Monday, October 1, 2012

UN should find a permanent and practical solution of Balochistan issue: Hyrbyair Marri

UN should find a permanent and practical solution of Balochistan issue: Hyrbyair Marri

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

London :

Patriot Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri in a statement from London said that continuing discovery of tortured bodies in presence of the UN Working Group is an indication that Pakistan disregards all the International Human Rights Organisations and laws neither does the state consider herself answerable to anyone for its crime against humanity.

He further said since the UN delegation’s announcement to visit Balochistan the recovery of mutilated and tortured bodies has not ended but the Baloch nation has high expectation of the UN team that they will play their role to expose occupying Pakistani state atrocities against Baloch people to the world. He said all the Baloch parties have welcomed the International delegation to Balochistan and offered their full cooperation whereas the government, the state media, the intelligence agencies, Pakistani Parliamentary committees and Human Rights Organisations, which have been shedding crocodile tear about extra judicial killings of Baloch people from past eight months, were now in a state of anxiety.

He said, “The state institutions are more worried about Pakistan’s image than the Baloch genocide and state barbarism against Baloch people. The Supreme Court Bench headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan has openly been telling the FC and Intelligence agencies to resolve the issue of enforced disappearances because this issue will damage the image of Pakistan. If it was not for the UN Working Group’s visit to Pakistan and Balochistan the Supreme Court would also turn a blind eye to human rights violation in Balochistan and remained a silent spectator to the state atrocities.”

Mr Marri expressed his dissatisfaction over giving only two days to Balochistan whereas four days to each NWFP now known as Khyber Pakhtun Khawa and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. “We have no objections over giving more time to others because we consider the pain of every human being as our pain however two days are not enough for a difficult region like Balochistan. Everybody including the Working Group is aware of the fact that number of Enforced Disappearances and victims of kill and dump policy of state are much higher in occupied Balochistan than anywhere else. The most affected far flung areas of Balochistan cannot benefit from the visit of the UN team in two days.”

Hyrbyair Marri said that the state apparatus has erected several hurdles in way of the team to make it difficult for them to focus solely on Balochistan’s issue. The state has activated her entire machinery on all levels i.e. so called federal committees, Pakistani human rights Organisations, and state representatives in occupied Balochistan, and pro-government parties disguised as nationalists, to divert the attention of UN team from the ground realities in Balochistan and provide them wrong information.

The Baloch leader made it clear that the issue of enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings of Baloch activists are completely different from the state sponsored religious sectarianism. Although the state is responsible for both sectarian killings and murder of Baloch activists but Baloch being killed for protecting their national identity and struggle to regain their sovereignty, whereas others are being killed by state to defame Baloch freedom struggle on International level.

Hybyair Marri hoped that despite all the difficulties and insufficient time the respected delegation will pay special attention to Balochistan issue and would recommend sending other delegations to open the padlocked casket of 80 year old Baloch leader Nawab Akbar Bugti and on the appeal of his family and Baloch nation samples of his DNA should be sent to an International Laboratory for identification and to ascertain the cause of his death.

According to the statement of Mr Marri, “The Baloch nation still considers Nawab Bugti as missing because after the announcement of his death on state sponsored media the security forces have buried a padlocked box claiming that it was the body of the Baloch leader. No independent sources or his family were allowed to open the coffin. There are two unanswered questions in the mind of his family and the Baloch nation first is weather the box contained the body of Nawab Bugti and the second is if it was his body then the state has used prohibited weapons to assassinate him and his companions. Since the burial the Army continues to guard his grave to conceal their crimes. If a state, Pakistan, has been guarding the grave of one individual from last five years, how can it allow the examination of the bodies of thousands of other extra-judicially murdered Baloch activists.”

Mr Marri repeated that the UN Working Group must have direct contacts with victims’ families through Voice for Baloch Missing Persons and pro-freedom Baloch political parties whose leaders and members have been abducted and killed in cold blood. Mr Marri also reiterated that if the UN can directly intervene in other parts of World to stop human rights violations there, then why the UN was not following the same principles in Balochistan. He said the Baloch nation is hopeful that the Working Group will go beyond just compiling a report and will take practical measures to find a permanent solution to this unfolding human tragedy in Balochistan.

Hyrbyair Marri said the Chief Justice’s refusal to meet the UN delegation confirms our apprehensions that Pakistani intelligence agencies, the army and Judiciary are all equally responsible for atrocities against Baloch. “When Pakistan intelligence agencies and the military commit crimes against humanity in Balochistan, the Supreme Court tries to conceal their crimes and calms the situation by its so called suo motu acts. “Despite tangible evidence including witness statements and video footages against the intelligence agencies and FC, the court has failed to punish any single Pakistani security forces personnel”, Mr Marri charged.

Expressing his view about the exclusive interview of Dr Shakeel Afridi on Fox News Hyrbyair said Baloch were aware of Pakistan’s cunningness and double standards from past 65 years. We (Baloch) have time and again warned the International Community that Pakistan is a double cross; they did not listened to Baloch but today the world has seen Pakistan’s real face. Commenting on Pakistani analyst Shaukat Qadir’s interview with BBC Urdu that a tiny minority sees America as their enemy, Mr Marri said, Dr Shakeel Afridi has been sentenced to 33 years imprisonment not by the tiny minority but the vast majority in Pakistan’s Judiciary and intelligence agencies are of Jihadi mentality and they do think of America as their enemies. In fact the Pakistani Army and all other institutions see civilised countries as their enemy.

Hyrbyair Marri said the courageous Baloch nation has been struggling against a brutal state like Pakistan from past 65 years without any foreign aid and support. Whereas the neighbouring and other civilised countries frightened of Pakistani terrorism were using diplomacy to save themselves but Pakistan was taking advantage of International Community’s diplomacy by expanding and strengthening religious terrorism across the globe. “It is time for the International Community instead of further supporting Pakistan they should support such forces that have been struggling to stop Pakistani extremism and expansion of religious madness from past six decades”, Mr Marri said.

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