Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Doctors targeted in Balochistan
Even doctors are not safe in Balochistan. Dr. Deen 
Mohammad Baloch and Dr. Akbar Marri are among dozens
 of doctors who are missing or have been killed.

(Martyrs OF Murghaap)Aprail 2009.

On 3rd April 2009 three distinguished Baloch Leaders Ghulam Mohammd Baloch Presidant Of Baloch National Movement,(BNM).Lala Munir Baloch Vice Presidant Of (BNM) And Sher Mohammad Baloch Central Deputy Secretary Genral Of Baloch Republican Party (BRP)Were abducted by Pakistani Security Forcess on gunpoint from their lawyer,s office in turbat,Balochistan After Six Days On 9th April 2009 their smashed dead bodies weere found at Murghaap,35 km from Turbat,As a Membar of the 10-member negotiating the releas of UNHCR,s Quetta director john Solocki However,when he and his comrads, were abducted by Pakistani agencies UN did not fulfill its obligation.Martyrs Of Murghaaf sufferd third degree inhuman torture but did not give up their dream.Today their sacrifices have illuminated the dark sky over Balochistan,and their vision of free Balochistan have motivated the youngar generation to join the resistance movment.As a result Baloch youth with one voice replied ,,Nether flag of Pakistan will aloft nor will pakistani anthem ever be sung in their schools.


Enforced disappearances: Seven, including five BRP activists, abducted

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan continue unabated as the Pakistani forces allegedly abducted another seven innocent Baloch people including five activists of Baloch Republican Party from different areas of Balochistan. An activist of Baloch Republican Party namely Abdul Mutlib Baloch s/o Iman Din Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces from Punjgur on Sunday (April 07, 2013). He was travelling along with his family from Washuk to Punjgur when personnel of Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies stopped them at Punjgor custom. Family members of the BRP activist including women and children were harassed and beaten up before he was dragged to the forces vehicles and taken toward an undisclosed location.

Another four activists of Baloch Republican Party have been abducted by Pakistani forces from Nushki earlier today. The abducted activists were identified as Mir Shehak Baloch, Zakaria Baloch and two other activists. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

Separately, Pakistani forces attacked the houses of innocent Baloch people in Uch Muzoi area of Dera Bugti this morning. The forces broke into the houses of Baloch villagers and violated the sanctity of the Baloch households. Forces harassed women and children during the offensive and torched several houses of the Baloch civilians. An 82 years old elderly Baloch namely Nehal Khan Bugti was abducted along with his son during the offensive. Whereabouts and fate of all the abducted Baloch people remain unknown and the fears run high for their security as the people abducted by Pakistani forces go missing for a long period of time and most often are found dead in desolated areas bearing signs of inhuman torture and bullet wounds on head and chest.

Senior citizens of one of world's richest lands - Balochistan. Thanks to Pakistan, who brought all this to us.

Pakistan Will Break Up Once Again - Tarek Fatah

Pakistani establishment killing innocent people in lyari.

Lyari Karachi : Residents protest as security forces arrive for an operation in the Lyari area of Karachi every 2 days police came search houses looting innocent people , and insult women kids , another part they own gangs they are free and they kill people and encounter innocent kids ,other hand free criminal disturbed to society ,   March 23, 2012. Residents of Karachi's Lyari area big protest they hunger 7 days ,protested on Friday against the raid operations of the law enforcement agencies. Police fired teargas shells to disperse the crowd.

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help loss this boy dead in street.


Baloch missing persons: a soul-rending saga : Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

M Talpur 1
Mir  Mohammad Ali Talpur
 Baloch missing persons: a soul-rending saga

The Pakistani state is unforgiving and brutal in its treatment of the Baloch                     
and it continues to deny responsibility by presenting flimsy excuThe pain of a missing son, brother, or a friend remains deeply etched on a person’s psyche. It is an inerasable pain, which neither time nor consolations diminish. A fortnight ago, I had gone to pay my respects to my comrade ‘Johnny’ Duleep Dass’s 91-year-old mother. Her first words were, “How’s my Johnny?” She still believes he is alive though it was in 1975 that he along with Sher Ali Marri was picked up by army intelligence at Belpat. She and her husband, Air Commodore (Retd) Balwant Dass, who passed away some years ago, tried to get some news about him but all efforts were in vain. Although Mrs Dass has suffered strokes but the memory and the pain of her disappeared son refuses to go away.

Bakhsh, Shah Mir and Ahmad Murghiani, Zaman Khan and Ahmed Ali Chalgari, Arzu,
Sherbat, Murad, and Zaman Sherani, Mohammad Khan and Mohammad Nabi Pirdadani,
Faiz Mohammad, Nasir and Wazir Khan Mazarani, Gulzar Taingiani and Ghulam Qadir
Pirukani. Some including Dr Akbar Pirdadani are missing. My bonds with them are
deep; many often said to me, “Ustad, ta mae na rawa-e-pith astay” (Teacher, you
are like a father to us). Among Marris, a ‘na rawa-e-pith’ means a non-natural
father but a father nonetheless. Many said, “Ustad, ma tae na rawa-e-bach
astoon,” meaning your non-natural sons but sons nonetheless.
Allah Baksh:
Bangulzai’s son Hafiz Saeed Rehman has been missing for more than 10 years.
During his search for his son who left home on a bicycle that day, he has
visited mortuaries, seen an exhumed body, got different versions regarding his
son’s disappearance, which include his being in jail to have died in a bomb
blast. Deviousness dominates the official versions that keep changing. A
fortnight after his son’s disappearance an MI person had come and asked him if
his son had any connection with jihadi outfits. He replied in the negative. At
one time, his name appeared as being in jail on the Balochistan High Court lists
but that too proved wrong. A religious-minded Baloch is as much in danger as is
a secular Baloch.
Saman Baloch is a student of M.Sc. Chemistry in
Balochistan University; her father, Dr Deen Mohammed, a medical officer in the
government hospital in Arnaj, Khuzdar, was picked up by the intelligence
agencies on June 28, 2009, after breaking the door of his hospital residence. He
was a member of the central committee of the Baloch National Movement (BNM). His
brother was questioned about his political activities. Saman is in a quandary,
as she always must lie because she does not want her teachers to know that when
she is not in class, she is either at a protest camp, at a court hearing, or
addressing a press conference in the hope that some journalist will write about
her father. She feels bad about lying. Saman worries about her father’s fate and
asks why they keep them years in custody and then kill them. She says, “If they
want to hang my father, they should bring him to the court, put him on trial and
hang him in front of us. We’ll at least have the satisfaction of knowing that he
is no more. But if they keep him alive for three years, four years, if they
torture him every day and kill him and dump his body, what is the point of
that?” She adds, “Seeing these dead bodies, hearing about them, waiting for more
to turn up, we ourselves have turned into the walking dead, we feel like those
dumped bodies.”
Saman has spent the last three years of her life in
courts and protest camps, trying to convince the media to keep her father’s name
alive in the news. She says, “I go to the court hearings but my heart is not in
it; I know that I am not likely to get justice from these courts.” Her younger
brother has had to leave school to work on the family lands to sustain the
Nasurullah Bungalzai, a former student of the Quetta Degree
College, presently chairperson of the Voice of Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), is
in quest of his missing uncle, Ali Asghar Bangulzai, who ran a tailoring shop
and was a political activist, a member of Khair Baksh Marri’s political party,
Haq Tawar. He was picked up in 2000 but released after 14 days. During that
period, Asghar was hung upside down in a well and asked to bear witness against
Khair Bakhsh or the rope would be cut, but he refused. Nasrullah’s relentless
campaign and his permanent protest camp outside the Quetta Press Club were
becoming a bit of an embarrassment for the army establishment, so a Colonel
Zafar of MI invited him for a meeting and asked him, “You have been meeting the
governor?” He said he had at least seven times. The Colonel continued, “And you
have been telling him to summon the local ISI commander to the Governor’s
House?” He answered affirmatively. The Colonel said, “He can’t even summon my
junior most captain here. He knows that and you should too.” Nasrullah,
desperate to get a straight answer said, “Maybe you killed him and buried him
somewhere inaccessible. Maybe you can’t take me to his grave,” and, “If that’s
the case, then bring out the Quran, put your hand on it and tell me the truth.
And I’ll leave you alone.” Colonel Zafar was not impressed by Nasrullah’s
emotional appeals and said, “It’s no use. We are a machine. We are an
emotionless machine.”
The second time Asghar Bangulzai was with his
friend Iqbal when he was apprehended. Iqbal was brutally tortured but released
after 24 days. In 2003, Nasrullah’s family managed to get a hearing with the
Quetta Corps Commander, who for a change happened to be a Baloch, Abdul Qadir
Zehri, and later was the governor too. But this proved fruitless. They sought
the help of Hafiz Hussain Ahmad, the central leader of the JUI-F, and met
Brigadier Siddique, the head of the ISI in Quetta. He said they had him in
custody, and over a year they met him often but that too bore no fruit. They met
General Zaki in Islamabad; help was promised but none came. Having lost hope in
them, Nasrullah met Governor Owais Ghani again but was stunned when Ghani said,
“If you continue your protests, I can’t guarantee your safety.” Nasrullah
bitterly told him, “I am a common citizen. You are the governor. We are sitting
in your Governor’s House and you are threatening me about my safety.” All wanted
him to remove the protest camp and end their campaign, as it was giving them and
the country ‘a bad name’. A high official from the interior ministry flew down
to Quetta and met him. “He promised us that if we remove the protest camp, he’ll
make sure that Ali Asghar would be released within two weeks.” Nasrullah
consulted other families and the protest camp was temporarily closed down.
Months passed, nothing happened, as they had been lied to. Ironically, it took
nine years for even an FIR to be registered, and the Supreme Court and the
government do not tire of praising their efforts for the Baloch.
When Ali:
Asghar disappeared, his oldest son was 12 and the youngest one only six months
old. The oldest son got married a few years ago. After spending 11 years in
search of his uncle, Nasrullah is frank about his own state of mind. “The whole
family has psychological problems. I think we are all mentally sick.” In his
absence, Ali Asghar has become a grandfather. His grandson also calls him chacha
(paternal uncle) because Nasrullah refers to him as chacha. Disappearances are
from across the entire spectrum of Baloch society and include intellectuals like
Professor Saba Dashtyari; journalists like Lala Hameed Baloch and Ilyas Nazar;
doctors like Dr Deen Mohammad and Akbar Marri; lawyers like Zaman Khan Marri and
Ali Sher Kurd, and activists like Zakir Majeed and Sangat Sana. The Pakistani
state is unforgiving and brutal in its treatment of the Baloch and it continues
to deny responsibility by presenting flimsy excuses like people donning the
Frontier Corps personnel’s uniforms to commit crimes. Such excuses simply expose
its inability to run a state. The saga of the missing persons seemingly is set
to continue and intensify as the Baloch, fed up with atrocities and denial of
rights, are becoming more actively and openly defiant of the state and demanding
The writer has an association with the
Baloch rights movement going back to the early 1970s. He tweets at mmatalpur and
can be contacted at mmatalpur@gmail.comses

Enforced Disappearances: Seven Baloch activists abducted by Pakistani forces from Balochistan.

<a href='http://balochwarna.com/features/articles.38/Nawab-Bugti-%E2%80%98Riding-the-camel-with-reins-in-my-hand%E2%80%99-lives-in-our-hearts.html'>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>
Deera Bugti:The Pakistani forces have reportedly abducted at least seven Baloch activists from different areas of Balochistan on today (Monday). 

According reports a Baloch activist namely Abdul Mutlib Baloch s/o Iman Din Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces from Punjgur on Sunday (April 07, 2013). 

He was travelling along with his family from Washuk to Punjgur when personnel of Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies stopped them at Punjgor custom. The family member of the Baloch activist including women and children were harassed and beaten up before he was dragged to the forces vehicles and taken toward an undisclosed location. Mr Abdul Mutlib is reportedly affiliated with the Baloch Republican Party (BRP), a Baloch political party headed by Brahumdagh Bugti. 

Another four activists the BRP have reportedly been abducted by Pakistani forces from Nushki earlier today (Monday). The abducted activists were identified as Shehak Baloch, Zakaria Baloch and two other activists. Their whereabouts remained unknown until the filing of this report.

Separately, Pakistani forces attacked the houses of innocent Baloch people in Uch Muzoi area of Dera Bugti this morning. The forces broke into the houses of Baloch villagers and violated the sanctity of the Baloch households. Forces harassed women and children during the offensive and torched several houses of the Baloch civilians. 

An 82 years old elderly Baloch namely Nehal Khan Bugti was abducted along with his son during the offensive. Whereabouts and fate of all the abducted Baloch people remain unknown. Fears run high about the security and safety of the people abducted Baloch, as most often the enforced-disappeared Baloch are killed in custody and their dead bodies are dumped in desolated areas bearing signs of inhuman torture and bullet wounds on their heads and chest.

The BRP in a press release appealed the international community, human rights organizations, United Nations, European Union and civilized people of the world to take immediate notice over on-going genocide of the Baloch people and play their due role to stop the continuous human rights violations including heinous crimes such as enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings by Pakistani forces in Balochistan.

PAKISTAN: The government bans secular and nationalist groups to appease the fundamentalist and Taliban groups.

PAKISTAN: The government bans secular and nationalist groups to appease the fundamentalist and Taliban groups
ISSUES: Freedom of expression; assemblies; right to make associations; liberty

Dear friends,
AHRC Asian-Human-Rights-CommissionThe Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the government of Pakistan, in an effort to show the international community that it is taking action against the fundamentalist and religious terrorist organizations, has revealed its continued loyalties towards the Taliban and similar terrorist groups by banning the three secular and nationalist organizations including a student organization from Balochistan. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has issued notification for banning 10 religious extremist organizations but has not yet taken even token action against the Madressas (Muslim religious seminaries) which are the recruiting centers for terrorists. Instead the authorities have cracked down against the workers of the secular parties. Speedy action were taken against a Sindh based nationalist organization, Jeay Sindh Muttahida Mahaz (JSMM) many of whose workers have been abducted by unknown persons believed to be from the state intelligence agencies.
report-featuredThe Federal Ministry of the Interior has issued an order on March 15, 2013, just one day before the dissolution of the government, according to which 13 religious terrorist organizations and three secular nationalist organizations that had been fighting against religious fundamentalism, talibanization and extremism were banned. The three nationalist organizations, Baloch Student organization-Azad (BSO-A), United Baloch Army (UBA) and Jeay Sindh Muttehida Mahaz (JSMM) were included among the Muslim terrorist groups, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Swat (TTS), Tehrik-e-Taliban (TTM), Tariq Geedar Group (TGG), Abdullah Azam Brigade, East Turkmanistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), Islamic Jehad Union (IJU), 313 Brigade, Tehrik-e-Taliban Bajur (TTB) and Amar Bin Maroof Wa Nahi Munkir (Haji Namdar GP). These groups were very prominent and proudly claiming that they have suicide bombers and will continue their attacks on different religious groups which they believe to be infidel.
Please find the attached notification from the Ministry of the Interior here.
The religious terrorist groups have always remained dear to the state and its intelligence agencies. It is no longer a secret that these groups are collecting funds on the streets and running terrorist recruiting centers in the cities including Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore. All these groups have received training from retired army officers who have been identified in the media and international reports. The governments and its intelligence agencies are well aware of the training centers and recruiting seminaries of these terrorist organizations but to-date no action has been taken.
However, conversely, the authorities have already started action against the banned secular and nationalist organizations to punish them for being against the Talibanisation of society. JSMM has been one of the most vocal and active organisation struggling for the historical and political rights of people of Sindh and in the last few years a number of its leaders have been abducted, tortured and murdered. Members of the central Body of JSMM were abducted, killed and even burnt alive, including Muzafar Bhutto, Sirai Qurban Khuhawar, Noorullah Tunio, Samiullah Kalhoro, Zulfiqar Kolachi and Aijaz Solangi. Besides this, many of the JSMM activists have been abducted and kept under brutal physical and mental torture to admit and accept the accusations of their involvement in any of terrorist activity, but none of them has ever held himself responsible for such type of activity. Even up to today, after a 12 year long mission of state operations against the JSMM state agencies have failed to produce even a single person in the court. Nor have they produced anything even a single piece of paper which can provide any evidence against JSMM activists of being guilty in the eyes of law.
For further reading, please see:
The Baloch Students Organisation-Awami (BSO-A) has a history of four decades in working for the uplifting and promotion of education in the Baloch province. Since the military operations in the province the BSO-A was always targeted by the state intelligence agencies for holding protests against the military occupation and the seizure of educational institutions as camps for soldiers. Many of its leaders were abducted and murdered in torture camps of the law enforcement agencies. The purpose of banning the BSO-A was to punish the students and youth for showing their anger against the state repression.
For further reading on this issue, please see:
The Baloch nationalists deny the existence of any organization with the name of ‘United Baloch Army’ but the nationalist groups say that to undermine the freedom of movement of the Baloch people the government and the military always accuse the nationalist movement as being terrorist movements.
The action of banning the nationalist and secular organizations is to appease the Muslim terrorist organizations like the Taliban and Al-Qaida reveals that the government is against the secular forces. It is an attempt to liken and compare them to the religious terrorist groups who are killing the citizens in suicide bombings on the basis of sectarian hate.
The action of the federal authorities is not only blatant violations of articles 15, 16, 17, and 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan but also violations of articles 18, 19 and 22 of the UN International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
SUGGESTED ACTION:Please write the letters to the following authorities calling on them to stop the victimization of the secular and nationalist groups who are fighting against religious fundamentalism, talibanization, Jihadi frenzy and extremism in the name of Islam. Please urge them to lift the ban from the Jeay Sindh Muttehida Mahaz, Baloch Student Organisation-Azad. The government must also prosecute those officers who are punishing the peaceful organizations who are struggling against the Talibanisation of the society.
The AHRC is writing separate letters to the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association and the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression calling for their interventions into this matter.
To support this appeal, please click here: