Wednesday, August 14, 2013

BSO (Azaad) pays tribute to the organization’s great intellectual friend and leader Raza Jahangir.

BSO (Azaad) pays tribute to the organization’s great intellectual friend and leader Raza Jahangir
Spokesperson of Baloch Student’s Organization (Azaad) in a statement said that today, on 14th of August, Pakistan army assaulted the home of Baloch National Movement’s Kech Zone’s organizer Imdad Baloch and martyred the Secretary General of BSO (Azaad) Raza Jahangir and BNM’s leader Imdad Baloch. The statement further said that the brutality and savagery of Pakistan army has intensified, and by murdering Baloch political leaders and activists, Pakistan is unsuccessfully trying to continue its colonization of Balochistan. The spokesperson said that on 13th of August, a peaceful protest rally organized in Turbat by Baloch National Front to highlight the plight of Baloch people after United Nations’ Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon’s arrival in Pakistan was fired upon and baton-charged by Pakistan army and tried to kidnap political workers from the protest. Following that incident, Pakistan Army sieged the house of Imdad Baloch and murdered BSO (Azaad)’s Secretary General and BNM’s Leader Imdad Baloch and abducted Imdad Balochs elderly father, who had been injured by the shelling, bombardment and firing on the house. 
The spokesperson said that Central Secretory General of BSO (Azaad), Raza Jahangir, was organization’s experienced leader, who faced every difficult situation with valor and proved his true association with the Baloch movement and a displayed a firm understanding of his national responsibilities. By doing so, Raza Jahangir, made an important contribution towards making the organization more active and efficient. The Secretary General, till his last moments, kept on playing a crucial role of mobilizing the activists as an experience political leader and kept of spreading the word of the Baloch movement all across of Balochistan; Raza Jahangir’s passion for an independent Balochistan and his hard work and commitment to achieve it made him a role model for the youth to follow. Raza Jahangir joined BSO (Azaad) at a very young age, and since that day he gave his best to the movement and the organization, he previously held the position of a member of the Central Committee and became the Central Secretary General of BSO (Azaad) in the July, 2012, 19th central council session.
BSO (Azaad) pays tribute to the organization’s great intellectual friend and leader Raza Jahangir and pays red salute to his struggle for the Baloch nation. His historical role in the Baloch movement is a pathway to follow for both BSO (Azaad) and the Baloch movement.
A central policy in the reaction of this incident would soon be announced. All zones are advised to strongly protest against the incident.

stop baloch genocide in balochisan..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pakistani terrorist army martyred BSO Azad's General Secretary Raza Jahangeer & BNM leader Imdad Bohair at his house in Turbat.

Pakistani terrorist army martyred BSO Azad's General Secretary Raza Jahangeer & BNM leader Imdad Bohair at his house in Turbat.
 BNM leader Imdad Bojir 

Shae Murreed
Real Name: Raza Jahangir