Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nude demo in Stockholm against Egyptian leader.

Nude demo in Stockholm against Egyptian leader

Egyptian activist Aliaa al-Mahdy chose Sweden for her latest feminist protest as she bared all outside her country's embassy in Stockholm despite sub-zero temperatures.

Al-Mahdy, who as part of the feminist network Femen has employed nudity as a shock tactic before, wanted to protest the new Egyptian constitution that was voted through on Saturday. 

A second referendum on the document is scheduled for Friday, but it is widely expected to be adopted.

"Before the decisive day of the referendum in Egypt activists came to the Embassy of Egypt in Stockholm to support Egyptian heroes who are resisting the sharia-dictatorial draft of the constitution of the president Morsi," Femen said in a statement published on its website.

Holding a Koran in front of her privates, al-Mahdy was joined by two other womenoutside the embassy on the posh waterfront avenue Strandvägen in central Stockholm.

Body painting scrawled across the women's chests read "Sharia is not a constitution" and linked the apocalypse to Egyptian president, who represents the Muslim Brotherhood party, citing fears that the constitution would impede Egypt's democratic development.

Femen's website supported al-Mahdy's action, stating in an expletive-ridden text that Morsi's "last resting will be the Nile with crocodiles, not the pyramids" if he started shooting at his own people. 

The nude guerrilla tactics of Femen originally started in Ukraine and the "striptivist" demonstrations have since spread. 

In October, a group from Femen staged a nude protest at a German outlet of Swedish furniture giant Ikea in reaction to the company's decision to remove women from the version of its catalogue distributed in Saudi Arabia.

The famous Egyptian activist Aliaa Magda Elmahdy protested today outside the Egyptian embassy in Stockholm.Elmahdy protesting against the Egyptian regime by stripping naked outside the embassy.

We have not received any notification about it, says Göran Callenvik at police länskommunikationscentral (police county C&C).
Elmahdy protested, along with the women's rights organization Femen, against the regime for its proposed new constitution.
The action was over in a few minutes. The activists stripped naked in the cold and one could read "Mursis apocalypse" and "Sharia is not a constitution."
"Protect my rights" written on their bodies
- I want the constitution to protect my rights instead of taking them and allow everyone to express their opinions, Elmahdy said.
Staff at the Egyptian Embassy at Strandvägen would not comment on the **** protest.
Elmahdy became known after publishing a **** photo of herself on one of her blogs. She has described her blogging as "screams against a society of violence, racism, sexism, ****** harassment and hypocrisy."
Since then she has been the victim of numerous death threats.

More photo protests

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy has also protested against the fact that women are forced to wear the veil. She has been, online, urging men to send in pictures of themselves where they wear the veil.
She has also sent out requests for women who want to remove their veils and send in pictures of their faces to be published online.