Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Military offensive in Sui: Pakistani forces destroyed dozens of houses & abducted twelve Baloch civilians – Sher Mohammad Bugti

The Pakistani forces have launched yet another massive offensive in different areas of Sui as chain of military operations in Balochistan continues. A large number of armed forces targeted the “Go Pat” and “Doda Tibba” areas and indiscriminately bombarded the civilian populace. More than fifty houses of innocent Baloch villagers were destroyed in the heavy bombardment or set on fire by the forces after being randomly targeted and looted.  A number of Baloch civilians including women and children were wounded in the bombardment. Loss of lives is also feared as the medical access to the victims is not possible because of the siege of the forces.

The violent attack of the ground troops followed the bombardment as the forces entered the houses of Baloch civilians and violated the sanctity of households. Residents were badly tortured and harassed. At least twelve people were abducted by the forces during the door-to-door operation. The abducted men were identified as Warna s/o Kundha, Lalu s/o Sahiv, Talu s/o Nabi Bux, Baggi s/o Nabi Bux, Nadir, s/o Tangav, Khalid s/o Bhora, Konari s/o Gosho, Latu s/o Gosho, Dado s/o Esa Usman s/o Essa. All the abducted people belong to Bugti tribe.

The claims of Pakistani governmental and forces’ officials about efforts being made for peace in Balochistan are nothing but lies to conceal their continuous Baloch genocidal polices. Every time top Pakistani governmental stakeholders visit Balochistan, they try to find new strategies to counter the national struggle of Baloch people for the rights and freedom. Military operations, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial murders are the favorite weapons of the state against Baloch national movement.

We demand to the international community and global institutions to take note of illegal occupation of Balochistan by the Pakistani state and continuous human rights abuses and war crimes being committed by the state forces to deter the just demands of Baloch people for their rights including the rights of freedom and sovereignty.

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