Thursday, February 13, 2014

Stop torture and killing innocent Baloch in Karachi.

Stop torture and killing innocent Baloch in Karachi.

Pakistani forces inter on Baloch area , Baloch villages houses night of 2 clock. normally 15 years crime of Rangers and Police and Pakistani security agencies in Baloch villages and Baloch Areas in Karachi.No any human voices against of Rangers , In Lyari every 2 days they name of operation , they insult women , the killed and torture innocent women ,kids and repeatable old man and innocent citizen.
they abuse women's , insult women and they kill children and the insult old man , shame of act of Rangers and Pakistani security agencies and pakistani police.
Karachi Rangers support Gangster and they support criminal .and rather than ,they kill sports man innocent Footbal players and they killed labors and they killed torture and arrested teacher. Pakistani Media is silence and involve in these kind of criminality , basically in Pakistan journalism are yellow journalism shame on at.

Pakistani Agences and Pakistani Rangers know better where these criminal , where from operate these criminalty , no doubt of at pakistani ISI and Pakistani forces support these criminal and they give wapen to criminal and supporting criminals and gangster . they are prove , every people know.

Kindly request of all Baloch community of karachi.Raise your voices and show you solidarity for those families been victimize and targeted by security forces . be unity to your row and rise your wises against un human act of Pakistani security forces.

We request international Baloch community rise your wises to agist un human and injustice act of Pakistani forces in Karachi Baloch areas Lyari and Malir and Baloch villages victim of pakistani security forces.

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