Monday, July 1, 2013

Maria Ryden:Life have value.Human right violation is illegal no any one to allow to violate law in this global world.

Maria Ryden: is dupty Mayor.belonge to ruluing government Party .political party from nya Moderaterna Party  i Göteborg .She told I experience worked in hospital ,about Human right. I seen these brutality my goodness I never seen is very hard.She presentation about human right worked in Sweden .We all human are equal in Sweden .
Maria Ryden

Maria Ryden at presentation about human right
We working about at.In 2010 election I was honor to these particular worked to my party to responsibility on me,I working that Human Right which I am talking about at . I am also working to health municipality. That are my responsibility. Human right and equality that’s I am working .Today I seen this part of world at is very hard for me . to see these pictures.In the 1940 in the UN , these all country sign all those all document about human right . They must respect .we all are free born human.

Sweden mostly respectable country for human right ,and speak to all about have right . women are equal right .work right , gender right ,religion right ,Sweden and even all country sign at in UN Human Right charters.

We are free born.Sweden is democratic country. In Sweden Life have value. We have national minority right . Slavery, torture is totally forbidden .Sweden have refugees right . Migrations right.

Address to seminar and Matia said : cleared!!! Human right violation is illegal no any one to allow to violate law in this global world, every person to respect law , human right, religions, etc. that each person’s rights are protected and guaranteed within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On 26 June 1987 the Convention against Torture came into force. Every nation sign united nation charter to protect law and universal decleration. It was an important step in the much-needed process of globalising human rights and acknowledging that torture, and all forms of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The Baluch people have problem . I have knowledge but today I gate more knowledge about brutally , state crime .I never seen torture picture like that at is very pain ful for me , I am not able to see that pictures , Baloch people facing torture, death, destruction, extra judicial killings and arrests and enforced disappearances since the illegal occupation of their own land by the states of Iran and Pakistan. Both Islamic states have committed unprecedented atrocities in Baluchistan. Many hundreds of Baluch political activists have been tortured and killed under torture in detention. Those who have survived the ordeal are left with permanent emotional and physical disabilities. At is very painful. Every society and every country should respect human right declarations.

We worked here in Sweden we protect the human right , any kind of right , We respect universal declaration .I am worked for human right .We all are same . We are human. We should request to world resfect human right , and finish torture in the world.

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