Wednesday, June 26, 2013

26 June Protest as the International Day against Torture Göteborg ( Sweden ).

26June Protestas the International Day against Torture Göteborg ( Sweden )

United Nations has designated 26th June as the International Day against Torture. This day is designated to emphasize the importance of the right to personal dignity and security for all individuals around the world. It is the day to remember that each person’s rights are protected and guaranteed within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On 26 June 1987 the Convention against Torture came into force. It was an important step in the much-needed process of globalising human rights and acknowledging that torture, and all forms of inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, are absolutely and universally illegal. In 1997, the United Nations General Assembly decided to mark this historic date and designated 26 June each year as International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.Women fall victim to torture in different ways, as highlighted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's global campaign to end violence against women, launched in February 2008, and by other recent initiatives concerning violence against women, such as United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict. Certain forms of gender-specific violence perpetrated by State actors, as well as by private individuals or organizations, clearly amount to torture, and it is now recognised that gender-specific violence falls within the definition of torture in the Convention against Torture. Highlighting the significance of this day the former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said: "This is a day on which we pay our respects to those who have endured the unimaginable. This is an occasion for the world to speak up against the unspeakable. It is long overdue that a day be dedicated to remembering and supporting the many victims and survivors of torture around the world." Like other occupied Nations around the world the Baluch people have also been facing torture, death, destruction, extra judicial killings and arrests and enforced disappearances since the illegal occupation of their motherland by the states of Iran and Pakistan. Both Islamic states have committed unprecedented atrocities in Baluchistan. Many hundreds of Baluch political activists have been tortured and killed under torture in detention. Those who have survived the ordeal are left with permanent emotional and physical disabilities. At present around 15,598 Baluch political and student activists have been forcefully disappeared by Pakistani state intelligence agenciesmore than 680 dead bodies have been found. “In 2013 alone, Many Baloch every day Pakistani intelligence agencies disappeared, and June  has not ended yet ,by Pakistani state intelligence agencies. Hundreds are behind bars for crimes they did not commit. The situation of the Baloch people is not any better under Iranian occupied Baluchistan. No single day goes by without arrest, imprisonment, torture and execution of a Baloch person. Hindus been executed , killed and force marriage and Christian been killed abd houses were brunned and all minority been killed . minority were been killed .Christian houses were burned .Christian have not right to do any thing.hindus girls been forced marriage by Islamic extremists. Hindus are major migration’s from Balochistan and sindh. Hindus living these house because of extremism and security problem. Many families move to India 

Hundreds are behind bars for crimes they did not commit. The situation of the Baluch people is not any better under Iranian occupied Baluchistan. No single day goes by without arrest, imprisonment, torture and execution of a Baloch person. He strongly condemned the Human Rights Organisation for their silence on the gross torture and mistreatment of thousands of Baloch political and student activists at the hands of Pakistani intelligence agencies. He appealed all free born and human loving people to raise voice against the Human Rights violations in Balochistan.  To expose the atrocities of Iran and Pakistan against to express your opposition against any type of torture and to show your solidarity with the victims of torture. At present there are several Baloch activists in the custody of Iranian Intelligence services and after the harrowing death of the two Baloch, their families’ fear that the rest of the activists might also been killed in the same manner. sensory deprivation, painful shackling, severe beatings, electric shocks, induced hypothermia, exposure to bright lights and eardrum-shattering sounds 24 hours a day, denial of medical care, proper food or enough of it, excruciating force-feeding to hunger-strikers, induced psychological trauma, forced sodomy, threats and bites by snakes, being blindfolded and hung from the ceiling by their wrists, and subjected to repeated humiliations, indignities and barbarism for months, even year. This is the tale of Pakistanes long tradition of inflicting abusive barbaric treatment of Baloch which claimed yet another life among the thousand it had taken previously. The Asian Human Rights Commission and Amensty and other Human right orgnizations has already reported that  torture cells are run by the Pakistan army,and crime Pakistani and Irani state.

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