Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Ontario labour minister says he didn’t read book on Islam condoning spousal abuse before writing letter of support.

Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.
Yasir Naqvi the re-elected MPP representing the riding of Ottawa Centre arrives at the Preston Bar and Grill Thursday October 6, 2011.  
 TORONTO — Labour Minister Yasir Naqvi says he didn’t endorse a controversial book on Islam that says it’s OK for men to physically punish their wives.
Naqvi acknowledged that he wrote a letter of support for the book two years ago, but says he didn’t read it.
The former president of the Liberal party says he doesn’t share the views expressed in the book and “in no way” endorsed its contents. He was just recently named to the cabinet of Premier Kathleen Wynne.
“I admire your drive to reach out to the public and promote values of tolerance, understanding and respect,” Naqvi said in his letter to author Suhail Kapoor.
The letter from Naqvi appears in the reviews section of “Islam: Balancing Life and Beyond.”
The book argues in a chapter called Does Islam Allow Wife Beating? that the Koran condones “lightly” striking your wife if she commits “serious moral misconduct.”
The book says “light strikes” to the woman’s hands with a wooden stick is acceptable.
“No marks should come from that strike. Nothing on the face, nothing on the body, nothing on the private parts or areas, just on the hands.”
Naqvi told the Toronto Sun Monday says he strongly condemns violence against women and that any kind of abuse is unacceptable.
The minister says he also didn’t authorize the use of his name or comments in the “reviews” section of the book.
Opposition Leader Tim Hudak says it’s disturbing that Naqvi endorsed such “garbage” and should apologize.

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