Sunday, July 21, 2013

Balochistan: Ideas can never be enslaved or destroyed – Mama Qadeer

News>The hunger strike camp of families of Baloch Missing Persons entered in 1212nd day. Among many others a delegation of Baloch Gohaar Movement also visited the camp to express solidarity.<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>

The delegation said that we do not agree with those people who have constrained the history to a limited number of personalities. The real history belongs to those who fought against brutality and oppression together as nations. In struggle against tyranny the oppressed nations may lose at instances but this loss is only temporary and sincere strugglers always win the war in long run. 

They further said that true children of Baloch motherland sacrificed their lives and comfort to engrain a sense of struggle in the Baloch nation. They proved to be a light of hope for the whole Baloch nation and following their footsteps many Baloch are heading towards the ultimate goal.

The Vice Chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Mama Qadeer, said that violence and brutality may kill bodies but they can never kill ideologies. Individuals and groups can be slayed with the use of force but ideas can never be enslaved or destroyed.

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