Monday, July 1, 2013

Börje Olsson:I am not able see to that brutality.which kind of human they are , they killing human.

Börje Olsson Human right leadre of sweden
Börje Olsson:Party Leader of Moderaterna Göteborg.
We are same party Maria Ryden .I am belong to Moderaterna .Rulling party of Sweden .

I was worked before many year in polise , but I never seen picture like that .I never saw torture like that .In Sweden we have rule and law to how treat with people , We respect human .These torture are totally brutality .UN should stop these kind of brutality.We never see people like that.

I am not able to see these picture .

When we was working in police. We arrest any one after 6 hour we must appear to court . and Sweden have good judiciary system .we have good law in Sweden . people have appeal to court to justice , Sweden have good judiciary system.

At is very hard to I seeing to torture picture of Baloch political activist.
Börje Olsson

I am very disturbed to see these picture . Torture is not good ,Must stop torture in the world.

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