Thursday, June 20, 2013

shame on pakies extremist ! ,Christian women forced to parade naked.

Christian women forced to parade naked

LAHORE: Christian women were attacked and paraded naked by a mob with the support of the ruling party, said a press released issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

Three Christian women – Arshad Bibi, Sajida Bibi and Sauriya Bibi – the daughter-in-laws of Sadiq Masih, a resident of Sereser Chak No 21, Kasur, were brutally beaten and then paraded naked by armed men employed by Muhammad Munir, the son of Abdul Rasheed, a landlord who has the support of the ruling party, the PML-N. The incident occurred on the night of June 3 when the male members of the family were attending to their jobs. The attackers, armed with weapons and batons, were able to enter the house by scaling the boundary wall and unlocking the gate from the inside. At that time, the women were sleeping in the house along with their father-in-law Sadiq Masih, 73, and mother-in-law Rani Bibi, 70.

LAHORE: Christian women were attacked and paraded naked by a mob with the support of the ruling party, said a press released issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).

Three Christian women – Arshad Bibi, Sajida Bibi and Sauriya Bibi – the daughter-in-laws of Sadiq Masih, a resident of Sereser Chak No 21, Kasur, were brutally beaten and then paraded naked by armed men employed by Muhammad Munir, the son of Abdul Rasheed, a landlord who has the support of the ruling party, the PML-N. The incident occurred on the night of June 3 when the male members of the family were attending to their jobs. The attackers, armed with weapons and batons, were able to enter the house by scaling the boundary wall and unlocking the gate from the inside. At that time, the women were sleeping in the house along with their father-in-law Sadiq Masih, 73, and mother-in-law Rani Bibi, 70.

The mob, lead by Muhammad Munir, Abrahim, Muhammad Rafique and their sons Ahmed, Asif, Abid, Wassem, Waqas and Shabir and three unidentified persons, entered the house. When the attackers invaded the house, they started looking for the sons of Sadiq Masih, checking all the rooms and throwing their belongings about. When they could not find his sons, they started beating the three women.

The party workers then took the three Christian women out into the street where the lights were on and tore their clothes off. 

Then they started shouting to attract the attention of the people nearby, to let them see the extent of the revenge and the power of the landlord. Nobody dared to stop them as the attackers were holding weapons. Due to the victim’s screaming and shouting, some elderly people of the village came out and put their turbans on the feet of the attackers as a sign of high respect and honour. After this, the attackers released the women but threatened the villagers that if they complained about the incident they would face more trouble.

While this was going on, somebody called in the police, and after much time the officers arrived. Instead of taking action against the attackers, the police tried to calm down the mob, which was protesting against the incident.

The cause of the incident was apparently that on two occasions some goats belonging to the Christians had entered the fields of the landlord, Munir, who claimed that they had damaged his crops. As the goats belonged to the Christians, Munir confiscated them.

On the morning of the incident, Shaukat, the son of Sadiq Masih, approached Munir in the company of his sisters-in-law and requested him to release their goats. Munir refused to do so and stared beating him. Munir slapped him many times and cursed him. When Shoukat, in retaliation, slapped him back, Munir became furious and threatened him. It was this incident that lead to the revenge attack. At this time, they also injured Sadiq Masih, who received several injuries to his leg.

On June 4, Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill, National Director at LEAD (Legal Evangelical Association Development) was informed by Rev Saleem Gill to give legal aid and assistance to the harassed family. Advocate Gill visited the victims and collected the details of the case and approached the Pattoki deputy superintendent of police (DSP) for the registration of a case. Consequently, an FIR was registered against the landlord and his henchmen under numbers 231/13 of Section 452, 354, 337/FI, 149,148 of the Pakistan Penal Code (PPC). The victims received a certificate from the Punjab Health Department mentioning the injuries that they suffered, but the police did not take action against the perpetrators, either for the humiliation of parading the women naked or the violence perpetrated on them. 

Instead, the police quickly filed a case against the Christians under FIR 234/13 under sections 440, 379, 148 and 149 of the PPC on behalf of the landlord. This came as no surprise to the victims as it is a common practice of the local Muslims to create pressure on the Christian community to withdraw FIRs. One member of the National Assembly, Rana Ishaq, from the ruling party, the PML-N, is forcing the police not to act against the perpetrators, as they are also supporters of the ruling party. pr

struggle struggle till victory.

Sampang Shiites Removed as Thousands Appear Outside Refuge.

Inside the temporary shelter for Muslim Shiites in Sampang. On June 20, police forcibly resettled around 160 people staying in the shelter. (AFP Photo)

A fatal mob attack on a community in East Java that displaced 160 Shiite Muslims took another turn today when authorities began their forcible resettlement after more than 1,000 people appeared outside their refuge under the direction of the Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI).
“[Wednesday] afternoon at 3 p.m., Sampang deputy district head Fadhilah Budiono, Sampang police chief and East Java Political and National Unity Office came to the sports center and asked [the Shiites] to leave Sampang sport center and live in Sidoarjo,” Herstaning Ikhlas, a lawyer representing the affected group, said on Thursday.
It is understood that the matter was the subject of a discussion in Jakarta between House of Representative Speaker Marzuki Alie, East Java governor Sukarwo and Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Djoko Suyanto.
The decision for the Shiites to be relocated on Thursday was reached on Wednesday night.
Herstaning told the Jakarta Globe on Thursday that the local government had asked the Shiites to move to apartments in Sidoarjo, more than 100 kilometers away, or three-to-four-hours drive from their hometown in Blu’uran and Karanggayam, Sampang district.
Herstaning said the Shiites had responded to the news by shouting “We want to go home! We want to go home!”
Sampang Police accompanied by Brimob officers then oversaw the removal of the 160 from the sports center.
Herstaning confirmed that he had spoken with one of the 160 and had been told they were en route to Sidoarjo, while Agus, a lawyer of Universalia Legal Aid Foundation said, “Police are taking them on buses and trucks to the relocation place in Sidoarjo.”
National Police chief Gen. Timur Pradopo said 2,000 police officers had been assigned to police the area. He said that no-one had been injured in the resettlement operation.
Today’s events are another chapter in a long and complicated dispute that has divided opinion on its central cause.
In August last year, a mob of 500 Sunni Muslims attacked a group of Shiite students and teachers with swords and machetes in the village of Nangkernang, in Sampang district.
Two Shiites, Hamama and Tohir, were killed, and seven others were injured. The mob also torched dozens of homes belonging to Shiite residents. They have been sheltered in the sports center ever since.
Home Affairs Minister Gamawan Fauzi has previously said that the attack was more a case of warring families than a case of religious intolerance.
“The Sampang incident is a purely criminal case that developed out of a family conflict and later gained momentum within the local community,” Gawaman said at the time. “It is not an anti-Shiite situation.”
The presence of the Indonesian Ulema Council does, however, appear instructive that the situation has mutated into one that encompasses religious differences. Indonesian Ulema Council Sampang chapter head Buchori Ma’sum said the mass prayer outside the sports center was held in support of the resettlement plan.
“It’s for them to get a better place to live,” Buchori said as quoted by

Baloch poet Mubarak Qazi escapes grenade attack on home, wife injured.

BALOCHISTAN- June 20: The house of a local Baloch poet Mubarak Qazi was attacked with hand grenades in Pasni Town, Gwadar district of Balochistan on Thursday, June 20, 2013. Mubarak Qazi remained safe.

Officials said the miscreants hurled hand grenades on Mubarak Qazi’s residence located in Pasni. Qazi remained safe as he was not present in his home at the time of blast, whereas his wife was injured. The house was damaged.
Pasni, is a medium-sized town and a fishing port in Gwadar District, Balochistan. It is located on the Makran coast on Arabian Sea about 300 km from Karachi the Sindh capital.
Mubarak Qazi
من قاضی گُلزمین غم ھمے وداء وتی کُتگ
برے برے من چہ اقل ءُ ھوش زانگءَ چہ گوستگاں۔۔۔۔۔۔!
ISI  miscreants hurled a hand grenade at the house of renowned Baloch poet Mubarak Qazi Baloch in early hours of Thursday morning leaving his wife seriously injured.

According to details the assailants targeted the house of Baloch poet in Fish Harbour Colony in Pasni area of Balochistan. Mubarak Qazi remained safe as he wasn’t present in his home at the time of attack whereas his wife has been seriously injured.

The attackers lobbed a hand grenade at the house which exploded with a big bang and heavily damaged one room and other parts of Mr Qazi’s home.

The Pakistani security forces detained Baloch national poet, Mubarak Qazi, twice in the past but he was later released.
Baloch poet mubarak Qazi

No end to military atrocities in Balochistan.

GENEVA: The Baloch people continue to face the brunt of a full fledged military campaign by the Pakistan military while the international community seemed unmoved by the atrocities, says Noordin Mengal, a Baloch representative at the UN Human Rights Council who has highlighted human rights issues at international forums.Noordin Mengal

Speaking at a conference held alongside the 23rd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Mengal said that the actual gravity of the situation in Balochistan needs to be understood. He said that as we speak, the people of Balochistan continue to bleed, suffer and mourn, as a military operation is ongoing in Balochistan. He said that Pakistan has continuously attempted to subdue the Baloch people’s struggle for their rights and has been usurping the wealth and natural resources of Balochistan.
He said that the wrath of state-sponsored ’strategic assets’ has now fallen on the Hazara community of Balochistan who now are being indiscriminately and ruthlessly ethnically cleansed.
He said that the Baloch face overwhelming odds with assault on all their rights from all sides. He said that the Pakistani military blatantly represses and kills at will, the state sponsored fundamentalist death squads hunt the secular Baloch nationalists and kill ethnic Hazaras with impunity. He added that peaceful protesters are suppressed, political representatives arbitrarily detained and abducted and that freedom of expression and assembly is totally restricted, whereas fundamentalist elements are given a free hand by the establishment.
He regretted that the mainstream political parties in Pakistan are content with paying lip service on the issue of Baloch rights whilst nodding to the military’s policies in Balochistan. He said that the judiciary has also buried its conscience and the media has compromised its responsibilities by turning a blind eye towards the injustices and atrocities against the Baloch. He said those few in the media that have raised their voices for the Baloch and questioned or highlighted the army and ISI’s actions have suffered grave consequences.
“Thousands of Baloch have been abducted by the military and are subjected to the most inhumane and disturbing methods of torture in secret concentration camps,” he said.
Mengal said that an organised and systematic policy of eliminating Baloch intellectuals, students, teachers, lawyers, doctors, political and human rights activists, young and old, is currently underway. He added that over 700 persons were abducted, tortured and extra-judicially killed in what Amnesty International has called the “kill and dump policy” in the past three years with thousands yet missing and their families yearning for their return.
Condemning the growing network of military garrisons in Balochistan, he said this would give Pakistan’s army and intelligence agencies greater potential to further promote and facilitate the growth of fundamentalism and the construction of madrassahs in the secular Baloch areas. He said that the state’s intelligence agencies want to provide a harbour and breeding ground to radical elements to undermine the secular Baloch society and movement and ultimately reap benefits from endangering regional and global peace and stability.
He said that it was disappointing and shocking that while the world’s focus lies on this entire region, it has still selectively ignored Pakistan’s atrocities in Balochistan.
He said that the Baloch nation would continue its resolve to secure its rights, resources and identity, stand against undemocratic forces and ensure the security, peace and welfare not only of its own future generations, but the security and peace of the people of the entire region and the world, of all creeds and all races.
“The Baloch will take a stand for humanity, but will humanity take a stand for the Baloch?” he asked.
He added that the people of Balochistan hope that the UN and international community would act fairly, fulfilling their responsibilities.
He said that the time has come for the international community to decide if they are with the oppressed people of Balochistan or with the military of Pakistan. pr.

ھندوستانءِ سرا اروش و پانی پٹءِ سیمیجنگ.

ھندوستانءِ سرا اروش و پانی پٹءِ سیمیجنگ

 بلوچستانءِ تاریخ

بیسؤک: میر گل خان نصیر

 رجانکار: ناصر محتشمی
نگیج کتگ: 1-7-2006

وھدیکہ شاھزادہ تیمور سردار جھار و نوابنجیب الدولہءِ ھال پہ احمدشاہ سر کت اَنت، سک پریشان بوت و بازین ھال و ھبرے تیمورءَکتی و مزنین لشکرے مُچی کت و  پشاور شت ـ احمدشاہ ابدالی پہ میر نصیرخانکاگدے نبشت کہ منءَ گوں وتی بلوچی لشکرءَ کمک بہ کں ـ میرنصیرخان گوں وتی ملکءِکار و باراں دست گٹ اَت، بلے گوں میرعبدالکریم خانءِ سروکیءَ  چہ ساراوان وجھالاوان دہ ھزار زھم جنین بلوچ جم بوت و احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ مدتءَ رھادگ گپت اَنت ـپنڈیءِ دمگاں میرعبدالکریم خاں گوں وتی بلوچی لشکرءَ  احمدشاہ ابدالیءِسپاہءَ گوں دوچار کپت اَنت ـ
چہ مرھٹانی نیمگا داتا پٹیل اٹکءِ تیابءِبمپان اَت ـ وھدیکہ داتا پٹیل چہ احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ لشکرءِ آیگءِ ھالا سرپد بوت، سکترس اِت و ابید چہ جنگ و دیم پہ دیمیءَ دھلیءِ نیمگا تتک و شت ـ اے وھدا آدینہ بیگمرتگ اَت ـ وھدیکہ عمادلملک غازی الدین خان سرپد بوت کہ احمدشاہ ابدالی اروش کتگ،آیی چہ دومی عزالدین محمد عالمگیرءِ ترسءَ کہ بلکے منی ھلاپءَ چست ببیت، ھمادمانءَ دھلی پتراِت دومی عزالدین محمد عالمگیر و انتظام الدولہءَ گپت و کشت اَنت وپدا یک سرمچار و زھم جنین لشکرے جانکوجی سندھیاءَ داتی و پیسری کت و وتی جندی گوںپشکپتگیں مرھٹانی تپاکیں لشکرءَ پہ احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ دیم پہ دیم بیگا چہ دھلی درکپت ـ

جانکوجی، جمنا کورا گوازینت گنج پورہءَگوں داتا پٹیل کہ چہ اٹک جستگ اَت دوچار کپت ـ وھدیکہ آیی داتا پٹیلءِ پریشانینھال دیست، جانکوجیءِ دلءِ تھا احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ لشکرءِ ترس ھم نشت و پیش کنزگءِجراتی نہ بوت ـ آییءَ داتا پٹیل گوں وت داشت و گنج پورہءَ اردو کت و لشکرءِ چپ وچارگردءَ کانال کشی کت و احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ لشکرءِ ودارا نشت ـ
احمدشاہ ابدالی سندءِ کور گوازینتشاھزادہ تیمور و جھان خانءَ لشکرءِ پیشی " خط مقدم یا مقدمہ الجیش " کتو رھادگ کت اَنت، و آییءِ جند گوں پشکپتگین لشکرءَ رھادگ گپت اَنت و لاھوراِش گپتو خواجہ میرزاجان کہ لاھورءِ حاکم اَت دزگیر کت و کشت اِش ـ چہ اِدا رھادگ گپتاَنت و گوں جانکوجی و داتا پٹیل دیم پہ دیم بوت اَنت ـ بدلیءِ ھندءَ احمدشاہابدالیءِ لشکر گوں مرھٹانی لشکرءَ دیم پہ دیم بوت ـ داتا پٹیل جنگءِ تھا کشگ وجانکوجی ٹپی بوت جست و مرھٹانی لشکرءَ ھم پروش وارت ـ

وھدیکہ غازی الدین خان چہ جانکوجیءِ پروشوارگءَ سھی بوت، سک ترس اِت و پشتءَ کنزاِت و  دھلی آتک کہ احمدشاہ ابدالیءِلشکرءِ دیما بگرایت کہ دستی پہ دھلی مہ رسیت، بلے احمدشاہءِ بیم ھنچو آییءِ دلءَپتراِتگ اَت پیش چہ اِش کہ احمدشاہءِ لشکر دھلی بہ رسیت، غازی الدین خان دھلیءَویل کتگ و تتکگ اَت ـ احمدشاہ سوبین و سربلند دھلیءَ پتراِت و تاراج کنگا لگ اِت،تا سے روچا دھلی تاراج بوت و چارمی روچا دھلی مردمان آسودگ بوت اَنت، بلے ابید چہلوگانی ھشتاں دگہ ھچی پشت نکپتگ اَت ـ
سورج مل وتی درستین ھست و نیستءَ یک جاھےکل کتگ اَت و آ جاہءِ نامی آرام کدہ نامینتگ اَت ـ وھدیکہ احمدشاہ چہ دھلی چٹ اِتدیم پہ اے کلاتءَ رھادگ گپت ـ سورج مل کلاتءِ باھوٹ اَت ـ احمدشاہ کلاتءِ چپ وچارگردءَ گپت و تا شانزدہ روچءَ ھمے ڈولا داشت ـ ھبدھمی روچءَ سوبین بوت کلاتآییءِ دستا کپت و سورج ملءِ ھست و نیست و مال و متاہ احمدشاہءِ دستا کپت اَنت ـ
اے وھدا ھندوستانءَ بشی ھورانی موسم اَتـ ھر گورا ھور و آپ اَت ـ پہ لشکرءَ اے دیم و آ دیم بیگ مشکل اَت ـ اَنوُپءِ شھرءَلشکرا اردو کت، چہ وشیں موسمءِ آیگءِ وھدا اَپساں رست و پزور بوت اَنت، لشکرءَ ھمدمءِ ساسارگءِ موہ رست ـ
وھدیکہ دکنءِ مرھٹاں چہ جانکوجی سندھیاءِپروش ورگ و داتا پٹیلءِ کشگءِ ھالا سرپد بوت اَنت، سک ھژم گپت اَنت ـ گوں بالاجیپیشوانے بھاوجی، وشواس راو، شمشیر راو و جانکو راوءِ سروکیءَ یک دلیر و جنگولیںلشکرے مُچ و یکجاہ بوت ـ بلے اے رندا ابید چہ مرھٹانی لشکرءَ دہ ھزار سوار گوں دگہدھزار نپری لشکرے و یک ھزار نپر گوں توپاں، گوں انگریزی افسران و توپداران منظم ومرتب مرھٹانی ھمراہ اِتنت ـ ابید چہ اِشان کساس سیسد ھزار سوار و پیادگ چہ مرھٹانگوں اے لشکرءَ گون اِتنت ـ  اے ڈڈ و بھادریں مرھٹانی لشکر مُچ بوت و رھادگگپنت اَنت ـ

میرنصیرخانءِ آیگ

وھدیکہ احمدشاہ ابدالی چہ مرھٹانی اےبلاھیں لشکرءِ چن و لانچءَ سھی بوت، آیی پہ میرنصیرخان بلوچ و اوگانءِ خانان کاگدےنبشت کہ لشکرے جم کننت و راہ بدینت ـ گوں اے ھالءِ رسگا میرنصیرخان وتی سردارانءَلشکرءِ جم کنگءِ حکم دات ـ یک ماھے تھا کساس پانزدہ ھزار بلوچ گوں میرنصیرخانءِحکمءَ و آییءِ بیرکءِ چیرا مچ بوت اَنت ـ میرنصیرخان اے لشکرءَ گوں آیانی سردارنیسروکیءَ زرت و پہ احمدشاہ ابدالیءِ کمکءَ دیم پہ دھلی رھادگ گپت ـ چہ سند و پنجاپگوست اَنت، انوپءِ شھرءَ کہ احمدشاہ داشتگ اَت، میرنصیرخان گوں آیی دوچار کپت ـ
 مرھٹاں دھلیءَ گپت
 بشءِ موسم کہ گوست ھور و ھار کمتربوت اَنت، پدا احمدشاہءَ وتی شاد و سوبین لشکر زرت دیم پہ جنگءَ شت ـ  وھدیکہغازی الدین خان و سورج مل جاٹ چہ مرھٹانی لشکرءِ آیگا سرپد بوت اَنت، وتی لشکراِشچہ نوک مچ و یکجاہ کت ـ مرھٹاں کہ کہ نزیک دھلی رس اِتنت، غازی الدین خان و سورجمل جاٹ ھم گوں آیاں ھور بوت اَنت و دھلیءِ سرا اروش اِش کت ـ یعقوب علی خان افغاناے وھدی دھلیءِ حکم اَت، آیانی دیما داشتی نکت و چہ دھلی تتک و وتی پہ احمدشاہءِلشکرا رسینت ـ مرھٹاں دھلیءَ گپت و وتی دستءَ کت ـ
رند چہ دھلیءِ گرگا گنج پورہ ھم مرھٹانیدستا کپت و سردار عبدالصمدخان ھشت تگزئی، میاں قطب شاہ و نجابت خان گنج پورہءِسروک دزگیر و آیانی گردنان جنگ بوت اَنت ـ احمدشاہ چہ اے ھبرے اشکنگءَ سک ھژم گپت،ارادہ ای کت کہ چوش کہ گرند و توپانے دژمنءِ سرا ایر بییت ـ بلے دیما جمناءِ کورمستیں لیڑہءِ پیما مست اَت ـ احمدشاہ حکم دات کہ چہ کورا بگوزاِت و گشتی ھر سوارےیک پیادگے گون وت سوار بکنت و چہ کورا بگوازینیت ـ بھادریں لشکرا حکم منّ اِت وجمناءِ سینگا درّان کنان بوت اَنت و کورءِ آ کرّا مرھٹانی یک رمبی بمپان اوشتاتگاَت و احمدشاہءِ لشکرءِ سرا  تیرگواران اِش کت ـ بلے بھادریں احمدشاہءِ وآییءِ سرمچارانی دلءَ ترسے ھم نکپت ـ جمناءِ مستیں موجان و دژمنءِ سھریں گونڈلاںاوگانءِ لشکرءَ و بلوچ سرمچارانی سینگان درّان اِتنت بلے آیاں ھما پیم جمناءِ کورا گوازینت و آ دیما در آتک اَنت و ھنچو کہ ازرائیل آیانی جانءَ کپت اَنتـ مرھٹاں پہ وتی نجات دیگا تتک و شت اَنت و سدانی لاش جمناءِ کورا کپتنت و گون وتیھونءَ جمناءِ کوراش رنگی کت و احمدشاہ گوں وتی لشکرءَ کورءِ آ دیم در آتکنت و داشتاِش ـ
وھدیکہ مرھٹاں سھی بوت اَنت کہ احمدشاہجمناءِ کورا گوازینتگ وتی دو دلیں لشکراِش زرت و چہ گنجپورہ درآتک اَنت و یک ڈنےسرا پانی پٹءِ دمگءَ اردواِش کت گدان و خیمہ اِش جت و نشت اَنت و وتی چپ و چاگرداخندق اِش جت و دژمنءِ ودارا نشت اَنت ـ
دومی روچا احمدشاہ دہ ھزار اَپس سوارسردار جھان خانءَ دات و یک جنگے تھا داشت اَنت کہ دژمنءَ چہ پشتءَ بجن اَنت و وتیجندی چہ دیما اروش برت کہ دژمنءِ کچ و کساسءَ بچکاسیت ـ اے اروشءَ احمدشاہ زوتسرپد بوت کہ دژمنءِ لشکر سک مزن اِنت و نہ لوٹ اَنت ڈن چہ خندقاں جنگ بکن اَنت ـپہ اے ھاترا احمدشاہ سلاہ زانت کہ ھداروکی وتی لشکرا پشتءَ بکنزینیت ـ بلے مرھٹانوتی بازیں لشکرءَ دیست عقل اِش کور بوت، ھیال اِش کت کہ بلکیں احمدشاہ پروش وارتگو پشتءَ کنزیتگ ـ پہ ھمے ھاترا چہ خندقاں در آتک اَنت و بے پرواہ احمدشاہءِ پداکپت اَنت ـ اے وھدا سردار جھان خان موہ کت گوں دہ ھزار سوارا  اناگاہ چہ پشتءَاروش برت و مرھٹان اِش محاصرہ کت ـ گوں اے اناگاھیں و پشتی اروشءَ مرھٹانی سرءِھوش شت و شنگ و شانگ بوت اَنت ـ احمدشاہ ھم موہ کت و آیانی سرا اروش کت، ھما یکیںساھتءَ ھپت ھزار کس چہ مرھٹاں کشگ بوت ـ پشت کپتگین لشکرءَ وتی ھپت ھزاریں لاشرمبینت اَنت و پدا خندقانی تھا پترت اَنت ـ خلاصہ تا یک ماھے اے دویں لشکراں پانیپٹءِ تاریخی جنگی میدانءِ سرا داشت اِش و ھمک روچ جنگ اِش دات ـ بلے کسءَ چشیں ھمتنیست اَت کہ دیما بکنزیت و فیصلہ کنوکیں جنگے بنگیج بکنت ـ احمدشاہءِ لشکرءَمرھٹانی چپ و چاگرد گپتگ اَت و بلوچ و اوگانءِ سرمچاراں جنگءِ درستیں راہ شنک کتگاِتنت، کاہ، آپ و توشگ و جنگی ساز و سامانءِ پہ مرھٹانی سپاہءَ نہ پج اِت ـ آسراتنگی و گژنگیءِ نشانی مرھٹانی لشکرءِ تھا گندگ بوت، و نوبت ھما جاہءَ رست کہگژنگیں مرھٹاں وتی اولاک و اپسانءَ کشگ و ورگا لگ اِتنت و دلوتاں ھم مرگا لگ اِتنتـ لشکرءِ اپساں چہ تن و گژنءِ تلسوگااِتنت ـ ھمے وھدی بھادریں مرھٹاں ھیال کت کہدگہ ھرڈولا مرک اِں، گژن و تن ما را کشیت، بھتراِں کہ جنگ بکن اِن، چہ خندقاں درآتک اَنت و گوں احمدشاہءِ لشکرءَ جنگ اِش دات و پہ مردانگی مرت اَنت ـ

فیصلہ کنوکیں جنگ

جنوری 1761 ءَ جنگءِ طبل توار کت ـمرھٹاں چہ خندقاں در آتک اَنت و پانی پٹءِ میدانءَ صف اِش کش اِت ( صف آرا ) ـ اَنگت بامگاہءِ سھری آزمانءَ گندگ بوت کہ برباد کنوکیں جنگءِ چن و لانچبنگیج بوت ـ ھما دمانءَ پانی پٹءِ میدانءَ لاش لاشءِ سرا کپت ـ بھادریں اوگان وشیردلیں بلوچاں ھندوستانءِ نام آوریں سورماؤاں و زحمت کشیں مرھٹانی تھا کپت اَنت وگوں ھنچیں بے پرواھی و بے رھمی ئے جنگ اِش کت کہ ھورانی جو رھادگ گپت ـ جنگءِ اول سرا سردار عنایت خان ھندوستانی کہ احمدشاہءِ مردم اَت، مرھٹانیمحاصرہءِ تھا کپت ـ

Family of abducted Baloch activist appeals for his safe recovery.

Quetta:The close relatives and immediate family of abducted Baloch activists, Mohammad Ramzan Baloch, held a press conference at Quetta Press Club on Monday and demanded his safe recovery. 
<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>
The family said that the Pakistani intelligence agencies abducted Ramzan Baloch from Zero point area of district Uthal, Balochistan on 14 July 2010. Since his abduction the family has no information about his fate and well-being. 

“My brother is innocent. He was going from Mashky to Gwadar work but he was abducted on the way. Four years have passed and I still don’t know anything about my brother,” Said the sister of Ramzan Baloch.

The family held a press conference at the protest camp of Baloch missing Persons which was set up by the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, an organisation striving for safe released of abducted Baloch activists. 

The family accompanied by Qadeer Baloch, the chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, said that they protested for the recovery of their brother in Islamabad and Karachi as well but nobody provided them justice. 

“We’re now once again appealing the higher authorities of Pakistan hoping that they will help us recover our brother Ramzan Baloch safely and immediately. He is the only breadwinner of the family. He has two little sisters and four children and they all depend on him,” The family said while addressing the media persons.

The family feared if prompt steps for his release and recovery were not taken, he might be killed under-custody and dumped like hundreds of other Baloch activists.

Al Qaeda Terrorist Threat Is Growing.

Official, private assessments contradict president’s claim that group is on ‘path to defeat’

The threat posed by al Qaeda terrorism around the world continues to increase despite President Barack Obama’s recent claim that the central group behind the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks is on the path to defeat, according to U.S. and foreign counterterrorism officials and private experts.
Obama said in a speech to the National Defense University May 23 that because of the death of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and most of his top aides, “we are safer.”
While terrorist threats still exist, “the core of al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan is on the path to defeat,” the president said.
However, a U.S. counterterrorism official said the threat posed by al Qaeda is growing. “From Africa to Pakistan, it is spreading systematically,” the official said.
The official blamed the Obama administration policy of focusing its counterterrorism efforts almost exclusively on central al Qaeda.
The focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan resulted in a lack of targeted counterterrorism efforts in other locations, the official said. The official added that counterterrorism efforts have been weakened by the administration’s policy of dissociating Islam from al Qaeda and other Islamist terrorism. The policy was a key effort of John Brennan, White House counterterrorism chief during the first Obama administration. As CIA director, Brennan has expanded the policy of limiting links between Islam and terrorism at the agency.
The result is that Islamist terror groups are flourishing, posing direct threats to the United States and to U.S. interests outside the country, the official said.
That assessment is bolstered by a new repeted  by the private Lignet intelligence group. The report made public Tuesday says the U.S. government’s overreliance on sanctions and surveillance has limited the war on terror.
The result is “a decentralized al Qaeda structure—and a much greater threat,” the report said.
“Al Qaeda has transitioned from a hierarchical cell structure to a franchise organization that is now responsible for four times as many terrorist attacks a year as it was before 9/11,” the report said.
“Al Qaeda training camps are now being established on the Arabian Peninsula, in Africa, countries of the former Soviet Union, and Southeast Asia.”
U.S. counterterrorism efforts in Southwest Asia, including a steady series of armed drone attacks against al Qaeda leaders, have resulted in central al Qaeda moving out of the region.
York Zirke, head of Germany’s federal criminal police agency, told a conference in Russia recently that al Qaeda and other terrorist groups are shifting operations from Pakistan and Afghanistan to Syria, northern Africa, Yemen, and other countries.
“Speaking about the situation in the world, it has to be reiterated that al Qaeda and organizations associated with it are not halting their activities, but the centers of its activities have moved from the area close to the Pakistani and Afghani borders to other regions such as Syria, Northern Africa, Mali, and Yemen,” Zirke said during a conference in Kazan, Russia, on June 6, according to Interfax.
The U.S. official outlined gains by al Qaeda both ideologically and operationally in expanding its reach as well as developing affiliates in key regions targeted by Islamists over the past several months.
Al Qaeda has moved rapidly to expand in parts of east, west, and north Africa, helped by the so-called Arab Spring.
A key affiliate, al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, known as AQIM, and the Somalia-based al Shabaab group are the two main groups operating and expanding in Africa. The Nigerian al Qaeda group Boko Haram also emerged as a new affiliate and is posing a significant threat to the region.
About 4,000 French troops were dispatched to Mali in January to battle al Qaeda terrorists.
AQIM is expanding despite the French military intervention. A BBC report from May 29 stated that the expansion is not new. “Militants and armed radical groups have expanded and entrenched their positions throughout the Sahel and Sahara over the last decade under the umbrella of [AQIM].”
French troops announced a day later they had uncovered an AQIM bomb factory engaged in making suicide bomber vests in northern Mali.
U.S. intelligence agencies recently identified a new AQIM training base near Timbuktu in Mali. An al Qaeda training manual discovered in Mali revealed that terrorists are training with SA-7 surface-to-air missiles, the Associated Press repeted.
Al Qaeda affiliates in Libya are moving into the power vacuum left by the ouster of the regime of Muammar Gadhafi. The main al Qaeda affiliate there is Ansar al Sharia, blamed for the Sept. 11, 2012, attack against the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens.
France’s government recently said Paris has become increasingly alarmed about al Qaeda activities in Libya and is considering a deployment of troops near Libya for counterterrorism operations.
French President Francois Hollande said in a speech last month that Libya-based jihadists represent the main security threat to North Africa and also to Europe. He told a reporter May 23 that the terrorist threat in Mali “began in Libya and is returning to Libya.”
The concerns are based on recent intelligence reports that al Qaeda and other jihadists groups have new training camps in the southern Libyan desert.
Further east in Africa, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood government is creating an environment that is allowing al Qaeda to develop in that country.
A U.S. intelligence official has said reports from Egypt identified al Qaeda groups operating Al-Azhar University in Cairo. The university is said to be a covert base for al Qaeda organizational and training activities that is developing a jihadist network made up of many different nationalities.
Al Shabaab in Somalia continues to conduct attacks, although there are signs the group is fragmented, with some armed fighting among various groups within al Shabaab. The group remains a key al Qaeda affiliate.
Attacks related to al Shabaab continue to increase, according to U.S. officials.
One particular concern for security officials are reports that al Qaeda is moving into Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. A U.S. official said in May that al Qaeda elements were conducting small arms training in the mountainous areas of the Sinai Peninsula in preparation for fighting alongside jihadist rebels in Syria.
The al Qaeda affiliate in the Sinai was identified by U.S. officials as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM). The group’s logo is similar to that of al Qaeda—a black flag, an AK-47, and a globe.
Saudi Arabia has been battling the affiliate al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which tried several high-profile airline bombings against the United States. The group is led by several former inmates of the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and is very active against the government of Yemen.
Earlier this year, a leaked memorandum from Saudi Arabia’s Interior Ministry revealed that Riyadh is exporting al Qaeda terrorists to Syria. The memo from April 2012 disclosed that 1,239 prisoners who were to be executed were trained and sent to “jihad in Syria” in exchange for a full pardon. The prisoners included 212 Saudis and the rest were foreigners from Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt, Jordan, Somalia, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq and included Palestinians.
Syria’s al Qaeda group is the al Nusra Front, which has emerged as the most powerful rebel group opposing the forces of the Bashar al-Assad regime.
Obama said in his National Defense University speech that the “lethal yet less capable al Qaeda affiliates” and domestic jihadists remain a threat.
“But as we shape our response, we have to recognize that the scale of this threat closely resembles the types of attacks we faced before 9/11.”
The Lignet report said the use of sanctions and financial penalties against al Qaeda produced the unintended consequence of transforming al Qaeda into a coalition of loose, localized, autonomous terror cells.
“In terms of financing, al Qaeda’s shuria or high command council, no longer plays a central role in allocating expenditures or soliciting funds,” the report said. “Instead, terrorist financing has moved further into the ‘gray’ economy. Cells raise funds from a combination of charities, independent criminal ventures, and licit businesses.”
Crime is now the main source of al Qaeda funds and criminal activities by the group include extortion, hijacking, theft, blackmail, the drug trade, and kidnapping for ransom.
“Counterterrorism efforts that target the financing of terrorism are a work in process,” the report concludes. “The measures employed by the United States and others in the last 12 years have reshaped rather than resolved the terrorist threat. It remains to be seen if the United States will be able to in turn adapt to al Qaeda’s new and alarming franchise cell structure and finance methods.”
Joseph Myers, a retired Army officer and specialist on the ideology of Islamist terror, said U.S. efforts to target and kill al Qaeda leaders have been successful. But al Qaeda affiliates are spreading “from the Horn of Africa, across North Africa and post-Gaddafi Libya into central Africa to Dagestan and like-minded bombers in Boston,” he noted.
“Al Qaeda is an idea, not simply an organization and ideas are not easily ‘killed,’” Myers said in an email.
The U.S. government’s counterterrorism paradigm is misguided because the forefront of global Islamic jihad is not al Qaeda, but the Muslim Brotherhood “we are now partnering with as a matter of policy,” he said.
The doctrine of Islamic jihad remains the key ideological threat that must be recognized, he said. Until that is realized, “we will continue to have national security failures of analysis and prediction and not only al Qaeda, but other Islamic jihadist groups will continue to emerge and spread,” Myers said.
Fred Fleitz, a former intelligence analyst now with Lignet, said al Qaeda has shifted tactics toward “a multitude of smaller, low-probability attacks.”
“This includes recruiting members behind U.S. borders through Internet-based efforts to find and radicalize ‘home grown terrorists,’” Fleitz said in an email.
“I am especially concerned about the recent plot to bomb a Toronto to New York train which was backed by al Qaeda members in Iran,” Fleitz said. “This was a good example of what al Qaeda can still do.”
“We are also seeing al Qaeda franchises and other Islamist groups growing in strength in Mali, Somalia, and Nigeria.  Seven of nine Syrian rebel groups are Islamist and there is an al Qaeda presence in Syria.”
Sebastian Gorka, a counterterrorism expert and military affairs fellow with the Foundation for Defense for Democracies, said the administration has created a narrative that asserts the United States is solely at war with the remnants of al Qaeda Central and that the group is on the decline since bin Ladin was killed.
“The rest of the national security mission in counterterrorism has been reduced to the amorphous ‘counter violent extremism’ which is of course fallacious since as a nation we are not threatened by general violent extremism – Basque separatists or abortion clinic bombers – but a specific brand of religious extremism: global jihad,” Gorka said in an email.
“Anything that countermands the official narrative, such as the the Fort Hood shooter or the Boston bombers, has to be undermined with labels such ‘workplace violence’ or ‘loser jihadis’ since anything else would mean that al Qaeda is very much alive and well,” said Gorka, who teaches U.S. national security at Georgetown University. “This represents a politically driven distortion of objective threat assessments.”

More than 200000 Bugti and Marri Tribesmen have been Displaced from their ancestral lands as a result of ongoing military operation in Dera Bugti and Kohlu by Pakistani forces.

More than 200000 Bugti and Marri Tribesmen have been Displaced from their ancestral lands as a result of ongoing military operation in Dera Bugti and Kohlu by Pakistani forces.

These Baloch Refuges have been living in miserable conditions in fetid,sprawling camps of huts and flimsy tents in Murid Bugti,Nassirabad,Jafferabad,Quetta,Dera Murad Jamali and Sindh since 2005 and recently some have migrated to Afghanistan.

From the total number of Refugees approximately 31% Women and 29% are Children.

The harsh weather has taken its tolls on these refugees,many of the children have perished since 2005.If the aid is not delivered soon 6% of the children below 5 years are facing certain death because of disease and malnutrition.

On the Occasion of the World Refugee Day we would like to remind United Nations United Nations Human Rights European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) European Council Asian Human Rights Commission Human Rights Watch and aid agencies UNAIDS Asia Pacific UNAIDS unfcccSave the Children to come forward and perform their responsibilities

Tunisian girls 'head to Syria to offer themselves to Islamic fighters as part of sexual jihad.

At least 13 Tunisian girls reportedly travelled to rebel-held Northern Syria to offer themselves as sex workers to opposition fighters. 
The report comes as concerns in Tunisia grow about religious orders or 'fatwas' that have circulated the internet calling on women to perform jihad through sex. 
Pictured Syrian rebel checks an anti-aircraft weapon
There are concerns in Tunisia about the influence of online videos calling for women to engage in a 'sexual jihad'. Pictured Syrian rebel checks an anti-aircraft weapon

Last week, a Tunisian minister of religious affairs appealed to girls not to be influenced by Islamic preachers outside of Tunisia who, it has been reported, made a number of 'sexual fatwas'.
Syrian rebels are pictured after taking control of Raqqa.
Syrian rebels are pictured after taking control of Raqqa. Reports from suggest 13 girls travelled to the rebel-held North to offer themselves as sex workers

Noureddine al-Khadimi rejected 'sexual jihad' fatwas, urging Tunisian people and state institutions to not respond to them.
Tunisian newspapers reported that a young Tunisian man divorced his wife, and that they both headed to Syria almost a month ago to 'allow her to engage in sexual jihad with the mujahideen' there. 
This report followed earlier ones of a video widely circulated on the internet and social websites in Tunisia shows the parents of a veiled girl called Rahmah, 17. 
They said Rahmahat disappeared from home one morning and they 'later learned that she had headed to Syria to carry out sexual jihad.'  
The young girl has since returned to her family, who have kept her out of sight, and said that their daughter is not a religious fanatic 'but was influenced by her fellow students who are known for their affiliation with the jihadist Salafist.' 
Her parents said these fellow students may have brainwashed her and convinced her to travel to Syria 'to support the mujahideen there.'
Such stories are becoming more common in Tunisia and parents are concerned about the influence charismatic Islamic leaders in other Arab countries can wield over their children.

The minister’s statements came after the spread of an anonymous 'sexual jihad' fatwa on the Internet calling on young women to support [opposition] fighters in Syria by providing sexual services on the battlefield.
According to media reports in Tunisia who quoted mujahideen returning to Tunisia after participating in jihad in Syria, 13 Tunisian girls headed to the battlefield in response to the 'sexual jihad' fatwa.
News websites and social networks in Tunisia circulated a fatwa attributed to Sheikh Mohamed al-Arifi  in which he calls upon 'Muslim women' to perform jihad through sex. 
However, sources close to the sheikh denied that he had issued the fatwa, stressing that anyone who circulates or believes it is insane. 
Saudi Arabia is widely known to be financially backing the Syrian rebels fighting in Northern Syria and whose hardcore ‘Salafist’ strand of Islam influences a great number of the young fighters – many of whom are ‘jihadists’ and come from all around the world, including the UK.
Reports in Tunisia stress though that the fatwa had gained much attention on pro-Syrian regime websites, the goal of which may be to tarnish the image of the Islamic fighters by stressing a key point of Syrian leader Bashar Al Assad that fundamentalists, supported by Salafist groups in Saudi Arabia, are amongst the Syrian rebels.

Al-Hadi Yahmad, a researcher on the affairs of Islamic groups, told Al-Hayat: 'The issue of sexual jihad was initially attributed to a Saudi sheikh who denied it, and this fatwa is abnormal and not endorsed by religious scholars.'
He added that this fatwa — had it indeed been issued — may involve Syrian girls living in Syria, who can 'support the mujahideen by marrying them for a few hours.'
Under Islamic law, a man can marry and consummate a marriage with his bride, before divorcing her the next day without any resistance from the bride or her family simply by following religious etiquette.
Noor Eddin al-Khadimi, said that Tunisians should not abide by the fatwa.
Her calls were duplicated by the Tunisian opposition also. 
Salma al-Raqiq, a Tunisian opposition figure, said that the 'jihad marriages' were a disgrace for the Tunisians. 
She also called on the authorities to start dealing with the increasing phenomenon of Tunisian jihadis heading to Syria to join radical Islamist groups.
Al-Raqiq told the UPI press agency that the phenomenon was a dangerous one. She said that young girls, including minors, have been sent to Syria to 'marry' jihadis for a few hours.