Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Its the habit of Pakistan to blame every attack by Raw!!!

Its the habit of Pakistan to blame every attack by Taliban in Pakistan to be a handiwork of RAW despite the fact that RAW is not Islamist but Taliban is Islamist and such a connivance is a myth.
But they will not prevent themselves from blaming Indians. So here is the copy of the document informing the imminent attack on jail in Dera Ismail Khan, accessed by Asansol News.
The Pakistani agencies had informed the various authorities on 29 July itself that Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan or TTP was planning a massive attack and the document's copy was forwarded to various authorities like PM office, Defense office, intelligence branches, police and paramilitary agencies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Home Secretary office etc. Still the attack happened.
This is actually an ISI covert ops and well connived by the state to release the jihadist elements whom they had no easy way to release. Now in the name of Islam these jihadists will wreck havoc.
Whatever happened, at least they can't put amateurish charges on Indian secret services.
Asansol News team.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

War Crimes Trials – Pakistan’s dirty war from Bangladesh to Balochistan

ARTICLE : By Faiz M Baluch
On 17 July a Bangladesh war crimes tribunal sentenced a leader of Jamaat-e-Islami for crimes against humanity during the 1971 war of independence. He along with others is accused of collaborating with Pakistan army and hence allegedly involved in murder, rape and other crimes against humanity. The Bangladeshi government estimated that at least 3 million people (including women and children) were killed and 250,000 women raped by the ‘Islamic’ Punjabi Army of Pakistan and their ‘pious’ collaborators from the Al-Badar and Al-Shams extremist organisations.

Despite all the crimes against humanity by Pakistan and its Bangladeshi collaborators, the people of Bangladesh continued their war of liberation. Although their freedom came with a heavy price but eventually the day arrived when more than 90,000 Pakistan soldiers surrendered at Dhaka and become Indian prisoners of war. What was called as East Pakistan became an independent country. Modern country of Bangladesh was added to the list of free nations on 16 December 1971. Bangladeshi’s independence has ended Pakistani barbarism in their country.

While the trial of Pakistan’s collaborators continues in Bangladesh, most of the Pakistani perpetrators of such crimes are still at large and repeat the same in Balochistan and Sindh. Thousands of Baloch men, women and children have been killed by Pakistan military and their proxy religious death squad in since 1948. This was the year when Pakistan forcefully occupied the sovereign country of Baloch people. The length and width of Pakistan military terror has now been expanded to Sindh because the Sindhis have also started to raise their voice for their independence. The consistent struggle of Baloch people since 1948 is an indication of the fact that Pakistan simply cannot crush their freedom movement. History has witnessed that Bangladeshi people defeated Pakistani military and their religious proxies, in the same way the Baloch and Sindhis will eventually liberate their nations from Pakistan’s occupation.

Pakistan military have created several criminal clandestine organisations across Balochistan. Their task is merely to carry out extra-judicial target killing of pro-liberation Baloch activists. These proxy religious groups along with Pakistan army are involved in abduction, torture and killing of Baloch. They are also responsible for abductions for ransom and attacking of the NATO supply lines. The fundamentalist groups that Pakistan has set against the Baloch national struggle are too many. They include of Ansar-al-Islam; Tahafuz-e-Hadoodullah, Mussallah Defa Tanzeem, Nefaaz-e-Aman, Haq Na Tawar and many other shadowy criminal gangs. The leaders of these groups are Shafeeq Mengal, his brother Atta-ul-Rehman Mengal, Kohi Mengal and others. They are on Pakistan military’s pay role and they hire convicted criminals, drug Mafia and other anti-social thugs in order use them against Baloch peoples’ struggle for their liberation.

One of their informers has recently been arrested by Baloch Liberation Front, a Baloch resistance organisation, from Kharan area of Balochistan. He was allegedly about to complete a secret mission for Major Siraj aka Saeed Mengal. According BLF spokesperson, the informer Tariq Rodeni ​​made important disclosures during interrogation. He stated that ‘Shafiq Mengal’ alias ‘Abu Mawiya’ is member of Jamat ul Dawa and he was trained by ISI in Kashmir. He is now directly involved in killings of Baloch freedom activists.

Another member of Pakistan army death squad has been arrested by the Baloch Liberation Army near Kalat Balochistan. In a video confession he confessed to killing several people on the orders of Shafeeq Mengal and his brother. He also revealed that Shafiq Mengal, Atta-ul-Rehman Mengal, Kohi Khan Mengal, Sardar Sanuallah Zehri [a senior minister in current provincial government of Balochistan] and several others are directly involved in abducting and killing of Baloch political activists. He also said that the Pakistan army have asked Shafiq Mengal and Kohi Mengal to attack NATO trucks – and they did attack several NATO supply trucks in different area in Balochistan. The informer, Irfan Gurgnadi, has further revealed that the above named people have at least three private torture cells and another one that they run together with Pakistan army. He witnessed the killing of many Baloch activists in their custody and confessed the target killing of many Baloch journalists, political leaders, police officers and other members of community. Gurgnadi has admitted that the Pakistan army and Shafiq Mengal death squad team have killed a Baloch singer named Ali Jan for refusing to act as their hit man to kill Dr Allah Nazar Baloch.

Similar hired groups of Pakistan military operate in Sindh as well. According to Sindhi freedom activists these umbrella organisation of Military also operate against pro-freedom Sindhi parties. For this purpose the “Laar Abadgar Welfare Association (LAWA)” is supported by ISI and the Jamat-ul-Dawa of Hafiz Saeed. This association had allegedly killed Majid Memon, a member of Badin district committee of JSMM. The Sindhi activists claim that the Jamat-ul-Dawa is actively working against Sindhudesh Freedom Movement. On several occasions this proxy religious organisation of ISI has openly called Baloch and Sindhudesh freedom activists as the agents of India and USA. Over 20 Sindhi freedom activists have been killed by Pakistan military and their hit squads.

These organisations operate with full military impunity and carry out heinous crimes against innocent people of Balochistan. The military has also given them official passes to get through easily at check points and carry out their drug business. The leaders of these criminal organisations have no respect for Islam or humanity. They take their orders directly from high raking military officials and for their criminal dirty work they are paid by Pakistan army.

Dr Allah Nazar Baloch in an interview with Karlos Zurutuza said, “They [Pakistan Army] have formed these groups in the name of Islam but their real aim is to crush the Baloch freedom movement. Pakistan is the cradle of the Taliban and the breeding ground of the Taliban. Pakistan is nourishing and funnelling the Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorists into Afghanistan, India, Saudi Arabia, Yemen… Pakistan is an irresponsible state that is putting the civilised world in danger. A free Baloch state would therefore be in the interest of the whole civilised world.”

A recent video posted on Youtube shows the leader of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Malik Ishaq being trained by Punjab elite force. This nexus between Pakistan’s security forces and banned terrorist outfit clearly show Pakistan’s support for the spread of terror against Shia community across Pakistan and against Baloch and Sindhi activists. Malik Ishaq’s group has links with Al-qaeeda and the firing practice video proves that Pakistani forces are directly involved in supporting the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi in spreading terror against Shias in Gilgit Baltistan, Sindh and Balochistan.

An interview with a foreign TV channel Baloch leader Hyrbyair Marri said, “They [religious organisation] want to weaken the pro-independence people through these kinds of acts of terror where one sect of Muslim attacks another sect of Muslim. It is created by the Pakistani government just to weaken Baloch nationalism. We have to understand these people, Lashkari Jhangvi, are mostly from Punjab their leadership is in Punjab. The world has to come out and speak against these organisations.”

Hyrbyair Marri speaks with experience and his concerns are genuine. He made a timely call on the international community to act before it is too late. The international community including the United Nations and the International Criminal Court has ignored the Pakistan military and their collaborators’ crimes against humanity for too long. They left Bangladeshi people unprotected and their butchers unaccountable. That is why Pakistan is once again taking full advantage of the incompetence of ICC and UN and committing even more brutal crimes in Balochistan knowing too well that it will not be held accountable for the Baloch genocide. Since the illegal occupation of Balochistan in 1948 the Baloch land has remained a blind spot for claimant of international justice and for the international media.

It is time for the ICC, the UN and rest of the world to look beyond their door steps and stop their selective policy of justice. Ignoring Baloch any longer will be tantamount to collaborating with the states of Pakistan and Iran in Baloch genocide. Pakistan and its Baloch collaborators must be held accountable for the death and destruction in Balochistan.

As Max du plessis, an assistant professor, of University of KwaZulu in Durban rightly says, “It is in the interests of justice and the reputation of the ICC that it stretches its work beyond Africa. By doing so the court will deny powerful African elites the stick that they so easily and distractingly wave at the ICC. It will also – where the evidence shows a need for the court’s intervention – be a means by which to pay homage to the principle of equal justice under law.”

Faiz M Baluch is a student of journalism at Metropolitan University in London and a human rights activist affiliated with International Voice for Baloch Missing Persons. He tweets at, and can be contacted

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bloodthirsty Muslim Mob Attack Hindus in India!

Bloodthirsty Muslim Mob Attack Hindus in India!

Two Killed in Communal Clashes in Meerut:

Pakistan is violating international laws and UN conventions in Balochistan: Hyrbyair Marri

<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>
Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri 
Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri said the continuous arrests and dumping of tortured bodies of Baloch activists across Balochistan only confirms our view. The current government of Pakistan is no different from its predecessors. Their presence in Balochistan means more bloodshed.

He paid tributes to Khuda Dad Marri and said that Khuda Dad was a young and dedicated Baloch political activist. From an early age he was at the heart of Baloch liberation struggle. He worked tirelessly for Balochistan’s freedom. He and his family have been a source of inspiration to independence movement. 

“The killing of eight Baloch in Sui – Dera Bugti, crackdown against Baloch population in Harnai, Shahrag, Nsk and extra judicial arrest and disappearances from Awaran, Mastung and Quetta are continuation of the same policy. The state of Pakistan and its selected representatives in Balochistan assembly are responsible for all dreadful atrocities in Balochistan. In previous government Sardar and Nawab were working for Pakistan and now the pro-establishment Baloch and so-called middle-class are selling the Baloch blood.” Hyrbyair Marri said.

He said despite state’s boundless carnage in Balochistan, the Baloch freedom struggle is growing faster and moving forward in more disciplined manner. The Baloch nation has defeated the state and army of Pakistan on every ground, ethically, morally, legally and psychologically. The intensification of extra judicial abduction and killing of Baloch people with the arrival of the new government is an indication of their defeat. Pakistan knows no other alternative but except excessive violence. The criminal army of Pakistan does not even spare the relatives of Baloch martyrs who go to receive the bodies of their loved ones, after they are killed under custody of Pakistani security agencies and their bodies are dumped. 

He said that along with Pakistani state the Baloch in the government are also equally responsible for state brutalities in Balochistan. The remedy to such brutalities is not pretentious lip service or expressing fake sympathies towards the families of the victims of occupying state’s violence. The remedy is in our continuous struggle until the Baloch victory. The final answer is not continuous begging from our occupiers to allow us to live in our homeland but it is Baloch national liberation and establishment of a free and democratic Baloch state.

He added perpetual struggle is the only guarantor to our national emancipation. The unceasing sacrifice of our youths is drawing us closer to our ultimate goal. Loss of Baloch patriotic men and women is an infinite loss to our nation. The agony of inhuman pain inflicted on our leaders and national heroes does not disappear in thin air. Their lives, their deeds and the way they stood for our rights to the end have enriched our national consciousness and have made us more resilient to pursue the path of independence. Through their actions, they taught us to identify national friends and foes. 

Addressing UN and other International organisations, Mr. Marri said that Balochistan is an illegally occupied country. Pakistan is violating all international laws in Balochistan. We demand that Baloch political prisoners should be ascribed as Prisoners of War and be treated in accordance with international laws and UN conventions. 

“If Pakistan does not cease its crimes in Balochistan then the democratic nations of world should take notice of violation of International laws by Pakistan and take practical steps against it as they did in Yugoslavia and Sudan,” Mr. Marri said.

He urged International Human Rights organisations and International community to raise their voice against Pakistani state terrorism and brutalities in Balochistan. 

He said that the International media should break their silence and bring the plight and sufferings of Baloch nation to the attention of International community. Instead of trusting Pakistani government and Pakistani state media, International media should independently investigate the situation in Balochistan and report accordingly. Pakistan and its media have always portrayed a wrong image of Baloch struggle and history before the world.

The current government has agreed to launch a fresh military operation in Balochistan: Mir Dawood Raisani

<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>
Mir Wadood Raisani
Quetta:A prominent Baloch leader, Mir Wadood Raisani, said on Saturday that Pakistan will send additional 100,000 military personnel to Balochistan to launch a fresh military offensives. 

“The intelligence agencies have taken the prime in confidence and Dr Malik Baloch and friend also unanimously agreed for this new military incursion. The operation will began during month of October and December and for this purpose the military will enter Balochistan through Dera Ghazi Khan and Karachi and head toward coast of Makuran,” Mr Raisani said. 

He said when Chaudhry Nisaar visited Quetta, Balochistan, he clearly said that Baloch freedom fighters should now abandon their fight and come back to their homes because all national parties took part in election. Chaudhry had also said now there is no excuse to fight and if anyone continues to fight, then the state of Pakistan will take strong action against them for violating the constitution of Pakistan. Dawood Raisani said the above statement of Chaudry Nisar was part of the plan to pave way for military operation in Balochistan. 

He said, “We want to inform Punjab and its Army that it is not easy to occupy the Baloch land with brute force. Punjabi occupiers are not stronger than the British other occupiers that they will invade Balochistan. The so called National Party is not a representative party of the Baloch people neither has the Baloch people voted for them. In fact Baloch nation completely stayed away from the election process of state [Pakistan]. They declared their independence and full support to Baloch freedom fighters.”

He further said that Baloch nation should rest assure that this artificial state cannot continue its occupation over Balochistan because the Baloch struggle is spread all over from the coastal belt to mountains and deserts of Balochistan. Thousands of Baloch are ready to continue this struggle till victory.

Sweden's foreign minister puts Egyptian ambassador in Stockholm in his proper place. Brief but hot exchange between the two on Twitter.

Carnage in Cairo: Sweden's foreign minister puts Egyptian ambassador in Stockholm in his proper place. Brief but hot exchange between the two on Twitter.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Baloch Women Taking More Prominent Role in Fight for Independence.

alochistan is one of the most underdeveloped regions in Pakistan, and has traditionally had a heavily male-dominated patriarchal society. Women have rarely had a role in public life. That's changing as women are now taking up leading roles in the Baloch nationalist movement.

Success is the important thing:Joseph Goebbels

“Success is the important thing. Propaganda is not a matter for average minds, but rather a matter for practitioners. It is not supposed to be lovely or theoretically correct. I do not care if I give wonderful, aesthetically elegant speeches, or speak so that women cry. The point of a political speech is to persuade people of what we think right. I speak differently in the provinces than I do in Berlin, and when I speak in Bayreuth, I say different things than I say in the Pharus Hall. That is a matter of practice, not of theory. We do not want to be a movement of a few straw brains, but rather a movement that can conquer the broad masses. Propaganda should be popular, not intellectually pleasing. It is not the task of propaganda to discover intellectual truths.”
Joseph Goebbels

Woman Molested by anti-social elements for voicing against cow slaughter in IslamPura Banglore.

A 500 strong mob attacked a woman an animal rights group and 13 others in front of police man. when they raided a place where cows are slaughtered illegally, in HAL police limits on late night

India's Gift to the World- Its Brilliant iiT Graduates.

India's Gift to the World- Its Brilliant iiT Graduates.
CBC 60 Minutes on what the United States imports from India--its Human Capital

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Dangerous times

THE first thing that strikes you upon speaking with journalists in Balochistan is the palpable sense of fear among them.
A few weeks ago, I met some of them while they were attending a workshop in Quetta. They came from all over the province, including some of the areas where the insurgency is at its height — Khuzdar, Awaran and Turbat. The common refrain was ‘don’t quote me by name or say anything that could indicate my identity’.
Journalists are a beleaguered community in the province. They face intimidation and worse from different quarters: the Frontier Corps, military intelligence agencies, pro-government anti-nationalist groups, sectarian and separatist militants as well as feuding tribes.
According to figures compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists, 13 deaths have occurred in Balochistan between 2006 and 2012. Journalists in Quetta say that the actual death toll exceeds 30 in the past five years alone. No one has been put on trial, let alone convicted, for any of these murders.
In May this year, owners and chief editors of six newspapers were issued show cause notices by the Balochistan High Court for violating an earlier order not to publish statements by extremist organisations.
The papers in question had printed the claim of responsibility by a sectarian group, Jaish Al-Islam, for the murder of a police official the month before. One of the editors said the court told him it was no excuse to say that if he did not follow the militants’ instructions he would be risking his life.
Sometimes militants even insist on newspapers printing names of individuals that are on their hit list, which gets the publications into further trouble with the law.
Press releases from extremist organisations, even political parties who champion press freedom, are common. They often arrive with a note saying “Publish without editing”.
This is generally followed up with instructions as to which page and in how many columns the release should be printed. There is no editorialising of news: making your opinions known in such circumstances would be highly reckless.
As far as possible, Balochistan journalists’ strategy is to report on the most innocuous happenings — the building of a new road, minor local government issues, a health seminar, and the like.
But that is difficult to pull off in a province with a raging insurgency, a state that resorts to unconstitutional and repressive measures to deal with it, and terrorists of all stripes wreaking havoc.
Working in such an environment can be like picking one’s way through a minefield. Journalists speak of having to be careful of every word they use, to the extent of counting how many words they use for each side so as not to seem partial.
‘Mistakes’, however inadvertent, can be deadly. Chisti Mujahid, a veteran columnist for Akhbar-i-Jehan, was gunned down in Quetta in 2008 by the separatist Baloch Liberation Army (BLA), because of an article he had written on the death of their leader Balach Marri.
The sub-editor in Karachi had embellished it with a well-known verse by Bahadur Shah Zafar lamenting his exile, which the BLA construed as an insult to Marri. Such are the risks when editing takes place in distant newsrooms by those without a nuanced understanding of the situation.
There are times when journalists will ask their head office in Quetta or elsewhere to omit the dateline (which describes when and where a story is filed) to make it more difficult to identify them.
And that’s notwithstanding the fact that most of them, especially district correspondents, work without a byline anyway, which is common practice in rural and tribal areas all over Pakistan.
Most such journalists also work without pay or for a pittance. One journalist, who works for a news agency, told me he was expecting to be paid Rs2500 in a couple of months, and couldn’t say when any subsequent pay cheques would materialise.
Compensation lies in the ‘enhanced prestige’ journalists acquire by wielding a press card and thus gaining access to local power circles, which also puts them in a position to get favours — reportedly in cash or kind.
That’s part of the problem. For although there’s little doubt that conditions for journalists in Balochistan are fraught, journalists themselves and media owners also bear some responsibility for their predicament.
A number of journalists, despite claims of impartiality, are said to be aligned with either the government or the nationalist groups, or they take sides in tribal/political conflicts. That leaves them open to allegations of biased coverage by groups willing to make their point through the barrel of a gun. Certain publications that as per policy have never printed press releases, do not find themselves under the same level of pressure.
Much of the time, journalism here, especially for district correspondents, is a part-time profession — as it has to be, given the lack of compensation. Many of them are working as teachers, clerks, even shopkeepers and newspaper distributors while moonlighting as journalists.
The Quetta-based Balochistan Union of Journalists refuses to grant membership to such “part-time” reporters. The provincial government also gives accreditation only to those journalists who work inside Quetta while those based in the remaining 30 districts do not get official recognition.
This deprives them of vital institutional support needed to forge a united front to demand action against coercion, threats and physical harm and also to formulate a policy dealing with ethics and professional practice.
There was a partial attempt towards this when a three-member journalist committee decided that newspapers would only print militants’ claim of responsibility and not the entire statement. After a period of restraint, however, the same practice is back.
Meanwhile there are reportedly more training opportunities for news media, which is important to bring some professionalism into the journalist cadre.
That must, however, be backed up by media houses/owners paying the journalists adequate compensation instead of leaving them at the mercy of circumstances where they are expected make their way as best they can with little more than their press card.

Intizar zaidi on how Pakistani 'community leaders' in the Toronto area (Markham-Mississauga) are hand-in-hand with ISI agents working out of the Pakistan Consulate in Toronto.

 Intizar zaidi on how Pakistani 'community leaders' in the Toronto area (Markham-Mississauga) are hand-in-hand with ISI agents working out of the Pakistan Consulate in Toronto.

There’s no place for the ISI in Canada | My column in The Toronto SUN.

"The sooner Canada expels this vermin [ISI] from our land, the better it will be. Our federal government should send a clear message to Islamabad: “Your goons are not welcome in Canada, even if they hide under the burka of diplomatic titles.”

July 23, 2013

There’s no place for ISI in Canada

Tarek Fatah

When two former U.S. ambassadors to Pakistan make common cause with a leading British apologist of successive military regimes in Islamabad and they try to destroy the reputation of an academic who has just recently exposed a billion-dollar military scam, something is rotten.

Meet Ayesha Siddiqa, a military analyst with a PhD in War Studies from King’s College, London, and a contributor to the prestigious Jane’s Defence Weekly.

In 2007, Dr. Siddiqa authored Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy, a brilliant book that exposed the truth about how Pakistan’s generals are looting the country while pretending to protect it.

Ever since her expose of the Pakistan Military-Industrial complex, she has become a pariah, shunned not only by the generals who run Pakistan, but also by a roster of Americans and other westerners who lobby for Pakistan’s interests in D.C.

It all came to head on June 27 when Siddiqa tweeted that a Pakistani diplomat had confided that the ISI — Pakistan’s dreaded secret intelligence agency — had set up funds to infiltrate think tanks in Washington DC. The tweet was picked up by the Times of India with a story headlined “ISI has infiltrated US thinktanks, Pak scholar says.”

This is when two former U.S. envoys to Pakistan, ambassadors Wendy Chamberlin and Cameron Munter, joined hands with a UK apologist for the Pakistan Army, author Anatol Lieven, a retired Pakistan Army general, and at least a dozen other people who work for U.S. think tanks, to accuse Siddiqa’s actions as “disgraceful” and demand a retraction. She did not oblige.

It’s a mystery why two former U.S. ambassadors would find it necessary to lend their name to a character assassination of Dr. Siddiqa. Analyst Anatol Lieven is best known for his soft corner with all things military in Pakistan. He once wrote a eulogy to Pakistan’s most brutal military dictator, Gen. Zia-ul-Haq in these words:

“He (Gen. Zia) won respect … for his lack of vindictiveness. It was said his repression, unlike that of his predecessor stopped with individuals and was not extended to attempts to destroy their families. From that point of view he had some claim to be remembered as an honourable man.” 

We may not know for sure if the ISI has infiltrated U.S. think tanks. But what we do know is that the long arm of the ISI has reached Toronto where it is targeting critics of the Pakistani military junta and those who expose the ISI’s work in North America.

One of their targets is yours truly. On Sunday, July 7, a Pakistani Islamist newspaper, The Nation, ran a back page ISI-inspired story accusing me of being an agent of the Indian and Israeli secret intelligence agencies, RAW and Mossad.

I assume the intent was to silence me. It didn’t.

Ayesha Siddiqa and I are not the only ones in the ISI crosshairs. Recently the host of an ethnic TV show in Urdu complained a Toronto-based Pakistani diplomat was harassing him and had referred to Pakistani Canadian journalists as “prostitutes” and “Indian agents.”

The ISI makes no qualms about its hit squads. Appearing before a commission investigating the U.S. Abbotabad raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the then- ISI boss threatened its critics, saying those who criticized the ISI should fear the ISI.

The ISI has no business targeting Canadian citizens. The sooner Canada expels this vermin from our land, the better it will be. Our federal government should send a clear message to Islamabad: “Your goons are not welcome in Canada, even if they hide under the burka of diplomatic titles.” 

Baloch IDPs attacked in Gotkki district Sindh, several abducted: BRP

<a href=''>Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts</a>Deera Bugti:The Baloch Republican Party in a press release claimed that Pakistan security forces have attacked the Baloch IDSs in Gotki district in Sindhi on Tuesday.

According to the press release the houses of IDPs were attacked, looted off valuables and the residents were tortured and abducted. Wadera Hasil Khan Bugti’s house was attacked and his aged mother namely Hani bibi, his wife Murad Khatoon and infant son Abdul Rehman were abducted and taken toward an undisclosed location.

Dozens of other people including women and children were also abducted but their identity could not be ascertained immediately. The state forces looted & took away valuables from the houses of poor Bugti IDPs including cash, livestock and grain which they earned after years of hard-word in the difficult living conditions as IDPs.

Hundreds of thousands Baloch mostly Marri and Bugti tribesmen migrated to different parts of Balochistan, Sindh and even in Afghanistan after the start of military operations and atrocities in their homeland. Military operation started in early 2000 still continues unabated even after almost a decade and continues.

State forces launch armed offensives against Baloch civilians on daily basis, attack their villages, kill and abduct their loved ones, torch their houses and standing crops, loot their valuables and livestock, pollute the sources of drinking water and plant landmines. 

“All these atrocities are aimed at compelling the poor inhabitants of the areas to migrate and pave a way for foreign multinational companies to loot and plunder Balochistan’s natural resources. China is a major crime partner of Pakistani state in Baloch genocide and ongoing atrocities in Balochistan. It is eyeing the Baloch national wealth i.e. the natural resources of Balochistan,” Said the BRP.

Baloch Republican Party appealed to the international community and world human rights and refugee organisations to take action on the forceful migration of Baloch people from their homeland and attacks on them even after the migration, adding that, “If serious measures have not been taken to safeguard the lives of innocent Baloch civilians, it is feared that the sense of immunity by Pakistani forces will take more innocent lives in coming days.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Banuk Kareema Baloch Statement China has ignored all human values by supporting Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan.

Banuk Kareema Baloch Statement

China has ignored all human values by supporting Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan, Karima Baloch
BSO Karachi zone general body meeting was held under the presidency of the zonal organiser with BSO Azad’s Senior Vice Chairperson Banuk Kareema Baloch as the honored guest. Talks were held on zone’s performance, organizational work and achievements, current international and local political situation and approaches to be taken in future. Talking on the national and international political situation, the Chairperson emphasized on the importance of Baloch national struggle and said that it has become a crucial part of the geopolitics. The Chairperson added that by boycotting the Pakistani elections, Baloch people have shown the world the mass support it has in Balochistan, and it symbolized the strength and unity amongst the people; adding that the appointment of Dr. Malik’s puppet government and allocating other seats to his team and calling them as Baloch nationalists is all part of the bigger plan to continue Baloch genocide, she said that this is principal reason that Pakistan’s Prime Minister in his foreign visit to China had Dr. Malik along with him as the representative of the common Baloch to convince the Chinese for investing in Balochistan without any fear. The speakers warned that the Balochs have always made it clear that without the consent of Baloch nation no country would be allowed to exploit Baloch resources in the name of development and China is mistaken to believe that a puppet government in Balochistan would be able to provide any security to its interests in Balochistan. The Vice Chairperson said that China is equally responsible for the human rights violations in Balochistan as it has ignored all the human values by supporting Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan. She called for a national awareness initiative to understand the historical accounts, the geopolitical importance of Balochistan and the crucial stage that Baloch nation is going through in order to make the world recognize the existence of our Nation and that no decision should be taken with regards to our country without our consent. The Vice Chairperson stressed the need of a long term strategies with a national consent in order to make the movement successful and achieve the decades long desire of Baloch people of an Independent Balochistan!

Monday, July 22, 2013

بی ایس او آزاد اور قومی تحریک کے لئے لہو کا آخری قطرہ بہا نے کو ہر قدم پر تیار کھڑی ہے، بانک کریمہ بلوچ

banukبی ایس او آزاد حب زون کا سینیئر باڈی اجلاس زیرِ صدارت زونل آرگنائزر منعقد ہوا جبکہ مہمانِ خاص سینیئر وائس چیئرپرسن بی ایس او آزاد بانک کریمہ بلوچ تھے اجلاس کا آغاز شہداء کی یاد میں دو منٹ کی خاموشی سے کی گئی اجلاس میں سابقہ تنظیمی کارکردگی رپورٹ ، تنظیمی امور، تنقید اور خود تنقیدی ، موجودہ سیاسی صورتحال اور آئندہ لائحہ عمل زیرِ بحث تھے زونل کارکردگی رپورٹ پیش کرنے اور رتنظیمی زونل کاکردگی پر تعمیری تنقید کے بعد تنظیمی امور پر بحث کرتے ہوئے وائس چیئرپرسن اور دیگر شرکاء نے کہا کہ قومی و انقلابی تحاریک کی آبیاری وکامیابی کیلئے ایک مضبوط و منظم تنظیم کا ہونالازمی بی ایس او بلوچ قومی تحریک میں ہمیشہ روز ازل سے ایک مضبوط کردار ادا کرتا چلا آرہا ہے بی ایس او نے کئی ایسے سپوتوں کی تربیت کی ہے جنہوں نے بلوچ قومی بقاء کیلئے موت کو گلے لگا لیا ، کئی پاکستان کی کال کوٹھڑیوں میں اذیت برداشت کررہے ہیں اور سپوت آج بھی قومی تحریک میں رہنمایانہ کردار ادا کررہے ہیں دشمن اور پیٹ کے پجاری پارلیمنٹ پرستوں نے بی ایس او کو ہمیشہ تقسیم در تقسیم کا شکار کرکے اپنے مفادات کیلئے استعمال کرنے کی کوشش مگر بی ایس او آج بھی بی ایس او آزاد کی شکل میں بلوچ قومی تحریک میں ایک مضبوط کردار کے طور وجود رکھتی ہے بی ایس او آزاد اور قومی تحریک کے لئے لہو کا آخری قطرہ بہا نے کو ہر قدم پر تیار کھڑی ہے۔ بی ایس او کو شہید اسلم، حمید ، مجید ،فدا احمد ، کامریڈ قیوم ،قمبر چاکر ، کمسن بالاچ ،الیاس نذر، شفیع ، سکندر جیسے بہادر نوجوانوں نے اپنے لہو سے سینچا ہے موجودہ سیاسی صورتحال پر بحث کرتے ہوئے کہا گیا کہ عالمی سیاسی مفادات کے بدلتے ہوئے رخ کے اثرات دنیا میں موجود ہر قومی تحریک پر پڑیں گے اسی طرح بلوچ وسائل ، سمندر اور جیوگرافیا بھی دنیا کی نظروں کا مرکز ہیں آج بلوچ قومی وسائل کی کھسوٹ میں تیزی لانے کیلئے پاکستان نے مختلف ممالک کے ساتھ استحصالی معاہدوں پر تیزی سے دستخط کرنا شروع کردیئے ہیں تاکہ وہ بلوچستان پر اپنے جبری قبضے کے خاتمے سے پہلے بلوچستان کے سینے میں مدفن معدنی ذخائر اور دیگر قیمتی وسائل کوذیادہ سے ذیادہ لوٹے بلوچ قومی بقاء و تشخص کو مٹانے اور بلوچ تحریک آزادی کو بروز قوت دبانے کیلئے پاکستان نے اپنے مقامی ایجنٹوں کو منطم کرنا شروع کردیا ہے ڈاکٹر مالک کو وزارت اعلیٰ کی کرسی اور اسکی ٹیم کو متعدد وزارتوں سے نوازکر انہی کے توسط سے پاکستان اپنے تمام ایجنٹوں کو ایک ہی میز پر بٹھا کر انہیں مزید منظم انداز میں بلوچ نسل کشی کرنے کی ذمہ داری سونپنے کی کوششوں میں لگا ہوا ہے حتیٰ کہ روایتی حریف مگر بلوچ دشمنی میں حلیف اختر مینگل اور شفیق مینگل کو قریب لانے کی کوشش بھی اسی سلسلے کی کڑی ہے دشمن کے تمام ہتھکنڈوں کو سمجھتے ہوئے بلوچ قوم کو بھی اندرونی اور بیرونی چیلنجز کا مقابلہ کرنا ہے اجلاس کے آخر میں آرگنائزنگ کمیٹی تشکیل دی گئی اور کارکنان کو 

How poverty wages for tea pickers fuel India's trade in child slavery.

Millions of Brits drink a cup of Assam tea each day, but it comes at a terrible price. Plantation workers on 12p an hour are easy prey for traffickers who lure away their daughters to India's cities. Now pressure is growing on big tea brands to safeguard better pay 
Saphira Khatun, whose daughter Minu Begum was trafficked to Delhi at the age of 12
Saphira Khatun, whose daughter Minu Begum was trafficked to Delhi at the age of 12. Her sisters Munu, 20, and Nadira, 17, have not seen her since. Photograph: Gethin Chamberlain for the Observer

When the trafficker came knocking on the door of Elaina Kujar's hut on a tea plantation at the north-eastern end of Assam, she had just got back from school. Elaina was 14 and wanted to be a nurse. Instead, she was about to lose four years of her life as a child slave.
She sits on a low chair inside the hut, playing with her long dark hair as she recalls how her owner would sit next to her watching porn in the living room of his Delhi house, while she waited to sleep on the floor. "Then he raped me," she says, looking down at her hands, then out of the door. Outside, the monsoon rain is falling on the tin roof and against the mud-rendered bamboo strip walls, on which her parents have pinned a church calendar bearing the slogan The Lord is Good to All.
Elaina was in that Delhi house for one reason: her parents, who picked the world-famous Assam tea on an estate in Lakhimpur district, were paid so little they could not afford to keep her. There are thousands like her, taken to Delhi from the tea plantations in the north-east Indian state by a trafficker, sold to an agent for as little as £45, sold on again to an employer for up to £650, then kept as slaves, raped, abused. It is a 21st-century slave trade. There are thought to be 100,000 girls as young as 12 under lock and key in Delhi alone: others are sold on to the Middle East and some are even thought to have reached the UK.
Every tea plantation pays the same wages. Every leaf of every box of Assam tea sold by Tetley and Lipton and Twinings and the supermarket own brands – Asda, Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury's and the rest – is picked by workers who earn a basic 12p an hour.
If it says Fairtrade on the box, or certified by the Rainforest Alliance or the Ethical Tea Partnership, it makes no difference: the worker received the same basic cash payment – 89 rupees (£1) a day, a little over half the legal wage for an unskilled worker in Assam of 158.54 rupees. To place that in context, a worker receives about 2p in cash for picking enough tea to fill a box of 80 tea bags, which then sells for upwards of £2 in the UK. The companies say they know the wages are low, and they are trying to make things better, but their hands are tied by the growers. The growers, who set the wages by collective bargaining, say it is all they can afford.
But there is a price for keeping wages so low, and it is paid by the workers who cannot afford to keep their daughters. When the traffickers come knocking, offering to take the girls away, promising good wages and an exciting new life, they find it hard to say no. "He said he would change our lives," says Elaina, now 20. "The tea garden was closed when he came and my parents were not working, so my father wanted to send me."
The trafficker had promised excitement and glamour: instead she started work every day at 4am and worked until midnight, and though he promised to give her 1,500 rupees a month, she was never paid. He kept her as a prisoner, unable to leave the house or contact her family.
"His wife was suspicious about what was happening. I told her he had raped me but he denied it and told me to shut up my mouth," she says. "After that, I was always crying, but he kept me locked in the house. I was afraid. I had no money and he threatened that I would end up in a brothel."
She was saved only when he sent her to a new owner who, on learning her story, sent her home.
Elaina's is not an isolated case. Rabina Khatun, now 18, discovered she had been sold into slavery when she agreed to go to Delhi to work as a maid. A woman from the village had tempted her with the promise of 3,000 rupees a month. "She said, 'Come and see Delhi. It is bigger than your village'," she says. She was 14: it was two years before she was allowed to go home. When she complained she had not been paid, she was sold on again to three men as a plaything. "I was taken to a house and they locked me in. Then they raped me. Afterwards they took me to Old Delhi station and left me there with no money. I was physically and mentally ill from what had happened to me. I want the men to be punished. I am never going to Delhi again. I am very angry. I want to kill them."
Both Elaina and Rabina gave the Observer written permission to identify them as a way of exposing the trade.
Indian government figures show 126,321 trafficked children were rescued from domestic service in 2011-12, a year-on-year increase of nearly 27%. But many anguished parents have no idea what has happened to their daughters. According to India's National Crime Record Bureau, a child goes missing in India every eight minutes, and more than a third are never found.
For the parents of the missing, the pain is hard to bear. Saphira Khatun carefully places the picture of her daughter Minu Begum on the table in front of her. There are tears in her eyes. Minu had been doing well in school and wanted to join the police. But her head was turned by promises of money from a female trafficker in the village. "She had big dreams," says her sister Munu, 20. "Any 12-year-old wants to go to the big city: it is more exciting than the village."
One evening, Minu failed to come home. Her family have not seen her since that day four years ago. "Nobody does anything to stop bad things happening to poor girls," says her 17-year-old sister Nadira. "Please help us to get our sister back here. Wherever she is in India, please give me my sister back."
Arjun and Mukti Tati's daughter Binita would be 17 now. She was 14 when the trafficker took her away with promises of money and a better life. But a year passed, then another, and no word came. They went to plead with the trafficker to help find her, but he refused. "She was a very gentle girl, always playing, very happy," Mukti says. "We went to him 100 times but he always said he had no information."
The traffickers live openly among the other villagers. They argue that they are victims too. Shobaha Tirki, 50, worked in the tea gardens for years, rarely earning more than 500 rupees a month. One day he met a big trafficker who promised him good money if he would send girls from the village to his placement agency. "I took maybe 20 girls from here to placement agencies in Delhi. A lot of them came back but five or six did not." He gets 10,000 rupees per girl. It is not hard to convince them to go with him, he says. "I tell them about Delhi and how it is good to go to a big city," he says. "I tell them they will have a room of their own and a bathroom of their own."
The girls who come back and have been cheated of their wages head straight for his house, he says. He tells them to talk to the agency. "They never get their money though," he says.
Many of the traffickers are women, who find it easier to convince the girls to go with them. Kusma Takri, 27, gets 4,000 rupees for every girl. She says she needs the money. "This is my job. I know the Delhi placement agencies are bad but I am caught between the placement agencies and poverty."
Rama Shankar Chaurasia, chair of child rights group Bachpan Bachao Andolan, says the scale of the trafficking is immense. "They are kept as slaves, their wages are withheld and taken by their placement agency or supplier, their employers are told not to pay them directly because if they do the girls will run away."
The going price for a maid can be as much as 60,000 rupees, he says. "The person who pays that feels they have purchased the girl. But the rising demand from the ever-growing middle class must not be at the cost of slavery for hundreds of thousands of children."
The UK brews 165 million cups of tea a day, importing about 10% of world production. Assam, in the far north-east of India, has more than 850 tea estates. Many of the workers are descendants of tribal groups from central India originally trafficked to Assam as labour during British rule.
The state produced 590 million kilos of tea last year, more than half of the total Indian production of 1 billion kg. It sells for 140 rupees a kilogram at auction in Assam, but according to a joint report by Oxfam and the Ethical Tea Partnership, workers there are paid at rates equivalent to just 40% of the average Indian wage.
According to the Indian Tea Association, all workers in the main Brahmaputra valley estates receive a basic cash wage of 89 rupees (£1) a day – a little over half the minimum legal wage. The ITA claims that benefits in kind make the total package worth 178 rupees a day for permanent workers and 158 rupees for temporary workers.
Its director general, Monojit Dasgupta, claims the tea plantations have an agreement with the state government that whatever its members pay will be regarded as the legal wage. "It is not a question of paying so little, it is what the industry can afford," he says. But the employers can achieve the basic legal minimum wage for the state only by including in the calculation statutory benefits such as maternity pay and sickness benefit, and discretionary items such as free tea.
Rights groups say this is unethical. "Tea planters and tea packers have known for years that wages in the industry are shockingly low – often below internationally acknowledged poverty levels," says Ron Oswald, general secretary of the International Union of Food Workers. "Yet instead of tackling this honestly they hide behind certification schemes and claims of additional benefits and food rations – which are in fact ways of keeping workers tied into semi-feudal relations with tea garden owners."
Murray Worthy, from War on Want, says benefits in kind are no substitute for the cash wages the workers deserve. "It beggars belief that the giant tea brands can justify these poverty wages. With the lion's share of the price of tea ending up in their profits, they could easily afford to ensure all tea workers are paid a decent wage".
There is a general agreement among the brands, retailers and certification bodies that wages on the tea plantations are a problem.
Fairtrade – which certifies Sainsbury's, Tesco and Waitrose teas – says it accepts that wage levels in Assam are "well below" living wage levels and says it is working with other certification bodies to improve them. A spokeswoman said that prices need to rise if progress is to be made on improving wages.
The Ethical Tea Partnership – which certifies Twinings and Tetley – says its members are powerless to set wages but points to a joint report commissioned with Oxfam and published in May, which highlighted problems with low pay. Commenting on the report, Alison Woodhead from Oxfam said: "No matter how big and powerful, individual tea companies or certification organisations cannot tackle the deep-rooted and complex barriers to a living wage on their own. The best chance we have of eradicating poverty wages is for the whole industry – producers, governments, retailers, trade unions, companies and certification organisations – to work together to find a solution. We are delighted that that process has now started and we will continue to support its progress."
The Rainforest Alliance – which certifies Unilever brands, including Lipton – says it hopes certified farms will be paying a realistic living wage within five years.
Typhoo says it works closely with all three certification bodies to improve conditions on its plantations.
The Indian government hopes to have 335 anti-trafficking units set up in police stations around the country by the end of this year. But even the police admit there is no simple solution.
At Laluk police station, the faces of missing girls stare out from the noticeboard. Sub-inspector Nirmal Biswas, the newly arrived officer in charge, sits behind a large desk next to his crime chart. It lists 24 kidnappings for 2012, against 10 rapes and 17 thefts.
He reports that in the past month police have registered four cases of trafficking, and recovered one girl and her trafficker.
It is progress, he says. But it will not stop the trade, because the money which has been earmarked for the area by the government never reaches those who need it.
"It is the poverty here," he says. "If any trafficker offers 1,000 rupees, they will get girls. It will be defeated only with employment and development and eradication of poverty."

China has ignored all human values by supporting Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan, Karima Baloch

karimaBSO Karachi zone general body meeting was held under the presidency of the zonal organiser with BSOAzad’s Senior Vice Chairperson Banuk Kareema Baloch as the honored guest. Talks were held on zone’s performance, organizational work and achievements, current international and local political situation and approaches to be taken in future. Talking on the national and international political situation, the Chairperson emphasized on the importance of Baloch national struggle and said that it has become a crucial part of the geopolitics. The Chairperson added that by boycotting the Pakistani elections, Baloch people have shown the world the mass support it has in Balochistan, and it symbolized the strength and unity amongst the people; adding that the appointment of Dr. Malik’s puppet government and allocating other seats to his team and calling them as Baloch nationalists is all part of the bigger plan to continue Baloch genocide, she said that this is principal reason that Pakistan’s Prime Minister in his foreign visit to China had Dr. Malik along with him as the representative of the common Baloch to convince the Chinese for investing in Balochistan without any fear. The speakers warned that the Balochs have always made it clear that without the consent of Baloch nation no country would be allowed to exploit Baloch resources in the name of development and China is mistaken to believe that a puppet government in Balochistan would be able to provide any security to its interests in Balochistan. The Vice Chairperson said that China is equally responsible for the human rights violations in Balochistan as it has ignored all the human values by supporting Pakistan’s occupation of Balochistan. She called for a national awareness initiative to understand the historical accounts, the geopolitical importance of Balochistan and the crucial stage that Baloch nation is going through in order to make the world recognize the existence of our Nation and that no decision should be taken with regards to our country without our consent. The Vice Chairperson stressed the need of a long term strategies with a national consent in order to make the movement successful and achieve the decades long desire of Baloch people of an Independent Balochistan.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Marte Deborah Dalelv from Norway, 24, fighting jail sentence in Dubai for reporting rape.

Caught between 'Islamic traditions' and Western Booming policies eventually effects the innocence of society. Here is one of the 'shown' example.

Marte Deborah Dalelv from Norway, 24, talks to the Associated Press reporter in Dubai on Friday, July 19, 2013, after she was sentenced 16 months in jail for having sex outside of marriage after she reported an alleged rape.

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By Brian Murphy, The Associated Press
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A Norwegian woman sentenced to 16 months in jail in Dubai for having sex outside marriage after she reported an alleged rape said she decided to speak out in hopes of drawing attention to the risks of outsiders misunderstanding the Islamic-influenced legal codes in this cosmopolitan city.
The case has drawn outrage from rights groups and others in the West since the 24-year-old interior designer was sentenced Wednesday. It also highlights the increasingly frequent tensions between the United Arab Emirates' international atmosphere and its legal system, which is strongly influenced by Islamic traditions in a nation where foreign workers and visitors greatly outnumber locals.
"I have to spread the word. ... After my sentence we thought, 'How can it get worse?'" Marte Deborah Dalelv told The Associated Press in an interview Friday at a Norwegian aid compound in Dubai where she is preparing her appeal scheduled for early September.
Dalelv, who worked for an interior design firm in Qatar since 2011, claims she was sexually assaulted by a co-worker in March while she was attending a business meeting in Dubai.
She said she fled to the hotel lobby and asked for the police to be called. The hotel staff asked if she was sure she wanted to involve the police, Dalelv said.
"Of course I want to call the police," she said. "That is the natural reaction where I am from."
Dalelv said she was given a medical examination seeking evidence of the alleged rape and underwent a blood test for alcohol. Such tests are commonly given in the UAE for alleged assaults and in other cases. Alcohol is sold widely across Dubai, but public intoxication can bring charges.
The AP does not identity the names of alleged sexual assault victims, but Dalelv went public voluntarily to talk to media.
Dalelv was detained for four days after being accused of having sex outside marriage, which is outlawed in the UAE although the law is not actively enforced for tourists as well as hundreds of thousands of Westerners and others on resident visas.
She managed to reach her stepfather in Norway after being loaned a phone card by another woman in custody.
"My stepdad, he answered the phone, so I said, that I had been raped, I am in prison ... please call the embassy," she recounted.
"And then I went back and I ... just had a breakdown," she continued. "It was very emotional, to call my dad and tell him what happened."
Norwegian diplomats later secured her release and she has been allowed to remain at the Norwegian Seamen's Center in central Dubai. She said her alleged attacker received a 13-month sentence for out-of-wedlock sex and alcohol consumption.
Dubai authorities did not respond to calls for comment, but the case has brought strong criticism from Norwegian officials and activists.
"This verdict flies in the face of our notion of justice," Norway's foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, told the NTB news agency, calling it "highly problematic from a human rights perspective."
Previous cases in the UAE have raised similar questions, with alleged sexual assault victims facing charges for sex-related offenses. Other legal codes also have been criticized for being at odds with the Western-style openness promoted by Dubai.
On Thursday, Dubai police said they arrested a man who posted an Internet video of an Emirati beating a South Asian van driver after an apparent traffic altercation. Police said they took the action because images of a potential crime were "shared."
In London, a spokesman for the Emirates Center for Human Rights, a group monitoring UAE affairs, said the Dalelv case points out the need for the UAE to expand its legal protections for alleged rape victims.
"We urge authorities to reform the laws governing incidents of rape in the country," said Rori Donaghy, "to ensure women are protected against sexual violence and do not become the targets of prosecution when reporting crimes."
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