Tuesday, March 19, 2013

BRP protests against illegal occupation, March 17 massacre and Iran-China intervention in Balochistan

organized references and protests in different parts of Balochistan, Karachi, Sweden and United Kingdom on Sunday (March 17) to commemorate the victims of Pakistani forces bombardment in Dera Bugti on March 17, 2005 and forceful occupation of Balochistan on March 27, 1948.

Hundreds of BRP and BRSO activists along with a large number of supporters including women and children took out a protest rally in Karachi to protest the barbaric attack of Pakistan army on Dera Bugti on March 17. Protestors carried banners reading different slogans against state atrocities in Balochistan and chanted slogans in favor of Baloch freedom struggle and martyrs of Balochistan.

BRP and BRSO leaders addressed the protestors and said that state atrocities that started almost a decade ago continue unabated and gaining momentum with every passing moment. Military operations have been extended to every breadth and corner of Balochistan; Enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings political activists, teachers, students, lawyers, intellectuals and innocent Baloch people have become a daily routine. They said that Baloch nation had no trust in any institution of the state and only relation between Baloch nation and state is of the oppressor and the oppressed.

Another protest demonstration was organized by the Baloch Republican Party activists in front of the UK Prime Minister’s office at 10 Downing Street, London. Activists carried banners and placards portraying Baloch genocide by Pakistani forces. Protestors raised awareness about the illegal occupation of Balochistan and war crimes committed by Pakistani forces in Balochistan.

A similar protest demonstration was organized in Sweden by the Baloch Republican Party. Party leaders and activists addressed the protestors. Speakers include Salal Balouch, Abdullah Baloch, Nawaz Ali Baloch, Asim Faiz Baloch, Aminullah Baloch, Morad Shehkhanzai Baloch, Abdul Malik Baloch, Shaeek Baloch, Mirza Baloch, Shoib Baloch and leader of the Christian community, Mr. Tarluk Maseeh. Speakers condemned the persecution of Christians in Pakistan; Mr. Tarluk Maseeh spoke against the Baloch genocide and expressed solidarity with the Baloch freedom struggle on behalf of the Christian community of India.

Baloch Republican Party organized protests in Balochistan, Karachi, UK, Sweden and other international forums to raise awareness about the illegal occupation of Balochistan by Pakistan on March 27, 1948; Barbaric attack of Pakistani forces on March 17, 2005 where 71 innocent Baloch civilians including a large number of women and children from the Hindu Baloch community were killed. Baloch Republican Party strongly condemns the unwanted international intervention in Balochistan with the support of Pakistani state and the deals regarding Baloch land and resources without the consent of indigenous Baloch people such as Gawadar port’s handover to China and Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project.

Baloch Republican Party will organize another protest demonstration in Switzerland on March 22 in front of United Nations office in Geneva to protest Gawadar handover’s to China, Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project, illegal occupation of Balochistan, Human Rights violations and war crimes committed by Pakistani forces. BRP wants to make it clear before the international community that Baloch nation is not bound to respect deals and agreements regarding Baloch land and resources done with Pakistan without the will of Baloch people rather we strongly condemn such deals and we will strongly resist and protest against them.

State atrocities in Balochistan continue unabated. Four innocent Baloch civilians have been abducted by Pakistani forces from Dera Bugti on Saturday. The abducted people were identified as Saido Bugti, Sindhi Bugti, Yousaf Bugti while the identity of fourth man could not be ascertained. Another four Baloch have also reportedly been abducted from Quetta today. Recovery of mutilated dead bodies of abducted Baloch people and military operations in Balochistan also continue with full intensity.

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