Saturday, July 27, 2013

Pakistan is violating international laws and UN conventions in Balochistan: Hyrbyair Marri

<a href=''>Enforced Disappearances and extra judicial killings: Systematic Genocide in Balochistan</a>
Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri 
Baloch patriot leader Hyrbyair Marri said the continuous arrests and dumping of tortured bodies of Baloch activists across Balochistan only confirms our view. The current government of Pakistan is no different from its predecessors. Their presence in Balochistan means more bloodshed.

He paid tributes to Khuda Dad Marri and said that Khuda Dad was a young and dedicated Baloch political activist. From an early age he was at the heart of Baloch liberation struggle. He worked tirelessly for Balochistan’s freedom. He and his family have been a source of inspiration to independence movement. 

“The killing of eight Baloch in Sui – Dera Bugti, crackdown against Baloch population in Harnai, Shahrag, Nsk and extra judicial arrest and disappearances from Awaran, Mastung and Quetta are continuation of the same policy. The state of Pakistan and its selected representatives in Balochistan assembly are responsible for all dreadful atrocities in Balochistan. In previous government Sardar and Nawab were working for Pakistan and now the pro-establishment Baloch and so-called middle-class are selling the Baloch blood.” Hyrbyair Marri said.

He said despite state’s boundless carnage in Balochistan, the Baloch freedom struggle is growing faster and moving forward in more disciplined manner. The Baloch nation has defeated the state and army of Pakistan on every ground, ethically, morally, legally and psychologically. The intensification of extra judicial abduction and killing of Baloch people with the arrival of the new government is an indication of their defeat. Pakistan knows no other alternative but except excessive violence. The criminal army of Pakistan does not even spare the relatives of Baloch martyrs who go to receive the bodies of their loved ones, after they are killed under custody of Pakistani security agencies and their bodies are dumped. 

He said that along with Pakistani state the Baloch in the government are also equally responsible for state brutalities in Balochistan. The remedy to such brutalities is not pretentious lip service or expressing fake sympathies towards the families of the victims of occupying state’s violence. The remedy is in our continuous struggle until the Baloch victory. The final answer is not continuous begging from our occupiers to allow us to live in our homeland but it is Baloch national liberation and establishment of a free and democratic Baloch state.

He added perpetual struggle is the only guarantor to our national emancipation. The unceasing sacrifice of our youths is drawing us closer to our ultimate goal. Loss of Baloch patriotic men and women is an infinite loss to our nation. The agony of inhuman pain inflicted on our leaders and national heroes does not disappear in thin air. Their lives, their deeds and the way they stood for our rights to the end have enriched our national consciousness and have made us more resilient to pursue the path of independence. Through their actions, they taught us to identify national friends and foes. 

Addressing UN and other International organisations, Mr. Marri said that Balochistan is an illegally occupied country. Pakistan is violating all international laws in Balochistan. We demand that Baloch political prisoners should be ascribed as Prisoners of War and be treated in accordance with international laws and UN conventions. 

“If Pakistan does not cease its crimes in Balochistan then the democratic nations of world should take notice of violation of International laws by Pakistan and take practical steps against it as they did in Yugoslavia and Sudan,” Mr. Marri said.

He urged International Human Rights organisations and International community to raise their voice against Pakistani state terrorism and brutalities in Balochistan. 

He said that the International media should break their silence and bring the plight and sufferings of Baloch nation to the attention of International community. Instead of trusting Pakistani government and Pakistani state media, International media should independently investigate the situation in Balochistan and report accordingly. Pakistan and its media have always portrayed a wrong image of Baloch struggle and history before the world.

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