Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Hundreds of Dera Ghazian’s welcomed and joined Baloch marchers in Dera Ghazi Khan

Dera Ghazi Khan:  Hundreds of people at Dera Ghazi Khan welcomed the Baloch marchers and many joined them to raise voice for the Human Rights for the missing persons.

According to the details the participants of the long march who are demanding to know the whereabouts, fate and the safe release of Baloch missing persons reached Dera Ghazi Khan where hundreds  of Baloch people welcomed the Baloch marchers.
The family members of missing persons launched their peaceful long march from Quetta and today it was the 72nd day of their historic long march. As per different reports more then 18,000 People have been involuntary disappeared by the Pakistan Army and it’s agencies and secrete services Since 2005. More then 800 Tortured Dead Bodies of the missing Persons have been recovered from different Parts of Balochistan and Karachi in the last Fourteen Months.
Earlier several times the Qadir Baloch who is leading the march and is the father of deceased Jalil Rekhi claimed that he has received life threats from the security personals as a consequence if he continued the March.
Many individuals and organizations demanded safety and security measures from the state apparatus of the long Marchers.
Dera Ghazi Khan currently a part of Punjab Provice is a Baloch Dominating Area and earlier was part of Balochistan and was leased to the British Empire known as part of British Balochistan before the patition of sub-continent.
The current warm welcome of the Baloch Marcher’s in the Punjab province by the Dera Ghazian’s is a sign and is also analyzed as the “Blood and Bone Relation”. Despite of serious life threats and vibrant signs of hard consequences from the Pakistan Army and state Secret Agencies today Thousands of People from Dera Ghazi Khan standing shoulder to shoulder with the people from different parts of Balochistan is showing more then a simple sign of supporting Human Rights.
The Baloch People of Dera Ghazi Khan had from time to time tried to raise their voice that historically, culturally, and socially they are very different from the people of Punjab, and demanded to join their Area as a Part of Balochistan. Pakistani Analysts and Think Tank Institutes had always tried to keep silent or diverted to keep away from discussing the issue of British Balochistan or about the Baloch Population in Dera Jath as a strategic Policy.

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