Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Shafiq Mengal and ISI involved in Baloch Target Killings and on attacking NATO Supplies,Video Confession of a Pakistan Army Target Killer in Balochistan.

On February 19, 2013, in a combat between Baloch Sarmachars and Pakistan Army, Pakistan Army backed Tehreek Nifaz Amn’s terrorists had to run for their lives . Irfan Ganguri, most wanted Target Killer and right hand of deadly terrorist Shafiq Mengal was cought by the Baloch Sarmachars.
In this video confession, Irfan makes shocking revelations on Shafiq Mengal’s criminal activities. Shafiq on the directions and assistance of Pakistan Army runs several torture chambers in Khuzdar, Kalat and other areas. Also, NATO tankers are attacked on Pakistan army’s will, Irfan reveals.
Irfan speaks on the abductions, torture and killings of Baloch activists.
” Zaib Zehri men used to attacked NATO Tanker supplies on the directions of Pakistan Army Headquarters.”  Irfan Ganguri confessed.

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