Monday, October 1, 2012

Sorry saga of Baloch misries: A document highliting the Baloch genocide

Barbaric Punjabi armies are famous of their genocide techniques in Bengladesh.They are using very same in Balochistan as well. Baloch settlements are facing Ariel bombardment time and again, gunships roar upon nomadic villages, and military tanks ruin the crops and corpses both. At the start of recent conflict, Punjabi armies bombarded Bugti fort in Dera Bugti. At March 17, 2005 Shelling of Pakistani Air force and artillery left 70 dead and Countless wounded, including men, women and children. Mass graves discovered in Singsilah, Mand and Chaman were enough to open the eyes of international community but controlled media played a pathetic role to hide the atrocities. Pakistan army reportedly threw the abducted Baloch, from a height of thousands of feet by choppers in Noshki to express their tyrant intentions. Baloch detainees were burnt alive in Singsilah area of Dera Bugti by drowning them in containers of boiling charcoal. Just to put back Gestapo in the row of brutality, Baloch women and children were forcibly thrown in the flares of their burning homes in Biti area of Dera Bugti. Baloch women and Children killed in Ariel bombardment.

Hundreds of thousands Baloch families are forced to relocate in adjoining Sindh and Punjab, where they are leading a miserable life. Pakistani forces often threaten the IDPs in Sindh and Punjab, kill and abduct their youth, take away every source of their livelihood and burn their camps to ashes. A recent offensive on a temporary settlement of Baloch IDPs in Rajan Pur area left three dead and they abducted 12 men. Many NGOs of international repute are on record when they tried to help Baloch IDPs they were forcibly stopped by the State. Recently Pakistani forces launched an offensive an ancient Baloch settlement of Liyari- Karachi, to punish those who sheltered Baloch IDPs, though this armed action was labeled other way to deceive the international community. During Liyari operation, ambulances of different NGOs were not allowed to take injured ones to the hospitals. Abdulsattar Edhi of Edhi foundation said publically on electronic media that he went to serve the humanity in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan Egypt and other war torn countries and no one stopped him to work, but Pakistani authorities are not allowing his aid workers and ambulances to enter in Baloch areas.

More than 15000 Baloch families are forced to take refuge in neighboring Afghanistan. Baloch refugees of Afghanistan prove that a war torn country is a better option to save the lives of their families. Devilish forces of Pakistan did not spare them there as well. Abducting Baloch youth How do they treat Baloch What should it be called, genocide?

International media reported more than a dozen of attacks on Baloch refugee camps in Afghanistan by Inter Services intelligence of Pakistan army. Such attacks often cause heavy causalities and misery of poor refugees is multiplied. Thousands of Baloch youth and political worker are illegally abducted and their fate remains unknown. Abductions at massive scale still continue. While drafting these lines family of a 16 year old Farooq Bugti approached and registered that their child was abducted by Para-military forces of Pakistan army in the day light, from capital city of Quetta today. More than a thousand people have been killed in custody, and their unrecognizable mutilated bodies are dumped in waste. So for 500 plus dumped bodies of abducted Baloch have been recognized by their families while others are buried unidentified. Baloch political workers, intellectuals, students, poets, artists, writers and journalists are targeted by the death squads of Punjabi military. Private militias, developed as the fifth columns of military are busy in Baloch genocide with different names. Sitting ministers of Pakistani Government in Balochistan are on record, who accused Pakistani military a sequel of Bangladesh tragedy. Provincial chief of police provided the video evidences in Pakistani Supreme court to prove that Paramilitary forces are carrying out a systematic campaign of abductions and extra judicial killings of Baloch. Chief Justice of Pakistan says the State authorities must keep their forces on leash to stop the bloodshed. But it seems that Pakistani forces are determined to eliminate Baloch nation at any cost.

Introduction 3
Atrocities: 6
Socio-Economic Situation: 8
Natural Resources-A history of loot and plunder: 11
Oil and Gas 11
Coal 13
Copper and Gold 14
Ports and Coastline 15
Ormara-The port of boats 15
Gawadar-The gateway of cool breeze 16
Jewani – Nursery of Marine life 16
Sonmiani - The port of gold 16
Damb-The Deep 17
Gaddani- The beach of wild goats 17
Violence - Mise en scene 18
Legal Information: 22
Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearance 30
Institutions Involved: 39
Involvement of Pakistani military 39
Para-Military forces 41
Frontier Constabulary 41
Pakistan Coast Guards 42
Pakistani Spy Agencies 43
Military Intelligence- MI 43
Inter Services Intelligence-ISI 44
State sponsored private militias: 45
Peace Force 45
Mussalah Difai Tanzeem 47
Tehreek-e-Nifaz-Aman 48
Mutahida Mahaz 49
Lashkar-e-Jhangavi 50
Sipah-e-Muhammad 51
Pseudo steps of Government to deceive the international Community: 52
Presidential apology 52
Aghaz-e-Haqooq -e- Balochistan 53
Parliamentary Committee of Gilani Regime 54
Parliamentary Committee of Raja Regime 55
Judicial Commission 55
Suo motu notice of Supreme Court 56
Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings in Balochistan: 57
Corroborating Evidences 59
Effected Groups 61
Political Vanguard, abducted, killed and dumped 62
The Intelligentsia Silenced 63
Abduction of Students, Generations on Stake 64
Nation deprived of professionals 65
Culture overturned 66
Observations of Human Rights Organizations: 68
Human Rights Watch-HRW 69
Amnesty International 70
Voice for Baloch Missing Persons – VBMP 72
International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons – IVBMP 73
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan – HRCP 74
Comic part of the human tragedy- State side justification of genocide: 75
Insurgency 75
Enforced disappearances 76
Extra Judicial Killings 77
Response of International Community: 78
US Congressional hearing on Balochistan 79
Resolution in US Congress, recognizing Balochistan right to self- determination. 80
UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances 82
Conclusions: 83
Recommendations 84
Annex 85
Innocent Baloch National Martyered in cold blood 85
Availabe data of Baloch Nationals killed in the custody of Security forces after abduction 130
Baloch Nationals Abducted by Pakistani Security Forces 145


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