Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Nawab Bugti: ‘Riding the camel with reins in my hand’ lives in our hearts.

Articles : 

By Nawaz Bugti
<a href=''>Pakistan's secret dirty war</a>

“It is better to die quickly in the mountain than slowly in bed.” These are words worth to pray by a mother for her child. “Rochay ta bay cho Akbara” The day you become like Akbar.

Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti became legendary hero of every one in Balochistan. Today at 26th August, 2012 I feel that remembering the death of a national savior is in-fact celebrating his life for every moment he devoted for his nation. On the same day in 2006, some six years ago Nawab Bugti embraced martyrdom in Tharatani, the Baloch battle field after a fierce fight with the armies of a hypocrite state.

80 years old Baloch revolutionary warrior, leading his nation in a just fight against a nuclear monster and a military might was a nightmare for the enemy in his life. Notorious Chief of Punjabi Army, Pervaiz Musharaf often expressed his concerns about Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti and used to threaten him publically in electronic media. Even after his death the cowards are still reluctant to reveal the circumstances of his last fight. Nothing is known about his comrades till date and inhuman armies tried to burry an ideology in a locked coffin but they were just ignorant.

Life of Baloch savior, his legacy and choice of death truly have become sources of inspiration for Baloch generations to come. Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti is the heroic figure that preferred to die fighting and still fighting, holding his gun firmly against the oppressor, and planted seeds of the future in the fertile Baloch soil. He became “Sohail” – The star of hope in the heavens of people’s aspirations and desires, shower of blessing in burning hot deserts of disappointment.

The seeds of struggle planted by Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti are now well germinated and bearing healthy stems of power, lush green leaves of hope and colorful flowers of dreams. After six years of his death, his legacy is a glowing beacon to all those who believe in the possibility of better world through struggle and sacrifice.

Today after six years of Nawab Bugti`s martyrdom his life is being celebrated not only in Balochistan but in every nook and corner of Baloch Diaspora. Entire Baloch nation sees the world through his perspective and took his glasses symbolically- which were presented by an official to media as the part of evidence of his assassination. A full fledge freedom movement is carried out by his followers.

There will appear a lot of write-ups about his struggle and legacy today, but this one is simply a tribute to a great leader with a greater cause.

Gimps of his Life and Legacy

“Came back to make my home in the middle of one of the world’s hottest and most inhospitable deserts among the most hospitable ,generous and quick-tempered people I`ve ever encountered, the Tigers of Balochistan”-Sylvia A. Matheson ( The Tigers of Balochistan )

Above lines of famous English writer, may explain the geography, weather, culture and people with whom Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti belonged. Veteran Baloch leader was Chieftain of his tribe, well-educated and loved to promote education. When Assad, a poor guy of his tribe from working class (Lohar) secured his position in his intermediate, Nawab Bugti, at his own expenses, sent him for higher education to oxford. He was a good reader and managed to follow four books at a time.

Nawab Bugti was one of the great reformers of Baloch history who for the first time abolished class discrimination among his tribesman, and made sure that everyone is treated equally. In a tribal society it was one of his great achievements, when he successfully abolished institution of “Teehi-Molidi” – Slaves and Keeps. Nawab Bugti believed in the justice in time and managed it at his best in the inter-tribal affairs, which strengthened his tribe by resolving conflicts in time. The Bugti as a tribe were believed to be one of powerful tribes of Balochistan with lesser conflicts with each other.

He was one, who believed in discipline and never let anyone to cross the fine line between liberty and chaos, his exemplary disciplined behavior at March 17, 2005 is an inspiration when he was sitting calm and listening his folks about the aggression of enemy, while his house was under heavy artillery shelling. Religiously he was a liberal Muslim who adjourned his tribal sit-ins when there was a prayer call-Azan; on the other hand he generously donated his ancestral lands for Hindu and Sikh Temples too. He was extremely punctual, and locals used to adjust their watches at the time of his arrival to regular tribal sit-ins.

Though Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti had a nice collection of the English and French literature, in his personal Library but he loved the Balochi Language and literature. He remembered a great part of poetry of famous Baloch poets Mast Tawakli, Jawansal Bugti, and Jam Durrakh. Ata Shad Baloch was also a good friend to him. Professor Ghulam Hussain Saba Dashtyari even denied the Pakistan’s highest civil award in protest against the martyrdom of Nawab Bugti.

Freedom Fight

Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti was a Baloch National leader who never compromised his national interests and never failed his nation in even desperate times. He enjoyed the fame, being man of principles equally among friends and foes. He was fond of the poetic narratives of Baloch National attributes of bravery. As a person, he was not prepared to demand of others what he was not prepared to undertake himself, so at the age of 80 he went to mountains leading his nation in the freedom fight, he proved the Baloch proverb “Koh-ant Balochani Qalat” – Our Mountains are our fort.

He was really a great commander , his comrades tell that when in a gun fight his camel died , Nawab Sahab managed to walk on foot , while his leg was bleeding so badly that his shoe got filled of blood, he just put it off , emptied the pool of blood and again put it on. Though comrades offered him a ride on shoulders even in such predicament, he declined comrades’ offer, because he never wanted to let down morale of his comrades.

Once reciting the poetry of legendary Baloch warrior Balach Gorgej “Man gon Bazan Hancho Khanan – Chho Baanz gon Khawoti Walharan” – I will treat the enemies, as Falcons treat the Dove. No one knew the fact he will turn rebel to modern slavery and make his way to traditional Baloch Forts to fight against Oppressing Punjabi forces. When asked about the Balach Gorgej of the day, he raised his eye brow, and with a sparkle in his eyes he replied “Those who do not fear death, are all Balach Gorgej.” His vision was clear to struggle and sacrifice for the sake of generations. Once in a phone conversation talking to veteran Baloch leader Nawab Khair Bakhsh Khan Marri, he said “If we fail our nation now, we will be cursed for generations.”

Though in the beginning he believed in democratic arrangements and honorable pacts with newly born state but Punjabi armed forces of Pakistan never knew the importance of commitments or one can say that they never valued their words. By his half a century working experience with Punjabi regime, he learnt that there is no any future for Baloch Nation in Pakistan and those are the very last advice to resistance icons - Balach and Brahamdagh when he ordered both of them to flee from the point where he decide to wait the enemy for his last gun battle that lead to his martyrdom, he said to Balach and Brahamdagh: “we spoiled many years of our life, but I advise you both that, do not waste your time, because there is no way that Baloch can be part of Pakistan, continue the struggle for liberation after I am gone, and I see it soon.”

Baloch in their journey from Alepo to Alburz, never surrendered to any oppressor, maintained their rich culture and unique norms. It’s historically proven that Baloch can go to any extant if their ego and honor are questioned. British were quick learners; they learnt the historic lesson from their first expedition. After the Defeat of Kahan Fort, they knew the fact that to conquer Baloch by sword is impossible, and managed the state of affairs with extreme diplomacy known as Sandeman arrangement (Though Sandeman arrangements are also known as pacts of exploitation but they were never so shameless and arrogant). In their agreements with brave Baloch, they cautiously cared the Baloch code of ethics. But arrogant Punjabi is not that wise they forgot the lesson of their ex-masters and tried to enslave Baloch. Unethical armies shamelessly tried every aggression but failed.

Though Pakistan as a state was exploiting Baloch resources from day one but now in the name of development new plans of loot and plunder was drawn to exploit Baloch resources with the help of new Masters. Pakistan was preparing to accommodate war criminals of Bangladesh freedom movement (Biharis) in the Baloch land, which on the one hand would have been a new episode of occupation, while on the other hand this move would disastrously turn the population ratio against Baloch on their own soil. At the same the unethical Punjabi army captain had raped the Sindhi Lady Doctor who was working there to treat poor Balochs. The crook military Captain was pardoned by the then President of Pakistan dictator Musharraf even without an interrogation to the incident. Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti could never be the part of spectators and rose to rebel and demanded freedom for his nation.

State tried her best to make the brave Baloch to surrender on her terms, but it was just an underestimation of ignorant forces. When asked about the possibility of his success against a monster Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti replied “They are determined to eliminate me, but I am transferring my legacy to young generation, and it’s now youth who will continue the fight till absolute freedom”, reciting revolutionary poetry of Gul Khan Naseer “Phada Phada Warna Jangain”- Wake up, wake up O youth, its war.

The man with will and wits ever loved to live in charge of everything as he himself says in his unpublished poetry, “Hushtira Zwaran Dast Maharan-nain”- Riding the camel with reins in my hand. Once in the forum of his folks he said “Birth is a heavenly decision, but choice of death must remain with the man himself, its death which makes the difference.” Even at the age of 80 he successfully drawn the enemy forces to the battlefield of his own choice, and achieved desired results from his martyrdom. His noble death literally worked as a spur for Baloch freedom movement.

In the words of Ata Shad “Gon sinadaga dasht khanay phulla cha bo talania”, - Can you stop a flower of spreading fragrance by plucking it off? Nawab Muhammad Akbar Khan Bugti is still fighting, holding his gun firmly against the oppressor, and will fight till absolute liberty of motherland Balochistan. "No matter how hard they oppress Baloch, how brutal they can be, still his legend grows". The struggle will continue till victory. 

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