Saturday, July 6, 2013

he violent attack of the ground troops was followed by the bombardment.

The central spokesperson of the Baloch Republican Party said, “The violent attack of the ground troops was followed by the bombardment. The forces entered the houses of Baloch civilians and violated the sanctity of households. The occupants were badly tortured and harassed. At least twelve people were abducted during the door-to-door operation. The abducted men were identified as Warna s/o Kundha, Lalu s/o Sahiv, Talu s/o Nabi Bux, Baggi s/o Nabi Bux, Nadir, s/o Tangav, Khalid s/o Bhora, Konari s/o Gosho, Latu s/o Gosho, Dado s/o Esa Usman s/o Essa. All the abducted people belong to Bugti tribe.”

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