Monday, November 30, 2015

JQMS Rally on Nawab shah Sindh Against Paris Attack.

جسمم کو نواب شاھ مین ایک بڑی ریلی نکالنے پر مبارک باد دیتے ہین جسمم سندھ کی واحد آزادی پسند تنظیم ہے جو ایم کیو ایم کی ہر مشکل وقت مین حمایت کرتی رہتی ہے

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Confident Brahmdagh takes strong stand on freedom struggle:

Confident Brahmdagh takes strong stand on freedom struggle:

Baloch leader Brahmdagh Bugti on Monday took a strong stand on Balochistan’s independence struggle, and asked Pakistani establishment to conduct a referendum under the UN’s supervision to find out what the Baloch nation wanted.
While talking to a Pakistani television channel, he said he was not ready for any talks when the Pakistani military was abducting Baloch women and children.
He said dozens of woman were abducted by the Pakistan military recently from the Bolan area.
It is for the first time that a Baloch leader has successfully raised the issue of abducted Baloch women on the mainstream Pakistani media.
The confident Baloch Republican Party chief appeared to have a reasonable answer for every testing question the anchor asked.
When asked about the fate of Dr Allah Nazar, he said it’s against the Baloch traditions for him to reveal anything about that. “But I wish him long life and success.”

Bugti said if the Pakistani establishment was in the misunderstanding that they can force “us for talks under the barrel of the gun, then let the fight continue”.
About talks with the government, he said he is ready to talk with anyone, “but the military operation in Balochistan should stop first”.
When asked whether he considered Pakistan his country and accepted its constitution, he said “no”.
The anchorperson asked him about the rumours that he had visited India. “Your Pakistanis even called your Mother of the Nation an Indian agent,” he replied. “You can come to Switzerland and I’ll manage to show you my passport to prove whether I’ve been to India or not.”
However, he added that under the current circumstances when Pakistani is committing atrocities in Balochistan, the Baloch people will accept any help from anyone.
He also rubbished the rumours that he was returning to Pakistan.
The journalist claimed that most Baloch wanted to live in Pakistan and only Bugtis were engaged in sabotage activities. “I don’t only represent Bugtis or a single tribe. I talk about the whole Baloch nation. Makran is a non-tribal area. Who is running the freedom movement there?” Brahmdagh quipped.
He said the Baloch struggle has popular support from all over Balochistan.

Human Rights and Security in Balochistan Highlighted During UNPO Delegation’s Visit to Washington DC

Mr Nasser Boladai, Spokesperson of the Balochistan People’s Party (BPP) and President of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation (UNPO) visited Washington D.C. last week [16 November 2015] together with Johanna Green, UNPO Program Manager. The trip, ending on the 20th of the same month, functioned as a means of raising awareness of the plight of the people of Balochistan, highlighting the extensive human rights violations taking place in both Iran and Pakistan against the Baloch people. It also provided an opportunity to inform and draw attention to UNPO and the work of the organisation.
The Delegation had the opportunity to establish fresh dialogues with Congressmen, Senators and Administration Officials new to the Baloch cause, as well as to renew ties and continue a joint narrative with long-time advocates and supporters of Balochistan.

This round of meetings came freshly after the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran, which has polarized many House Representatives and Senators. The impact of this deal will not go without consequences for the Baloch and other minorities within Iran, as it gives the regime a ‘green light’ to intensify human rights violations against these peoples with increased funds available after the lifting of sanctions. Moreover, coinciding with the Delegation’s trip to Washington DC was the visit of Raheel Sharif, Pakistan’s army chief, to the US capital. Given the Pakistani army’s hold over key security and foreign policy issues in the country - the former including a brutal crackdown on the Baloch people, the Delegation found it important to raise awareness of the appalling conditions faced by Baloch activists. A key message conveyed during the meetings was that the US government should consider engaging not only with governments, but also with peoples who might provide better allies than the oppressive regimes of Iran and Pakistan.
The visit to the US capital came shortly after the District of Columbia was inaugurated as UNPO’s newest member on 7 November 2015. The fortuitous circumstances allowed Mr Boladai and Ms Green to engage in activities for their newest member, seeking to become the 51st State of the USA. Mr Boladai made a TV appearance on the local station D.C. Statehood Today were he was interviewed by Ms Deneysha Richard. Building on this DC Senator Paul Strauss joined the pair during a lecture about UNPO and DC’s continuous denial of statehood at UCD’s (University of the District of Columbia) Law School. Finally on Thursday 19 November 2015, Senator Strauss, alongside Senator Michael D. Brown and Representative Franklin Garcia hosted a ‘Welcome Reception’ for UNPO with the support of Students for DC Statehood.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Boko Haram Actually Kills More People In Terror Attacks Than ISIS

After nearly 300 schoolgirls were kidnapped by Boko Haram in 2014, the world reacted in outrage, coalescing around the hashtag # Bring Back Our Girls.

Every week, we bring you one overlooked aspect of the stories that made news in recent days. Did you notice the media forgot all about another story's basic facts? Tweet @TheWorldPost or let us know on our Facebook page.
This week, the world’s deadliest terror group wrought extraordinary carnage on crowds of people going about their daily lives.
The fruit and vegetable market in the northern Nigerian city of Yola was packed with customers buying food for dinner when a suicide bomber struck on Tuesday evening, killing at least 34 people. "The ground near my shop was covered with dead bodies," Alhaji Ahmed told Reuters.
Then on Wednesday, as afternoon prayers approached, two young women strapped with explosives detonated at a busy mobile phone market in the nearby city of Kano. At least 15 people were killed in the twin blasts, according to The Associated Press.

Both bombings are widely believed to be the work of Nigerian militant group Boko Haram, which rarely claims responsibility for specific attacks but has waged a bloody six-year insurgency in the region.
new report this week found Boko Haram has overtaken the so-called Islamic State as the “most deadly terror group in the world.”
The Global Terrorism Index said Boko Haram killed more people -- 6,644 -- in terror attacks during 2014 than any other group. The Islamic State, which is based in Syria and Iraq and this week brought its deadly violence to BaghdadBeirut and Paris, follows closely behind, at 6,073 deaths through terrorism in 2014.
In March, Boko Haram released a recording pledging allegiance to the Islamic State, but the extent of any cooperation between the groups is unclear. Together, the two organizations were responsible for 51 percent of all terrorism-related deaths around the world last year, the report said.
The Global Terrorism Index is an annual report by the New York City-based Institute for Economics and Peace. It tracks global deaths from terror attacks, which it defines as “an intentional act of violence or threat of violence by a non-state actor.”
The index distinguishes between terror attacks and battlefield deaths, and notes that the majority of people killed by the Islamic State die in combat, including at least 20,000 people in 2014.
The total death toll of Boko Haram violence is also thought to be higher than the terror-related deaths tallied in the report. The highly respected Nigeria Security Tracker, compiled by the U.S.-based Council on Foreign Relations, found that over 6,000 people were killed in clashes between Boko Haram and Nigerian forces in 2014.
Boko Haram emerged in northeast Nigeria around 2002, espousing an extreme form of Islam and capitalizing on alienation and poverty in this region of the oil-rich country. After a series of deadly clashes with the Nigerian government, the group launched a violent insurgency in 2009, which has left thousands dead and parts of northeastern Nigeria in ruins.
Last year, Boko Haram escalated attacks, capturing towns and villages in the northeast and taking hundreds captive. In one incident, which drew worldwide condemnation, the militants stormed a boarding school in Chibok in April 2014 and seized nearly 300 schoolgirls. At one point in 2014, the militants controlled a territory approximately the size of Belgium. Meanwhile, a relentless stream of suicide bombings has terrorized cities around the country, many of them using women and young girls who may be coerced into carrying out attacks.
From 2013 to 2014, the death toll from terrorism-related attacks climbed dramatically in Nigeria, increasing by 300 percent. The Global Terrorism Index called the rise “the largest increase in terrorist deaths ever recorded by any country.”

ZAINA ERHAIM OF SYRIA NAMED 2015 WINNER, Reporters Without Borders (RSF), and Agence France-Presse are pleased to announce that Syrian journalist is the 2015.

Journalists without borders gives the Syrian Zaina Erhaim the journalists award of 2015 for here bravery and courage keeping reporting from inside Syria the country as considered the most dangerous place to be in 
All love for you Zaina you doing great journalism and writing history as well

Zaina Erhaim, 30, currently lives and works in Aleppo, Syria. Over the last two years, she has trained about 100 citizen reporters from inside Syria, approximately a third of them women, in print and TV journalism, and has helped establish many of the new emerging independent
newspapers and magazines in the war torn country. Erhaim is also the Syria project coordinator for the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR), an international organization that support journalists in countries undergoing conflict, crisis, or transition. Many of Ms. Erhaim’s students, from all walks of life, have been published in major international news outlets.
Zaina Erhaim is a force multiplier of journalistic values in a country torn by violence and irrationality,” said Camille Mackler, the Peter Mackler Award’s project director. “We salute her courage, upholding professional ethics and bringing them to the service of those left to write history.”
Syria is currently ranked 177th out of 180 countries in the World Press Freedom Index published by Reporters Without Borders.
Upon learning that she had received the award, Ms. Erhaim said "when living in horror for all these years, it is normal to feel abandoned and forget that there is someone listening or reading to our stories and that she or he actually cares. It is such initiatives that make me feel that I, with my Syrian colleagues, do matter, and that our hard work is appreciated and it gives power to go on in my daily surviving battle."
Delphine Halgand, director of Reporters Without Borders – USA said “by awarding Zaina Erhaim, we pay tribute to the courage of those in Syria who fight for the freedom of information. Syria is the deadliest country for journalists since 2011. Facing harsh oppression, Erhaim is an outstanding journalist and journalism teacher
"Zaina Erhaim has done extraordinary work both in training local residents and journalists who have become nearly the only first-hand source of news on the Syrian conflict and in supporting Syrian women living under siege.” Said David Millikin, Agence France-Presse’s director for North America. “She embodies the ideals which the Peter Mackler Award was created to honor."

About the Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism

The Peter Mackler Award for Courageous and Ethical Journalism was founded in June, 2008 to honor the memory of Peter Mackler, a Brooklyn-born thirty-five year veteran journalist who championed ethical journalism and freedom of expression. Mackler helped transform the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) into the international competitor that it is today. Mackler also founded the Global Media Forum, Zaina Erhaim which trained journalists and non-profit organizations to use the media as a tool for social change, and Project Plato, teaching journalism as a life skill to disadvantaged teenagers.
The Peter Mackler award rewards journalists who fight courageously and ethically to report the news in countries where freedom of the press is either not guaranteed or not recognized. The Award is administered by Global Media Forum, the US branch of Reporters Without Borders, and Agence France-Presse.
The Award ceremony will take place on October 22, 2015 at 6PM at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, 529 14th St. N.W, 13th Fl.; Washington, DC 20045. The ceremony will be followed by a networking hour. Tickets can be bought on the Peter Mackler Award website.
Contact :
Camille J. Mackler
Project Director, Peter Mackler Award
Phone: 917-655-3548

قاتل پارٽيءَ جي حملي ۾ ايس ايو پي اميدوار سميغ چانڊيو زخمي ، آءَ سي يو م داخل

قاتل پارٽيءَ جي حملي ۾ ايس ايو پي اميدوار سميغ چانڊيو زخمي ، آءَ سي يو م داخل 
ياد رهي ته رات پي پيءَ جي دهشتگردن ، پر امن ويٺل ايس يو پي اميدوارن تي حملو ڪري ڏنو ، هٿيارن جا منهن کولي ڇڏيا ، جنهن ۾ داڪٽر انور لغاري ٿڏي تي قتل ٿي ويو ۽ سميغ چانديو سخت زخمي

People of Sindh condemn the murder of Social Worker and poitical activist Dr Anwer Laghari .

People of Sindh condemn the murder of Social Worker and poitical activist  Dr Anwer Laghari .
PPP terriorist wing killed  social activist and political worker Dr. Anwar laghar in Qasimabad Hyderbad Sindh.
We are with Laghari family in this sadness time. How much martyrs will bear Sindh? ?

بيحد افسوسناڪ خبر ، ڊاڪٽر انور لغاري جهڙو پيارو ماڻهو بہ ظالمن هٿان ڪسجي ويو ، جيڪو بين جي زخم تي پها رکندو هئو ۽ اڄ هن جي جسم کي گولين سان پروڻ ڪيو ويو آهي . افسوس افسوس افسوس ...

اڪٽر انور لغاريءَ جو قتل جيترو به شرمناڪ عمل چئجي اهو گهٽ.
پر ان قتل جا مقصد گهڻ پاساوان ٿي سگهن ٿا.
مان اڃا تائين ته ان سانحي کي فقط هڪ ڪائونسلر جي چونڊَ جو تڪرار سمجهڻ لاءِ تيار نه آهيان.
سنگت جي ٿورو به ذهن تي زور ڏيندي ته:
“ ان موقعي کي، ڪنهن جي خلاف استعمال ڪري سگهجي ٿو؟“ وارو سوال سمجهه ۾ اچي وڃي شايد.
ي پي سنڌ جي ٻئي ايم ڪيو ايم ٿئي آھي. پي پي پنھنجو ڪو به مخالف ڪونه ڇڏيندي ايم ڪيو ايم وانگر پر ھاڻي ته پي پي خد پنھنجا ماڻھو مارائي ايم ڪيو ايم وانگر مخالفن تي الزام ھڻندي.
قاتل پارٽيءَ وري هڪ ڀيرو ٻيهر قاسم آباد م سنڌي ڪٺآ 
پي پيءَ جي دهشتگردن ، ايس يو پي اميدوارن تي حملو ڪري انسانيت جي خدمت ڪندڙ ڊاڪٽر انور لغاريءَ کي شهيد ۽ ٻين ڄڻ کي مرڻينگ ڪري ڇڏيو

 ڳوٺن م پوليس گردي شھرن م دهشتگري اها اٿو پپلز پارٽي

شهيد ڊاڪٽر انور ۽ سندس خاندان سان پنجٽيھن چاليھ سالن کان ويجهڙائي رهي اٿم، جڏهين به قومي ڪارڪن ڪنهن مصيبت ۾ ڦاسندا هُئا تڏهين چاچو محمد علي امان فاطمه ڊاڪٽر انور پنهنجي ڪَئوڙي ۾ لڪائي واهرو ۽ ڀرجهلا ٿيندا هُئا، ان عيوض منحوس ملٽري حڪومت جا جيل ٿاڻا ۽گهاڻا سهندا رهيا. چاچو محمد علي منور ۽ ڊاڪٽر انور لغاري هڪ دفعو مون وٽ آيا چيائون ڊاڪٽر قادر مگسي سنڌ جي آزادي لا۽ مزاحمتي جدوجهد هلائڻ ٿو چاهي ان ڪري مون کي گڏجڻ گهرجي انوقت فقط چند شاگردن تي مشتمل جيئي سنڌ اسٽودنٽس فيڊريشن ترقي پسند ونگ موجود هُئي. مون چاچي محمد علي ٻين دوستن سان گڏجي سنڌ جي جهر جهنگ ۾ ڳوٺن واهڻن ۾ بار بار وڃي هڪ منظم پارٽي جو بنياد وڌو ان ۾ ڊاڪٽر انور ۽ منور سميت ڪيترن دوستن جو سهڪار شامل هو، پوءَ ڇا ٿيو مزاحمت ڪيڏانهن ويئي ان تي ڪڏهين ويهي تفصيلي لکبو هي دل نپوڙيندڙ ڏک وارو وقت انهن ڳالهين ڦلهورڻ جو ناهي. هن نفسا نفسي جي سياسي وايو منڊل ۾ جتي فتوا فروشن جي بازار ملن کان به وڌيڪ ڀريل آهي اتي هي سدا مرڪڻو ماڻهو پنهنجي ظرف ۾ گهڻن نام نهاد اڳواڻن کان انتهائي اوچو هو، سياسي اختلافن کي ڪڏهين به هن پنهنجي روين جو راهبر ڪون ٿي بڻايو هر هڪ ماڻهو سان ميٺ محبت وڏا ڀاڪر وڏا ٽهڪ، جڏهين به ماڻهوءَ جي غمِ جهان ۾ دل سوڙهي ٿيندي هُئي سو جڏهين به شهيد ڊاڪٽر جي محفل مان اٿي ايندو هو ته مرڪندي ايندو هو. الا هاڻي آئون دل جي درد جي ڪٿي وڃي دوا وٺندس جتي مرڪڻ جو ڪارو ڏڪار هجي اتي ڪنهن وٽ وڃي وڏا ٽهڪ ٻڌي دل جو بوجھ هلڪو ڪندس. هينئر ڪنهن سان ويهي ڏک ونڊيان جو شهيد ڊاڪٽر انور لغاري منهنجو دلبر ننڍو ڀاءُ هو. هڪڙو اهڙو ڏکيو وقت مون تي به آيو جو شديد زخمي حالت ۾ مون کي شهيد داڪٽر انور ۽ چاچي محمد عليءَ جي گهر ۾ پناھ ملي هُئي.
(حسين بخش ٿيٻو)
تصويرو ڳالهائين ٿيون
1. شهيد ڊاڪٽر انور 2010 جي ٻوڏ ۾ رات ڏينهن علاج جي قومي ڪئمپ هلائي رهيو آهي.
2. امان فاطمه جيڪا سڀني قومي ڪارڪنن جي امڙ هُئي آڌيءَ مانجهيءَ جڏهين به وڃبو هو تي فوري طور اٿي ماني پڇائي آڻي اڳيان رکندي چوندي هُئي جي پنهنجن ٻچن کي بک لڳي هوندي. فاشي ڪتن هٿان زخمي ٿيندڙ قومي ڪارڪنن جي مرهم پٽي صفائي خاطرداري امڙ جيان ڪندڙ بهادر بي ڊپي
3. چاچو محمد علي هن وقت شديد بيمار حالت ۾ قومي تحريڪ جو کاهوڙي ڪردار لطيف جو پارکو هاڻي امان فاطمه جي وڇوڙي کان پوءِ جوان پٽ جي المناڪ موت جو صدمو زندگيءَ جي آخري گهڙين تائين کڻي هلندو.
3. منور لغاري ۽ منهنجي تعلقاتن جو به عجيب Life cycle آهي پنجٽيهن سالن جي تعلقاتن ۾ هر ٽيئي چوٿين سال ڪاوڙ ۽ ويجهڙائي جو دور ڦرندو آهي هن وقت اسان جي وچ ۾ شديد ناراضگي جو دور پيو هلي
(حسين بخش ٿيٻو)تصويرو ڳالهائين ٿيون1. شهيد ڊاڪٽر انور 2010 جي ٻوڏ ۾ رات ڏينهن علاج جي قومي ڪئمپ هلائي رهيو آهي.2. امان فاطمه جيڪا سڀني قومي ڪارڪنن جي امڙ هُئي آڌيءَ مانجهيءَ جڏهين به وڃبو هو تي فوري طور اٿي ماني پڇائي آڻي اڳيان رکندي چوندي هُئي جي پنهنجن ٻچن کي بک لڳي هوندي. فاشي ڪتن هٿان زخمي ٿيندڙ قومي ڪارڪنن جي مرهم پٽي صفائي خاطرداري امڙ جيان ڪندڙ بهادر بي ڊپي 3. چاچو محمد علي هن وقت شديد بيمار حالت ۾ قومي تحريڪ جو کاهوڙي ڪردار لطيف جو پارکو هاڻي امان فاطمه جي وڇوڙي کان پوءِ جوان پٽ جي المناڪ موت جو صدمو زندگيءَ جي آخري گهڙين تائين کڻي هلندو.3. منور لغاري ۽ منهنجي تعلقاتن جو به عجيب Life cycle آهي پنجٽيهن سالن جي تعلقاتن ۾ هر ٽيئي چوٿين سال ڪاوڙ ۽ ويجهڙائي جو دور ڦرندو آهي هن وقت اسان جي وچ ۾ شديد ناراضگي جو دور پيو هلي

Balochistan: Relatives and HR activists appeal for immediate release of Baloch women and children

The relatives of abducted Baloch women and children held a press conference at Quetta Press Club on Wednesday for the safe release of their loved ones.
The female relatives flanked by a rights activist urged the international media and human rights organisations to play 
their due role to expose the Pakistani atrocities against Baloch people.
They charged that Pakistani army abducted several men and women along with their children in continued military offensive in past three weeks against Baloch civilian population in district Bolan Balochistan.
During press Conference the relatives, said many Baloch women along with their children have been abducted from different areas of Bolan. The whereabouts of these women and children remain unknown so far.
The relatives issued the names of some of the abducted Baloch women to media stating that the number of abducted people is much higher but due to Pakistan forces siege around the affected areas it was difficult to know the exact details of abducted or killed people.
The names of some abducted women issued to media are as following:
1.     Dur Bibi wife of Washo Chalgari Marri.
2.     Gull Pari wife of Dilwash Marri abducted along with 4 daughters.
3.     Bakht Bibi wife of Dilwash Marri abducted along with her son and 3 daughters.
4.     Bibi Durbakht wife of Rahmdil Marri abducted along with four daughters.
5.     Bibi Zarmedo wife of Gazzo Marri.
6.     Hata Bibi wife of Ali Marri abducted along with 2 sons and 2 daughters.
7.     Jar Bibi wife of Kaalo. Marri abducted along with 17 year daughter Haan Bibi and six children.
8.     Bibi Waeri wife of Ali Marri.
9.     Gull Bibi wife of Tango Marri abducted along with two kids.
10.                        Jaan Bibi wife of Lala Mohammad Marri.
11.                        Bibi Hani wife of Ali Bakhsh Marri abducted along with one daughter.
12.                        Bibi Noorbano wife of Mullah Nazar Mohammad abducted along with two children.
The relatives of abducted Baloch women also said that Bibi Sahto, 80 year old mother of Washo Marri, has been tortured to death by Pakistan military in their custody and her dead body was dumped in the area.
According the press release of relative more than other 40 women and Children have been whisked away from above mentioned areas and 11 days have passed but still there is no news about their whereabouts.
They said that Pakistani forces have increased massive military operation in Bolan and they are violating international laws by abducting, torturing and killing non-combat Baloch civilians especially women and children. Pakistani forces have also killed livestock and destroyed crops of poor Baloch peasants in Bolan.
“The issue of enforced-disappearances in Balochistan is already of grave concern and it has now become more serious because the Pakistan state forces have started to abducted Baloch women and children,” said the relative in their press conference.
In their statement to media the relatives have urged journalists in Balochistan to perform their professional duties objectively and raise the issue of abduction of Baloch women and children on local and international media.

Fida was an engineering student at BUET. His body was dumped by Pakistan army from a helicopter in Mashkay today

Fida was an engineering student at BUET. His body was dumped by Pakistan army from a helicopter in Mashkay today

نجمه باگڙي گذريل آڪٽوبر جي پهرين هفتي ۾ پنهنجي ماءُ سان ملڻ لاءِ پهتي هندو پاڙي ، گڏاپ ٽائون ڪراچي. خوش خوش، ميندي لڳل هٿن سان پنهنجي پاڙي ۾ وئي ته وري واپس نه وري.

هيءَ تصوير آهي 20 ساله نجمه باگڙيءَ جي. نجمه گڏ بيٺل آهي پنهنجي مڙس راجيش سان. سندن هلندڙ سال
ئي شادي ٿي هئي، ڪجهه مهينا اڳ. شاديءَ بعد نجمه باگڙي گذريل آڪٽوبر جي پهرين هفتي ۾ پنهنجي ماءُ سان ملڻ لاءِ پهتي هندو پاڙي ، گڏاپ ٽائون ڪراچي. خوش خوش، ميندي لڳل هٿن سان پنهنجي پاڙي ۾ وئي ته وري واپس نه وري. ڪجهه ڏينهن بعد سندس ماءُ کي مليو منگهي پير جي مدرسي جو هڪ ڪاغذ، جنهن ۾ نجمه مسلمان به ڄاڻايل هئي ته، شاهد پٺاڻ سان شادي ڪيل به!.
اغو جو ڪيس به داخل ٿيو سهراب ڳوٺ ٿاڻي تي، نجمه باگڙيءَ کي پوليس آڏو پيش به ڪيو ويو، جنهن پوليس کي پاڻ سان ٿيندڙ ظلم ۽ زبردستيءَ کان آگاهه به ڪيو!، پر مُسلم انصاف فقط مسلمانن لاءِ هوندو آهي، سو باگڙين جو ڇا وڃي انصاف سان!
نجمه ڪجهه ڏينهن اڳ ڏياريءَ جي ڏينهن به اغوا ڪندڙ شاهد پٺاڻ جي گهران ڀڄي ماءُ وٽ پهتي، پر هٿياربند جوابدار سندس پوِيان ڊوڙندا آيا ۽ کيس وارن کان گهليندا واپس کڻي ويا.
نجمه باگڙياڻيءَ جي امڙ نينا اڄ مون وٽ آفيس ۾ ملڻ آئي ۽ سڄي وارتا ٻڌائيندي چيو :”شايد سندس ڌيءُ قتل ٿي چڪي آهي، اغوا ڪندڙ روز هٿيار کڻي ڪيس واپس وٺڻ جون ڌمڪيون ڏيندڙ هئا، جنهن ڪري پنهنجو گهر ڇڏي چڪي آهي“..
اسلام ته هڪ مئل ڪتي کي به انصاف ڏيڻ جي دعويٰ ٿو ڪري، نجمه باگڙي، سندس مڙس راجيش ۽ سندس امڙ نينا کي ڪير انصاف ڏيندو...!؟

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Baloch activists to protest against abduction of Baloch women by Pakistan army

LONDON: The Baloch pro-freedom activists in UK have announced to hold a peaceful protest outside BBC World Service building on 21 November to raise awareness about Pakistani security forces attacks on Baloch civilian populations and abduction of Baloch women and children.
Pakistani military have abducted and killed thousands of innocent Baloch including women children since it occupied sovereign state of Baloch, against the will of Baloch nation, in 1948. The occupying state atrocities continue unabated even today.
Over the years Pakistani forces attacked several civilian populations in different areas of Balochistan.  Two weeks ago Pakistan Paramilitary forces and military abducted around 28 women and their children during their vicious attacks against Baloch civilians in Bolan district of Balochistan. The whereabouts of these women and children remain unknown after 11 days of their abduction by Pakistani forces.
To highlight this heinous crime of Pakistan state Baloch pro-freedom activists are organising a protest demonstration as part of ‪#‎SaveBalochWomen campaign on Saturday, November 21 in front of BBC Broadcasting House (BBC World Service).
They have requested all Baloch and other human rights activists to join their demonstration against ongoing human rights violations and abduction of Baloch women and children by Pakistani security forces from Balochistan.
WHERE: Portland Pl, Marylebone, London W1A 1AA,
WHEN: Saturday 21 November – 1-3 PM
NEAREST Underground: Oxford Circus Station