Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Evolving geopolitics and its effects on occupied Balochistan.

Baloch nation was facing a slow motion genocide by Iranian and Pakistani forces since the first day of occupation of Baloch land but now it faces a new foreign enemy China, who will be directly involved in Baloch genocide in the near future.
The effects of Chinese takeover of Gwadar Port can already easily be seen in occupied Balochistan as the kill and dump policy has intensified and has been extended to Karachi.
Within the span of just few weeks, dead bodies of more than 8 Baloch missing persons, most of them students, have been dumped in Karachi area. Just two days ago, two missing persons Babo Iftekhar Baloch and Maqbool Ahmad Baloch were dumped by Pakistani forces in the Mangopeer area of Karachi.
From the day Pakistani authorities planned to transfer Gwadar port and started negotiation on Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project the state terrorism dramatically increased, which resulted in four fresh military operations in Mashkey, Mangochar, Mastung and Panjgur area of Balochistan. Military operationwere followed by bomb blasts in Quetta, which were conducted by Pakistan’s proxy Lashkar-e-Jangvi.
According to the Baloch activists, it was a pre-planned operation by Pakistani funded groups to kill Hazaras minority in Balochistan and to pave way for the fresh military operations against Baloch secular
On the other hand, Baloch leadership is very concerned about Gwadar port’s handover to Chinese authorities. “The world powers instead of expressing concern should practically act against Pakistan’s decision to hand over Gwadar port to China, world should support the Baloch freedom struggle”, said Baloch patriotic leader Hyrbyair Marri.
According to the BBC, “The Gwadar port is situated right next to the strategic Straits of Hormuz and its busy oil shipping lanes. The surrounding region is home to around two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves. It is also on the shortest route to the oil rich Central Asian states through land-locked Afghanistan.”
The Chinese takeover of Gwadar port to control the Straits of Hormuz, upcoming Pakistani elections and Iran-Pakistan gas pipelines have resulted in the escalation of Baloch genocide by Pakistani state.
On 11 March, Pakistan and Iran have signed a pipeline project in Chabahar, a coastal city of Iranian occupied Balochistan. Both fanatic states are the enemy of Baloch nation and their unity will not cause any benefit to Baloch people but it will increase the state terrorism.
America, Britain and their western allies should realise that they will not succeed to protect their regional interests in Middle East until they do not support Baloch democratic forces.
United States of America, Britain and particularly Japan should support Baloch forces to stop the Chinese influence in the region. Baloch nation at their best will not allow the rape of Gwadar by occupiers and their totalitarian allies. However not supporting Baloch will not just escalate the on-going genocide, which is committed by Fars and Punjab, but it would also bring a hard time for western democratic forces in the near future.

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