Saturday, July 6, 2013

The names of Nelson Mandela.Respect .

بلوچستان کے بیشتر علاقے فورسز کے ہاتھوں یرغمال ہیں، ماما قدیر بلوچ

بلوچستان کے بیشتر علاقے فورسز کے ہاتھوں یرغمال ہیں، ماما قدیر بلوچ
کوئٹہ ( این این آئی ) لاپتہ افراد کے اہل خانہ کے بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ کو 1198دن ہوگئے لاپتہ بلوچ اسیران شہداء کے بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ میں اظہار یکجہتی کرنیوالوں میں بلوچستان نیشنل پارٹی کے مرکزی رہنماء میر غلام نبی مری ڈاکٹر غلام فاروق پرکانی واحد پرکانی نے لاپتہ افراد شہداء کے لواحقین سے اظہار ہمدردی کی ااور بھر پور تعاون کا یقین دلایا اور انہوں نے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہاکہ پاکستانی فورسز بلوچستان میں مزید بلوچ نسل کشی بند کرے اور بلوچوں کو اغواء کا مسئلہ بند ہوا بلوچستنا یں اب تک ہزاروں کی تعداد میں بلوچ نوجوان اغواء ہوئے ہیں اور سینکڑوں کی تعداد میں مسخ شدہ لاشیں پھینکی گئی ہے فورسز نے بلوچ علاقوں میں کارروائیاں کررہے ہیں جس سے بلوچ قوم کی بڑی تعداد میں اپنے ہی سرزمین سے نقل مکانی پر مجبور ہوچکی ہے جن کا قصور صرف یہ ہے کہ وہ اپنے حقو ق کی بات کرتے ہیں بلوچستان میں حالیہ سنگین صورتحال کے متعلق معلومات حاصل کرنا ہے اور ہم اپنے مینڈیٹ کو استعمال کرتے ہوئے بلوچستان میں لاپتہ افراد کی بازیابی کو یقینی بنائیں گے لیکن بلوچستان کی صورتحال سنگینی کو دیکھتے ہوئے مستقبل میں مزید پیش رفت ہوگی اور اقوام متحدہ اس حوالے سے اپنی ذمہ داریاں پوری کریں وائس فار بلوچ مسنگ پرسنز کے وائس چیئرمین قدیر بلوچ نے وفد سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے کہاکہ ااس وقت بھی بلوچستان کے بیشتر علاقے فورسز اور ایف سی کے ہاتھوں میں یرغمال ہیں جہاں آبادی کو بے گھر کردیا گیا ہے بلوچ قوم کی جدوجہد قومی آزادی اور سرزمین کی حفاظت کیلئے ہے اور ریاستی جبر وتشدد کا مقصد آزادی پسند بلوچوں کو نشانہ بنانا اور بلوچ قوم کے نوجوانوں دانشوروں اور بزرگوں کو شہید کرکے بلوچ قوم کی نسل کشی کو آگے لے جاتا ہے جیسے کسی بھی طرح چھپایا نہیں جاسکتا ۔

65 Baloch abducted by Pakistani security forces in past three days.

central spokesman of BSO-Azad has said in a statement, that the terrorist activities of forces are continue in Isplenji,Talkhawi and Kaboo areas. In last three days, the abducted Baloch’s count reaches to 65, and they have been shifted to military torture cells after their abduction.Isplenji and its surrounding areas are still under the siege of forces; all means of transportation has been restricted ,and the lives of inhabitants became impossible. In continuation of abductions and killings of Baloch youths, Martyr Faiz Mohammad Marri’s brother Khud Dad Marri killed and his body dumped in Dera Allahyar. Khuda Dad Marri was abducted on 24th June from ‘Rabi ‘ checkpost along with Bijjar Marri by forces, and Khudad Dad’s tortured body dumped in Dera Allahyar on 1st July. BSO-A spokesman has further added, ‘’Khuda Dad’s elder brother Faiz Mohammad Marri was abducted on 7th November 2010 from Metroville area of Karachi and his body was dumped in Dasht area on 1st March 2011’’. Spokesman further said that, after the elections in Balochistan; military operations and imperialistic policies are accelerated. After few days of elections, forces had conducted wide-spread operation in Makuran, and from last one forces are continuing their terrorist activities in Isplenji and its surrounding areas. Along with the abductions, killings and targeting of the Baloch civilian population, loot and plunder of the resources of Baloch soil is also in full swing. 

COMMENT : The barbarity of perpetrators’ justice — Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur

It was a cool night of November 7, 2010. Faiz Mohammad Mazarani Marri’s torture-inflicted wounds were being nursed at his house in Metroville, Karachi (Gulshan) by his old parents. He had returned home three weeks earlier after having been in the custody of the intelligence agencies. That night a posse of Sindh Rangers, police and other intelligence agencies personnel descended on their place. On the insistence of his aged parents they confirmed their identity and let them see the official cars parked outside. On March 2, 2011, his badly disfigured body was found in Gwandain Dasht area near Quetta. He was buried at the ‘Baloch Martyrs Graveyard’, New Kahan, Quetta.

Marri will now be joined there by his brother Khudadad Marri, who was picked up on June 24 along with his cousin Bijjar Marri by Pakistani military and intelligence agencies from a passenger bus between Bakhtiarabad and Rabi area of Balochistan. On July 1, a police party found a badly tortured body in Dera Allahyar, Jaffarabad district, Balochistan. It was Khudadad, and as Mohammad Hanif says, he was now no longer missing but Bijjar Marri still is; the increasingly insecure establishment has become extremely brutal and vicious. With Khudadad’s martyrdom the number of my former students killed has reached 17. Many other friends and students are still missing.

he violent attack of the ground troops was followed by the bombardment.

The central spokesperson of the Baloch Republican Party said, “The violent attack of the ground troops was followed by the bombardment. The forces entered the houses of Baloch civilians and violated the sanctity of households. The occupants were badly tortured and harassed. At least twelve people were abducted during the door-to-door operation. The abducted men were identified as Warna s/o Kundha, Lalu s/o Sahiv, Talu s/o Nabi Bux, Baggi s/o Nabi Bux, Nadir, s/o Tangav, Khalid s/o Bhora, Konari s/o Gosho, Latu s/o Gosho, Dado s/o Esa Usman s/o Essa. All the abducted people belong to Bugti tribe.”

EWTS 2013 Maryam Namazie on human rights.

Maryam Namazie of Fitnah and the Council of Ex muslims in Britain speaking about human rights, at Atheist Ireland's international conference on Empowering Women Through Secularism, held in Dublin on 29-30 June 2013.