Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Enforced disappearances: Seven, including five BRP activists, abducted

Enforced disappearances in Balochistan continue unabated as the Pakistani forces allegedly abducted another seven innocent Baloch people including five activists of Baloch Republican Party from different areas of Balochistan. An activist of Baloch Republican Party namely Abdul Mutlib Baloch s/o Iman Din Baloch was abducted by Pakistani forces from Punjgur on Sunday (April 07, 2013). He was travelling along with his family from Washuk to Punjgur when personnel of Pakistani forces and intelligence agencies stopped them at Punjgor custom. Family members of the BRP activist including women and children were harassed and beaten up before he was dragged to the forces vehicles and taken toward an undisclosed location.

Another four activists of Baloch Republican Party have been abducted by Pakistani forces from Nushki earlier today. The abducted activists were identified as Mir Shehak Baloch, Zakaria Baloch and two other activists. Their whereabouts remain unknown.

Separately, Pakistani forces attacked the houses of innocent Baloch people in Uch Muzoi area of Dera Bugti this morning. The forces broke into the houses of Baloch villagers and violated the sanctity of the Baloch households. Forces harassed women and children during the offensive and torched several houses of the Baloch civilians. An 82 years old elderly Baloch namely Nehal Khan Bugti was abducted along with his son during the offensive. Whereabouts and fate of all the abducted Baloch people remain unknown and the fears run high for their security as the people abducted by Pakistani forces go missing for a long period of time and most often are found dead in desolated areas bearing signs of inhuman torture and bullet wounds on head and chest.


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