girl identified as Nabila Bibi is yet another victim of forced conversion in Pakistan’s densely populated province Punjab. A Muslim man Allah Rakha kidnapped her from her father’s house in Changa Manga on October 16. Nabila Bibi was already engaged to Sajid Masih and was set to marry him this November.
Soon after the abduction of Nabila; her father Bashir Masih and fiancé Sajid Masih launched a complaint regarding Nabila Bibi’s abduction in the Changa Manga police station.
Shortly after the FIR was filed, a group of Muslim men arrived at Bashir Masih’s house. They told Bashir Masih that Nabila had converted to Islam after marrying a Muslim man. Moreover, Bashir Masih was shown some documents as proof of Nabila’s conversion and marriage. They told him that she was living happily in Allah Rakha’s house.
Nonetheless, after learning this, Bashir Masih, Sajid Masih and his cousins went to Allah Rakha’s house and asked him to bring Nabila out to meet them. However, Allah Rakha refused to let them meet Nabila Bibi, while a gang of about 15-20 Muslim men began threatening them in case they insisted meeting her or did not leave immediately. Despite, threatening from the Muslim men, Nabila’s family was reluctant to leave and kept insisting that Nabila be brought out to meet them. Seeing this, the Muslim men held them these Christian men captive at Allah Rakha’s house for a night.
However, the following day, the Christian men managed to flee from Allah Rakha’s house by some means. Yet their quandary was far from over, as the very next day the Muslim men went to Bashir Masih’s house and started inquiring about Sajid Masih’s whereabouts. After knowing where Nabila’s fiancé lived they left for Sajid Masih’s house. However, before they arrived at Sajid’s house, he fled from there and is still in hiding.

This is not an only case of its kind. According to a report by Aurat Foudation, every year about 1000 girls hailing from religious minorities are forcefully converted to Islam after forcibly given in marriage to Muslim men. Out of these 1000, about 700 are Christian women who fall victims to the gender based religious persecution.

نوابشاهه جي بينظير ڀٽو يونيورسٽي ، سنڌين جي لاءَ بيروت بڻجي وئي

نوابشاهه جي بينظير ڀٽو يونيورسٽي ، سنڌين جي لاءَ بيروت بڻجي وئي 
عذرا پيچوهو جو نوازيل غير قانوني وي سي ارشد سليم آرائين ، پنجاب ۽ پختون خواهه ۾ ڪيترائي ڌاريا گهرائي ، انهن کي يونيورسٽيءَ جي اهم عهدن تي ريگيولر ڪري ڇڏيو ، جڏهن ته سنڌي اهل نوجوان اڃا تائين ڪانٽريڪٽ تي ڪم ڪري رهيا آهن 
مليل ڄاڻ موجب سال 2015 ۾ ، باجوڙ ، بنون ، اورڪزئي ، پارا چنار ، ڪرڪ ، پشاور ، راولپنڊي، لاهور ، سرگوڌا ۽ ميانواليءَ ۾ 15 ماڻهو گهرايا ويا آهن جن کي فيڪلٽيءَ جي اهم عهدن تي لک لک روپين جي پگهار تي رکيو ويو آهي 
سنڌ حڪومت قانون جي حد اورانگهين جو ڪو به نوٽيش نه ورتو ، سنڌ صوبي جي يونيورسٽيءَ ۾ ٻاهريان ماڻهو بنا ڪنهن خاص سڀڀ جي رکي نه ٿا سگهجن قانون جي ڀڃڪڙي ڪندي هڪ ئي سال ۾ 15 ماڻهو ريگيولر ڪيا ويا ، جن ۾ مجيد نيازي ، شير افگن ، اون وقاص ، يوسف ملڪ، طاهر خٽڪ ۽ ٻيا شامل آهن

سنڌ ۾ هندو نياڻين جو اغوا ۽ سپريم ڪورٽ

سنڌ ۾ هندو نياڻين جو اغوا ۽ سپريم ڪورٽ
”عوامي آواز ٽي وي“ جو پروگرام ”ٽيون رخ“. ميزبان : اسد چانڊيو. مهمانَ : امر سنڌو : اڳواڻ وومين ايڪشن فورم. وينگس:صحافي / ڪالم نگار، نغمه اقتدار: سول سوسائٽي اڳواڻ. جاويد ميمڻ : سينئر صحافي: رزاق عاصي: صحافي.*ڇا سنڌ هندن لاءِ جهنم بڻجي چڪي آهي؟.*سنڌي هندو ڪهڙن سببن ڪري روئندي وطن ڇڏڻ تي مجبور ٿيا؟* ڇا صوفين جي سنڌ هئڻ جو تصور حقيقت نه پر خام خيالي آهي؟*ڇا سنڌ جي سياست رنڪل ڪماريءَ جي اغوا وقت پنهنجو ڪردار ادا ڪيو ؟*هندو نياڻين جا ڪيس ئي داخل نه ڪندڙ سنڌ پوليس سپريم ڪورٽ کي حقيقي رپورٽ ڏيندي؟*سپريم ڪورٽ جي نشاندهي ڪيل بدتريءَ کان اڳ سنڌي سماج ۾ ڪا بهتري به رهي آهي؟*ڇا انساني ۽ عورتن جي حقن جون تنظيمون پنهنجو ڪردار ادا ڪري سگهيون آهن؟*ڇا سنڌ ۾ هندو پنهنجي ڪاروبار لاءِ طاقتور ماڻهن جو نالو استعمال ڪرڻ جا پئسا ڏيندو آهي؟* اصل مسئلو نوان قانون جوڙائڻ آهي يا موجود قانونن تي عمل ڪرائڻ ؟*ڇا صحافي به سنڌي هندن سان ظلم جون خبرون ڏيڻ بعد خطري ۾ اچي وڃن ٿا؟

One of the casualities of the Jacobabad blast,Anmol Lashari, aged 15 was present during the blast.

One of the casualities of the Jacobabad blast.
Amol Lashri

Anmol Lashari, aged 15 was present during the blast. Though she came home came safe, but when she got home her family discovered she was actually injured and took her to the hospital in Jacobabad, the doctors said its just a slight injury, then the family took her to an army hospital, whom referred her to Karachi. Upon reaching Karachi, her family was told that she has no chance of survival as the family was late. Before she passed away, on her death bed her father took her picture.
Rip heart emoticon ! Inna Lillahi Wa ina ilahi rajion.
She didn't have influential contacts, so her story never made it to the mainstream media. Why do people from interior Sindh, have to rush to Karachi, Hyderabad or Sukkur for health facilities. ?
Keep sleeping Sindhi Manru. 
May ALLAH give her Jannah - Ameen.
Taken from : Daily Sindh Express.

Stop with the “crocodile tears” for dead children, Greece's prime minister says to Europe.

Greece’s prime minister has lashed out against European “ineptness” in handling the migration crisis after 22 people drowned in two shipwrecks on Friday.

The merchant marine ministry said 19 people were killed and 138 rescued near the eastern Aegean Sea island of Kalymnos, in one of the worst accidents in Greek waters since the mass migrant flows started after the outbreak of war in Syria.
At least three more people died when another migrant boat sank off the nearby island of Rhodes, and three more were missing. On the islet of Agathonissi, a fisherman recovered the body of a boy missing from yet another accident on Wednesday.
Nearly 600 people have been rescued by the coastguard in the past 24 hours, while thousands more have made it safely to the islands.
Greece’s prime minister has lashed out against European “ineptness” in handling the migration crisis after 22 people drowned in two shipwrecks on Friday.
The merchant marine ministry said 19 people were killed and 138 rescued near the eastern Aegean Sea island of Kalymnos, in one of the worst accidents in Greek waters since the mass migrant flows started after the outbreak of war in Syria.
At least three more people died when another migrant boat sank off the nearby island of Rhodes, and three more were missing. On the islet of Agathonissi, a fisherman recovered the body of a boy missing from yet another accident on Wednesday.
Nearly 600 people have been rescued by the coastguard in the past 24 hours, while thousands more have made it safely to the islands. Nearly 600 people have been rescued by the coastguard in the past 24 hours, while thousands more have made it safely to the islands.
The death toll in the Aegean over the past three days has now reached nearly 50 mostly children while in Spain rescuers found the bodies of four migrants and are searching for 35 people missing from a boat that ran into trouble trying to reach Spain from Morocco.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, accused Europe of an “inability to defend its (humanitarian) values” by providing a safe alternative to the dangerous sea journeys.
“I want to express ... my endless grief at the dozens of deaths and the human tragedy playing out in our seas,” he told parliament. “The waves of the Aegean are not just washing up dead refugees, dead children, but (also) the very civilisation of Europe.”
Tsipras accused western countries of shedding “crocodile tears” over children dying in the Aegean but doing little for those who make it across.
The Greek prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, accused Europe of an “inability to defend its (humanitarian) values” by providing a safe alternative to the dangerous sea journeys.
“I want to express ... my endless grief at the dozens of deaths and the human tragedy playing out in our seas,” he told parliament. “The waves of the Aegean are not just washing up dead refugees, dead children, but (also) the very civilisation of Europe.”
Tsipras accused western countries of shedding “crocodile tears” over children dying in the Aegean but doing little for those who make it across.
“What about the tens of thousands of living children, who are cramming the roads of migration?” he said.
Tsipras blamed the migrant flows on western military interventions in the Middle East, which he said furthered geopolitical interests rather than democracy.
“And now, those who sowed winds are reaping whirlwinds, but these mainly afflict reception countries,” he added.
“I feel ashamed of Europe’s inability to effectively address this human drama, and of the level of debate ... where everyone tries to shift responsibility to someone else,” Tsipras said.
Four coastguard patrol vessels, a helicopter and three fishing boats helped rescue the survivors off Kalymnos, and nobody was listed as missing, the merchant marine ministry said. The accident occurred shortly before midnight on Thursday, when the wooden boat in which the migrants had left from Turkey took on water and sank in moderately strong winds.
Meanwhile, authorities on Friday raised to 16 the number of deathsfrom another migrant ship disaster off the island of Lesbos on Wednesday.They said 274 people have been rescued in total, while one more person remains listed as missing.
In Spain, the Marine Rescue service said 15 migrants were found alive on the boat on Thursday in the Mediterranean Sea, south of the Spanish port of Malaga, and four bodies were recovered. Some 35 people are still missing.
Greek  is the main point of entry for people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa, after an alternative sea route from Libya to Italy became too dangerous. Well over half a million mainly Syrians and Afghans have arrived so far this year from the nearby Turkish coast, as European governments weigh taking tougher measures to try to limit the number of arrivals in Europe.
The influx has overwhelmed authorities in Greece, which is struggling through its worst financial crisis in decades.
Tsipras’ left-led government has appealed for more assistance from its EU partners. It argues that the migrants should be registered in camps in Turkey from which they could be directly flown to host countries under the EU’s relocation programme, in order to spare them the perilous sea voyage.

Hajira Baloch. blood cancer patient ,admitted in Emergency Wad of AGHA Khan hospital Karachi. Need your help and support.

Hajra Baloch patient of cancer.

Hajira Baloch. blood cancer patient, belonging to a poor family, admitted in Emergency Wad of AGHA Khan hospital Karachi. Need your support. Please step forward and show your support for her.
Her uncle cell no. 03342364480
Account details.
Account title; Israr Ahmed
Account no. 09427900319703
Habib bank Killi shahozai Brewery road Quetta branch

Pakistani Army train its civilian "death squads" in Occupied Balochistan arming,training,paying against Baloch National Movement

Pakistani  Army is biggest threat for entire world . and its civilian "death squads" in Occupied Balochistan .Pakistani Army train the death squad terrorist ,  Arming,training,paying against Baloch National Movement

 Pakistani Army is biggest threat for global humanity .Terrorist capm are increasing.

Doctors staged a die-in to raise awareness about hundreds of doctors who have been killed in a brutal war.

A sea of white coats and signs covered the grounds of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza in New York City on Thursday afternoon, as hundreds of volunteers performed a “die-in” to highlight the deaths of nearly 700 health care workers since civil war broke out in Syria in 2011.
Organized by Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) and the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS), the event aimed to raise awareness that health care facilities have been targeted 313 times during the war, and 90 percent of the attacks have been committed by government forces, according to PHR. Earlier this month, PHR said Russian airstrikes  hit three medical facilities over a two-day period, injuring staff and damaging buildings.

“The crisis in Syria has involved the most intense and directed and brutal attacks on health care and health workers that we have ever seen,” says Susannah Sirkin, director of international policy and partnerships at PHR. The goal of the die-in, she says, is to show the public “what killing hundreds of doctors physically looks like.”