Thursday, June 20, 2013

More than 200000 Bugti and Marri Tribesmen have been Displaced from their ancestral lands as a result of ongoing military operation in Dera Bugti and Kohlu by Pakistani forces.

More than 200000 Bugti and Marri Tribesmen have been Displaced from their ancestral lands as a result of ongoing military operation in Dera Bugti and Kohlu by Pakistani forces.

These Baloch Refuges have been living in miserable conditions in fetid,sprawling camps of huts and flimsy tents in Murid Bugti,Nassirabad,Jafferabad,Quetta,Dera Murad Jamali and Sindh since 2005 and recently some have migrated to Afghanistan.

From the total number of Refugees approximately 31% Women and 29% are Children.

The harsh weather has taken its tolls on these refugees,many of the children have perished since 2005.If the aid is not delivered soon 6% of the children below 5 years are facing certain death because of disease and malnutrition.

On the Occasion of the World Refugee Day we would like to remind United Nations United Nations Human Rights European Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection (ECHO) European Council Asian Human Rights Commission Human Rights Watch and aid agencies UNAIDS Asia Pacific UNAIDS unfcccSave the Children to come forward and perform their responsibilities

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