Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guess who is coming to the defence of the fascist rightwing Jamaat-e-Islami of Bangladesh? The leftwing commentators of India's liberal media! Disgraceful conduct by these 'Muslim patriots' who have a record of kowtowing to Islamofacsists as a way of attacking America.
Truth About Jamaat
  • Labelled fundamentalist, the Jamaat (right, Jamaat leader Sayedee, who was sentenced to death after being held guilty for crimes in ’71) isn’t guilty of sectarian violence against Hindus
  • Hindus, often oppressed economically, have their lives secure
  • The BJI has relinquished its goal of establishing the ‘rule of Allah’; also promised to reserve 33 per cent organisational posts for women
The best thing about Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami (BJI) is that it doesn’t kill Hindus simply because of their faith. To be honest, the Jamaat pales into insignificance before monstrous Hindutva outfits that regularly target Muslims in India. This is the plain truth about the much-maligned Islamic party next door. Of course, Indian and western media don’t allow facts to get in the way of a good story. In their coverage of the escalating unrest—the ongoing war crimes trials, the Shahbag Square protests, and the flaring up of tension after Jamaat leader Delwar Hossein Sayedee was sentenced to death over atrocities committed in 1971—the Jamaat is relentlessly dem­onised. The latest political turmoil has claimed 84 lives, mainly Jamaat cadres gunned down by security forces.
Outlook was on board the Boeing 747 President Pranab Mukherjee flew to Dhaka in even as Bangladesh literally bur­ned. Indian high commission offici­als sweating it out on the tarmac were relieved once ‘Big Brother’ had arrived in a Jumbo Jet. “The size of the  aircraft matters, yaar. It sends the right message to the host, it exudes power,” a first secretary remarked smugly. But the ground situation in the capital city was so scary that when artillery pieces boomed in a ceremonial welcome for the Indian president, some in the entourage mistook it for police firing and were visibly shaken.
Anti-Jamaat demonstrations at Dhaka’s Shahbag Square by secular-liberal forces and spiralling countrywide violence has turned the spotlight on the BJI, which went on the offensive after February 28, when Sayedee was handed the death sentence. It’s an electoral ally of former PM Begum Khaleda Zia’s Ban­gladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), lab­elled anti-India, unlike Sheikh Hasina’s ruling Awami League, widely perceived as pro-India. The two parties, backed by their coalition partners, are contenders for power in elections due next year, if they can agree upon the composition of a neutral interim administration—a con­stitutional requirement to ensure fair elections.
Even as the Awami League government takes on the Jamaat, does it constitute a clear and present threat to India? Jamaatis are con­spicuous even in predominantly Muslim Bangladesh, beca­use they sport a beard and a skull cap. But does wearing Islam on their sleeves turn them into sworn enemies of India, or Hindus, who comprise 10 per cent of Bangladesh’s population? Is the Jamaat anti-India, or anti-Hindu, or both?
Neither Indian diplomats in Dhaka nor Hindu community leaders can recall a murder of a Hindu for purely religious reasons in years. Hindus have been kil­led by BNP-Jamaat followers, but were essentially victims of political vendetta. They were targeted not as Hindus, but because they were perceived as adversa­ries owing allegiance to the Awami Lea­gue. It can be compared with political violence in West Bengal, where CPI(M)-Trinamool clashes  reg­ularly claim lives of political workers—many of them Muslims, and from either party.

A spokesman for the Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council (HBCUC) told Outlook that an elderly priest of a Hindu temple in Banskhali near Chittagong was beaten to death hours after Sayedee was sentenced on February 28, but Ind­ian high commission officials insist that the death didn’t have religious overto­nes. Interestingly, in December 2012, a Hindu youth called Biswajit Das was killed in a union clash by members of the Awami League’s students’ wing, Chhatra League, in broad daylight. The 24-year-old victim was captured on camera scr­eaming that he was an apolitical Hindu. Biswajit’s gruesome, cold-bloo­ded mur­der has blotted the Awami League’s copybook.

Bangladeshi Hindus may not live under the shadow of the sword, but life for them is not a bed of roses either. The vicious attacks they suffer are economic in nature, but wreak havoc nonetheless. Their homes, shops and cultivable land are targeted, forcing them to migrate to India so that their properties can be appropriated. Hindu temples and women are special targets. The temples are desecrated, the women abd­ucted and married after conversion at gunpoint. Even so, the HBCUC spok­esman said that pogroms like Gujarat or Kok­rajhar against the minority community are inconceivable.
The Jamaat is a key constituent of the BNP-led alliance because its support is crucial in around 80 seats of the 345-strong Bangladesh parliament. And the Jamaat, despite its fundamentalist image, is hardly averse to change. At the election commission’s prodding, it amended its charter, bidding farewell to its goal of establishing the ‘rule of Allah’. And Hindutva poster girls like Sushma Swaraj, Shaina Chudasama, Nirmala Seetharaman, Smriti Irani and Meenakshi Lekhi would be delighted to know that the Jamaat has promised to reserve 33 per cent of organisational posts for women.
In September 2011, Manmohan Singh famously said that “25 per cent of Ban­gladeshis swear by the Jamaat, are very anti-Indian and are in the clutches of the isi”. However, a pertinent question: what has South Block done to win them over since? New Delhi refuses to have any truck with the Jamaat, and calls it a terrorist outfit in cahoots with Pakistan, Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Indian diplomats have established formal contacts with all political parties in Bangladesh except the BJI. It’s doubtful if they even speak informally. The Jamaat remains a dark mystery for India which has no idea of what’s going on inside it.
It’s high time India plays ball with the Jamaat. America’s concern for the Jam­aat is pretty evident: it has even shrugged off gratuitous Indian advice to engage only with democratic and secular forces in New Delhi’s backyard. Wash­ington has questioned irregularities in the war crimes trials and told Dhaka that human rights violations won’t be tolerated. The US obviously sees the BJI as a key player in its plans to coronate Kha­leda Zia, even as India finalises its stra­tegy to ensure another term for Sheikh Hasina.

By S.N.M. Abdi in Dhaka

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

We can't afford severe cuts to education—and it's time for Republicans in Congress to stop them.
Fascinating debate between Pakistani and Afghan political commentators. The wisdom of one side contrasts sharply with the mediocre rhetoric and arrogance of the other. The look on the former ISI chief reflects the blood of innocents he wears with pride.

China clashes with the Baluch representtaive Mehran Baluch at the UN forum.

Reposted from Baluch Sarmachar | March 15, 2013 | Story
Mehran Baloch 
 Mehran Baloch: With the militarisation of Gwadar Port, not only Baloch will suffer but also the region and the world peace will face threats too.
By Murtaza Ali Shah
GENEVA: China has asserted that the Gwadar Port project is not only in the best interest of Pakistan and China, but also in the best interest of the region's development.
The Chinese representative spoke in favour of the Pakistan-China friendship after nationalist leader Mehran Baloch, the Baloch Representative to the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), used his speech to the United Nations' 22nd general debate session of HRC to allege that Balochistan's natural resources are being exploited by Pakistan with help from China.
China took over management of the port on the Arabian Sea last week to finance more than 80 percent of the $248 million development cost of the port. This agreement is part of a plan to open up an energy and trade corridor from the Gulf, across Pakistan to western China but the deal has not been liked by India, America and Baloch nationalists who see it as the consolidation of Pakistani power in the trouble-hit province.
China rarely replies to the criticism leveled against it at the UN forums but as if anticipating that the issue of Gwadar port would be discussed, the Chinese delegation had come prepared.
Mehran Baloch said that Saindak copper mines were being already “milked” by China and “now Gwadar port has been handed” to China and it will be soon that China will build a military base there too as former Defence Minister Ahmad Mukhtar had publicly requested China to do so.
The Chinese representative, answering Mehran Baloch’s charges, told the delegates that China and Pakistan are friendly neighbours and for a long time the Chinese enterprises have taken an “active part in the development and construction in all sections of Pakistan”.
He told that the Chinese enterprises are engaged in the Gwadar development project as a joint co-opertion project between the two countries. “It’s part of the friendly cooperation between the two countries” and nothing more should be read in it.
Mehran Baloch said that with militarisation of Gwadar Port not only Baloch will suffer but also the region and the world peace will face threats too. “It is not the port alone. The planned airport there is 6,000 acres which is twice the size of Heathrow London. A country which has its foreign exchange reserves less than second string billionaires certainly cannot build the airport on its own.”
The Chinese representative replied that Gwadar port is not only in the “best interest of the two countries and both people but also in the best interest of the region’s development”.
Mehran Baloch said that Balochistan is used as drug conduit as the UN office on drugs and crime (UNODC) has reported that drugs worth $30 billion pass through Pakistan. He told the delegates that the data released by state banks implicitly proves that this passes through Quetta and Peshawar.
He alleged that “the illegal money finances the war of terror in Afghanistan and the death squads in Balochistan. Illegal money multiplies in turmoil and it means people are deprived of their share”.

An open letter to Hamid Mir (Geo TV) by Dr. Allah Nazar.

Dear Hamid Mir,

I’m writing you this letter with the hope that perhaps the historians – standing in the witness box of history – of next century will reveal the truth about the oppressed Baloch nation and hold the colonial powers and occupying rulers of the day accountable and examine the role and discourse of its advocates and intelligentsia. This shouldn’t be the case that today’s columnists, intellectuals are restrained just because of the fear of the ruler or its lust of conquest.

A century ago, British Lord B. Fell said, “we know and understand the history of Egypt far better than the Egyptians do.” Even hundred and 25 years later these contemptuous words remain on the pages of the history. Similarly, the President ofPakistan Asif Ali Bhutto while in Gadhi Khuda Baksh said, “Baloch should learn politics from us.” The expression was that the Baloch are ignorant, illiterate and unfamiliar with the statecraft. The aim is that the Baloch are born to be slaves. There is only the gap of a century between the words of B. Fell and Zardari Bhutto but, the subject and message is the same: lesson of slavery.

Mr. Hamid Mir, you hold the leading position among the contemporary intellectuals belonging to the colonial state’s electronic and print media. Many of the policies of the state are devised and executed on the advice of your community. But knowledge and consciousness demands to be on the side of truth. Just like Sartre, who despite being French supported the Algerian freedom movement against colonial system with his pen and wrote a golden chapter of history. But on the other hand; Mr. Hamid Mir, you are an intellectual. Yet you not only support the inhumane, immoral and terrorizing conduct of the occupying state in Balochistan, but also been active advising the state how to eliminate the Baloch freedom fighters and to perpetuate its occupation over Baloch land by intimidating the younger brother of Shaheed Assad Baloch, Akhar Mengal so that you would enable the state to conquer the strong fortress of Baloch by building a Trojan horse out of him. If Akhtar Menagl is intimidated and taken in by you; it would be a masterpiece by your molding hand. With the threat of state terrorism, not only you tried to intimidate him into submission but became a bridge to make him cut a deal with the secret agencies of the state. You have never thought that Baloch is a nation and freedom is a right to every nation. Is it just to deprive a nation from its freedom through the use of intellectual ploy? If it was just – five hundred years ago Nicholas Machiavelli advised the prince that the kings and rulers are not bound by any values and permanent morals – then why Machiavelli is under critique? They never incriminate them because all the court-intellectuals are subservient to their respective masters. In order to maintain their stranglehold, they advice their masters and propagate their policies and the struggle of the oppressed is portrayed as wrong and being result of ignorance and sometimes religion is also utilized to subdue them. The intelligentsia of the occupier is doing the same to the Baloch and you are also involved in it.

Mr. Mir Sahib you claim to be the banner bearer of human rights and when Malala Yousufzai was attacked you were among the first to condemn this inhumane act. Although it is commendable but on December 25, 2012, when Pakistani occupying forces were showering fire and iron with their helicopter gunships at Tank of Mashkay area, in which 18 innocent women, children and elderly men were killed, among them Bahti was 2 years old and Bibi Mahnaz, 70. All the Pakistani intellectuals, including you were silent. Is this justice to your intellect or beneficial to the vicious rulers? You decide. Two years back Bibi Zamur Baloch Baloch and her daughter were martyred by Pakistani beasts in the streets of Karachi. Previously, Pakistani state agents abducted Zarina Marri along with her infant child Murad while on her way to school in Quetta. On January 21st, 2013, in Besima of Kharan district, Pakistani forces along with the local death squad, broke in to the house and martyred a prominent Balochi and Brahvi poet, Qasim Baloch along with his sister Rozina Baloch. On such poignant, heart rendering incidents not a single word comes out of the mouths of Pakistan intellectuals. Perhaps, it is because these oppressed people are Baloch.

At present Baloch are fighting a war for their freedom and the blood of freedom loving nation is cheap. The only way to do justice with their blood is to forget it altogether. Because, forgetting is the only way to escape the wrath of the master.

Those are just few examples among thousands of incidents, mutilated dead bodies of our martyrs and Baloch prisoners that I mentioned herein. Mir Sahib, nations never die. If it were so then Israeli nation would have not existed at all. Even after two thousand years of persecution they have their state. Although their suppressive treatment to the Palestinians is condemnable. General Dyer is not alive anymore but British prime minister calls the Jalyanwala Bagh mishap shameful. And your Bangladeshi history is a latest one.

Mir Sahib, lest the words of Zardari and Lord B. Fell and your silence would be deemed Machiavellian. Perhaps, our great grandchildren, while reading the bitter facts of history after a century would conclude that today’s enlightenment has not been against oppression but utilized to maintain oppression. Anyway, it has now become a chapter of history that the Pakistani intellectuals have advised the occupying army to control Makuran and Bolan in order to controlling Balochistan successfully.


Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch

March 15, 2013

Translated by: Archen Baloch

Source: Daily Tawar,

BRP protests against illegal occupation, March 17 massacre and Iran-China intervention in Balochistan

organized references and protests in different parts of Balochistan, Karachi, Sweden and United Kingdom on Sunday (March 17) to commemorate the victims of Pakistani forces bombardment in Dera Bugti on March 17, 2005 and forceful occupation of Balochistan on March 27, 1948.

Hundreds of BRP and BRSO activists along with a large number of supporters including women and children took out a protest rally in Karachi to protest the barbaric attack of Pakistan army on Dera Bugti on March 17. Protestors carried banners reading different slogans against state atrocities in Balochistan and chanted slogans in favor of Baloch freedom struggle and martyrs of Balochistan.

BRP and BRSO leaders addressed the protestors and said that state atrocities that started almost a decade ago continue unabated and gaining momentum with every passing moment. Military operations have been extended to every breadth and corner of Balochistan; Enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings political activists, teachers, students, lawyers, intellectuals and innocent Baloch people have become a daily routine. They said that Baloch nation had no trust in any institution of the state and only relation between Baloch nation and state is of the oppressor and the oppressed.

Another protest demonstration was organized by the Baloch Republican Party activists in front of the UK Prime Minister’s office at 10 Downing Street, London. Activists carried banners and placards portraying Baloch genocide by Pakistani forces. Protestors raised awareness about the illegal occupation of Balochistan and war crimes committed by Pakistani forces in Balochistan.

A similar protest demonstration was organized in Sweden by the Baloch Republican Party. Party leaders and activists addressed the protestors. Speakers include Salal Balouch, Abdullah Baloch, Nawaz Ali Baloch, Asim Faiz Baloch, Aminullah Baloch, Morad Shehkhanzai Baloch, Abdul Malik Baloch, Shaeek Baloch, Mirza Baloch, Shoib Baloch and leader of the Christian community, Mr. Tarluk Maseeh. Speakers condemned the persecution of Christians in Pakistan; Mr. Tarluk Maseeh spoke against the Baloch genocide and expressed solidarity with the Baloch freedom struggle on behalf of the Christian community of India.

Baloch Republican Party organized protests in Balochistan, Karachi, UK, Sweden and other international forums to raise awareness about the illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan on March 27, 1948; Barbaric attack of Pakistani forces on March 17, 2005 where 71 innocent Baloch civilians including a large number of women and children from the Hindu Baloch community were killed. Baloch Republican Party strongly condemns the unwanted international intervention in Balochistan with the support of Pakistani state and the deals regarding Baloch land and resources without the consent of indigenous Baloch people such as Gawadar port’s handover to China and Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

Baloch Republican Party will organize another protest demonstration in Switzerland on March 22 in front of United Nations office in Geneva to protest Gawadar handover’s to China, Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, illegal occupation of Balochistan, Human Rights violations and war crimes committed by Pakistani forces. BRP wants to make it clear before the international community that Baloch nation is not bound to respect deals and agreements regarding Baloch land and resources done with Pakistan without the will of Baloch people rather we strongly condemn such deals and we will strongly resist and protest against them.

State atrocities in Balochistan continue unabated. Four innocent Baloch civilians have been abducted by Pakistani forces from Dera Bugti on Saturday. The abducted people were identified as Saido Bugti, Sindhi Bugti, Yousaf Bugti while the identity of fourth man could not be ascertained. Another four Baloch have also reportedly been abducted from Quetta today. Recovery of mutilated dead bodies of abducted Baloch people and military operations in Balochistan also continue with full intensity.

Hundreds protest for release of their innocent children in Quetta

Pakistani occupiers another planted story to defame the Baloch liberation struggle
Charges against our children are bogus: Families
Quetta: Hundreds of men, women and elderly people staged a strong protest demonstration on Thursday outside the Quetta Press Club against the arrest of 11 children being portrayed as paid workers of banned outfit United Baloch Army (UBA) by the law enforcement agencies.
The protesters were carrying placards inscribed with demands such as ‘we want justice’ and ‘release innocent children’. They chanted slogans against the government.
An aged women, resident of Killi Geo, describing herself as grandmother of Amir Khan, who is also in police custody said, “Security personnel forcibly entered our house violating our sanctity and abducted my grandson Amir.”
She said that arresting innocent children was in fact a shameful act and providing security to the people is responsibility of the government, but contrary to it the government itself is committing crime against the citizens.
“My brother Muhammad Sabir, 16, student of class IX was asleep when security personnel raided our home and picked him up saying they would only interrogate him,” Abdullah, brother of Sabir said while holding the portrait of his brother.
He said that security personnel had also abducted him but later he was set free. “Next day we searched all the nearby police stations to ascertain the whereabouts of Sabir but all out efforts went in vain,” he said, adding that they were shocked when the police produced him before the media showing him as a paid worker of UBA. “I know my brother very well. He is an intelligent boy who cannot be used by any group for the sake of a few pennies,” he remarked and demanded for his immediate release because he was giving his school papers.
Sanaullah, the brother of Munir Ahmed, 14, had a similar story to tell with tears rolling down his cheeks, “My brother Ahmed was arrested eight days ago and now the Frontier Corps and police are saying that he is a terrorist. He is an innocent boy who has nothing to do with any activities while the police are saying that he was arrested two days earlier, but the fact is he was picked up on March 7.”
The protestors later marched towards the Governor’s House where police barred them from crossing the road leading to the Governor’s House. They staged a sit-in over there and demanded immediate release of the arrested children.
Assistant Commissioner, Quetta Ahmed Ali held negotiations with the protestors and assured them that their legitimate demands would be fulfilled and their meeting would be arranged with Commissioner Quetta very soon.
Later, the protestors called off their protest and warned if their children were not released immediately they would widen their protest.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Muslims in New York desecrate the U.S. Flag.

Britons afraid to challenge radical Islam, says former Obama adviser

Former Obama advisor: Britons are too scared to challenge Islamists. Prof. shocked UK university enforced gender segregation at a debate on campus hosted by Islamic group.

British people are too afraid to offend a "vocal and aggressive" section of the Muslim community who demand that their cultural values are accepted by wider society, according to a former adviser to Barack Obama.

Lawrence Krauss
Professor Krauss, left, was taking part in a debate entitled: "Islam or Atheism: Which Makes More Sense?"
10:15AM GMT 15 Mar 2013
Professor Lawrence Krauss said he had been shocked when taking part at a debate hosted by an Islamic group at a leading British university to find that men and women were segregated.
The professor, a leading physicist and prominent atheist, threatened to walk out unless organisers agreed to let men and women sit together, which was eventually agreed - but was then astonished to find himself being accused of intolerance by angry members of the audience.
He said there had been no such problems when he recently took part in a similar debate in Australia.
But he suggested in Britain people were often too polite to object to such practices as well as being cowed by those eager to protest whenever they felt "their cultural norms are not being met".
He said: "People are not only afraid to offend, but afraid to offend a vocal and aggressive group of people.
"There is a segment of the Islamic community that is very vocal about this."
The professor said: "I think the notion that these cultural norms should be carried out within a broader society that not only doesn't share them but that is free and open is a very serious problem."
Authorities at University College London have launched an investigation into the event last Saturday, at which people who attended were separated into men, women and coupled seating areas - with women at the back.
Professor Krauss said he was later told by one woman who attended that she went into the lecture theatre holding hands with a male friend and pretending he was her boyfriend to be able to sit in the mixed section.

Richard Dawkins, the prominent British atheist, has claimed that the university allowed "sexual apartheid" to take place and said "heads should roll".
The event was organised by a group called the Islamic Education and Research Academy, which has now been banned from holding events on the UCL campus.
Professor Krauss, who served on Mr Obama's science policy committee during his 2008 election campaign, was taking part in a debate entitled: "Islam or Atheism: Which Makes More Sense?"
Footage posted online showed him saying "quit the segregation or I'm out of here" after security staff tried to throw out three men who had gone to sit in the women's section of the audience.
Eventually his request was met and the event continued but some members of the audience were upset with him. One even shouted "intolerant" as he left, which he found "remarkable".
A woman who spoke in the debate said she was uncomfortable sitting among men.
Professor Krauss said he told her that he respected her feelings but added: "You are in a public arena and not in a mosque, not in a private event."
He told the Daily Telegraph: "The notion that because these cultural norms make some people feel uncomfortable in broader society, that broader society should accommodate that discomfort, is complete nonsense."
It was "vitally important" that institutions such as universities were secular and avoided segregation of any kind, he added.
"It is the obligation of people who don't feel comfortable with that to decide how they are going to mesh with broader society, not the other way around.
"It is not cultural racism. For better or worse, we live in a free society, and we live in a secular, open society."
Professor Krauss said it was the first time he had experienced such segregation.
"I did a debate with an Islamic group in Australia which worked out fine. There were no issues and there was certainly not even the proposal that there should be segregation."
The IERA has admitted seating areas were separated by gender at the UCL debate but said that it did not enforce segregation and had launched a "thorough internal investigation" into what took place.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Everything they do is in the name of an aberration of Islam. The idea of Pakistan & the DNA it contains has converted Islam into a regressive force whereas Islam has always been a progressive force!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Editorial: The innocent Baloch 11 to 15 years old Boys of Quetta.

On a positive note, this exposé should pave the way for the international community, particularly for groups like the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), to visit Balochistan to independently investigate the true impact of the decade-long conflict on women and children. There is a wealth of information that needs to be collected and distributed with the world how Pakistan’s war on Balochistan has actually plunged children in a state of fear and trauma.

Baloch children have seen rough displacement and harsh military operations in all these years. Hundreds of them have been marching in the streets of Quetta or staging set-ins in front of various press clubs, officials buildings to agitate against the enforced disappearance of their parents and siblings. All these sufferings of the children have been criminally ignored by the Pakistani government and these voices were never heard by the world because government functionaries also kept these children away from the international humanitarian groups and the media.
The C.C.P.O.’s dramatic account of child bombers is also disputed because of some factual inaccuracies.

Germany bans three Islamist groups that wanted to overturn democracy and install a system based on Sharia, or Islamic law.

Germany bans 3 Islamic groups as anti-democratic.
Interior Ministry says Salafist groups 'aim to change our society so that rule of law is replaced by Sharia law'

Angela Merkel Photo: EPA
Angela Merke

Germany on Wednesday banned three ultra-conservative Salafist Muslim groups which the Interior Ministry said wanted to overturn democracy and install a system based on sharia, or Islamic law.

The ban, which took effect in the western states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia in the early morning, is the latest step taken by German authorities who have increased surveillance of Salafists who espouse a radical version of Islam.

Related stories:

The ministry said it has banned the organizations "DawaFFM" and "Islamische Audios", as well as "An-Nussrah", which is part of the "Millatu Ibrahim" group that was outlawed in June.

Some 20 people were searched and assets belonging to the organizations were seized, said the ministry.

"Salafism, as represented in the associations that were banned today, is incompatible with our free democratic order," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said in a statement.

"(The groups) aim to change our society in an aggressive, belligerent way so that democracy would be replaced by a Salafist system, and the rule of law replaced by Sharia law."

Germany is home to roughly 4,000 Salafists. They make up only a tiny proportion of the total Muslim population of about 4 million.

Friedrich said the step was part of efforts by Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right government to promote a tolerant and respectful relationship with the large number of peaceful Muslims inGermany.

Last year a series of violent clashes between police and Salafists, sometimes goaded by far-right anti-Islam protesters, near the western cities of Cologne and Bonn raised fears about growing militancy among an underclass of Muslim youths.,7340,L-4355895,00.html

Baluch Community Germany to protest on 24 March

Germany:The Baluch Verein Deutschland has announced to stage a protest demonstration in Koln city of Germany at 3 PM on Sunday 24, March. <a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>

According the BGC’s press release the protest was being held against the occupation of Baluchistan, 27 March 1948. Baluch and other human rights activists residing in Germany will take part in the protest demonstration. 

The statement further read, “The aim of the protest is urge Germany, European Union and the United Nations to stop supporting Pakistan. Pakistan has occupied the sovereign state of Baluchistan on 27 March 1948 at gunpoint and it has been carrying out military offensives and atrocities against Baluch people since then. Thousands of Baluch have been killed, disappeared and expelled from their homes due Pakistani military operations.”

The Baluch Community Germany further said at present more than 15,000 Baluch were being detained by Pakistan, and more than 700 among them have been killed under-custody and their mutilated bodies were thrown in different areas of Baluchistan. 

“The protesters will appeal to the UN and the rest of the civilised world to support the Baluch people’s struggle for national liberation which in accordance with the UN charter. The protesters will also appeal to the world powers to play their role for the safe and immediate release of thousands of abducted Baluch activists,” said the BGC. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


602734_10151323518747374_1516321321_n Quetta:  The family members of three persons who were abducted on 8th January 2013 from Quetta by Pakistani para military forces have protested outside the Quetta press club on Monday, against their non- recovery. Protesters were holding different placards in support of their loved ones  safe and immediate release. One of the protesters while talking to local media have said that; ”On 8thJanuary his brother Naseer Ahmed  along with his cousin Jameel Ahmed and Sanaullah were on way from Market towards house on their car about 09:45pm were intercepted by the Security forces, and took them away along with their car; and since then their whereabout are not known.
He further said, that for lodging their F.I.R , we have also filed a petition in the Balochistan High Court. We also met with the Governer Balochistan for their recovery, but so far we  haven’t got any clue about their whereabouts and not sure about their well-being. He said while urging the authorities; ”they are not affiliated with any political party, and they should be immediately safely released’’.
Occupied Balochistan: Gwadar, Pakistani secret agencies have abducted the famous Balochi language poet Dad Kareem aka DK Baloch along with Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch from coastal town of Jiwani in district Gwadar. According to reports, on 22nd February about 11pm, Pakistani forces have abducted the Dad Kareem, Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch from Dharaan area of Jiwani during their picnic party. They all are residents of Jiwani town of Balochistan.After few days Shafi Baloch and Sagheer Baloch were released but Dad Kareem Aka DK Baloch is still Missing.

Ajstream, Pakistani forces are involved in Baloch and Hazara Genocide

This is a very disturbing video of an organized street-fight between Russian Christian and Muslim gangs. I fear the non-stop provocations by Islamists will soon bring such mayhem to the Western Europe and North America. 

Unless the liberal-left takes up the fight against Islamofascists, it'll be White supremacists who will pick up the baton and that is the least desirable of all scenarios. Watch with caution.

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.
Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.  
 TORONTO — Labour Minister Yasir Naqvi says he didn’t endorse a controversial book on Islam that says it’s OK for men to physically punish their wives.
Naqvi acknowledged that he wrote a letter of support for the book two years ago, but says he didn’t read it.
The former president of the Liberal party says he doesn’t share the views expressed in the book and “in no way” endorsed its contents. He was just recently named to the cabinet of Premier Kathleen Wynne.
“I admire your drive to reach out to the public and promote values of tolerance, understanding and respect,” Naqvi said in his letter to author Suhail Kapoor.
The letter from Naqvi appears in the reviews section of “Islam: Balancing Life and Beyond.”
The book argues in a chapter called Does Islam Allow Wife Beating? that the Koran condones “lightly” striking your wife if she commits “serious moral misconduct.”
The book says “light strikes” to the woman’s hands with a wooden stick is acceptable.
“No marks should come from that strike. Nothing on the face, nothing on the body, nothing on the private parts or areas, just on the hands.”
Naqvi told the Toronto Sun Monday says he strongly condemns violence against women and that any kind of abuse is unacceptable.
The minister says he also didn’t authorize the use of his name or comments in the “reviews” section of the book.
Opposition Leader Tim Hudak says it’s disturbing that Naqvi endorsed such “garbage” and should apologize.

Quebec mother of terror suspect warns other parents

Mother of Canadian convert to Islam who is fighting allngside terrorists in Syria, warns other parents. He threatened his parents "you will burn in hell" if they too did not convert to Islam.


The mother of one of the 50 to 60 Canadians being monitored by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) because of alleged terrorist activities abroad says she no longer recognizes her own son.
The Quebec woman, who agreed to speak to CBC News on condition she remain anonymous for her own safety, said she wants to warn other parents about the risks awaiting young Muslims like her son.
She said after her son converted to Islam, he was recruited online by a radical Islamist group.

'An easy target'

The woman said her son was by nature a pacifist but was perhaps an easy target.
"They played on his generous nature," she says, adding she watched her son change gradually after he converted.
"He stopped listening to music because it was a sin," she says. "He started to cut off contact with girls, then later, with boys who didn't share his vision."
She said he became more and more critical of Canadian society, saying, "Canadian laws are not good. It's Sharia law that should be applied."
"He is convinced that jihad is a part of the religion," she said, adding he told his parents he wanted them both to "burn in hell" if they did not convert as well.

On the no-fly list

The young man has left Canada for Syria, and his mother is aware that CSIS agents suspect him of involvement in radical Islamist activities.
She said his name is on the no-fly list maintained by the U.S. government's terrorist screening centre.
"CSIS knows of some 50 or so young people who have left Canada to join one of these groups," said Michel Juneau-Katsuya, a former CSIS agent who is now president of Northgate — a private security consulting firm.
Social media play a growing role in reaching out to vulnerable young people and radicalizing them, Juneau-Katsuya said.
"Social media are a means of privileged communication between young people, which excludes their family and isolates them with others who sympathize with their cause and think in a similar fashion," he said. "It's also a way of communicating in code."
He said it's a challenge for authorities to keep on top of what's being discussed or to restrict access to radical content.

'Radical discourse' on the increase

Shaykh Omar Koné, a Sufi cleric who leads the congregation at Montreal's al-Iman mosque, said he sees more and more young people participating in this radical discourse.
He said clerics try to guide them in a different direction, but it doesn't always work.
Koné said parents of young Muslims must be vigilant and must not turn a blind eye to radical ideologues who might be trying to influence their children.

China's delegate at the UNHCR in Geneva object's to Balochistan's position regarding Pakistan selling the port city of Gwadar to Beijing. Gwadar sits at the entrance of the Straits of Hormuz, gateway to the Persian Gulf oil sea lanes.

MPs Order Books Called 'Deception' And Vicky Pryce's Greekoconomics

Politicians' secret reading lists have been revealed in book requests made to the House of Commons Library, including 'Greekonomics' by Vicky Pryce, one called 'The Jew is not my Enemy' and two books entitled 'Deception' and 'Duplicity And Deception.'
A Freedom of Information request by revealed politicians were not only keen to swot up on economy and technology, but were also curious as to what the ex-wife of disgraced MP Chris Huhne's wife had to say in her book about the eurozone crisis.
Some requests may have revealed MPs' hidden worries, with a request for the self-help book 'We Are Not So Smart' alongside another for the seminar paper on 'Strategic Analysis of the BBC'. Another politico had requested a book on 'Luck', perhaps as a last resort.
A book called 'Deception' and another tome called 'Duplicity and Deception' was also requested, publications that taken at face value might cast doubt on the veracity of MPs' intentions.
MPs were also keen to read up on Enoch Powell, with 'Enoch at 100' ordered as well as 'Bloody Nasty People' a book about the BNP and EDL.
A healthy interest in books by journalists was revealed with Guardian columnist Polly Toynbee's tome 'Dogma and Disarray' requested, as well as Tom Holland's controversial book on Islam.
Another request was for the book 'A Conservative Walks Into A Bar' on political humour.
george osborne 
A Conservative walked into a bar.. A Tory joke?.
A book on how the war in Afghanistan and Iraq had failed was also ordered for some light reading, with Frank Ledwidge's 'Losing Small Wars' on the list.

Christian persecution escapes attention.

"What does it say about our world when the election of a new Pope becomes front and centre in the media while the wiping out of an entire Christian neighbourhood, razed to the ground by a Muslim mob, gets little or no coverage?" My column in The Toronto Sun.



What does it say about our world when the election of a new Pope becomes front and centre in the media while the wiping out of an entire Christian neighbourhood, razed to the ground by a Muslim mob, gets little or no coverage?
The persecution of Pakistan’s Christians always takes a familiar route — allegations by a Muslim against a Christian who is accused of ‘insulting Prophet Muhammad’. Predictably, all hell breaks loose and invariably innocent Christians lose their lives, liberty and property.
In the latest incident, Sawan Masih, a Christian sanitation worker in Lahore, Pakistan, and his Muslim friend, the local barber Shahid Imran met up for a peg of whisky and after a few rounds, became embroiled in a heated debate about religion.
The next morning, after evidence of alcohol had dissipated, the Muslim man walked over to the local police station to file a complaint against his Christian friend, accusing Sawan Masih of having insulted the Prophet Muhammad while under the influence of alcohol.
Under Pakistan’s infamous Blasphemy Law (section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code), any citizen can file a complaint against another person, the punishment for which is a possible death sentence.
Last week, news of the “insult to Prophet Muhammad” reached the local Mosque where after the Friday congregation, enraged Muslims marched into Joseph Colony, the Christian neighbourhood, looking for the blasphemer. According to sources from the International Christian Concern, Masih’s 65-year old father was beaten and stones were thrown at their home. That night, police arrested Masih.
Instead of protecting the neighbourhood, the police escorted the residents out of the area. By Saturday morning, a frenzied mob of 3,000 Muslims attacked the Christian neighbourhood, looting the meagre possessions of the largely working class people. More than 170 homes and businesses were set on fire and ransacked that day in the name of Islam and Prophet Muhammad
As pictures emerged of Muslim youth celebrating the destruction of Christian homes, the predictable cycle of denunciations began. The Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif declared the incident as “the worst example of barbarism.”
This was little comfort to the homeless Christians of Joseph Colony who on Sunday, instead of attending church were left homeless and abandoned. One woman wailed: “Burn us too,” her hands repeatedly hitting her head. “Did they leave us alive to see all this?” she cried as she looked at the devastation around her.
At the core of the horrifying treatment of religious minorities in Pakistan is the Blasphemy Law inserted into the Pakistan Penal Code by the Islamist dictator, General Zia-ul-Haq. Unless it is struck off the law books, the killings will continue.
Then there is the Canadian connection to this tragedy.
The person who had boasted in Urdu in a video that he is the inspiration behind this law is the cleric-politician Tahir-ul-Qadri. Qadri is now a Canadian using his newly acquired Canadian passport to travel the world. This is what he had this to say to a TV audience with regard to blasphemy, its punishment and his own contribution:
“Whosoever insults Prophet Muhammad and commits blasphemy, whether he is Muslim or Kaafir (Christian, Jew or Hindu), man or woman, he or she should be murdered and kicked like a dog into hellfire, even if they repent ... Let me put it on the record, it was me and only me who is responsible for that law … No one else has made any contribution in making this law.”
Isn’t it a sad day that the man who takes ownership of this dastardly law finds comfort in Canada, while Christian victims of that very same law live in misery under open skies?

Soldier stoned to death in Kurram for alleged love affair: report

Pakistani Muslims stone 25-year old soldier for having 'an affair' with a young woman. Is there no end to this insanity? And this is the very Sharia Law Islamic countries of the OIC want protected against criticism. Imagine the audacity of these wicked devils. Imagine.

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A tribal council in the town of Parachinar, close to the Afghan border in Kurram district, ordered the sentence on Anwar-ud Din, who was about 25 years old, for having “illicit relations” with a local girl. – File photo
PESHAWAR: A soldier has been stoned to death in Pakistan’s restive tribal northwest over allegations of an affair with a teenage girl, officials told AFP on Wednesday.
A tribal council in the town of Parachinar, close to the Afghan border in Kurram district, ordered the sentence on Anwar-ud Din, who was about 25 years old, for having “illicit relations” with a local girl.
“There were some 40 to 50 people who hit the man with stones till he bled to death,” a local tribesman told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Relations between men and women without family approval are considered immoral by many in Pakistan, particularly in the deeply conservative northwestern tribal areas, where Taliban and Al Qaeda linked militants have strongholds.
Hundreds are killed around the country each year in the name of defending family “honour”, but stonings are extremely rare.
Din was accused of having an affair with an 18-year-old girl and meeting her secretly, but both were caught on Sunday in a graveyard, the tribesman told AFP.
The soldier admitted he had met the girl three or more times before and the punishment was carried out on Tuesday in the graveyard where the pair were discovered, the tribesman said, adding that the body was later taken to hospital.
Local government and security officials confirmed the incident, but declined to comment.
The fate of the girl remains unclear, but there were rumours in the area that she may also have been executed, although she denied the affair, the tribesman said.
A hospital official confirmed that they had received a mutilated body on Tuesday, which was later taken away by paramilitary forces.
“It was really a horrific sight. The body had been badly damaged after being hit by stones. Wounds all over and the face could no longer be recognised,” the official said.
Pakistan’s seven tribal districts bordering Afghanistan do not have a regular legal system and justice is dispensed according to tribal and Islamic custom by councils of elders.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Evolving geopolitics and its effects on occupied Balochistan.

Baloch nation was facing a slow motion genocide by Iranian and Pakistani forces since the first day of occupation of Baloch land but now it faces a new foreign enemy China, who will be directly involved in Baloch genocide in the near future.
The effects of Chinese takeover of Gwadar Port can already easily be seen in occupied Balochistan as the kill and dump policy has intensified and has been extended to Karachi.
Within the span of just few weeks, dead bodies of more than 8 Baloch missing persons, most of them students, have been dumped in Karachi area. Just two days ago, two missing persons Babo Iftekhar Baloch and Maqbool Ahmad Baloch were dumped by Pakistani forces in the Mangopeer area of Karachi.
From the day Pakistani authorities planned to transfer Gwadar port and started negotiation on Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project the state terrorism dramatically increased, which resulted in four fresh military operations in Mashkey, Mangochar, Mastung and Panjgur area of Balochistan. Military operationwere followed by bomb blasts in Quetta, which were conducted by Pakistan’s proxy Lashkar-e-Jangvi.
According to the Baloch activists, it was a pre-planned operation by Pakistani funded groups to kill Hazaras minority in Balochistan and to pave way for the fresh military operations against Baloch secular
On the other hand, Baloch leadership is very concerned about Gwadar port’s handover to Chinese authorities. “The world powers instead of expressing concern should practically act against Pakistan’s decision to hand over Gwadar port to China, world should support the Baloch freedom struggle”, said Baloch patriotic leader Hyrbyair Marri.
According to the BBC, “The Gwadar port is situated right next to the strategic Straits of Hormuz and its busy oil shipping lanes. The surrounding region is home to around two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves. It is also on the shortest route to the oil rich Central Asian states through land-locked Afghanistan.”
The Chinese takeover of Gwadar port to control the Straits of Hormuz, upcoming Pakistani elections and Iran-Pakistan gas pipelines have resulted in the escalation of Baloch genocide by Pakistani state.
On 11 March, Pakistan and Iran have signed a pipeline project in Chabahar, a coastal city of Iranian occupied Balochistan. Both fanatic states are the enemy of Baloch nation and their unity will not cause any benefit to Baloch people but it will increase the state terrorism.
America, Britain and their western allies should realise that they will not succeed to protect their regional interests in Middle East until they do not support Baloch democratic forces.
United States of America, Britain and particularly Japan should support Baloch forces to stop the Chinese influence in the region. Baloch nation at their best will not allow the rape of Gwadar by occupiers and their totalitarian allies. However not supporting Baloch will not just escalate the on-going genocide, which is committed by Fars and Punjab, but it would also bring a hard time for western democratic forces in the near future.