Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mutilated body of missing Baloch student found near Kalat Balochistan

Kalat :Body of previously missing Baloch students was found in Gedar area near Kalat town on Balochistan on Saturday. 

According Balochistan media reports passerbys spotted a body in Gedar area of Kalat and informed authorise. The local administration took the body in control and shifted to hospital where it was identified as that of Hasan Langov Baloch. 

Mr Langov was reportedly abducted in February 2009 from Mongchar area of Balochistan along Mehrullah Baloch who is still missing. Two other Baloch activists, Abdul Rauf and Yahya Baloch were shot dead during the same period. 
<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>
Baloch political parties have term the killing of Hasan Langov the continuation of ongiong abductions and discovery of mutilated bodies of abducted Baloch activists. 

According to Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, an organisation striving for the recovery of abducted Baloch activists, over 14000 Baloch have been abducted by Pakistan authorities. Among them over 600 have been killed in custody and their mutilated bodies were found in desolated areas across Balochistan.

Karachi:BHRO Protest Rally Against Military Operation in Mashkey.

Karachi : Baloch Human Rights Organization (BHRO) took out a Protest Rally From Art council to Karachi Press Club against Ongoing Pakistani Military Operation with Air Strikes on civil Population in Mashkey Town Occupied Balochistan .30-Dec-2012






Why Media and Human Rights Organization are silent over BalochGenocide ?

Brutality of Pakistani Army in " Chutok Tank " Mashkey.

Martyred and Injured People due to Bambrament of Pakistani Army on a House in "Chutok Tank" Mashkey.Balochistan.






 Pakistani army during bombardment on Baloch civilian's home in Mashky Operation....
Occupied Balochistan : Lal Bibi Got injured in Bombarment of Thank in  Chutok Mashkay by Pakistani Army

70 years old innocent women Shaheed Mahnaz Bibi,victim of Pakistan army bombardment at Thank  ,Pakistan Army killed innocent child, on Chutok, Mashkay Balochistan.

70 years old Mahnaz Bibi,victim of Pakistan army bombardment at Thank Chutok, Mashkay Balochistan.