Friday, July 12, 2013

The sacrifices of Baloch martyrs have psychologically defeated the state: Baloch Salvation Front

The Baloch Salvation Front paid glowing tributes to Baloch Martyrs of the month of July in a statement on Monday (1, July 2013).

The BSF, an alliance of Baloch Watan Movement, Baloch Liberation Party and Baloch Gohaar Movement, said that Mir Abdul Ghaffar Langove a founding leader of Baloch freedom movement, Comrade Noor Ahmad Qambrani, Omer Mengal and other Baloch martyrs have sacrificed their lives for the freedom of Balochistan and the Baloch nation is proud of their practical struggle and sacrifices.

Thousands of brave Baloch sons with their continuous struggle have psychologically defeated the state. The Baloch are struggling to get rid of slavery and live a prosperous and peaceful life and in this regard the sacrifices of Baloch martyrs are a guiding torch. The practical and ideological struggle of the Baloch youth has prepared the nation to stand firmly for their freedom.

The enemy of Baloch nation through its inhuman and brutal mediums has intensified the genocide of Baloch nation. Thousands of Baloch youth have been killed under the state’s policy of killed and dump and their bodies have been dumped in desolated areas across Balochistan.

The BSF said when first time the anti Baloch forces of Pakistan detained Abdul Ghaffar Langove, they subjected him to brutal tortured but they could not break him or forces him abandon the freedom struggle. The second time they killed Mir Ghaffar under custody after abduction and threw his body.

“Such actions of the state show its defeat and frustration and mental pressure. In an equally brutal fashion the state hired criminals attack aged Baloch activist Noor Ahmar Qambarani Baloch and stabbed him to death. Which again illustrates the states hesitation and fear from the Baloch liberation struggle,” Said the Baloch Salvation Front.

The BSF spokesperson further said that state was using its collective forces and entire machinery to counter the freedom movement and the Parliament and the judiciary are also trying to conceal the crimes of military by playing the drama of fake sympathy with the Baloch nation whereas in reality they are providing more oxygen to the state occupation over Baloch land.

The Baloch Salvation Front said that Baloch nation should understand the evil planning of the occupying state and it cronies who try to express their so called sympathy with the Baloch.

The spokesperson said Baloch freedom struggle is gaining international momentum that is why the Supreme Court of Pakistan and the so called Commission for missing persons are on one hand trying to calm and defuse the Baloch hatred against the state whereas on the other hand they misleading the international community about Baloch freedom struggle.

The BSF urged the Baloch nation not to be tricked by the fake expression of sympathy by such people, who one way or other represent the state. The Baloch youth should spend their time and energy strengthening the Baloch freedom struggle. “Difficulties and sacrifices are part of freedom struggles and our enemy (occupying state) is not a decent one that we expect it to let us be free without struggle. In fact the history of all nations in the world that acquired their freedom from occupying states is full of sacrifices, difficulties and hurdles,” The Baloch Salvation Front said.

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