Quetta Balochistan:The pro-independence Baloch political parties in their separate statements have strongly condemned the ongiong military operation in several areas of district Kech in Balochistan from past several days.
The Baloch National Movement, the Baloch National Voice, the Baloch Republican Party, the Baloch Student Organisation-Azad, the Baloch Liberation Struggle and the Baloch Salvation Front (an alliance of Baloch Liberation Party, Baloch Gohaar Movement & Baloch Watan Movement) have termed the ongiong military operation the state’s reaction agaisnt the successful boycott of Pakistan elections by Baloch nation.
Terming the military operation state terrorism the BNV said Pakistani forces have lost the battle on moral grounds and they have failed to defeat the Baloch freedom fighters. Hence, they were conducting operations against innocent Baloch civilians.
The BNV said Baloch national struggle cannot be defeated by such barbaric acts of the state in fact such inhuman acts will further provoke people to stand firmly against the occupying forces and intensify their struggle for freedom.
The BRP has also strongly condemn the ongoing military operation and said that the Baloch people will not abandon their struggle for national liberation. The Baloch Party paid tributes to all those who have been killed during operation and said that Pakistan has intensified its atrocious attacks on Baloch people but such barbarism cannot deter the freedom struggle.
The Baloch National Movement said that the current Pakistani state atrocities in Balochistan have surpassed the barbarism of Changez Khan and Halaku Khan. Pakistan and its military will be remembered as savages in the history of mankind. The BNM spokesperson said that Pakistani forces killed Jalil son of Fakeer Mohammad and abducted his friend from Turbat on the night of 25th of May. The BNM vowed that Baloch nation will continue the struggle for liberation.
BSO-Azad in its statement said yesterday the Pakistan forces started a military operation in Tump area of Balochistan which is still ongiong. This operation is a continuation of the military offensive started on 24 May in Malant and Gomazi region of Tump, Balochistan.
In Malikabad 70 year old Ghulam Mostafa and Allah Bakhsh Baloch were killed during operation and several houses have been burned down. The house of a famous Baloch musician and singer Menhaj Mukhtar Baloch was also attacked and destroyed. At least three Baloch activists have been abducted during yesterday’s operation.
“Pakistani security forces have looted valuables and tortured women and children during these brutal operations. The Pakistani troops that were sent in Balochistan during the election have now started a full fledge operation in several area of Makuran, Balochistan,” Said BSO-Azad.
The Baloch Liberation Struggle and the Baloch Salvation Front also expressed similar concerns and strongly condemned the military operations in Balochistan. They said that Baloch nation has given enormous sacrifices to defend their land and the occupying states should know that they will never be able to rule Balochistan with sheer use of guns and bombs. The Baloch nation will continue to resist the occupying forces and their suppressive policies against Baloch people.
Free speech, human rights,Freedom, equality and accountability. We all human are same.Balochistan act for justice on a wide range of issues.Event and News related to Balochistan and world. Baloch In Balochistan have been disappeared and hanged and or murdered by Pakistan's military and securities agencies and Iran regime. Pakistan rarely allows journalists or human rights organizations to travel freely in Balochistan and coverage in the world press is inadequate.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Military Operation in Tump Balochistan ; Baloch musician's house burned down, two killed.
Kech:Pakistani military is conducting an operation in several areas of Kech district in Balochistan from past several days. Today early morning the military started an offensive operation in Tump region of Balochistan.
According to eye witnesses’ account, “First they opened fired, and then they broke into the houses looting away valuables. Women and children kept crying watching forces burn down their houses.”
Horrified locals of Koshkalat, a small village located a few miles from Tump, dragged their children inside their homes, locked their windows and closed the doors when Pakistani forces besieged the entire area a day after burning down houses in nearby Gomazi village.
25 armoured vehicles and around 200-300 personnel took part in the bloody operation that killed at least two people and left several other homeless.
Local sources reported that the army officials stormed every other residence in the corner looting away valuables and setting the houses on fire. Army fired live ammunition and used tear-gas throughout the operation.
Among many houses burned by Pakistan army one the houses belonged to Menhaj Mukhtar Baloch, a singer and musician, house of Fakeer Mohammad Baloch has also been burned to ashes.
Two men including a 70yr old elder Ghulam Mustafa and Allah Baksh Dad, a local farmer where shot dead during the operation. The locals were not allowed to take the bodies until the military left from the area.
Those who lost their houses because of the Pakistani military operation were struggling with the emotional trauma and women and children moved to help themselves building huts out of the wreckage of their burned houses.
According to latest reports the army was headed towards another nearby village, Malkabad, and broke into Mulla Saif's house and burned down a few others. The entire village was besieged for few hours cutting off all road connections. Mobile networks were reportedly jammed during the operation.
Bullet-riddled body found: Meanwhile, another bullet-riddled body of a Baloch Missing Person was found in the suburbs of Mand. Body was identified as Babu Baloch, a resident of Soru, Balochistan, Levies officials confirmed. Babu Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces some time ago. His date of abduction could not be ascertained so far
he houses of poor Baloch villagers set ablaze by Pakistani forces in different areas of Tump, including Gomazi, Sarii bazaar, Cheeri bazaar and Shankimn
According to eye witnesses’ account, “First they opened fired, and then they broke into the houses looting away valuables. Women and children kept crying watching forces burn down their houses.”
Horrified locals of Koshkalat, a small village located a few miles from Tump, dragged their children inside their homes, locked their windows and closed the doors when Pakistani forces besieged the entire area a day after burning down houses in nearby Gomazi village.
25 armoured vehicles and around 200-300 personnel took part in the bloody operation that killed at least two people and left several other homeless.
Local sources reported that the army officials stormed every other residence in the corner looting away valuables and setting the houses on fire. Army fired live ammunition and used tear-gas throughout the operation.
Among many houses burned by Pakistan army one the houses belonged to Menhaj Mukhtar Baloch, a singer and musician, house of Fakeer Mohammad Baloch has also been burned to ashes.
Two men including a 70yr old elder Ghulam Mustafa and Allah Baksh Dad, a local farmer where shot dead during the operation. The locals were not allowed to take the bodies until the military left from the area.
Those who lost their houses because of the Pakistani military operation were struggling with the emotional trauma and women and children moved to help themselves building huts out of the wreckage of their burned houses.
According to latest reports the army was headed towards another nearby village, Malkabad, and broke into Mulla Saif's house and burned down a few others. The entire village was besieged for few hours cutting off all road connections. Mobile networks were reportedly jammed during the operation.
Bullet-riddled body found: Meanwhile, another bullet-riddled body of a Baloch Missing Person was found in the suburbs of Mand. Body was identified as Babu Baloch, a resident of Soru, Balochistan, Levies officials confirmed. Babu Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces some time ago. His date of abduction could not be ascertained so far
he houses of poor Baloch villagers set ablaze by Pakistani forces in different areas of Tump, including Gomazi, Sarii bazaar, Cheeri bazaar and Shankimn
Balochistan: Bodies of another two Baloch youth found in Nazirabad.
Kech:Brutally tortured and bullet-ridden bodies of two previously abducted Baloch have been found in Nazirabad area of Balochistan on Sunday morning.
The bodies have later been identified as that of Asim Baloch a resident of Nazirabad and Abdul Rauf Baloch a resident of Malikabad region of Balochistan.
According to sources Asim Baloch s/o Faqir Mohammad was abducted on 2nd February 2013 by the Pakistani secret agencies while he was on his way back after attending the BNF rally in Turbat. He was abducted by forces in front of his wife and Children. Abdul Rauf was reportedly abducted on 14 May 2013 from his house in Malikabad, Balochistan.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani security forces continued brutal military operation in several region of Turbat for the third consecutive day. Several houses have been attacked, looted and burned down.
The house of a commander of Baloch National Liberation Front (BNLF) Mr Mohammad Bakhsh aka Jagu Baloch was also reportedly attacked. The electricity to the house was cut off and door and windows of the house were damaged during operation. Pakistani forces also looted valuables.
At least one person namely Tufail son of Akram Baloch have been abducted and shifted to an unknown location.
Balucherna har ingen tilltro presidentvalet
Publicerad: den 21 maj 2013
I dagarna presenteras kandidaterna till det iranska
presidentvalet som hålls den 14 juni. Bland minoritetsgruppen balucherna är
intresset för valet ljummet – de är ett av de mest diskriminerade och isolerade
folkslagen i landet och få av dem tror att valet kommer att göra skillnad för
deras situation.
Under det förra presidentvalet 2009 bildades den Gröna Rörelsen till stöd för den reformistiska kandidaten Mousavi.
Han sitter nu i husarrest och den Gröna Rörelsens förhoppningar om att tidigare president Khatami, som också anses stå för en reformistisk politik, skulle ställa upp är nu borta.
Men för landets minoritetsbefolkning gör det liten skillnad: de flesta deltog inte i protesterna 2009 och de anser inte att den Gröna Rörelsen representerar deras intressen.
Utöver den persiska majoritetsbefolkningen så finns det sex etniska minoritetsgrupper i Iran, azerer, kurder, lurer, turkmener, araber och balucher.
Även om alla dessa grupper har diskriminerats under större delen av Irans historia, så har diskrimineringen mot de sunnimuslimska minoritetsgrupperna hårdnat sedan uppkomsten av den shiamuslimska teokratin efter revolutionen 1979.
De flesta sunnimuslimer i Iran är antingen araber, kurder eller balucher. Av dessa är balucherna den grupp som är mest isolerad från händelserna i huvudstaden Tehran. I Iran bor det runt 1,5-2 miljoner balucher i den sydöstra provinsen Sistan-Baluchistan vid gränsen till Pakistan. Större delen av deras historiska hemland Baluchistan ligger idag i Pakistan – där det täcker runt 40 procent av landets yta. En liten del finns också i Afghanistan.
Den balushiska befolkningen har ett eget språk, en egen kultur, och de klär sig fortfarande dagligen i traditionella balushiska kläder. Balucher är öppet diskriminerade i Iran. Trots hög utbildningsnivå hos många, även kvinnor, är inga höga tjänstemän balucher och, till skillnad från på Shans tid, så är de inte välkomna inom varken polis eller militär.
Under sina åtta år vid makten så har sittande president Ahmedijan aldrig besökt provinsen och den officiella ursäkten är säkerhetsproblem – balucherna beskrivs som hårdföra extremister och utländska gäster varnas ofta från att besöka provinsen.
– Regimen utför terrordåd och säger att de gjorts i vårt namn, de gör det för att de vill att vi ska få dåligt rykte och för att vår röst inte ska respekteras internationellt – vi är ett starkt och stolt folk, men vi är ett fredligt folk, säger Jahan, en baluchisk man i staden Chabahar.
Diskrimineringen på arbetsmarknaden leder till att många balucher i dag tvingas livnära sig på att smuggla varor över gränsen till Pakistan. Enligt balushiska källor är det vanligt att smugglare som hittas av de iranska myndigheterna dödas på plats. Samma källor uppger att de iranska myndigheterna dagligen dödar runt 10-15 balucher, men uppgifterna är omöjliga att bekräfta då internationell närvaro i provinsen är i stort sett obefintlig.
– Vår situation kan likställas med palestiniernas, men ingen skriver om oss för ingen känner till oss – vad ska vi göra för att folk ska lyssna på oss? frågar Shir, en medelålders man som är utbildad i Indien.
Det enda sättet för balucherna att kommunicera med omvärlden är via internet, och då speciellt Facebook. Men regimens strikta censur gör att det känner sig osäkra på hur länge till de kommer kunna använda denna kommunikationskanal. Deras andra fönster till omvärlden är satellit-tv, främst BBC Persian och VoA Persian, men de är kritiska till att även dessa västbaserade tv-kanaler enbart fokuserar på den persiska majoritetsbefolkningen.
– Vad vi behöver är internet via satellit – då kanske vi skulle kunna ha en chans att kommunicera med omvärlden, och få berätta vår historia och om våra förhoppningar för framtiden”, säger 30-årige Massod som är utbildad dataingengör.
Förhoppningarna om ett enat och självständigt Balushistan är i dag små. Men önskan är en federal iransk stat, i vilken balucherna har självbestämmanderätt i sin egen provins. Så länge som ledarna av den Gröna Rörelsen inte pratar om dessa frågor, kommer de inte få baluchernas stöd. Det var därför som de, trots sitt motstånd mot regimen i Tehran, inte deltog i protesterna efter presidentvalet 2009.
– Som medmänniskor led vi när vi såg på BBC Persian hur demonstranter dödades på gatorna i Tehran, men det var inte våra protester – det handlade inte om oss och därför deltog vi inte heller, säger Jahan.
De som deltog i protesterna 2009 medger att det endast handlade om persernas rättigheter, och att den Gröna Rörelsen till stora delar består av medelklassungdomar från de större städerna.
– Vi måste inte bara enas med minoritetsbefolkningen, säger en 24-årig kvinna i Tehran. Men också med arbetarklassen, annars har vi ingen chans, lägger hon till.
Utsikterna är att detta kommer att hända under årets presidentval är små. Regimen har protesterna från 2009 i gott minne och censuren av media och internet är nu hårdare än någonsin. Trots det finns det en förhoppning om att förändring är möjlig i framtiden. Regimen anses befinna sig i en återvändsgränd och uppmaningar till folket om vikten av att rösta mottas med skepsis.
– De säger att val betyder demokrati, men vad är det för poäng med att rösta om vi inte har frihet? kommenterar Shir.
Lotta Westerberg
Not: Namnen är fingerade för att skydda de intervjuade.
Fakta Den Gröna Rörelsen
Den Gröna Rörelsen bildades under presidentvalet 2009 till
stöd för den reformistiske presidentkandidaten Mir-Hussein Mousavi.
Trots att han har ett stort folkligt stöd förlorade han valet
mot den sittande presidenten Ahmadinejad.
Detta ledde till starka protester och anklagelser om
valfusk. Protesterna slogs ner hårt av myndigheterna, och många av rörelsens
ledare fängslades.
Mousavi själv sattes i husarrest tillsammans med sin fru.
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