Friday, July 12, 2013

World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big.

Thursday, July 11, 2013 - Islamabad—The world is looking anew on Balochistan as China is making a thumping entry by taking over control of Gwadar Port and agreeing to build an ambitious Gwadar-Kashgar economic corridor in partnership with Pakistan. Balochistan, the largest province of Pakistan, with an area of 347,190 square kilometres, but sparsely populated with 7.9 million people, has emerged as a vibrant factor when it comes to trade and energy supplies in the region.

Rana Abdul Baqi, an analyst, says Balochistan’s fortunes will be changing as China will make itsinvestments to turn the province into a trade and energy corridor linking Gwadar Port to Silk Route extending into Central Asian states. Growing interest of China in taking advantage of Balochistan’s potential as regional trade hub, has drawn attention of other powerful players, many giving out ambivalent vibes.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif calls Gwadar-Kashgar economic corridor, a game changer, benefitting three billion people in the region. Balochistan province will serve as a transit zone for Iranian natural gas pipeline for Pakistan and Gwadar port is seen as a logistical hub for Afghanistan and Central Asia’s landlocked nations. China, which is partner of Pakistan, in many of its mega strategic infrastructure projects took control of Gwadar port during the first visit to Pakistan by China’s premier Li Keqiang in May.

China’s Overseas Ports Holding Company took charge of the port under an agreement signed in February after buying shares of the Gwadar Port from Port of Singapore Authority (PSA). Talking recently at a conference on Balochistan, Abdul Baqi expressed concern about growing interest of world powers and named intelligence agencies CIA, Mossad and RAW as trouble makers in Balochistan. He said former ambassador of Pakistan to the United States Hussain Haqqani issued visas to thousands of Americans, many of them intelligence operatives of infamous outfit Blackwater.

Gwadar port has assumed great importance in defence strategy of Pakistan. Abdul Baqi reminded that India’s navy, which besieged Karachi port in a war some decades ago, will now get its naval tail extended. Now Gwadar port will be connected to far north of the country through two additional routes including Indus Highway giving more strategic space to Pakistan’s armed forces.

Former army chief General (R) Aslam Beg sees conspiracies all around when it comes to events in Balochistan and is blunt in saying that Pervez Musharraf set the country in wrong direction by aiding an attack on Afghanistan. He stressed that politicians should take lead in effectively administering Balochistan province and resolving grievances of people. Defence analyst and leader of Pakistan Muslim League (N) Lt Gen (R) Malik Abdul Qayyum holds previous federal governments responsible for creating mess in Balochistan.

He saw Balochistan as a golden bridge connecting land locked states with sea lanes of Strait of Hormuz and Persian Gulf and trade routes reaching far and wide in East and Central Asia andMiddle East. Abdul Qayyum quoted figures of 19 trillion cubic feet of gas and six trillion barrels of oil that go with huge deposits of gold, copper, iron ore, marble, limestone and a wealth of minerals still lying unexplored in Balochistan.

American think tanks like Carnegie Endowment for International Peace mentioned worriness of United States over growing Chinese influence in the region. Pakistani analysts also take note that seven consulates of India are working in areas of Afghanistan close to Pakistan border.—APP

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