Friday, May 3, 2013

29 persons abducted from Pangur and Kharan after severely torture, several houses and standing crops are set on fire: BSO-AZAD

29 persons abducted from Pangur and Kharan after severely torture, several houses and standing crops are set on fire: BSO-AZAD

30th April, 2013

Quetta: Baloch Student Organization- Azad’s central spokesman have said in a press release that yesterday morning Pakistani forces have attacked the houses in Paroom area of Panjgur and beaten up the residents of the area ; and abducted more than twenty Baloch after severely torture. They also set on fire the several houses and standing crops; and also looted the valueables from many houses and shops of the area. 

Prior to the elections, the Pakistani occupying forces are continuing their cruelty; the operation which has been started yesterday in Kharan, the terrorism of forces is still continue without any break. So far nine persons has been abducted . 

Yesterday morning, the Pakistani forces along with their goons of Musala Difa had attacked the house in ‘Jozan’ area and abducted Shoaib Tagafi. 

Along with the attacks on houses, abductions, killings, more deployment and artillery is also coming into different parts of Balochistan. More Pakistani troops and vehicles has been reached to Kharan, Noshki, Awaran and Basima. Large numbers of more checkposts has been built, and the ongoing state terrorism in different areas is more accelerated. 

The spokesman has further said, that Pakistani forces with the help of their agents of BNP-M, NP, BNP-A, JUI has accelerated their terrorism to end the ‘Freedom movement’. From day one the operation was the demand of the Pakistani agents against the popular freedom movement. They are allying with the Pakistani forces in abductions and killings of the Baloch youths till now.

The way they did with the Bengalis, Now the Pakistani forces are organizing their created religious extremists , agents and accelerated the Baloch genocide at large scale. But the way Pakistan army, her religious proxies and agents after a worse defeat left the Bangladesh, In same way Baloch nation will also inflict historical defeat upon Pakistan army and her agents.

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