Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pakistan barbarism continues in Balochistan, International Community must take notice: Qadeer Baloch


<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>Quetta> The hunger strike camp of families of Baloch Missing Persons entered 1211st day. A delegation of BNM Jahoo zone visited the camp to express solidarity with the tormented families.

They said that everyone including children, youth and elders are sacrificing their lives in this struggle for independence. Many families are living in a vacuum after losing their loved ones.

Master Ali Jan was also a great man who sacrificed his life for this motherland. The martyr was an educated man belonging to Jahoo area of Balochistan. His sacrifice is very encouraging for the whole area and it has increased the consciousness of people of the area.

From the day one Master Ali Jan vocally opposed all collaborators of enemy state. He always taught people about their right to live a free and independent life in a free country. He continuously struggled for the independence of Balochistan.

The Vice Chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Mama Qadeer, said that barbarities by the Pakistani state continue in Balochistan and are reaching a new height every day. The criminal silence of International humanitarian organizations and United Nations has given full impunity to the terrorism of Pakistani forces and secret agencies. Whoever speaks for their rights is killed by personnel of security agencies straight away.

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