Monday, April 22, 2013

بلوچی تامر ‘‘ بے مراد ‘‘
رحیم احمد جدگال ءِ سوجکاری ءَ جوڑ بوتگیں تامر کہ مغربی بلوچستان ءَ جوڑ کنگ بوتگ من چار ات 
چو کہ اے تامر ءِ بابت ءَ باز گپّ جنگ بوتگ ءُ باز نبشتہ کنگ ھم بوتگ ۔۔۔ سنگت اقبال زھیر ءَ تامر ءِ بابت ءَ نبشتہ کتگ بازیں مردماں بد برتگ ات ءُ بازیناں ساڑاتگ ات ۔بلوچی تامرانی جوانیں سوجکار ءُ ازمکار سنگت انور غلام ءَ ءُ سنگت فضل حیات ءَ ھم نبشتہ کتگ ات کہ جوانیں تامرے ءُ بازیں مردماں چو ھم نبشتہ کتگ ات کہ ‘‘ مئے تامر کار وتی گھارانی ماں تامراں کار کنگ ئے حق ءَ انت یا ناں بلے اشانی جواب کس ءَ نہ دات ۔ منی جند نہ تامر کارے ءُ نا کسہّ کارے چو کہ گپّ جنگ ھر کسی حق انت پمشکا من ھم دو گپ جنگ لوٹاں ۔۔۔ اولی گپّ ایش انت کہ بلوچی ءَ جوانیں تامر باز اتکگ بلے منی دیما سنگت فضل حیات ءُ سنگت انور غلام ءِ نبشتانک نہ گوستگ انت اشی سبب چے بوت کن انت من زانت نہ کناں بلے منی گوں دوئیں سنگتاں دزبندی انت کہ باید انت کہ ھر جوانیں تامرے کہ کئیت سنگت تامرکارانی دلبڈی ءِ ھاترءَ چیزے نبشتہ بکن انت نوں من کایاں ‘‘ تامر‘‘ نیمگا ۔۔۔ تامر منا دوست بوت جوانیں تامرے ات درستاں وش کار کتگ درست ستا کرزنت من نہ گشاں کہ تامرانی تہا جنک مان مہ بیت بلے یک گپّے ھست اگاں چاروک غیرت مندیں بلوچے بہ بیت چاگرد ءِ سرا ھچ اسر نہ کپیت بلے مئے کرا دگہ وڑنت من زیک چہ سنگتے ءَ جست کت کہ ترا کجام جنک دوستر بیتگ گوشت ئے منا ‘‘ مراد ‘‘ ءِ مستریں گھار مئے کرا ھرابی ھمیش انت بلے ما کہ غیرت مند بہ باں گڑا چاگردی ھرابی ءِ سوال پشت نہ کپیت دومی گپ ایش انت کہ چشیں بازیں چیز ھست انت کہ مئے چاگرد ءِ سرا اسر اش دور داتگ بازیں جنگ ءُ شدّت ھم پاد اتکگ چو کہ موبائل انت ھمے موبائل ءِ سبب ءَ بازیں لوگ تباہ بوتگ انت بلے اے چیز ھر کسی وتی دست ءَ انت ھرچی چیز ءِ دو پہلو انت موبائل تو شر کارمرد کت کنے ءُ ھراب ھم اگاں اے گپّ انت گڑا موبائلانی سرا ھم بندش جنگ بہ بیت ۔۔۔ بلوچی ءَ بازیں تامراں مردیناں جنینی پوشاک گورا دیگ بوتگ داں کدین ءَ مردیناں جنینی پوشاک گورا دئے ؟ یا وتی کسہّ ھنچو نویس کہ جنک ءُ جنین ءِ ضلورت مہ بیت چو کہ ڈاکٹر حنیف شریف ءِ تامر ‘‘ منی پت ءَ برات نیست ‘‘ اے تامرءَ جنینے مان انت ‘‘ جامی ‘‘ ءِ مات انت بلے زاھر نہ انت بلے کسے ءَ کہ تامر چار اتگ آئی ءَ جامی ءِ مات الماّ دیستگ پرچا کہ جامی مات منی ھم مات انت تئی ھم مات انت ھر چاروک ءِ مات انت مات ھرکس ءَ وتی دیستگ منی گپّ مراد ایش انت کہ یا وَ وتی کسہّ ءَ جنین مان مکن یا برداشت بکن ‘‘ بے مراد ‘‘ کسہ منا سک دوست بوت بلے منا کہ ھما چیز دوست نہ بوتاں آ اش انت
تامر چوکہ مغربی بلوچستان ءَ جوڑ کنگ بوتگ ‘‘ مراد ‘‘ ھم مغربی بلوچستان ءِ مردم انت باید انت ‘‘ مراد ‘‘ ءِ گالوار ھم ھمانگری گالوارے بوتیں چو بوت نہ کنت کہ ‘‘ تئی گھار ھمانگری گالوار ءَ گپّ جنت تئی مات ءُ پت ھمانگری گالوارءَ گپّ جننت بلے تئی گالوار کیچی گالوارے یا وَ درستاں کیچی گالوارءَ گپّ جتیں یا ایرانی گالوار ءَ
دومی اے کہ مراد نادراہ انت مراد ءِ سنگت مراد ءِ چارگا کاینت مراد ءِ گھارے ھم ھمدا نندوک انت باید انت گھار پاد بئیت ءُ برؤت بلے اے چشیں مزنیں ردی نہ انت چشیں بلوچی تامر من باز چار اتگ کہ پت ءَ تمپی گالوار ءَ گپّ جتگ چکّ مندی گالوارءَ ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ منا امیت انت منی گپاں کس دل ءَ نیاریت

Iran agent monitoring Chabad arrested in Bulgaria.

Agent who monitored Sofia Chabad Jewish center and synagogue arrested with Canadian passport weeks after Burgas bombing.

Bulgaria bus bomb.
Bulgaria bus bomb
 BERLIN – Bulgarian police officers last summer arrested a Canadian citizen linked to the Iranian government who engaged in surveillance of the local Chabad center in the capital of Sofia, a well-placed and reliable local source toldThe Jerusalem Post last week, on condition of anonymity due to security reasons.

An Iranian-sponsored female agent in her 50s, holding a Canadian passport, traveled from Istanbul to Sofia several weeks after the bombing of the Israeli tour bus in the Black Sea resort town of Burgas in July 2012. She was arrested on her first day in Sofia after the Bulgarian police, on high alert, noticed she was monitoring the Chabad center.
Her mission was to survey the Chabad center – which houses a synagogue – and not the main Sofia Sephardi synagogue, as first reported.
The Canadian may be a dual Iranian-Canadian citizen.
The source added that Bulgarian security officials detained a group of individuals after the Burgas terror attack. It is unclear who the detainees were.
In February then-Bulgarian interior minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov announced that Hezbollah operatives, including a dual Lebanese- Canadian citizen, had been responsible for the Burgas bus attack resulting in the murders of five Israelis and a Bulgarian national.
Neither Dimitar Yaprakov, spokesman for Bulgaria’s ministry of foreign affairs, nor a representative from the legal department of the State Agency for National Security in Sofia, whose mandate covers counterintelligence and security, could comment about the case.
Multiple Post email queries to the agency’s press department were not returned.
Emma Welford, a spokeswoman for the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, said she could not “comment on issues of national security.”
However, she added that “Canada is committed to fighting global terrorism and to holding perpetrators of terrorism – and those who provide them support – accountable for their actions. Canada listed Hezbollah as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code in December 2002 and its principal backer, Iran, as a state supporter of terrorism under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act on September 7, 2012.”
Welford added, “We urge the European Union and all partners who have not already done so to list Hezbollah as a terrorist entity and prosecute terrorist acts committed by this inhumane organization to the fullest possible extent.
During [Foreign] Minister [John] Baird’s recent visit to Israel, both Defense Minister [Moshe] Ya’alon and President Shimon Peres praised Canada for cutting diplomatic ties and listing Iran as a state that supports terrorism in September, 2012. Preventing and countering violent extremism is a priority for Canada. We will not tolerate terrorist activity or those who support terrorist activity, at home or abroad.”
In early April, the chief secretary of the Bulgarian Interior Ministry, Kalin Georgiev, told the Bulgarian daily Standart , “I would by no means comment [on] the issue of terrorism because any statement on our part could have been used by people who work against us.”
Dr. Matthew Levitt, director of the Stein Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence at The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, and a leading authority on Hezbollah’s global terror operations, told the Post that, “It would not surprise [us] if Iran or Hezbollah were found to be behind this plot [against the Chabad center] last year. Recall that five years earlier Western intelligence indicated that ‘Hezbollah chiefs and Iranian intelligence officials had put Bulgaria on a list of nations propitious for developing plots against Western targets.’ “Their first attempt at killing Israeli tourists failed when a suspicious package was noticed on a bus carrying Israeli tourists from Turkey to Bulgaria in January 2012. Six months later Hezbollah operatives struck again, this time with devastating success in Burgas.”
The latest disclosure about Iran’s alleged monitoring of the Chabad center may add new weight to the EU talks about banning Hezbollah, Iran’s chief proxy in Europe.
Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh, an expert on Iranian terrorism in Europe and senior fellow with the Brussels-based European Foundation for Democracy, told the Post on Saturday, “Europe needs to wake up and learn from Hezbollah’s terrorism.” He said the group uses Iranian “know-how and money” to launch its terror attacks.
Tehran’s government has not shied away from using women as agents to engage in surveillance of opposition targets in Europe. Wahdat- Hagh cited cases of Iran using female agents in past terror operations. He called on the EU to pull the plug on Hezbollah and add the Lebanese Shi’te group to the EU terror list.

Victim of earthquake in Balochistan, waiting for your help...!

Earth quak in Balochistan


Bangladesh’s Quest for Justice.

NEW DELHI – The sea of humanity besieging the Shahbag area in the Bangladeshi capital, Dhaka, for the last two months, has had an unusual demand – unusual, at least, for the Indian subcontinent. The demonstrators have been clamoring for justice for the victims of the genocidal massacres of 1971 that led to the former East Pakistan’s secession from Pakistan.

The demonstrations have been spontaneous, disorganized, and chaotic, but also impassioned and remarkably peaceful. Many of the several thousand demonstrators at Shahbag are too young to have had personal experience of the killings that marked the Pakistani Army’s brutal, and ultimately unsuccessful, attempt to suppress the fledgling independence movement. But they are animated by an ideal – the profound conviction that complicity in mass murder should not go unpunished, and that justice is essential for Bangladeshi society’s four-decade-old wounds to heal fully.

Read more at 

Tarek Fatah, Jamia Millia Islamia and Rising Islamofascism.

Tarek Fatah in his own words is “an Indian born in Pakistan who is a Canadian citizen”. He is a Canadian writer, broadcaster and a secular Muslim anti-Islamist activist. He was associated with the left movement of Pakistan and has the dubious honour of being jailed by every dictator of Pakistan, from Ayub to Zia. He was compelled to leave Pakistan and finally ended up in Canada, which he adopted as his “Karambhumi”. He is one of the few Muslims who are fighting Islamists at the frontline for secularism, democracy and liberty. His two books deserve more limelight in India then they have received.
First is the ” Chasing the Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic State”. The book traces the political dynamics and the interwinding of the religion since the early days of the Islamic world. It deconstructs the much romanticised notion of an “Islamic nation”, Caliphate and Islamic state. In fact, so powerful is the work that Tarek has become the hate figure of Islamists and the book was dropped by its Indian publisher after the first print citing potential for communal disharmony! His second book “The Jew is not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that fuel anti-Semitism” takes on the demonization of the Jews in the Muslim world. He is also a columnist and a regular appearance on the talk shows on Islam and Islamism.
At the age of 63, he is on his first visit to India with his wife. In his own admission, he feels like coming back to his “Janambhumi”. He is here to do the research on the his upcoming book ” Jinnah’s Orphans” which traces the many of the problems facing the Indian sub-continent- political, social or religious- to the Muslim separatism of the last century. Be it Kashmir, Pakistan, ongoing decimation of the Indian civilization including Indo-Islamic culture, stateless Bihari Muslims in Bangladesh, genocide of Balouch and Shias, purging of the local cultures of Sindh and Punjab due to Urdu supremacism, rising Islamic extremism and fascism, all can be traced back to the Muslim separatism and the dream to create Islamic supremacy in India.
He was invited by Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi to deliver a lecture in the shamelessly named “Yasser Arafat” hall on 11th April, 2013. But his talk was cancelled at the last moment due to “unavoidable reasons”. The story is that gang of several Islamofascist students had threatened to disrupt the speech. Also, many of the Islamic “academics” also had reservations about allowing a “Secular Muslim” to speak in what Tarek has aptly called “Mini-Pakistan” in Delhi. As expected, the usual statement deploring the “unfortunate incident” by liberal and academic establishment was not heard who are otherwise quick to breath fire on almost any issue anywhere in the world. No left activists, organisations like Sahmat and others, no alumni association, no liberal group has come forward to defend Tarek’s right to speak and student’s right to listen him.
But fortunately, the whole incident has once again brought to light the rising power of the Islamofascism in India. This is not an isolated incident but comes in the backdrop of monthly communal riots in U.P, ethnic cleansing of tribals by illegal Muslim Bangladeshi settlers in the North-East, Owaisi’s speech in Hyderabad, violence in Azad Maidan in Mumbai, vandalism of Buddha’s statue in Lucknow to protest for Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and banning of films, plays and exhibitions even remotely critical of Islam or even Muslim extremists. It seems that today, Muslims are the only religious group, who are totally incapable of listening to any criticism, not only of Islam but anything related to the Islamic history and polity.
They protest if you criticise Ghaznavi and Aurangzeb, they defend the Islamic Imperialism by citing “benefits” it brought in the form of Taj Mahal! Imagine Indian Christians springing to a fight if you call British foreigners and plunderers! And at the same time, Muslims don’t think twice before criticising the others and their religion & society even to the point of demagoguery, not only Zakir Naik, Owaisi and the cheering crowds but the Muslim academics, journalists too.
Why do Muslims suffer from such extreme self-righteousness and supremacism is a curious question in itself? Why such a naked double standard and hostility towards non- Islamic people and cultures? The reasons must be explored in the depth if one wishes to understand and rectify it. Otherwise strains of fascism will assert themselves again and again like they did in 1947 India, in 1990 Kashmir or today in what is left of India.
First reason is the very philosophical nature of Abrahmic religions. The messianic religions wedded to the prophetic cult of one true God and only one true path are behind the most of the horrors inflicted upon the humanity in recorded history. By their very nature they are not about simply believing in one supreme power, as it is claimed, but in an idea of God which mandates the belief in prophets, book of the God, God-made rules for humans to order their social and political life etc. The claim of believing only in God is only so much true.
This belief in God-made social and political laws leads to attempts to impose the true interpretations of the true book of the true God which in history has led to nothing but wars, death and destruction of entire civilizations and regression of scientific and rational thoughts. It must be understood that intolerance towards what is considered heresy or kufr, Inquisition and Jihadi vandalism, like in Timbuktu or Bamiyan are not an aberration but a zealous expression of the Abrahamic monotheism. From the belief that God is infallible, to that his book is infallible, to that his prophet is infallible, to that his religion is infallible, and to that followers of that God’s religion are infallible is but a short step.
Second reason goes back to the earliest history of Islam itself. Within a very short period early Muslim Arabs had carved out a huge Empire for themselves. The tribal fierceness, unity provided by zeal of the newfound expansionist religion, capable charismatic leaders and other geo-strategic reasons ensured that Muslims emerged victorious in their assaults on established powers of Iran, Byzantine Middle-East and others. Egypt, Syria, Berber states, Iran etc fell with ease to the forces of Islamic Imperialism.
Ultimately, this victorious march was halted in southern France in the west, desert in the South, Byzantium in the north and Battle of Rajasthan in the east. But the early victories had affirmed in the collective consciousness of the Muslims that these victories were due to their faith and steadfastness on the God’s true religion. Sovereignty belongs to Allah and he chooses followers of his rightful religion to rule and establish his divine order in the world. The halt was temporary as the victorious march of imperialism began with new vigour in 12th century.
The Indian lines were breached by the Turks who succeeded in establishing the Delhi Sultanate and at the same time Turks were increasingly successful in rolling back the power of Byzantium which culminated in the conquest of the Constantinople in 1453.
Islamic Imperialism was the order of the day and even Europe cowered under the shadow of “Sword of Islam” until late 17th century. In India, the early Muslim period was that of wholesale death and destruction, brutal repression and religious persecution. Buddhism was all but wiped out from Bamiyan to Bengal. The depopulation of the older urban centres and founding of new settlers colonies was an important feature of this period. All this imbued the ruling upper-caste Muslims with an unshakable sense of superiority over the dark skinned coward Hindus who could be crushed at will.
This indeed was true until 14th century when Vijaynagar and Rajput confederacy under Rana Sanga began to reverse the fortunes. The game began to change by 18thcentury, Marathas and Sikhs decisively broke the power of the Imperialism in India and European states were embarking on their own Imperial endeavours, routing the forces of the Islamic Imperialism wherever they went. It may be lost to the people cheering likes of Owaisi that Muslims have suffered defeat after defeat whenever they met the “Hindu Baniya” in the battlefield in the last three centuries.
Battle of Panipat, 1761, was an aberration and anyway from 1771, the Saffron flag of Marathas unfurled over Red Fort (Mughal Emperor ruled under Maratha protection) while Afghans were thrown out of the equation after the war. But still the myth of invincibility and bravado remains among a large section of the Muslims of the sub-continent especially among Jihadist and Armed corps of the Pakistani army. The false sense of being the rulers for a thousand years is deeply entrenched and gives rise of intense contempt for the pagan Hindus.
Third factor has to do with the social structure of the Muslim society. It is not usually acknowledged that Muslim rule on India was the Imperial rule of the foreign dynasties entrenched in the urban centres like Delhi. Turani, Irani, Mughlani had all the powers concentrated in their hands with some crumbs thrown for the Hindustani nobility. The ruling feudal upper-caste Muslims were the ones who were hit hardest by the eclipse of the Islamic Imperialism. It was hard enough to be under the heels of the British but it was abhorrent to see the “dark skinned Hindus” returning to the power.
In fact, genesis of the Muslim separatism and Pakistan goes back to the early 18thcentury. Besieged by the Marathas in the Deccan, rising British power in Bengal, Sikhs on the North-East and “Kafir Shia” Iran in the West, the landed gentry of the upper-caste Muslims were later horrified by the idea of the democracy in the non-Muslim majority India. This complex interplay of the superiority complex, fear and now inferiority complex of being out of power has resulted in the sulking of the entire community. Add to this the massive undercurrents of the assertion of rights and pride by the Pasmanda Muslims and one have the upper-caste Muslim elites running for the cover of religion. This is the class to which likes of Owaisi belongs.
It is a last ditched attempt to safeguard the old power and privilege by whipping up the religious passion and uniting Muslim population by raising that eternal cry of  ”Islam in Danger“. Otherwise it is clear that forces of democracy and modernisation will sweep the old guard including Mullahs and Maulavis off their feet. Therefore, it is necessary to shield the Muslims masses from any rational discourse on religion, history & politics and keep perpetuating the myths of glories of past and blaming others for their misfortune. How on the earth, then, can persons like Tarek Fatah be allowed to speak?
Also, the collapse of their imperial glory has left the Muslims perplexed. Why are they behind dis-believers in each and every aspect? How come God’s true followers are being defeated by the kafirs everywhere? Has God abandoned them? But why? Surely, Muslims are best of the people and if they are falling behind others then it certainly must be wickedness and treachery of dis-believers, that Hindu Baniya and eternal Jew, which has robbed them of their rightful place in the world! The superiority complex and self-righteousness has prevented them from any rational examination of their faults.
Certainly, people who are on the right path by following the true religion can do no wrong! So, it must be the wickedness of the others, which has succeeded because Muslims have strayed from the true message of Islam. Hence, there is an upsurge of the revivalist and puritan movements in the Islamic world. The increasing conservatism, textual orthodoxy and desire to establish the seventh century laws to find that right path which once propelled them to the top of the power pyramid is all too visible. It can be seen even in the relatively moderate Muslim communities of India, Indonesia, and Turkey etc.
It has led to the remarkable increase in the intolerance towards non-Muslims and secular/liberal Muslims. Any criticism of Islam or Islamic world or personalities immediately incites huge protests and violence. Muslims, even educated ones, are increasingly becoming “touch me not” type, who are quick to anger and prone to threats of violence if they disagree with anyone on matters even remotely related to Islam. That is why people like Tarek Fatah are treated with such hostility as they deconstruct the dominant narrative of the Islamic world which glorifies imperialism and conquests and harbours sympathy with terrorist groups like Taliban. Also, intolerance towards non-Muslims is reaching the boiling point, be it in Europe or India or the Muslim countries themselves.
Only recently, The Hindu reported that Muslims are objecting to the Hindu festivals in the villages where they are in majority, case of Islamisation of Kerala is all too well known to be repeated here. The No-Go Sharia zones are mushrooming in Europe at an alarming rate with the majority of the second generation Muslims wanting sharia to be imposed on the secular democratic countries of their residence. None of this is a good indication for the future of both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
But what is more surprising is that Left has abandoned whatever wisdom it had to become the running dog of Islamic Imperialism. It has abandoned the protesters at the Shahbag Square in Bangladesh, tribals of the North-East, its fellow leftist in Iran, Egypt, North Africa, ex-Muslim writers like Taslima, Rushdie etc., it has sided with the Islamofascist of Kashmir, Jamaat-e-Islami, with theocracy of Iran , terrorist groups like Hamas and “understands where the Taliban is coming from”!
It is quick to defend the Islamofascists by labeling any criticism as Islamophobic, racist, communal and fascist! Not surprising given that it was the communists who had provided sophisticated arguments to the Muslim League by converting the communal demand for Pakistan into a struggle between Muslim peasantry and Hindu zamindars.
It was the communists who sided with the Islamofascists during the Islamic Revolution in Iran, 1979. In both cases they paid a heavy price as they were the first to be eradicated, both in Iran and Pakistan. But still it seems that they have not learnt any lessons from history. I don’t think that they side with Islamists simply because of the old dictum of the enemy of the enemy being a friend. I think that the rot runs much deeper but this is not the place to elaborate on it. What matters is that Jamia Millia incident has once again exposed the alarming rate with which forces of fascism are taking hold in the country and how they are being greeted by the deafening silence.

The Bangladesh Liberation War Museum.

This museum is the intiative of ordinary citizens, many of them freedom fighters in the 1971 war of liberation against the Pakistan Army.


Karachi / Quetta : Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) held a protest against killing of Ali Jan Baloch and ongoing state terrorism in Jaho , Mastung ,Panjgoor ,Kohistan Marri and other parts of Balochistan. 20-Apr-2013
The Baloch Human Rights Organisation staged simultaneous protests in front of Quetta and Karachi Press Clubs on Saturday. 

The protests were held against killing of Baloch political leader and intellectual Ali Jan Baloch, continuous military operations in Balochistan including Jhao, Mastung, Panjugr and Kohistan Marri.

Addressing the protest, the representative of Baloch Human Rights Organization said that enforced-disappearances, extra-judicial killing and military atrocities are alarming. They said the state forces attacked the house of Ali Jan Baloch and killed him whereas 18 other people have been abducted from the same region. 

On April 18 in a similar attack on the house of Noroz Khan Baloch, the state forces abducted Noroz Khan himself along with Aazum Khan and Sardar Khan. In another incidence in Panjgur forces looted the houses and harassed women and children and indiscriminately targeted the female teachers and students in a girls’ school. A least four men were abducted including two teachers namely Asghar Baloch and Waheed Baloch.

Kill and Dump: BRO said, “At least two bodies of abducted Baloch have been discovered dumped in different areas whereas 16 persons have been abducted in past four days.”

They said that body of Thaqseer baloch was in Mangho Pir, Karachi, Thaqseer baloch s/o Ibraeem Baloch was resident of Turbat, Balochistan and was abducted from Gwader on 24 December 2012 by Pakistani security agencies. On 18 April boy of body of abducted Raj Bugti S/O Bangul Bugti was found in Kashi area of Dera Bugti, Balochistan. He was abducted during a protest rally in 14 April 2013.

Meanwhile, Ghafoor Baloch has been abducted from Kalatuk area of Turbat, Balochistan. 

The BHRO further said that the conditions of Human Rights in Balochistan are worst but UN and other international organization are not playing their due role. They urged the UN and other Human Rights Organisations to take practical measure to end the Baloch genocide and stop Human Rights Violations in Balochistan. 

Pakistan intensifies atrocities in Balochistan: BNM activist killed during raid on his house

Awaran:Five Marri Baloch abducted near Kahan and house of BRP woman leader attack in Quetta.
<a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>
Master Ali Jan Baloch

Pakistani security forces have reportedly intensified their atrocities across Balochistan as the national election of the state get closer. Sources from different areas of Balochistan reported that the security forces are constantly raiding houses of pro-freedom loving activists and leaders. 

The FC (Frontier Corps) raided and attacked the houses of Ali Jan Baloch n Friday 19 April 2013 in Jaho a tehsil, of district Awaran. Mr Baloch, who tried to defend his houses and family, was killed during the attack where as women and children were harassed and manhandled. 

A teacher by profession Mr Ali Jan Baloch was a Central committee member of Baloch National Movement (BNM). He was a dedicated teacher and a well-known intellectual in his district. He was also attacked and critically injured on 26 August 2010 when he organised a public gathering to pay tributes of late Nawab Akbar Bugti. 

The BNM and other Baloch pro-freedom parties paid tributes to Ali Jan Baloch and said that he was a dedicated supporter of the Baloch liberation struggle. 

Meanwhile at least five Marri Baloch have reportedly been abducted from Chapi Kach area near Kahan, Balochistan. 

Separately, armed persons – allegedly Pakistani security forces – have reportedly open fire on the house of Hooran Baloch in Quetta on Saturday. Luckily she and he family remained unhurt. Hooran is the leader of BRP’s women wing

Search operation in Punjgor, four abducted and bodies of two Baloch found

 <a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>Pajgur :Pakistani forces have started a door-to-door search operation in Punjgor town. Many areas, including the main bazaar, Garmkan, were besieged and attacked by the state forces. Bodies of two abducted Baloch were found in Karachi and Dera Bugti area of Balochistan. 

Houses, shops and schools were raided and looted for valuables. Pakistani forces surrounded the girls’ school and violently broke in through doors and windows. The armed personnel of the forces indiscriminately targeted the female teachers and students. 

The uncivilised male personnel of the Pakistani forces harassed the women and snatched their mobile phones, cash and jewellery. 

At least four Baloch people were abducted from their homes during the search operation, including Asghar Baloch and Waheed Baloch. The family members of the abducted people, including women and children, were beaten up at the time of their abduction. 

Separately, a body of an abducted man, Takseer, s/o Mohammad Ibrahim Baloch, was found dumped in the Mangopir area of Karachi. He was abducted from Turbat three months ago. 

Another body of an abducted Baloch was found dumped in Dera Bugti. The deceased was later identified as Raja Bugti, s/o Bangul Bugti, who was abducted by the Pakistani armed forces on April 14 during a protest rally organised by the Baloch Republican Party in tribute to the Murghap martyrs. 

The state forces also raided many houses of Baloch civilians in Mastung the other day and abducted a number of innocent Baloch people. The abducted people were identified as Mohammad Azeem Baloch, Noroz Baloch and one unidentified man. Another Baloch namely Ghafoor Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces from the Kalatuk area of Kech. 

The international community and human rights organisations should break their prolonged silence over the endless genocide of the Baloch people and play their due role to end the illegal occupation and loot and plunder of natural resources of Balochistan by the armed forces of Pakistan. (Courtesy: Daily Times)

Brussels 19 April 2013: Baluch, Kurd, Al-Ahwazi and Turks protest.

On the 88th anniversay of the occupation of Al-Ahwaz activists from occupied Balochistan, Al-Ahwaz and South Azerbijan gathered in Brussesls on 19 April 2013 to protest against Iranian state atrocities against their people. They also held a press conference and strongly condmen the state atrocities.