Friday, May 3, 2013

World Press Freedom Day

Today is being celebrated as World Press Freedom Day and the International Federation of Journalists is marking it by focusing on the issue of ‘Journalist Safety and Journalists Imprisoned Around the World.Image
On World Press Freedom Day, Reporters Without Borders is releasing an updated list of 39 Predators of Freedom of Information ­– presidents, politicians, religious leaders, militias and criminal organizations that censor, imprison, kidnap, torture and kill journalists and other news providers. Powerful, dangerous and violent, these predators consider themselves above the law.
“These predators of freedom of information are responsible for the worst abuses against the news media and journalists,” Reporters Without Borders secretary-general Christophe Deloire said. “They are becoming more and more effective. In 2012, the level of violence against news providers was unprecedented and a record number of journalists were killed. World Press Freedom Day, which was established on the initiative of Reporters Without Borders, must be used to pay tribute to all journalists, professional and amateur, who have paid for their commitment with their lives, their physical integrity or their freedom, and to denounce the impunity enjoyed by these predators.”
Five new predators have been added to the list: the new Chinese president, Xi Jinping, the Jihadi group Jabhat Al-Nosra from Syria, members and supporters of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, Pakistan’s Baloch armed groups, and Maldives’ religious extremists. Four predators have been dropped from the list: former Somali information and communications minister Abdu lkadir Hussein Mohamed, Burmese President Thein Sein, whose country is experiencing unprecedented reforms despite the current ethnic violence, the ETA group, and the Hamas and Palestinian Authority security forces, which are harassing journalists less.
To draw attention to their abuses, Reporters Without Borders has drafted indictments against some of these predators in the hope that they will one day be brought before competent courts. To better highlight the gulf between propaganda and reality, the statements of some of them have been contrasted with the facts. And to show how some predators really think, we have presented their innermost thoughts in the first person. We had to use a little imagination, of course, but the facts alluded to conform to reality.
New names in the list of predators
A predator goes and is replaced by another. It is no surprise that Xi Jinping has taken former Chinese President Hu Jintao’s place as predator. The change of person has not in any way affected the repressive system developed by China’s Communist Party.
The list of predators has been impacted by the repercussions from the Arab Spring and uprisings in the Arab world. Members and supporters of Egyptian President Morsi’s party, the Muslim Brotherhood, have been responsible for harassing and physically attacking independent media and journalists critical of the party.
Jabhat Al-Nosra’s entry into the predators list reflects the evolution in the Syrian conflict and the fact that abuses are no longer attributable solely to the regime, represented on the list by Bashar al-Assad, but also to opposition armed groups, which are proving to be more and more intolerant and suspicious towards the media. At least 23 journalists and 58 citizen-journalists have been killed in Syria since 15 March 2011 and seven journalists are currently missing.
In Pakistan, Baloch armed groups, including the Balochistan Liberation Army, Baloch Liberation Front and Baloch Musallah Defa Army, have turned the southwestern province of Balochistan into one of the world’s most dangerous regions for journalists. Consisting of armed separatist groups and opposing militias created to defend the central Pakistani government, they have spread terror in the media and created information “black holes.” Pakistan’s intelligence agencies are also on the predators list because of their abuses against the media.
Ever since the army mutiny that overthrew President Mohamed Nasheed in the Maldives in 2012, extremist religious groups have tried to use their nuisance power to extend their influence. They have become more aggressive as the July 2013 presidential election approaches, intimidating news media and bloggers and using freedom of expression to impose a religious agenda while denying this freedom to others.
Unacceptable impunity for predators
Physical attacks on journalists and murders of journalists usually go completely unpunished. This encourages the predators to continue their violations of human rights and freedom of information. The 34 predators who were already on the 2012 list continue to trample on freedom of information with complete disdain and to general indifference.
The leaders of dictatorships and closed countries enjoy a peaceful existence while media and news providers are silenced or eliminated. Such leaders include Kim Jong-un in North Korea, Issaias Afeworki in Eritrea and Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov in Turkmenistan. In these countries, as in Belarus, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, the international community’s silence is not just shameful, it is complicit.
Reporters Without Borders urges the international community not to hide behind economic and geopolitical interests. Thanks to their rich natural resources, Azerbaijan’s Ilham Aliyev and Kazakhstan’s Nursultan Nazarbayev are confident that no one will rap their knuckles. Economic interests come before everything else, as they do with China. It is the same with countries that the West regards as “strategic.”
Iran’s two predators – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei – have already taken steps to deter the media from providing independent coverage of next June’s presidential election. The waves of arrests of journalists that began on 27 January, “Black Sunday,” are clear evidence of this.
Criminal organizations and paramilitary groups that are often linked to drug trafficking – Mexico’s Zetas, Colombia’s Urabeños and the Italian Mafia – continue to target journalists and media they regard as too curious, independent or hostile. In Mexico, a country that is especially deadly for media personnel, 87 journalists have been killed and 17 have disappeared since 2000. Justice has not been properly rendered in any of these cases.
Since Vladimir Putin’s return to the presidency in Russia, the authorities have tightened their grip even further in response to unprecedented opposition protests. The country remains marked by a completely unacceptable level impunity for those responsible for violence against journalists. A total of 29 have been murdered since 2000, including Anna Politkovskaya.
Why are predators never brought to justice?
The persistently high level of impunity is not due to a legal void. There are laws and instruments that protect journalists in connection with their work. Above all, it is up to individual states to protect journalists and other media personnel. This was stressed in Resolution 1738 on the safety of journalists, which the United Nations security council adopted in 2006.
Nonetheless, states often fail to do what they are supposed to do, either because they lack the political will to punish abuses of this kind, or because their judicial system is weak or non-existent, or because it is the authorities themselves who are responsible for the abuses.
The creation of a mechanism for monitoring adherence to Resolution 1738, which Reporters Without Borders has proposed, would encourage member states to adopt specific provisions for penalizing murders, physical attacks and disappearances that target journalists, would extend Statesʼ obligations to non-professional “news providers” and would reinforce their efforts to combat impunity for such crimes.
At the international level, the legal protection of journalists is also guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Geneva Conventions and other instruments. The United Nations recently published an Action Plan on the safety of journalists and measures to combat impunity for crimes of violence against them.
The International Criminal Court’s creation has unfortunately not helped advance the fight against impunity for those responsible for the most serious crimes of violence against journalists, although journalists play a fundamental role in providing information and issuing alerts during domestic and international armed conflicts. The ICC only has jurisdiction when the crime takes place on the territory of a state that is a party to the Rome Statute (which created the ICC) or if the accused person is a citizen of a state party.
Furthermore, the Rome Statute provides for no specific charge for deliberate physical attacks on journalists. Article 8 of the statute needs to be amended so that a deliberate attack on media professionals is regarded as a war crime.
(For further information, read RWB’s note)
Dropped from the predators list
Abdulkadir Hussein Mohamed Also know as “Jahweyn,” this Somali politician is no longer minister of information and telecommunications. His successor does not seem to be directly responsible for harassment, intimidation or other abuses against media personnel. Journalism nonetheless continues to be very dangerous in Somalia, with a total of 18 journalists killed in 2012.
Burmese President Thein Sein Installed as president in March 2011, Thein Sein no longer qualifies as a predator of freedom of information. Under his presidency, the military junta has disbanded and all jailed journalists and bloggers, including Democratic Voice of Burma’s 17 video-journalists, have been freed. In 2012, prior censorship was abolished and many exile media began operating openly inside the country. The first privately-owned daily newspapers appeared in early 2013.
Hamas and Palestinian Authority security forces The security forces of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and those of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip have been dropped from this year’s list of predators because the number of their press freedom violations has fallen considerably in the past four years. The situation of freedom of information in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is nonetheless still the subject of concern. The Hamas government recent banned local journalists from working for Israeli media, and many journalists are prosecuted for insulting President Mahmoud Abbas.
ETA The organization ETA has been dropped from the 2013 list. It announced the “definitive end to armed actions” in 2011 and has carried out no attacks on journalists or news media since then. Reporters Without Borders has of course not forgotten all the journalists who were physically attacked or killed by ETA and continues to demand justice for those crimes of violence. Reporters Without Borders will also continue to be on the lookout for any future threat to media freedom by ETA.

Comments of Farzana Majeed, sister of abducted Zakir Majeed Baloch at , HRCP Meeting.

29 persons abducted from Pangur and Kharan after severely torture, several houses and standing crops are set on fire: BSO-AZAD

29 persons abducted from Pangur and Kharan after severely torture, several houses and standing crops are set on fire: BSO-AZAD

30th April, 2013

Quetta: Baloch Student Organization- Azad’s central spokesman have said in a press release that yesterday morning Pakistani forces have attacked the houses in Paroom area of Panjgur and beaten up the residents of the area ; and abducted more than twenty Baloch after severely torture. They also set on fire the several houses and standing crops; and also looted the valueables from many houses and shops of the area. 

Prior to the elections, the Pakistani occupying forces are continuing their cruelty; the operation which has been started yesterday in Kharan, the terrorism of forces is still continue without any break. So far nine persons has been abducted . 

Yesterday morning, the Pakistani forces along with their goons of Musala Difa had attacked the house in ‘Jozan’ area and abducted Shoaib Tagafi. 

Along with the attacks on houses, abductions, killings, more deployment and artillery is also coming into different parts of Balochistan. More Pakistani troops and vehicles has been reached to Kharan, Noshki, Awaran and Basima. Large numbers of more checkposts has been built, and the ongoing state terrorism in different areas is more accelerated. 

The spokesman has further said, that Pakistani forces with the help of their agents of BNP-M, NP, BNP-A, JUI has accelerated their terrorism to end the ‘Freedom movement’. From day one the operation was the demand of the Pakistani agents against the popular freedom movement. They are allying with the Pakistani forces in abductions and killings of the Baloch youths till now.

The way they did with the Bengalis, Now the Pakistani forces are organizing their created religious extremists , agents and accelerated the Baloch genocide at large scale. But the way Pakistan army, her religious proxies and agents after a worse defeat left the Bangladesh, In same way Baloch nation will also inflict historical defeat upon Pakistan army and her agents.

Naseeb Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces During the raid on his house and killed his bullet riddled mutilated dead body was Found .

 Naseeb Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces During the raid on his house at Dashti Bazaar in turbat occupied Balochistan on 28th April 2013 m his bullet riddled mutilated dead body was Found from surjani town Karachi on May 02 m 2013 .

Sarabjit Singh's heart, kidneys, stomach missing, finds autopsy panel in India.

Sarabjit Singh body
Hospital staff, airline and security officials move the body of Sarabjit Singh from an ambulance to a cargo office at Allama Iqbal International airport, before departure to India, in Lahore. (Reuters) 

The heart, kidneys and stomach are missing from Sarabjit Singh's body, doctors who conducted the autopsy at Patti hospital said late on Thursday night.
The absence of the vital organs made the post-mortem examination to determine the cause of Sarabjit's death inconclusive, the doctors said.
"We were not anticipating that Pakistan would send the body without these vital organs," head of the forensic department, Dr Gurmanjit Singh, who was part of the panel of doctors who conducted the autopsy, told The Indian Express. Click here to read: Sarabjit cremated with state honours
Dr Singh, however, added that as a standard medical procedure, Pakistan could keep the vital organs for further testing.
"We would have to rely on their reports on these organs," he said.
Asked how reliable the Pakistani reports could be given the trust deficit between the countries, Dr Singh said India could take up the matter with Pakistan and seek to get the organs back. "There is still time to conduct tests on these organs," he said. Click here to read: Two nations and many flip-flops
A second doctor in the panel said that without India's own tests on the organs, the autopsy report would only be of a supplementary nature to the Pakistani report.
A panel of five doctors comprising the heads of the departments of forensics, anaesthesiology, orthopaedics, surgery and pathology from Amritsar Medical College conducted the autopsy on Sarabjit's body. Click here to read: Sister who fought alone and drew in others
Punjab cabinet minister Bikram Singh Majithia told The Indian Express: "I too have been told that heart, kidneys and stomach of Sarabjit are missing. There are also grievous injuries on several parts of his body including the spinal cord."
- See more at:

PAKISTAN: Twenty four separatists were extrajudicially killed in Sindh and Balochistan provinces after their abduction

May 3, 2013
Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-067-2013.

Pakistan’s policy of Pick, Kill and dump continues unabated in Balochistan.


At least five bullet-ridden bodies of abducted Baloch activists have been discovered from different area of Balochistan in past two days. <a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>

Brutally tortured and riddled with bullets bodies of Hafeez Baloch and Rauf Baloch have been found in Panjgur whereas mutilated body of Akbar Baloch has been recovered from Murghaap, region of Turbat Balochistan on Tuesday.

Hafeez was abducted long with Zaheer Baloch and another friend from their home in Panjgur on Monday whereas Akbar Baloch, a resident of Tump, was abducted by Pakistani forces ten days ago.

Separately, body of Adnan Langov Baloch was found from near Jhalawan complex in Khuzdar. Mr Langov was a resident of Machh town of Balochistan and abducted from Saryab Road Quetta.

Another body of an abducted Baloch was found in Korandi region of Turbat. The victim’s body has been identified as that of Shareef S/O Lateef, a resident of Pasni Balochistan.

The families were in extreme distress and hoping for safe recovery of their loved ones. But, continuing its notorious policies of "enforced disappearances" and "kill and dump", Pakistan killed the aforementioned missing persons and dumped their bodies.

Meanwhile unknown motorcyclists have shot dead a man named Sarwar Khan in Pedarak area of Kech, Balochistan.

Three people have reportedly been abducted at gunpoint from Kech region of Balochistan. The victims have been named as Mohammad Ramzan, Mohammad Naeem and Abdul Latif. Their whereabouts remained unknown until the filing of this report.

The family members of aforementioned men have appealed for their safe release. According the family’s press release the men were not involved in any unlawful activities. They added that, “Our beloved one did not belong to any group or party. We request for their immediate safe release.

Quetta : 

* PMA to boycott polls in Chaman against doctor’s abduction<a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>

BW News Monitoring Desk: The increasing attacks on the political leaders and threats by the banned organisations have become a major security concern for engineers in Balochistan who are unwilling to perform their duties on the day of general elections.

Balochistan Engineers Association (BEA) General Secretary Ghulam Sarwar told APP on Tuesday that due to the warning issued by the banned Baloch organisations, engineers working across the province have declined to perform their duties. “Engineers, hundreds in number from across the province, mainly belonging to Kalat and Mekran Division have contacted BEA showing their reluctance to perform polls duty on May 11,” he said. 

He said that life of the engineers who were assigned duties on May 11 in the sensitive areas was at stake and they were afraid for their lives and also for the security of their family members. Sarwar said that the Balochistan chief secretary is on a visit to rural areas and BEA would submit a written apology requesting not to engage people of professional cadre for duties on May 11. He called upon the interim government to depute only the administration staff on election duty. 

It is noteworthy that the Balochistan Government Teachers Association has also refused to perform poll duties in 11 sensitive districts due to similar threats. They had already informed Balochistan’s interim chief minister about the situation. The provincial government is trying to convince the teachers to perform their duties and assured them of security. 

Meanwhile, the Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) Chaman chapter has decided to boycott polls in Chaman Qilla Abdullah district in protest against the kidnapping of a surgeon, Mubhassir Ahsan. They also announced to continue their strike demanding immediate recovery of the missing doctor. “Doctors would neither perform election duties nor cast vote on May 11,” PMA’s Qilla Abdullah General Secretary Dr Wali Jan said. He said that meeting of the district office-bearers of the association was held to discuss the future course of action after the failure of law enforcement agencies to recover the missing doctor of District Headquarters Hospital. The meeting expressed concern over the unabated incidents of the kidnapping of doctors in Balochistan. (Daily Times)

The Balochistan Hindus’ conundrum.

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai 

Balochistan. But after having sat with Balochistan based Baloch and Hindu historians and writers, all of them consent to this point that the Hindus have been living in Balochistan since time immemorial with Buddhists. It is also said that in some parts of Balochistan, paganism, which has been the religion of the scattered tribal people. However, Hindus ruled Balochistan before the invasion of Arabs in 712 A.D.
Historically, it isn’t clear in documents to assert that how and when Hindus originally settled in 
In Balochistan, Hindus have two most historical and famous sacred places which belong to ancient times. These two sacred places are: Hinglaj Shrine, which is located in Balochistan’s Lasbella District in a hilly track, and the other one, is in Kalat town, Balochistan, called Kali Devi, who is the consort of god Shiva.
At the time of partition, religious riots were rampant in the subcontinent, but Hindus were living harmoniously and peacefully in princely state Balochistan, which was under the rule of Kalat, the chief ruler of Kalat state, Yar Muhammad Khan. He respected the indigenousness of the Hindu community. He had also given to Hindus economic and religious freedom in Balochistan. That is why Hindu community didn’t leave Balochistan at the time of partition because their all rights were safeguarded.
Hindus had also been living amicably with Balochistan’s Balochs and Pashtuns since pre-partition days. But after the partition days, due to religious uproar and turmoil, Hindus had to leave Balochistan’s Pashtun belt to settle in Baloch populated areas or migrate to India. In 1941, Hindus’ population was 54, 000 in Balochistan’s Pashtun belt, but soon it dwindled by 93 per cent after the 1947.
In contemporary times, one of the prominent Hindu intellectuals, Mr. Sham Kumar, told this writer about the Hindus living in Baloch populated areas: “Hindus are now facing a situation worse in Baloch residing places than they had to face in the past living in Pashtun residing places because the Baloch elders, who would show great respect for their neighborhood Hindus, are no longer living in this world, or they have become very old.”
Hindus have been richly contributing in Balochistan’s economic prosperity and developments since pre-partition days. They have built schools, libraries and hospitals in various parts of Balochistan. In Balochistan, many of the Hindus are educated. They have been offering services in health, education and other sectors.
But it is profoundly shocking that Hindus are now living dangerously in Balochistan. They even cannot perform their religious practices freely due to the nightmarish situation where they interminably fear for their lives, faith, honor and property. Hindus, in spite of being Balochistan’s peaceful and largest minority, are running from their old ‘motherland’ to escape persecution, because their lives are in a precarious and worsened condition these days.
In Balochistan, it was 1990s period that turned into a great conflagration for Hindus. Then, after that, gradually and slowly Hindus’ manifold of problems, whether that is abduction, religious persecution, migration and killing, all of them have been getting intensified. Externally and internally, many Hindu families have migrated to India, inside Pakistan’s largest city, i.e., Karachi and interior Sindh. But, unfortunately, they are economically living a pathetic life in the above places. There are many more Hindus who still utter the words of “migration” and “insecurity” in Balochistan.
In Balochistan, except Makran (Panjgur, Turbat and Gwadar), Hindus are living in all other Baloch populated districts.
There has been mass migration from Balochistan’s these districts: Kalat, Khuzdar, Quetta, Mastung, Lasbella, Hub, Nushki, Dalbanidn, etc. On the other hand, Dr. Shah Muhammad Marri, the well know Baloch historian, said: “Everybody is migrating from Balochistan, not only the Hindus. Take the example of Marri tribe; they are also migrating due to the law and order situation. This land has been burning for the last thirty years. It has become an inferno for all the castes. Same is the case with Hindus, Christians, Hazaras, Balochs and Pashtuns. All of them are migrating from pillar to post to find a safe place.”
Balochistan’s Minority Minister, Mr. Basant Lal Gulshan, who is a Hindu, denied the reports of Hindus migrating Balochistan. But a Hindu Doctor said under the condition of anonymity that there had been migration even from his own family.
The government officials, on the other hand, also say that majority of Hindus who have been migrating from Balochistan or the country, are economically sound. They see a bright future for their children in India. But it is worth mentioning here that 90% of Hindus of Balochistan are unsound economically. They cannot afford to leave their indigenous places and settle somewhere else, especially India. Moreover, a sane person or community; they never give up their connections to their place of birth until or unless circumstances compel them.
In Balochistan, Hindus are also complainant about the main stream media that their sufferings hardly and rarely get discussed there. That is why they lay emphasis upon the media, especially the private national TV channels; to bring to light their sufferings because people at national and international level have very little information about them.
There have also been nearly 35 Hindus killed in ex-dictator general Parvez Musharraf’s regime where he launched fifth military operation against Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, the former chief minister Balochistan.
Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti used to keep Hindu populatioAn in proximity to his legendary fort in Dera Bugti to safeguard them from criminal elements. That is why many Hindus, mainly women and children killed and sustained severe injuries in the assault against Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti on March 17, 2005.
Additionally, in Balochistan, Hindus are considered low castes. They are being treated unequally and as second grade citizens. They are living isolatable life in their separate streets. They don’t have the right to vote. Their children’s education is indecent.
In previous times, the government couldn’t have maintained its writ despite completing its five years’ tenure. To a lesser extent, the ex government would also be held responsible for the Hindus’ sufferings. That is why the upcoming government should be civilized and democratically elected so that Hindus may find a solution to their conundrum.
The writer is doing a research work on Balochistan based Hindus.
(Courtesy to: Daily Balochistan Express, Quetta.)

State Forces Continue Their Terrorism In Balochistan.

The representative of Baloch Human Rights Organization has said that the state forces have intensified the brutalities on alarming rates. Military operations, abductions, dumping of tortured dead bodies, violation of sanctity of houses and raids have become household talks.
The forces conducted a search operation in Parom, Panjgur and abducted at least 20 innocent Baloch, which include Muneer Ahmed, Asif Baloch, Zahid Baloch, Waleed Baloch, Ejaz Baloch, Tariq Baloch, Nasir Baloch, Ali Ahmed, Azam Mazar Zai and others. During the operation the Pakistani security forces also maltreated women and elders. Whereas, the abducted people were taken to unknown locations and their relatives are in great distress.
The spokesman further said that the terroristic activities by state forces are continued and terror prevails everywhere in Balochistan. Though the forces have always been involved in worst kind of human rights violations but the recent surge in it is very alarming.
“The international human rights organizations should play a role in stopping these gross violations,” the spokesman for BHRO said.

Int’l human rights organization should play their role in release of Abdul Razaq Baloch: Family

Haji Abdul Razaq Baloch family 

Karachi: Baloch intellectual and journalist Haji Abdul Razaq Baloch’s family stages a protest demonstration in front of Karachi press club against his illegal abduction and enforced disappearance.
According to details, family of Haji Abdul Razak Baloch with their friends demonstrated in front of Karachi press club, vast number of woman and children participated in the demonstration. They were carrying play cards and banners.
Participants demanded the release of Haji Abdul Razaq Baloch, and asked the international human rights organizations and Journalist organizations to play their roll in safe return of Haji Abdul Razaq.
It is pertinent to mention that, Mr. Baloch worked for Daily Tawar, a Urdu daily news paper publish from Karachi. He was abducted on 24 March 2013 from Chakiwara area of Lyari in Karachi.
Daily Tawar is we know for it editorial stands against Pakistan’s atrocities towards Baloch nation, because of it many of its journalist staff have been abducted and killed by Pakistani state’s intelligence agencies. Last month on 7 April its Karachi office was burned and all its records and equipment’s were destroyed.

Anjem Choudary Admits Islam Not a Religion of Peace.

Egyptian TV Host Riham Said Removes Veil during Interview, Clashes with Guest Cleric Yousuf Badri.

‘China occupying parts of Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan’.

Geneva: A Kashmiri leader has revealed that China is in occupation of parts of Kashmir, Gilgit-Baltistan and Aksai Chin, despite not being a party to any of these land ownership disputes. 

In an interview, Dr Shabir Choudhry, Head of Diplomatic Committee and senior leader of the Kashmir National Party (KNP), said: “China also occupies part of Jammu and Kashmir state, some part of the Aksai Chin area and some areas of Gilgit Baltistan.” 

“Despite that occupation, China is not a party in any dispute. Pakistan and pro-Pakistani Kashmiris are trying to make Beijing a party in these disputes. This will be totally disastrous,” he warned. 
Choudhry further stated that having more or less unrestricted access to these areas, Beijing has undertaken a major exploration drive to unearth precious minerals and stones, which it hopes to use for developing its missile technology. 

“Various areas in Gilgit Baltistan have been given to China for exploration. All minerals, precious stones and (other) material that can be used for missile technology, China is taking all those away. Pakistan has given these areas to China very generously. They (Pakistanis) have received an amount for that. For each area that they have given to China, they have received money for that,” Choudhry claimed. 

Claiming that China and Pakistan’s elite class were the only ones benefitting from this exercise, the Kashmiri leader said: “Local people are protesting that these resources belong to us, we should benefit only, our generations should benefit.” 

“I visited Gilgit Baltistan. I saw that area and I was surprised to see Chinese signboards over there. What does that imply? People there don’t know Chinese. I don’t know Chinese. It means that Chinese presence is there. Signboards are for them, not for me or not for Pakistanis. So there is a large presence of Chinese in Gilgit Baltistan,” he said. 

“The road construction and dam construction which is going on over there, there is a large presence of the Chinese Army,” he added.

University professor accused of contempt of religion.

Students filed an official complaint against the professor accusing her of contempt of religion

College professor Mona Prince is accused of being in contempt of religion (Photo Courtesy of Mona Prince)
College professor Mona Prince is accused of being in contempt of religion
(Photo Courtesy of Mona Prince)

Students at Suez Canal University are accusing a professor in the university’s Faculty of Education of contempt of religion. 
After a lecture in early April, students accused college professor Mona Prince of contempt of religion. An investigator spent hours investigating her on Sunday based on a complaint filed against her.
Ebada Khouly, the dean of the faculty, said the investigations began in response to complaints from a student and the head of the department the professor works in. The dean also said that Prince only shows up to teach once a week, saying she should show up four days a week.  “It was a set of violations,” he said.
Prince teaches a course on conversation which does not have a pre-determined curriculum. She said she always agrees with her students on the topics they will be discussing ahead of the lectures. One thing Prince had determined was that the topics discussed during the course would be related to current events in Egypt.
During a lecture in the first week of April, Prince and the students agreed that the topic would be about sectarian strife. They had agreed on the topic on a Facebook page that includes teachers and students.
The topic was decided upon following the sectarian violence in Al-Khasous that left five people dead and spread to violence outside St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral the next day.
“Is there racism and sectarianism in Egypt?” was the title of the lecture. Students expressed their different opinions on the matter. During the lecture, Prince said that some religious scholars incite strife. She pointed at a poster hung up on the walls of the college by Salafi students that says “Shi’a are the enemy”, citing the poster as an example of something that promotes sectarianism.
After the lecture, the students wrote a complaint which several of them signed and handed it to the dean of the college. They also sent a copy of the complaint to the president of the university.
The professor said she has received several death threats and demands by students to have her kicked out of college.
Khouly said that the results of the investigations are yet to be announced but added that Prince will resume work normally and give her lecture on Tuesday.

Fitnah Targets Islam; 'Ready to Cause Affliction.

Thursday, May 2, 2013
"It's our era; our time to shine," says Maryam Namazie in this interview. "It is we who are now on the offensive. Fitnah is a warning to Islamists: It will be our women's liberation movement that will bring it to its knees."

Campaign of men dressed up as women to support the women of Marivan, Iran.
Campaign of men dressed up as women to support the women of Marivan, Iran.      

(WOMENSENEWS)-- The famously atheistic evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and the Tunisian activist Amina Tyler, who recently posted a picture of herself topless on the Internet, are just two of the well-known people who have signed the online petition supporting the formation of a group that describes itself as fighting the oppression of women in Islam.
Maryam Namazie, an Iranian-British political campaigner who is part of Fitnah, which launched in mid-April, describes it as a protest movement "calling for an end to misogynist cultural, religious and moral laws and customs, compulsory veiling, sex apartheid, sex trafficking and violence against women."
Namazie, a spokesperson for the One Law for All Campaign Against Sharia Law in Britain, talked about the new group in a brief interview.
Q: What are you planning on doing with this campaign?
A: Our movement plans to bring an end to Islamism. While misogyny will not end with Islamism, the situation of women will improve greatly across the world as one of the leading proponents of femicide is brought to its end.
Q: Your petition reads, "Women are seen to be the source of fitnah or affliction." Please elaborate?
A: In one Hadith (the sayings and actions of Mohammad, Islam's prophet), Mohammad said: "I have left behind no fitnah more harmful to men than women." This is a recurring theme in all major religions. There is a Jewish prayer that says: "Blessed are you, Lord, our God, ruler the universe who has not created me a woman." In the Bible, there is one verse that says: "Her filthiness is in her skirts" (Lam.1:8-9). There are of course many examples of religion's misogynist perception of women.
In practice, this translates into an obsession with the control and restriction of women in order to maintain everything from family honor to societal order. This is most visibly experienced for women living under Islamic laws because of Islam's access to political and state power via Islamism or political Islam.
To the extent that Islamism has power, veiling is enforced by morality police and women are imprisoned for escaping forced marriages or stoned to death for adultery.
The extent of hatred towards women runs deep. Recently in Marivan, Iran, a judge ordered a young man to be dressed in women's clothing and a hijab and paraded around the city by security forces in order to humiliate him. Being a woman is considered the greatest of humiliations.
While the term fitnah is perceived to be a negative one, if one looks at it from the perspective of religion and Islamism, it represents something very different when looked at from another viewpoint. It is always the woman who transgresses norms that is deemed to be "fitnah." It is the woman who refuses to submit; the one who resists and is disobedient. In that sense, the women's liberation movement is a source of fitnah for those who insist on women's oppression.
Q: What sparked this campaign? Who are you specifically targeting?
A: Fitnah represents a new movement for a new era. Today is an era of the 99 percent movement and revolutions and uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, many of them female-led. While it may still be hard to see the perceived "gains" by Islamists in the region, the change of an era is palpable.
Fitnah is a movement of women and men defending freedom, equality and secularism and calling for an end to misogynist cultural, religious and moral laws and customs, compulsory veiling, sex apartheid, sex trafficking and violence against women.
While our focus is on Iran in particular, and the Middle East and North Africa in general, it's an international movement. We don't see women's rights as being Western. As women's rights campaigners opposing compulsory veiling in Iran said during a mass demonstration in 1979, "women's rights are not Eastern or Western but universal" . . . Also, while all religions are anti-woman, our focus is on Islam and political Islam, given its impact on our region and the world.
U.S. suffragist and abolitionist Elizabeth Cady Stanton said, "the Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of woman's emancipation." This is true in particular with regards to Islam and Islamism today.
When speaking of Islam or any religion, we are not referring to religion as a personal belief. Everyone has a right to religion and atheism, but Islam today is not a personal matter but an industry.
Fitnah represents our era, our time to shine. It is we who are now on the offensive. Fitnah is a warning to Islamists: It will be our women's liberation movement that will bring it to its knees.
Q: Do you consider Islamism as a form of radicalism?
A: Radicalism means going back to one's roots. While Islamism sees Islam as a tool for the far-right restructuring of power structures, the movement is not fundamentally about going back to Islam as an ideology but about political Islam; gaining power and ruling via Sharia, Islamic law. That is why different states and groups impose different rules and norms depending on their access to power and in an effort to maintain power. Some see these differences as evidence that this movement has nothing to do with Islam but this is because of political expediency rather than ideology. Also, depending on the strength of the women's liberation and secular movement in the specific geography they operate, their version may seem more moderate though they are all fundamentally the same.
The other point that is important to make when discussing Islamism is that this movement is a contemporary one and resulted from abandoned modernization efforts and the decline of the secular-left. Islamism, however, would have remained marginal had it not been an integral part of U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, i.e. to create a "green" Islamic belt around the then-Soviet Union. Islamism's coming to power in Iran via the suppression of a left-leaning revolution helped to strengthen this movement and make it into a global power source.
Q: Some Muslim women believe they would have plenty of rights if religious laws were properly interpreted. What is your take on this point?
A: Islamic "feminists" like Shirin Ebadi will say that women have full rights under Islam and if they don't it is because of the practice and interpretation of states. There are several problems with this position. Firstly, the Quran and Hadiths upon which Sharia is based are full of anti-women rules and regulations. Stoning to death for adultery, for example, is in the Hadith, while wife beating is in the Quran. Secondly, often when there is a discussion about women having full rights, you must ask what is meant by "rights." Even Islamists will say women have full rights under their rule but that is because to them women and men are not equal but complementary, thereby justifying a difference in "rights."
Also, the problem with interpretation is that yours too is just one of many. Even if you have a "good" interpretation, it is usually a regressive imam or Sharia judge deciding for you. But more importantly, I question whether a "good" interpretation is possible. If you follow the arguments made by the "good" interpretations you will soon realize the absurdity of this line of defense. Take Sura al-Nisa (the women), [the fourth chapter] in the Quran 4:34, where it says: "As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them (lightly) . . . " You have Islamic feminists saying that men are only meant to beat their wives with thin sticks or feathers. For Sharia judges, at least in the United Kingdom where domestic violence is a crime, as long as it is not on the face and genitals and leaves no mark, this does not constitute violence. The point is though that no woman should be beaten. Full stop.
Clearly, one cannot leave women's rights and lives at the mercy of religious rules and forms of interpretation. Religion is a personal matter. When it comes to religion in the state and law and educational system, then it becomes a matter of political power and control.
The separation of religion from the state and law is an important step in improving the status and rights of women. Looking at things on a large social scale, a majority, even if they are Muslim, would prefer to live under secular rules . . . Of course there might be those who prefer Sharia to secular law, as there might be people who prefer to bring back slavery or racial apartheid, but that is irrelevant here. Sharia and Islamic states are oppressive. There is no "right" to oppress.