Monday, October 1, 2012

Our children have not sacrificed their lives for votes or parliament: Qadeer Baloch

Our children have not sacrificed their lives for votes or parliament: Qadeer Baloch

<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

Quetta :

The Vice chairman of Voice for Baloch Missing Persons, Qadeer Baloch, said that extra judicially killed and enforced-disappeared Baloch did not sacrificed their lives for Pakistani parliament and votes. “We are not struggling to get our children released so they can vote for the parliamentarians.”

He further said that how would the parliamentarians come and asked him, the father of a son who was killed under-custody, to vote for them when they did nothing to save his son (Jalil Reki). He added that sole purpose of abducting Baloch activists and extra judicially killing them was because they were struggling for freedom of Balochistan.

Following is the transcript of Abdul Qadeer Baloch’s interview with Radio Gwank, Balochistan.

Radio Gwank: Was there any consultation with you by anyone about Aktar’s recent visit and his six points?

Mama Qadeer: We have been struggling for the released of enforced-disappeared Baloch from Past three years. People are missing from past many years many have been killed and dumped and 14000 are still being illegally held. Let me clarify that all those who have been extra judicially killed or languishing in Pakistani torture cells did not sacrificed for petty rights or six points or for negotiations with Pakistani Supreme Court. We are not struggling for the release of Baloch missing persons so that after their release they will cast votes for someone to make him a minister or a senator. The struggle of all those who have died or still in torture cells is for the independence Balochistan. If they were for votes or courts they would have been released long ago. They would have received more benefits than Akhtar Mengal. Our struggle is for the independence of Baloch land that is under the occupation of Pakistan from 65 years. Our struggle is continuing since 1948 with rises and declines at times. It is the same struggle that was initiated by Agha Abdul Karim Khan, Nawab Nauroz Khan and Baloch sarmachaars. Since 2005 the struggle intensified followed by brutalities which are ongoing till date with more people getting killed and disappeared each day. Abductions and killings are still continuing unabated if anyone says there is no military operation or abductions; they are lying.

The purpose of this entire struggle is freedom and people are consciously sacrificing and they will continue to do so until Baloch people get their freedom. The mothers of those who have been killed or who are missing come and tell me that the sacrifices of their children were for the independence of Baloch land and not for votes and elections.

I further want to clear that if elections are held no one from our side will go and participate in these elections. Baloch nation has successfully survived the phase when they were fooled now we can no more be tricked. It is now impossible for Baloch to go and cast votes in the infrastructure of an artificial occupying state. Baloch are not willing to make anyone governor, chief minister or minister.

As for the six points of Akhtar Mengal I would say if he was really sincere with the cause then his first and foremost point should have been independence of Balochistan. The Baloch activists have gone missing because they were struggling for the freedom of their motherland. Instead of six points he should have presented only one point – freedom. Negotiations should be on one point agenda which freedom of Balochistan. Instead of presenting six points and comparing them with Mujib-ul-Rehman’s six points, Mr Mengal should have made one simple point i.e. Freedom of Balochistan.

He should have joined hands with those who introduced Balochistan Liberation Charter instead of shaking hands with Pakistani occupiers. We have nothing to do with any one who wants to take part in elections. Missing Person’s issue is different and we have nothing to with his agenda of votes or parliament. For example, I am father of a son who has been killed in custody for freedom of Balochistan. Now on what basis Akhtar will come and ask me to cast votes for him to make him chief minister? And on what justifications I will go and caste votes for him? It is not possible. There are no such persons who will stand in a queue and vote for parliamentarians. Akhtar should abandon all other petty six points and struggle for sanctity, protection and freedom of Balochistan.

Radio Gwank: Don’t you think it is a positive step that Akhtar has gone there and raised the grave issue of Baloch missing persons and other problems?

Mama Qadeer: What is the positivity in these six points – these points are useless. Have we struggled all this time for votes or elections or these six points? Our sons’ sacrifices are gone in vain? I am telling you that we have only one point – that is freedom of Balochistan. Entire Baloch nation want freedom. No one should accept anything less than independence. We should talk nothing less than Freedom whether that is Nawab Khair Bux Marri, Hyrbyair Marri, Brahumdagh Bugti, Dr Allah Nazar or the Sarmachars they all talk of one point that is freedom of Balochistan. We do not need six points, eight points or ten points. Do you think we are sacrificing for votes? If this is all for votes then why he boycotted elections some years back?

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