Friday, March 8, 2013

United Nations' special rapporteur on freedom of religion asks Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and other countries to end blasphemy laws that target religious minorities (and if course agnostics & athiests). End blasphemy laws threatening minorities: U.N. faith expert

By Robert Evans
GENEVA (Reuters) - Countries should repeal all laws punishing blasphemy and people who leave a faith, the United Nations' top expert on freedom of religion said on Wednesday, thrusting himself into a debate between many in the Muslim world and the West.
Legislation outlawing apostasy - the act of changing religious affiliation - and insults against religious figures could be used to violate the rights of minorities, Heiner Bielefeld said in a report to the U.N. Human Rights Council.
The comments from the United Nations' special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief came amid heightened focus on faith-based laws in countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where blasphemy carries the death penalty.
"States should repeal any criminal law provisions that penalize apostasy, blasphemy and proselytism, as they may prevent persons belonging to religious or belief minorities from fully enjoying their freedom of religion or belief," he said in the report.
Rights campaigners say the blasphemy law in Pakistan is widely used against religious minorities, including Christians, Ahmadis and more recently Shiah Muslims, usually on flimsy pretexts.
The posting of an amateurish U.S.-made video mocking the Prophet Mohammad, and the publication of caricatures of him in France last year led to violent protests and renewed calls from the Muslim world for a global law against blasphemy.
Speaking on the fringes of the rights council on Wednesday, Bielefeld said criminalizing concepts like blasphemy was dangerous for free speech because there could be no common definition of what it was.
Although a handful of Western countries have blasphemy laws, originally introduced to bar attacks on Christianity, they have largely fallen into disuse. Some Muslim groups in Europe call for their reactivation.
In once strongly Catholic Ireland, where blasphemy is banned under the 1937 constitution, new legislation introduced in 2010 - partly in response to appeals from the small Muslim community - set a hefty fine for offending religious belief.
But Irish officials say that law, now being reconsidered by a special commission, seems likely to be withdrawn as an obstruction to free speech.
Bielefeld does not speak for the U.N. but was taken on as an independent official to report regularly on how freedom of religion was respected across the world.
(Editing by Andrew Heavens)

Trouble brews for Iran-Pakistan pipeline

TEHRAN, March 7 (UPI) -- After years of delays and setbacks, not least bitter U.S. opposition, Pakistan is set to start work on its section of a $7.5 billion pipeline that will pump badly needed natural gas from Iran's Persian Gulf field.
But trouble's brewing in Pakistan's turbulent Balochistan province through which the 485-mile Pakistani part of the 1,200-mile pipeline will pass on its way to Pakistan's energy-short industrial north.

Balochistan, in southwestern Pakistan, long neglected by Islamabad governments, has seen sustained clashes between security forces and tribal separatists over the last decade.
It's also reportedly a base for Iranian Balochis who, with U.S. backing, have been waging an insurgency seeking autonomy from Tehran.
The United States and Saudi Arabia, reprising their double act in funding and arming Muslim guerrillas in Afghanistan to fight the invading Soviets in 1979-89, are aiding the Sunni nationalist rebels of the Jundullah movement in Iran's Sistan-Baluchistan province fight the Shiite-dominated regime in Tehran.
Balochistan, which has huge natural gas reserves, is the kind of place where the Americans could stir up a lot of trouble for the Pakistanis, and the pipeline, if they so chose.
It may already have started. The Islamabad government of President Asif Ali Zardari dismissed Balochistan's chief minister in January after several days of protests by minority Shiites incensed by an attack by militant Sunni rivals in which 96 people were killed in the regional capital, Quetta.
That put Balochistan under the direct control of Islamabad, which might prove useful if the pipeline triggers unrest in the province.
"The prime minister has allowed the deployment of all organs of the state, including the army, for the safety of Quetta," said Jan Ali Changezi, a member of the Balochistan provincial legislature.
The sectarian bloodshed, which extends across all of Pakistan, has nonetheless undermined Zardari's government.

Washington, which with Riyadh has pressured Islamabad for years to abandon the pipeline project because it will greatly benefit Iran, has threatened the Pakistanis with economic sanctions, like those imposed against Iran in 2010, if they go ahead with the pipeline.
But this time around, the Pakistani government, whose relations with the United States are severely strained over unilateral U.S. drone attacks on suspected al-Qaida hideouts, seems determined to defy Washington because the pipeline's vital for tackling mounting energy shortages.
Under the deal between the National Iranian Oil Co. and Pakistan's Interstate Gas System, Tehran will provide 750 million cubic feet of gas per day for 25 years from its giant offshore South Pars field in the Persian Gulf.
Iran, for whom the pipeline is a symbol of its defiance of the United States and its ever-tightening sanctions, has offered Islamabad a $500 million loan to help finance the project.
Pakistan's segment of the pipeline will cost about $1.5 billion. A senior Pakistani official said, "The Iranians have said they'll provide more funding if there's a need."
Zardari's chief adviser on energy affairs, Asim Hussein, says the pipeline from Iran is "a feasible project for Pakistan. It's the quickest route, the cheapest route where we can fulfill our energy needs."
He said Pakistan needs 8 billion cubic feet of gas per day but produces only 4.2 billion bcf and has no facilities to import liquefied natural gas.
Iran has almost completed its 570-mile leg of the pipeline to the Pakistani border.
The project was first mooted in 1994 and intended to carry gas from Iran through Pakistan to India, Pakistan's longtime Hindu-majority adversary. It was seen as a peace pipeline between the two, who have fought four wars since separation in 1948.
New Delhi, heavily pressured by Washington but citing price disputes, withdrew from the project in 2008.
Energy-hungry China has long expressed interest in the pipeline and has said it would seek to import 1 bcf a day if India pulled out.
Beijing's current position isn't clear but the Americans wouldn't be happy to see the Chinese moving in to boost their energy supplies.
The Chinese have built a deep-water port at Gwadar, on Pakistan's Indian Ocean coast that could be the southern terminal for a gas/oil pipelines into China.
They're also discussing with Pakistan a proposed trans-Himalayan pipeline to carry Middle Eastern crude to western China. Pakistan is the shortest possible route to import energy from the Persian Gulf.

05-03-2013 Faiz M Baluch, a member of International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, speaks about human rights violations in Balochistan at an event in British Parliament (Houses of Commons).

05-03-2013 Faiz M Baluch, a member of International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, speaks about human rights violations in Balochistan at an event in British Parliament (Houses of Commons).
"One Woman" is a song written for the global champion for women and girls, to celebrate its mission and work to improve women's lives around the world. This year, International Women's Day focuses on ending violence against women — a gross human rights violation that affects up to 7 in 10 women and a top priority for UN Women. Listen to the song on:

Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) held a protest in front of Karachi Press Club against Baloch genocide.

Karachi: Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) held a protest in front of Karachi Press Club,Against recovery of mutilated dead bodies of abducted Babo iftikhar Baloch and Maqbool Ahmed Baloch and against State Terrorism in Occupied Balochistan. 08-Mar-2013.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Pakistan's nuclear trafficker Dr AQ Khan claims US government is killing South American presidents with new cancer 'technology'. No kidding; here is his tweet. Imagine, this twit is the top Pakistani 'scientist'. He once endorsed a water-powered car, now this new Sci Fi movie script.

Islamic Sharia at its best. Sudan man's foot, hand 'amputated' by court order. Yet, CAIR in America not only wanted Sharia in Canada, but still defends It in the USA when legislators call for a ban on it. .Sudan man's foot, hand 'amputated' by court order.

Government doctors in Sudan amputated a man's hand and foot to carry out a sentence for robbery, rights groups said on Wednesday, describing the extremely rare punishment as a form of torture.

The amputation of Adam Al Muthna's right hand and left foot took place by court order at the interior ministry's Al Rebat hospital in Khartoum on February 14, the rights groups said, citing "reliable sources."

Muthna, 30, was convicted of armed robbery related to an attack on a truck carrying passengers, said a statement issued by New York-based Human Rights Watch, also on behalf of the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies, London-based REDRESS and US-based Physicians for Human Rights.

"Cross amputation is a form of state-sponsored torture," said Vincent Iacopino, senior medical adviser at Physicians for Human Rights.

Sentences of amputation have previously been handed down under Islamic sharia law, whose introduction in 1983 sparked a devastating 22-year civil war.

But since 2001 there have been no known cases of such sentences being carried out, the rights groups said.

The Sudanese authorities "routinely" order flogging penalties and last year issued two sentences of death by stoning for adultery, although the capital punishment was later overturned, they added.

"Authorities should immediately stop imposing such cruel and inhuman punishments, and bring laws in line with Sudan's human rights obligations," said Daniel Bekele, Africa director at Human Rights Watch.

Muslim Attacks Atheist For Insulting Muhammad?

The judge lets the Muslim guy get away with violence. America is going down the tube Americans, wake up.

India 6th most liked nation for Americans: Poll

India is the sixth most favourable nation for Americans, while at least eight out of 10 do not like Pakistan, making it the third most unfavourable nation after Iran and Korea, according to a latest poll.

According to the GallUP Polls, nearly seven (68%) out of every 10 persons
In fact Israel, the traditional American ally ranks seventh after India with 66% while Mexico get only 47% favourable votes.
Opinion about Russia is equally divided among favourable and unfavourable rating while 52% of the Americans put China in the unfavourable category.
Nine out of 10 Americans have an unfavourable view of Iran, making it the worst rated country out of 22 surveyed.
Seven other countries - Libya (72%), Iraq (76%), Afghanistan (80%), the Palestinian Authority (77%), Syria (75%), Pakistan (81%) and North Korea (84%)-- also receive unfavourable ratings of 70% or more.

"Eight countries with the most negative ratings are currently or over the past decade were involved in wars, disputes, or turmoil -- in a number of instances, in ways that are hostile to the US," GallUP said.
It said the currently "hostile" category includes Iran and North Korea. Libya was hostile toward the US under the government of Muammar Gaddafi and more recently Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans were killed there.
"The US-Pakistani relationship is beset with rockiness despite the strained cooperation between the two on military matters. Americans also strongly favour Israel's enduring conflict with Palestinian Authority," the survey said.

Saudi Arabia to Teach Jihad in Schools.Saudi Arabia to start teaching 'Jihad' to kids in schools. Not to be outdone, Harvard and Yale will offer graduate programs in 'Suicide Bombing for Beginners' leading up to PhD in 'Lesser Jihad'.

Saudi Arabia to Teach Jihad in Schools
Saudi Arabia has decided to introduce the concept of jihad at the intermediate school level in order to teach Islamic principles and duties to young students in the kingdom.
The ministry of education hopes the proposal will be widely welcomed by parents and educationists in the kingdom.
The ministry says the plan is to instil the "correct concept of jihad" in students.
"Textbooks will include all relevant information on jihad including a definition when it becomes a duty, and the role of women. The information on jihad was developed by the ministry's curriculum development project for intermediate-grade fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) textbooks," spokesperson of the education ministry Abdullah al-Dukhaini told Arab News.
The spokesperson said that the education will facilitate students in understanding Islam and help them play their "role" in society.

Pakistani terrorism continues in Mashkay - BSO-Azad


The central spokesman of BSO-Azad has said in a statement that the terrorist activities by Pakistani Army are still continued in Mashkay. 21 vehicles of Frontier Corps have yesterday raided Mashkay and abducted Ashraf Baloch, his son Shareef Baloch, and Khuda Baksh Baloch. Later on Khuda Baksh was released, while Ashraf Baloch along with his son are still in the captivity of FC.

The statement further revealed that, the Pakistani forces are destroying the forests in Mashkay and surrounding areas by setting them on fire. Pakistan through it’s terrorism campaign is trying to end the ideology of liberation by targeting the Baloch populace in Balochistan. The recently started operation in Mashkay is still continued and forces are still present in the area, and are continuously targeting the civilians and destroying their properties. In initial phase of operation, forces did the aerial bombardment on civilian population of Mashkay, targeting the women, childrens and elderly persons. Since then the forces are harassing and targeting the local populace on daily basis.

The spokesman has further said that, the Pakistani army along with her secret agencies are trying to reinstate their so-called writ in Balochistan. For achieving the very objective, forces are targeting the civil population, and killing the innocent Baloch. Pakistani instiutions with the help of media, are trying to distract the world attention from the terrorism of their army in Balochistan, by forming committees and political stunts.
The Pakistani system have been completely paralyzed in Balochistan because of the victories of freedom movement. For making possible the upcoming elections, Pakistan is intensifying the colonial rules by continuing the abductions and killings of the Baloch. The Committees are only intended to hide the crimes of Army and Spy agencies from the world, so that they could mislead the International community and human rights group, and grab more aid for continuing the Baloch genocide. Baloch nation is determined to continue the freedom movement until the achievement of destination. The sacrifices of Baloch martyrs and struggle of thousands of prisoners and activists have encouraged us to continue the struggle, and we won’t be weaken through state terrorism.

Three Baloch killed in Mastung, BNF calls for strike

least three people have been killed during a raid on a Baloch residential area in Parkano area of Mastung town in Balochistan on Friday.

Pakistan Frontier Corps (F C), which has recently been given a free hand to carry out target operations in Balochistan, conducted the operation. The victims have been identified as Rasheed Shahwani Baloch, Shah Jahan and Saddam; Raseed Baloch reportedly died on the spot whereas Shah Jahan and Saddam were apprehended wounded and allegedly later shot dead in cold-blood.

The Baloch National Front (BNF) called for a strike nation wide strike in Balochistan. The released statement by the BNF said that the Pakistani forces raided the house of Rasheed Shahwani early in the morning and shot dead Rasheed and his friends. They also tortured women and children. The younger brother of Rasheed and two women also received bullet injuries during the brutal operation.

The statement also said the Pakistani brutalities continue unabated in Mashkay and adjoining areas. The forces have raided localities yesterday and have burnt the houses of local Baloch.

The BNF linked the ongoing brutalities with the upcoming Pakistani elections. It said that the Pakistani forces are levelling the ground for election with an environment of fear and brutality.

The Supreme Court of Pakistan, reputable human rights organisations and families of extra-judicially killed and abducted Baloch say they have strong evidence of F C’s involvement in killing and abducting their loved ones. It is pertinent to mention that two ministers of Baloch National Assembly had claimed to have witness the killing of three youth by F C in Mastung last year.

Meanwhile, Pakistani security forces have also detained several people from Saryab Road and Pashtoonabad area of Quetta.

: Videos of Turbat Rally

Videos of Turbat Rally. The Rally was organised by Baloch National Front. BNF is an alliance between Baloch Students Organisatoin - Azad and Baloch National Movement.



A massive rally will be organised in Karachi on 10th February 2013

The representative of Baloch National Front has said that the Pakistani brutalities are escalating in occupied Balochistan. But the International media and UN have remained criminally silent on this issue.

“The genocide of Baloch nation is in full swing. Pakistani forces recently carried out military operations in Mashkay, Awaran, Makaran, Besima, Kalat, Soorab, Dera Bugti, Mastung, kohlu and various other parts of Balochistan. The BNF will be carrying out a protest rally against the Baloch genocide today on 10th February from Aat chowk Lyari to press club Karachi,” said representative of BNF.

Baloch National Front is an alliance between BSO-Azad and BNM.

Baloch rally in Karachi against media blackout

The rally called for UN intervention in Balochistan and urged the international media to break their ‘criminal silence’ on Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan.

Large numbers of Baloch women, children, and elders participated in a precession against military operations in Balochistan and media’s failure to report about Baloch genocide by Pakistan. The rally set off from Ath Chowk in Lyari, also known as Nawab Bugti Chowk, and marched all the way to Karachi Press Club. The Baloch National Front, an alliance of BSO-Azad and BNM, had given the call for the rally.

The participants of rally were carrying banners, placards and flags of Balochistan. They chanted slogans against Pakistan and its security agencies. They also painted walls and shutters of closed shops with graffiti with slogans like: “BALOCH WANT FREEDOM, NO VOTE NO ELECTION AND STOP BALOCH GENOCIDE.” The rally transformed into a huge demonstration after they reached the Press Club.

Addressing the gathering the female activists of BSO-Azad demanded the international media to fulfil their journalistic responsibilities in Balochistan instead of distorting the facts. They demanded to know the whereabouts of thousands of abducted Baloch activists and why the international media and international human rights organisations were ‘criminally silent’ on gross human rights violations in Balochistan.

They said despite state’s [Pakistan’s] genocidal policies and the silence of international media and human rights organisations, the Baloch people’s struggle over the years has taken the form of a strong national struggle for independent Balochistan. “The Baloch freedom movement has gained international recognition,” The protester claimed.

“Today we are on the streets and protesting against the ‘criminal silence’ of the international media on Pakistan’s atrocities against Baloch people. We are rallying in order to bring the plight of the Baloch people to the attention of international powers and the international media,” the speakers said. The silence of UN and the international world about Pakistan’s atrocities against Baloch people was not only threat for Balochistan but it was also a danger to the peace of world, they said.

They urged the UN, US and the rest of the international community to stop supporting Pakistan and any aid to Pakistan must be conditioned to improvements of human rights and ending the genocide of Baloch people. “Because of world’s support and international media’s silence, Pakistan is continually committing crimes against humanity in the region.”

The participants of the rally said instead of supporting Pakistan the world powers should support the Baloch people’s struggle for freedom. A free Baloch state would help the world in their effort to eradicate extremism and terrorism which is fast spreading across the world with the support of Pakistan.

The protesters appealed to the UN to immediately intervene in Balochistan and bring the Pakistan rulers and military generals to International Court of Justice for their war crimes and crimes against humanity.
They urged the international media, especially, the BBC and Voice for America (VOA), to break their ‘criminal silence’ and expose the state barbarism against Baloch people.

The media boycott will continue – BNF

The representative of Baloch National Front has said that the boycott of Pakistani media channels would continue.

“The Pakistani media is as much guilty as Pakistani forces are in Baloch genocide. The media is an aid to Pakistani Army by hiding Baloch genocide from the world. Pakistani media remained criminally silent during brutal military operations in Mastung, Mashkay, Awaraan, Dera Bugti and Mangochar,” said the representative of BNF.

He further said that Pakistani media is paving the way for Pakistani forces to continue their brutalities in Balochistan as and where they want. The media failed to report anything about the women and children who protested against the operation in Mangochar.

Media boycott campaign has attained unprecedented popularity among public - BNF

In a press statement, Baloch National Front has said the media boycott campaign, that started a week ago, against Pakistani media silence towards gross human rights violations in Balochistan, has attained unprecedented popularity among public, despite the fact that the occupying state has unleashed ceaseless terrorism in Balochistan.

With overwhelming response, Makran region has entirely boycotted Pakistani TV channels that are constantly ignoring Pakistan’s state sponsored terrorism in Balochistan. The statement said that the protest is widely spreading across Balochistan.

This media boycott campaign has been launched by BNF against media silence over state sponsored terrorism: massive military operations, Baloch genocide and the heinous kill and dump.

Since one week, the major cities, towns and villages of Makuran including Turbat, Gwadar, Buleda, Panjgor, Tump, Mand, Pishukan, Ganz, Hoshap, Sami, Pasni, Shahrak have all boycotted Vash TV and other Punjab based Pakistani TV channels.

Given the overwhelming public pressure, the cable owners’ response to boycott call has been highly positive.

This media boycott campaign was launched at a time when the Pakistani media including Vash TV kept ignoring the outpouring public protest rallies of Baloch National Front in Turbat and Karachi against military operation and abduction of Baloch youth in Balochistan.

It is noteworthy here to mention that whenever it comes to Balochistan crisis, Pakistani media never hides its biased attitude towards Baloch nation.

Shutter-down strike will be observed tomorrow against Kalat operation - BNF

Baloch National Front has given a shutter-down strike call tomorrow throughout Balochistan against the military operation in Kalat and Kharan.

It must be remembered that Pakistani forces have started a brutal military operation in suburbs of Kalat and Kharan since last night. Huge number of military presence aided with Helicopters was seen in Parod, Somalo, Nemargh, Dash-e-Goran and Lijje area.

There are reports that at least 8 Baloch have been seriously injured due to indiscriminate bombardment on civilian populace.

Haq Nawaz been killed by Pakistan Army – BSO-Azad

The spokesman of BSO-Azad has said that the way  Haq Nawaz Baloch killed by the occupying forces to defend the camp of Baloch forces is a guiding torch for the whole nation.

Haq Nawaz Baloch was the former president of BSO-Azad noshki zone and a very active member.

“He endured every pain in the way of struggle with forbearance and steadiness. He remained resolute and unwavering at every point of the struggle. With the intent to practically contribute in the Baloch struggle, the martyr comrade joined BSO-Azad at very young age and did everything possible to organize the organization. He sacrificed his every desire and need before the national struggle of Baloch nation. He made a history at a very young age,” the spokesman of BSO-Azad said in tribute of Haq Nawaz Baloch.

The spokesman further said that to eradicate fear, greed and apathy from the Baloch society and to attract international attention towards the Baloch cause thousands like Haq Nawaz Baloch have sacrificed their lives.

He further said that the sacrifices of Baloch people are for the integrity of humanity, formation of a free state and to eradicate the racial discrimination.

Enemy has intensified its Heinous Crimes of Abduction & Kill Policy – BSO-Azad

Occupied Balochistan: The central Spokesperson of Baloch Students Organization has said the enemy has brutally killed two sons of Baloch nation and dumped their mutilated bodies in Sarjani area of Karachi. Four months ago, on 22 October 2012, both shaheed Maqbool Baloch and Akhter Baloch were off loaded from a bus and abducted by enemy forces from Gomazi.

On January 31st 2013 the mutilated dead bodies of Haroon Baloch and Raza were also founded dumped on a deserted street of the same area of Sarjani town of Karachi. Both were abducted from coastal town of Pishkaan, Gwadar city.

Previously Adnan Baloch’s mutilated dead body was also recoverd from Malir area of Karachi city.

The statement says that the enemy has intensified the persuasion of its heinous crimes of abduction and killing policy across Balochistan against Baloch nation.
On January 16th, 2013, sixteen people were abducted from Mand sub district. And a week ago, the Pakistani army abducted sixty persons from Quetta city.

A few days back, with the help of state hired local police and thugs, the army raided the houses of innocent people in Kharan and abducted three persons, among them were Khalid Baloch and Maqbool Baloch who are both still missing. During the illegal raids of houses in Kharan, the occupying forces looted more than twenty million worth of valuables from houses that include motorbikes, gold jewelleries and currency.

“In order to pave the way of election in Balochistan, Pakistani state terrorism acts are constantly expanding across Balochistan with the help of local thugs and drug mafia,” said the representative of BSO-Azad. “With the help of International imperialist forces, particularly China, Pakistan is using every dirty method to subjugate Baloch national struggle for freedom. To distort the positive attitude of international opinion about secular Baloch national struggle for freedom, Pakistan has committed the genocide of innocent Hazara people with the help of religious thugs and fanatics.”

The spokesperson further said that world powers including America, China and Iran are the main countries aiding Pakistan, despite knowing the fact that Pakistan is committing heinous crime of Baloch genocide in Balochistan.

Given the immense importance of Balochistan, China has started a new phase of Pakistan love so that it could exploit its strategic importance and natural wealth. China’s effort to have access to Gwadar Port City is an attempt to assert its power in the region. In order to fulfil its vested interest China is bankrolling Pakistan to intensify Baloch genocide so that their resistance is crushed

Despite the tall claims of freedom support and human rights advocacy, America is still supporting Pakistani terrorism and observing a silence over Pakistani transgression of international laws regarding human rights abuses in Balochistan