Wednesday, March 13, 2013


602734_10151323518747374_1516321321_n Quetta:  The family members of three persons who were abducted on 8th January 2013 from Quetta by Pakistani para military forces have protested outside the Quetta press club on Monday, against their non- recovery. Protesters were holding different placards in support of their loved ones  safe and immediate release. One of the protesters while talking to local media have said that; ”On 8thJanuary his brother Naseer Ahmed  along with his cousin Jameel Ahmed and Sanaullah were on way from Market towards house on their car about 09:45pm were intercepted by the Security forces, and took them away along with their car; and since then their whereabout are not known.
He further said, that for lodging their F.I.R , we have also filed a petition in the Balochistan High Court. We also met with the Governer Balochistan for their recovery, but so far we  haven’t got any clue about their whereabouts and not sure about their well-being. He said while urging the authorities; ”they are not affiliated with any political party, and they should be immediately safely released’’.
Occupied Balochistan: Gwadar, Pakistani secret agencies have abducted the famous Balochi language poet Dad Kareem aka DK Baloch along with Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch from coastal town of Jiwani in district Gwadar. According to reports, on 22nd February about 11pm, Pakistani forces have abducted the Dad Kareem, Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch from Dharaan area of Jiwani during their picnic party. They all are residents of Jiwani town of Balochistan.After few days Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch were released but Dad Kareem Aka DK Baloch is still Missing.

Ajstream, Pakistani forces are involved in Baloch and Hazara Genocide

This is a very disturbing video of an organized street-fight between Russian Christian and Muslim gangs. I fear the non-stop provocations by Islamists will soon bring such mayhem to the Western Europe and North America. 

Unless the liberal-left takes up the fight against Islamofascists, it'll be White supremacists who will pick up the baton and that is the least desirable of all scenarios. Watch with caution.

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.
Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.  
 TORONTO — Labour Minister Yasir Naqvi says he didn’t endorse a controversial book on Islam that says it’s OK for men to physically punish their wives.
Naqvi acknowledged that he wrote a letter of support for the book two years ago, but says he didn’t read it.
The former president of the Liberal party says he doesn’t share the views expressed in the book and “in no way” endorsed its contents. He was just recently named to the cabinet of Premier Kathleen Wynne.
“I admire your drive to reach out to the public and promote values of tolerance, understanding and respect,” Naqvi said in his letter to author Suhail Kapoor.
The letter from Naqvi appears in the reviews section of “Islam: Balancing Life and Beyond.”
The book argues in a chapter called Does Islam Allow Wife Beating? that the Koran condones “lightly” striking your wife if she commits “serious moral misconduct.”
The book says “light strikes” to the woman’s hands with a wooden stick is acceptable.
“No marks should come from that strike. Nothing on the face, nothing on the body, nothing on the private parts or areas, just on the hands.”
Naqvi told the Toronto Sun Monday says he strongly condemns violence against women and that any kind of abuse is unacceptable.
The minister says he also didn’t authorize the use of his name or comments in the “reviews” section of the book.
Opposition Leader Tim Hudak says it’s disturbing that Naqvi endorsed such “garbage” and should apologize.

Quebec mother of terror suspect warns other parents

Mother of Canadian convert to Islam who is fighting allngside terrorists in Syria, warns other parents. He threatened his parents "you will burn in hell" if they too did not convert to Islam.


The mother of one of the 50 to 60 Canadians being monitored by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) because of alleged terrorist activities abroad says she no longer recognizes her own son.
The Quebec woman, who agreed to speak to CBC News on condition she remain anonymous for her own safety, said she wants to warn other parents about the risks awaiting young Muslims like her son.
She said after her son converted to Islam, he was recruited online by a radical Islamist group.

'An easy target'

The woman said her son was by nature a pacifist but was perhaps an easy target.
"They played on his generous nature," she says, adding she watched her son change gradually after he converted.
"He stopped listening to music because it was a sin," she says. "He started to cut off contact with girls, then later, with boys who didn't share his vision."
She said he became more and more critical of Canadian society, saying, "Canadian laws are not good. It's Sharia law that should be applied."
"He is convinced that jihad is a part of the religion," she said, adding he told his parents he wanted them both to "burn in hell" if they did not convert as well.

On the no-fly list

The young man has left Canada for Syria, and his mother is aware that CSIS agents suspect him of involvement in radical Islamist activities.
She said his name is on the no-fly list maintained by the U.S. government's terrorist screening centre.
"CSIS knows of some 50 or so young people who have left Canada to join one of these groups," said Michel Juneau-Katsuya, a former CSIS agent who is now president of Northgate — a private security consulting firm.
Social media play a growing role in reaching out to vulnerable young people and radicalizing them, Juneau-Katsuya said.
"Social media are a means of privileged communication between young people, which excludes their family and isolates them with others who sympathize with their cause and think in a similar fashion," he said. "It's also a way of communicating in code."
He said it's a challenge for authorities to keep on top of what's being discussed or to restrict access to radical content.

'Radical discourse' on the increase

Shaykh Omar Koné, a Sufi cleric who leads the congregation at Montreal's al-Iman mosque, said he sees more and more young people participating in this radical discourse.
He said clerics try to guide them in a different direction, but it doesn't always work.
Koné said parents of young Muslims must be vigilant and must not turn a blind eye to radical ideologues who might be trying to influence their children.

China's delegate at the UNHCR in Geneva object's to Balochistan's position regarding Pakistan selling the port city of Gwadar to Beijing. Gwadar sits at the entrance of the Straits of Hormuz, gateway to the Persian Gulf oil sea lanes.

MPs Order Books Called 'Deception' And Vicky Pryce's Greekoconomics

Politicians' secret reading lists have been revealed in book requests made to the House of Commons Library, including 'Greekonomics' by Vicky Pryce, one called 'The Jew is not my Enemy' and two books entitled 'Deception' and 'Duplicity And Deception.'
A Freedom of Information request by revealed politicians were not only keen to swot up on economy and technology, but were also curious as to what the ex-wife of disgraced MP Chris Huhne's wife had to say in her book about the eurozone crisis.
Some requests may have revealed MPs' hidden worries, with a request for the self-help book 'We Are Not So Smart' alongside another for the seminar paper on 'Strategic Analysis of the BBC'. Another politico had requested a book on 'Luck', perhaps as a last resort.
A book called 'Deception' and another tome called 'Duplicity and Deception' was also requested, publications that taken at face value might cast doubt on the veracity of MPs' intentions.
MPs were also keen to read up on Enoch Powell, with 'Enoch at 100' ordered as well as 'Bloody Nasty People' a book about the BNP and EDL.
A healthy interest in books by journalists was revealed with Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee's tome 'Dogma and Disarray' requested, as well as Tom Holland's controversial book on Islam.
Another request was for the book 'A Conservative Walks Into A Bar' on political humour.
george osborne 
A Conservative walked into a bar.. A Tory joke?.
A book on how the war in Afghanistan and Iraq had failed was also ordered for some light reading, with Frank Ledwidge's 'Losing Small Wars' on the list.

Christian persecution escapes attention.

"What does it say about our world when the election of a new Pope becomes front and centre in the media while the wiping out of an entire Christian neighbourhood, razed to the ground by a Muslim mob, gets little or no coverage?" My column in The Toronto Sun.



What does it say about our world when the election of a new Pope becomes front and centre in the media while the wiping out of an entire Christian neighbourhood, razed to the ground by a Muslim mob, gets little or no coverage?
The persecution of Pakistan’s Christians always takes a familiar route — allegations by a Muslim against a Christian who is accused of ‘insulting Prophet Muhammad’. Predictably, all hell breaks loose and invariably innocent Christians lose their lives, liberty and property.
In the latest incident, Sawan Masih, a Christian sanitation worker in Lahore, Pakistan, and his Muslim friend, the local barber Shahid Imran met up for a peg of whisky and after a few rounds, became embroiled in a heated debate about religion.
The next morning, after evidence of alcohol had dissipated, the Muslim man walked over to the local police station to file a complaint against his Christian friend, accusing Sawan Masih of having insulted the Prophet Muhammad while under the influence of alcohol.
Under Pakistan’s infamous Blasphemy Law (section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code), any citizen can file a complaint against another person, the punishment for which is a possible death sentence.
Last week, news of the “insult to Prophet Muhammad” reached the local Mosque where after the Friday congregation, enraged Muslims marched into Joseph Colony, the Christian neighbourhood, looking for the blasphemer. According to sources from the International Christian Concern, Masih’s 65-year old father was beaten and stones were thrown at their home. That night, police arrested Masih.
Instead of protecting the neighbourhood, the police escorted the residents out of the area. By Saturday morning, a frenzied mob of 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christian neighbourhood, looting the meagre possessions of the largely working class people. More than 170 homes and businesses were set on fire and ransacked that day in the name of Islam and Prophet Muhammad
As pictures emerged of Muslim youth celebrating the destruction of Christian homes, the predictable cycle of denunciations began. The Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif declared the incident as “the worst example of barbarism.”
This was little comfort to the homeless Christians of Joseph Colony who on Sunday, instead of attending church were left homeless and abandoned. One woman wailed: “Burn us too,” her hands repeatedly hitting her head. “Did they leave us alive to see all this?” she cried as she looked at the devastation around her.
At the core of the horrifying treatment of religious minorities in Pakistan is the Blasphemy Law inserted into the Pakistan Penal Code by the Islamist dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq. Unless it is struck off the law books, the killings will continue.
Then there is the Canadian connection to this tragedy.
The person who had boasted in Urdu in a video that he is the inspiration behind this law is the cleric-politician Tahir-ul-Qadri. Qadri is now a Canadian using his newly acquired Canadian passport to travel the world. This is what he had this to say to a TV audience with regard to blasphemy, its punishment and his own contribution:
“Whosoever insults Prophet Muhammad and commits blasphemy, whether he is Muslim or Kaafir (Christian, Jew or Hindu), man or woman, he or she should be murdered and kicked like a dog into hellfire, even if they repent ... Let me put it on the record, it was me and only me who is responsible for that law … No one else has made any contribution in making this law.”
Isn’t it a sad day that the man who takes ownership of this dastardly law finds comfort in Canada, while Christian victims of that very same law live in misery under open skies?

Soldier stoned to death in Kurram for alleged love affair: report

Pakistani Muslims stone 25-year old soldier for having 'an affair' with a young woman. Is there no end to this insanity? And this is the very Sharia Law Islamic countries of the OIC want protected against criticism. Imagine the audacity of these wicked devils. Imagine.

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A tribal council in the town of Parachinar, close to the Afghan border in Kurram district, ordered the sentence on Anwar-ud Din, who was about 25 years old, for having “illicit relations” with a local girl. – File photo
PESHAWAR: A soldier has been stoned to death in Pakistan’s restive tribal northwest over allegations of an affair with a teenage girl, officials told AFP on Wednesday.
A tribal council in the town of Parachinar, close to the Afghan border in Kurram district, ordered the sentence on Anwar-ud Din, who was about 25 years old, for having “illicit relations” with a local girl.
“There were some 40 to 50 people who hit the man with stones till he bled to death,” a local tribesman told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Relations between men and women without family approval are considered immoral by many in Pakistan, particularly in the deeply conservative northwestern tribal areas, where Taliban and Al Qaeda linked militants have strongholds.
Hundreds are killed around the country each year in the name of defending family “honour”, but stonings are extremely rare.
Din was accused of having an affair with an 18-year-old girl and meeting her secretly, but both were caught on Sunday in a graveyard, the tribesman told AFP.
The soldier admitted he had met the girl three or more times before and the punishment was carried out on Tuesday in the graveyard where the pair were discovered, the tribesman said, adding that the body was later taken to hospital.
Local government and security officials confirmed the incident, but declined to comment.
The fate of the girl remains unclear, but there were rumours in the area that she may also have been executed, although she denied the affair, the tribesman said.
A hospital official confirmed that they had received a mutilated body on Tuesday, which was later taken away by paramilitary forces.
“It was really a horrific sight. The body had been badly damaged after being hit by stones. Wounds all over and the face could no longer be recognised,” the official said.
Pakistan’s seven tribal districts bordering Afghanistan do not have a regular legal system and justice is dispensed according to tribal and Islamic custom by councils of elders.