Sunday, July 21, 2013

Aboriginal youth threatens Taliban-type violence in Canada at 'Occupy Toronto' Fundraiser hosted at Ryerson Univesity in Toronto.

A group of people from 'Occupy Toronto' set up camp on campus at Ryerson University this weekend to Live Broadcast an 80-hour Fundraiser over Livestream.
At about 2:45PM Saturday afternoon the Livestream camera was handed to a young aboriginal man named Billy who says he comes from near the Conawapa Dam in Manitoba. In his monologue, 'Billy' unleashes violent, racist and anti-White and anti-Jew anger into the camera. The highlights included talking about killing CSIS & RCMP Agents, killing White people, and outright Holocaust denial.
This is the type of young man who will be easy prey to Islamist jihadis, if the two groups ever rub shoulders in a meaningful manner. Right now, Islamists on campus merely use the First Nations as props at their anti-West workshops and demos.

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