Tuesday, April 9, 2013

(Martyrs OF Murghaap)Aprail 2009.

On 3rd April 2009 three distinguished Baloch Leaders Ghulam Mohammd Baloch Presidant Of Baloch National Movement,(BNM).Lala Munir Baloch Vice Presidant Of (BNM) And Sher Mohammad Baloch Central Deputy Secretary Genral Of Baloch Republican Party (BRP)Were abducted by Pakistani Security Forcess on gunpoint from their lawyer,s office in turbat,Balochistan After Six Days On 9th April 2009 their smashed dead bodies weere found at Murghaap,35 km from Turbat,As a Membar of the 10-member negotiating the releas of UNHCR,s Quetta director john Solocki However,when he and his comrads, were abducted by Pakistani agencies UN did not fulfill its obligation.Martyrs Of Murghaaf sufferd third degree inhuman torture but did not give up their dream.Today their sacrifices have illuminated the dark sky over Balochistan,and their vision of free Balochistan have motivated the youngar generation to join the resistance movment.As a result Baloch youth with one voice replied ,,Nether flag of Pakistan will aloft nor will pakistani anthem ever be sung in their schools.


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