Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Graphic video of killings alleged to have taken place in Pakistan.

Video posted on YouTube: As of October 2, 2012, location, assailants and victims are unidentified. The video may have been misidentified on YouTube.
Below are comments and observations we are compiling from multiple sources in Balochistan and elsewhere in Pakistan.
The source of the video is unknown.
This video was submitted to the UN Working Group on Missing Persons that recently visited Pakistan to investigate enforced disappearances and extrajudicial killings in Pakistan (See links below for news related to the UN visit).
Source says uniforms appear to be those worn by Pakistan's Frontier Corps (FC).
The road is said to be similar to one located in the town of Mastung, but the source is unsure. A NATO supply route runs through Mastung.
The trucks in the background appear to be Pakistani trailers--the kind stockpiled by the Pakistani army and used to transport NATO supplies. The manufacturer appears to be Hino--a big manufacturer in Pakistan. The brown Toyota pickup also appears to be Pakistani stock.
The language spoken is Pashtu and Farsi. There is much swearing. One of the assailants says 'Three for one!' Source says it may take place in northern Pakistan, perhaps somewhere near FATA. The victims may be Taliban as one of the assailants says to check their pockets for grenades. (Someone answers that it is a radio.) The Allah-o-Akbar chanting--source doubts the ANA (Afghan National Army) uses that and speculates that this occurred in Pakistan, perhaps Pakistani FC with Pakistani locals.
Source quotes someone saying, 'Take their IDs so you don't get caught.'
Source reports the dialect is northern Pakistan; the Pashtu they are speaking is that of Northerners.
Source observes the clothes of the attackers are clean. Suggests these may be officers or commandos. Source notes FC uniform is brown camouflage and that the attackers appear well-fed. Regarding the stabbing, source notes person seems comfortable with hand-to-hand combat. Adds that one man in plain clothes is armed, the rest are unarmed. The unarmed persons look Pashtun based on their clothes. The clothing of the dead men may be Baloch.
Source says one of the assailants says, 'Habibullah zindabad'--perhaps the name of a slain colleague?
Links to coverage of visit to Pakistan by UN working Group on Missing Persons:

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