Friday, May 24, 2013

Shaheed Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body of a Baloch missing person .

The world, including the Islamic community does not see the Baloch genocide.Most of the international community ,world nations, including Islamic countries associated with Pakistan's interests????
Security forces in occupied Balochistan tootaly against of Baloch traditions and human rights are openly engaged in  against of Baloch nation .This is apparently threatening the basic laws of Saudi Mufti spiritual struggle and the United Nations and  Including international media and human rights organizations in the world  as the all  are involved in the genocide on Balochistan??????

24/5/2013 Shaheed Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body of a Baloch missing person Shaheed Umar jan s/o Haibtan residents of Gomazi Tump Occupied Balochistan was found dumped at Gomazi cross today .He was abducted by pakistani security agencies from Airport Road Turbat about 7 months ago.
 Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body 

 Umar Jan s/o Haibtan: Extremely tortured dead body 
Umar Jan Baloch

Us House And Senate Representatives Urged To Speak Out Against Ethnic Repression In Iran And Pakistan.

Mr Boladai and Mr Dorani urged the US lawmakers to pressure Iran and Pakistan to stop the systematic repression exerted upon the secular Baloch people.
US House and Senate Representatives Urged To Speak Out

Brussels, 21 May 2013 - In a series of meetings organised in Washington D.C. on 1-9 May 2013 by the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), Nasser Boladai and Aziz Dorani, both member of the Balochistan Peoples Party (BPP) engaged in constructive dialogues with members of the US Congress and Senate, regarding the alarming human rights situation facing the ethnic Baloch people in Iran and Pakistan. Mr Boladai and Mr Dorani urged the US lawmakers to pressure Iran and Pakistan to stop the systematic repression exerted upon the secular Baloch people.
Following a brief historical background on the region of Balochistan, from its independence to its division and annexation into Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, the heart of the discussions lay in the severity of the human rights violations including arbitrary arrests, enforced disappearances, acts of torture and extra-judicial killings. The Baloch delegation highlighted the poor access to education and basic services, restrictions on the freedom of religion and the space for political organizations to campaign for the rights of the Baloch.

The growing presence of China in the resource-rich region was of much interest to the Congressmen, with Mr. Boladai stressing that the economic benefits did not reach the Baloch communities. Due to its geostrategic location, Balochistan is intensively used as a platform for drug trafficking and an important channel for religious extremists to convey their funds from neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Gulf states. The geopolitical importance of the region is of “national interest for the United States”, as many Congressmen concorded.

Iran is a multinational state comprised of Ahwazi Arab, Azerbaijani Turk, Baloch Fars, Kurd and Turkmen, making of Iran a country of minorities instead of a pure Persian state as is mostly portrayed. Hence, BPP and the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (CNFI), of which Mr Boladai is also a member, struggle for an Iran as a federation where all nationalities would be recognised and free to practice their religion, culture and language.

The Baloch delegation called on US House and Senate representatives to:
1- Organize a Congressional Hearing on the situation of nationalities in Iran and on human rights violations in Pakistan and Iran in the Balochistan region;
2- Support the resolution introduced to the US House of Representatives in February 2012, which called for the self-determination of Baloch people;
3- Support the resolution introduced to the US House of Representatives in April 2013 supporting Voice of America to broadcast in the Baloch language;
4- Support the different nationalities in Iran under the CNFI, in order to become an effective and inclusive opposition to the Iranian regime.

Islamists in London taunt police with chants of 'Allah O Akbar'/ Look at the cowardly UK cops run for cover as jihadis chase them. Unbelievable.

VBMP to intensify its protest if the government fails to produce abducted Baloch in one month.

<a href=''>Bodies of evidence</a>  News:Chairman for Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Nasurullah Baloch, said Pakistan has escalated abduction and kill and dump policy in Balochistan after the so called elections. He gave a one-month ultimatum to the government to discover all the abducted Baloch.

Mr Baloch called for a sit in protest in front of governor and chief minister houses for one weak. Vice chairman Abdul Qadeer Baloch was also present.

Nasurullah Baloch further said because of human rights violations by Pakistani agencies in Balochistan the families of disappeared Baloch suffering from mental torture. “The dumping of bodies of is still continuing unabated,” Said Nasrullah.

He said after the so called election 10 Baloch have been killed and their bodies were dumped, despite the vows and promises of the parties who won in this election to end the enforced disappearances and extra judicial killings.

“We give one month to the new government to end the abductions of Baloch activists. If they fail to do so we will intensify our protest. The first stage of our protest will be a sit-in-protest in front of the house of governor and chief minister for a weak. If the new set up did not take any step to solve the issue then they will be responsible for the situation afterward,” Said Nasurullah Baloch.

He appealed to the Chief Justice of Pakistan to conduct the hearings about Baloch missing person in Quetta because the families cannot afford to go to Islamabad.

He said although Supreme Court has ordered to release the missing person but it seems the responsible are not following the orders of Supreme Court.

He said international organizations should also play role to end this human catastrophe. While answering a question Mr Baloch said our protest will continue despite giving a one month notice. We will appeal for shutter down and announce the sit-in-protest date if this government fails to fulfil our demands.

Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights 

Enforced disappearances

The Supreme Court was granted unprecedented access to some victims of enforced disappearances, including seven surviving members of the “Adiala 11” in February, and several others from Balochistan throughout the year. The Chief Justice threatened to order the arrest of law enforcement personnel for failing to provide a legal basis for arrests and detentions in Balochistan, and the Peshawar High Court continued to pressure the authorities to provide details of all individuals held in security detention in the northwest tribal areas. However, reports of enforced disappearances continued across the country, especially in Balochistan province and the north-west tribal areas; no serving or retired security personnel were brought to justice for their alleged involvement in these or other violations. The UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances made its first ever visit to the country in September, but key officials refused to meet them, including the head of the Commission of Inquiry on Enforced Disappearances, Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and most High Courts, and senior security and military representatives.
  • The body of Baloch Republican Party leader Sangat Sana was found dumped on the outskirts of Turbat, Balochistan, on 13 February. More than two years earlier, he was seen being taken by several men in plain clothes at a police roadblock at the Bolan Pass on the Quetta-Sindh highway.      

Abuses by armed groups

The Pakistani Taliban, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, the Balochistan Liberation Army and other armed groups targeted security forces and civilians, including members of religious minorities, aid workers, activists and journalists. They carried out indiscriminate attacks using improvised explosive devices and suicide bombs.
  • The Pakistani Taliban announced a ban on health workers in the tribal areas until the USA ceased its programme of “targeted killing” there. An ICRC nurse was killed in April. Nine mostly women health workers administering polio vaccinations were killed in co-ordinated attacks in Peshawar, Nowshera and Charsadda in the north-west, and the southern city of Karachi over three days in December.
  • Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the execution-style killing of at least 14 people during an attack on a bus carrying Shi’a Muslim pilgrims from Quetta to Iran on 28 June. The group was responsible for at least eight attacks across Pakistan, which claimed 49 lives.
  • Senior Awami National Party politician Bashir Ahmed Bilour and eight others were killed in a Pakistani Taliban suicide bombing in Peshawar on
  • 22 December as they left a political rally.

Freedom of expression

Journalists remained under serious threat from state security forces, armed opposition and other groups, particularly in Balochistan and Sindh provinces, and the north-west tribal areas. At least eight journalists were killed during the year. Several journalists claimed to have been threatened for reporting on the military, political parties or armed groups.
  • Journalist Mukarram Aatif was shot dead during evening prayers in a mosque in Charsadda city on 17 January. He had earlier resettled there from his native Mohmand Tribal Agency following death threats over his reporting from the Pakistani Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the killing.
  • On 19 May, the bullet-riddled body of Express News television correspondent Razzaq Gul was found dumped on the outskirts of Turbat, Balochistan. He had been kidnapped the previous day. The authorities failed to bring the perpetrators to justice.
  • Senior broadcaster Hamid Mir escaped an assassination attempt in November when a bomb under his car failed to detonate. The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attempt.
The government occasionally blocked websites, including YouTube and Facebook, without explanation or for content deemed offensive to religious sentiments. The courts threatened to bring criminal proceedings against journalists under contempt of court laws for reports criticizing the judiciary.